Getting Better Relief for Back Pain

Back pain is a common affliction of people or all ages.

This can sometimes be due to injury, but it can also be because of sedentary lifestyles that lead to tight muscles and strained joints.

Good news is that here we will present several things you can do to offer relief for your back pain.

Pay Attention to Posture

Many people experience back pain because they don’t practice proper posture. When your spine is not aligned the right way, it can cause tension in the muscles and even muscle spasms.

You’ve heard that you should keep your head up and shoulders back – this helps you to practice good posture. Also make sure that if you spend a lot of time in a chair at your desk that it supports you properly.

That might mean adding a lumbar support or a footrest so that you’re not causing undue stress on your spinal column. Bad posture can be a bad habit that takes time to correct.

You may need to work on it for several weeks before you naturally sit and stand with good posture. Strengthening your core muscles will help you to achieve good posture as well.

Add Heat

When you injure your back, adding ice may be good for the first couple of days. But long-term, most people prefer adding heat. There are a few ways you can do this.

First, you can use an electric heating pad. These can be beneficial, but they can also cause burns to your skin if it isn’t protected properly. You may also consider using a hot water bottle to provide heat to affected areas.

A hot bath can give you a chance to soak and get relief from back pain. This is also beneficial because it provides moist heat as opposed to dry heat. If you have a bathtub, this is a great option.

You can also purchase portable heat packs. These are disposable and are designed to stay hot for several hours at a time. They have adhesive strips that stick to your clothing or bands to keep them in place.

These portable heating pads are thin and can’t be seen through your clothing. They can provide major relief when you’re on the go or at work and not able to use a traditional heating pad.

Seek Treatment

Chronic back pain can cause you to miss days from work and can be debilitating. It’s important that you seek help from a professional to get some relief if you have serious back pain.

There are several choices. First, you can see your primary doctor. You may also want to look for a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) to treat your back. These doctors are trained in manipulation and can work to relieve your back pain.

You can also seek help from an orthopedist. This is a doctor that specializes in joints and bones and can treat injuries. Orthopedic surgeons may be consulted if you have a serious injury such as a herniated disc.

Traditional doctors may use medication, surgery, and manipulation to help you get rid of back pain. But you may also want to look for healthcare professionals outside of Western medicine.

Chiropractors are also medical professionals trained to treat the joints of the body. They’re trained to manipulate your body to provide pain relief and proper spinal alignment.

In addition, you may want to seek help from people who practice complementary and alternative medicine. For example, acupuncture has often been shown to help with relaxation and pain. This is a pleasant experience that can bring relief.

You may also want to consider getting help from a massage therapist that specializes in working with back pain and other joint pain. Regular massage can relieve muscle tension and keep you from experiencing back pain.

Homeopathic doctors can also prescribe herbal therapies and creams to help loosen stiff muscles and alleviate back pain. You may also consider reflexology to help treat back pain and achieve relaxation.

A physical therapist can also help you to learn the proper way to move your body so that you get pain relief and prevent injuring your body. He or she can also help you to learn specific exercises that will help with your individual condition.

Back pain can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be that way if you work with professionals and make some lifestyle changes. Many problems with back pain can be treated and even eliminated.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Chronic Pain Management and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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