This condition occurs when part of stomach protrudes upward through diaphragm. Diaphragm usually has a small opening called hiatus that permits food tube, which is known as esophagus to pass through on its way to join with the stomach.
The stomach can push-up through this opening and cause a hiatal hernia. The common symptoms of hiatal hernia are heartburn and acid reflux.
Treatment options
* By eating small meals
Large meals can swell stomach pushing it into the chest.
* Avoid problem foods and alcohol
Those people who are suffering from hiatal hernia should avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks, chocolate, onions, spearmint and peppermint all of these increase the production of stomach acid and dilate the lower esophageal sphincter. Even decaffeinated coffee can be discomforting to an inflamed esophageal lining.
* Take enough good vitamins in diet
This will help the body to remove the stress.
* Limit fatty foods
Fatty foods dilate the lower esophageal sphincter and slow stomach emptying which access the amount of time that acid can back up into esophagus.
* Sit up after you eat
After eat, wait at least three hours before going to bed or taking a nap. Usually most of the food in stomach will have vacated into small intestine so it can't retract into esophagus. E
ating on a bedtime vitalizes acid formation and further aggravates acid reflux.
* Don't exercise just after eating
After eating, must wait at least two to three hours before engage in any physical exercise. Exercise like walking is fine.
* Lose weight
Obesity also causes hiatal hernia reduce wait helps in reducing the pressure on stomach.
* Avoid smoking
Smoking enhances acid reflux and dries the saliva. Saliva protects esophagus from stomach acid.
* Avoid tight fitting clothes
Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes because these put pressure on stomach.
* Take time to relax
When a person is under stress, digestion slows, which makes GERD symptoms worse. Relaxation like deep breathing, meditation or yoga reduces acid reflux.
* Avoid medications
Try to avoid medications include calcium channel blockers like diltiazem, the antibiotic tetracycline, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, quinidine, theophylline, sedatives and tranquilizers and alendronate.
If victim take any one from these medications and suffer from heartburn, then should talk to doctor.
* Antacids that neutralize stomach acid
Some over the counter antacids like Maalox, Mylanta, Gelusil, Rolaids and Tums, provide relief from hiatal hernia. But antacids alone will not heal an inflamed esophagus damaged by stomach acid.
Overuse of some antacids can also cause side- effects like diarrhea or constipation.
* Surgery
If natural remedies and drugs do not work then, surgery may be the only cure of hiatal hernia. Surgery is not a frequent and common procedure. This surgery is done as laparoscopy.
In this surgery doctors make five small cuts into abdomen, then they take the surgical instruments and insert them by these cuts, then doctor will use a laparoscope which will guide them from the picture it displays on the monitor in the room.
In this surgery there is no need to cut you completely open there is less risk of infection and very minor pain. Most people after this surgery able to walk around the same day.
Learn more about this subject here at your health online page that fully details the causes, symptoms, treatments and self help home remedy options for: Hiatus Hernia BACK TO “Your Health Online”
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