Face it, as we age, our teeth become worn and dull. One way to limit the dull look is to take control and develop a consistent oral hygene regimen.
This effort should include brushing your teeth regularly with a quality, soft bristle toothbrush and the use of dental floss.
Nothing else can do more for your overall outlook than a healthy and clean mouth.
Over time and through use, we wear down the protective enamel or outer coating of our teeth.
Like almost anything else that ages, this leads to a worn and less then beautiful smile.
Unfortunately, this wearing away of the enamel also creates small ridges where food and beverages act to discolor your teeth.
You can decrease your chances of having tooth decay by cleaning your teeth on a regular basis. Chronic gingivitis (bleeding gum disease) will heal as long as you are able to keep plaque under control.
For some adults however, the buildup and retention of plaque is much more of a problem.
For some reason, plaque seems to adhere much better to their teeth and builds up quickly even if brushing and flossing regularly. .
Your daily diet is one of the numerous contributing factors to plaque, and also the consistency of your diet.
Good oral care demands a proper brushing of your teeth at least twice and preferably three times a day. Of course, dental care professionals have recommended brushing after every meal or snack.
It's also important to remember to brush properly in order to remove plaque.
The elderly and children often need to use utensils other than a simple toothbrush to do this. Plaque cannot be "prevented" necessarily; but it can be "controlled" by simply brushing correctly and brushing often.
If you have a constant bad build up of plaque, you should probably consider one of the more popular sonic type toothbrushes.
These do a great job at controlling plaque build up though are quite a bit more expensive than a regular toothbrush.
You should know that when there are a variety of home oral care tools to choose from these days.
Sometimes people having hand eye coordination difficulties may benefit from a simple electric toothbrush.
These handy gizmos are also great for older folks who might have problems with holding their hand up to use a regular toothbrush.
Kids are another group that an electric toothbrush might help to get the job of oral hygeine done correctly in the least amount of time.
Remember that there are a variety of tools that are used to clean hard to reach areas: dental floss that come in a variety of types like waxed, non-waxed, flat, round and textured, with baking soda, with fluoride and flavored.
There's also dental floss holders. These items can be found at drug stores, grocery stores or through medical supply stores.
There are many benefits to brushing and flossing your teeth. First and foremost, you can help prevent tooth decay by this practice.
Brushing and flossing also prevent gum disease, which is a primary agent in decaying and lost teeth.
So now you see that dental cleaning is not only a practice in the dental office, but also at home in your own bathroom.
Good oral care helps contribute to your overall health by promoting upkeep and maintenance.
A good Tooth brushing and use of a quality floss will keep dental plaque and other debris from becoming stuck between and on your teeth.
You can learn more here about best practices for dental care for healthy teeth
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