A full body massage is a systematic, therapeutic stroking and kneading of your body’s muscles. There are many benefits that can be gained through regular massages including the most basic pay-off which is relaxation. But there are also additional benefits that lots of people aren't even aware of.
Aside from the physical benefits of massage which can greatly help to reduce pain and inflammation in some parts of the body, it is also beneficial for your mental health because it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Those two factors alone can cause many other problems in your body.
Did you know that stress-related disorders are the basis for between 80 and 90 percent of the complaints that people visit their family physicians about?
Human touch is a one of the best methods involved in the healing process, but the problem is, it’s not a method commonly practiced in modern medicine.
A natural human instinct is to reach out to another person when you’re feeling overwhelmed. And if you’re like most people, you need an outlet for your frustrations, worries and concerns.
Having someone to listen to you can be very comforting, but that doesn’t always solve the problem. Actually, one of the complaints heard frequently by massage therapists is that physicians don't touch their patients any more.
What’s interesting is that years ago, massage was a big part of nursing. Apparently, there used to be a much higher level of personal care with a lot more touch involved – wellness expressed through massage.
But now, especially with the recent shortage of nurses, they are for the most part, as busy as the doctors.
Modern nurses are performing procedures and writing charts just like the physicians do, in addition to dealing with the patient’s insurance policies and companies.
There isn’t, and hasn’t been, much opportunity for nurses give their patients massages for some time. Some believe that massage is crucial to the healing process and not only in a hospital atmosphere either.
Massages in general and specifically full body massages, have become increasingly popular over the years. More and more people are taking advantage of getting a massage on a regular basis.
As a result, these lucky individuals live a less stressful life with a major reduction in anxiety levels, which brings about a better, overall sense of well-being.
Massage simply enhances your general health – both physically and mentally.
If you haven't tried a full body massage, it is highly recommended that you do. It’s a great way to get started on a path to healthier living and reaping the all of the benefits that a massage has to offer. After all, you owe it to yourself, don’t you?
Full body massages are such a nice way to reward yourself, don’t you think? After a long, stressful day at work, or running around with the kids and taking care of the house – wouldn’t you just love to lie down and let someone massage all your cares away? Well guess what. If you were looking for an excuse to get a massage, you’re going to get one (or more) right now.
Aside from the relaxation that getting a massage can bring on, it also helps to flush the toxins out of your muscles and tissues, and thereby your body overall.
In case you weren’t aware, an overload of toxins in your body can cause you to be sluggish – even when you’re not feeling tired – and can also lower your immune system so that you’re more susceptible to getting sick.
Additionally, there have been numerous medical studies that prove the positive effects resulting from a full body massage.
So much so that trials and studies presently continue on a regular basis around the world. Let’s look at some of the benefits of not only full body massages, but massages in general.
* One study showed that people who were massaged before a potentially stressful situation experienced a huge decrease in anxiety and in their breathing and heart rates.
It also showed a significant increase in white blood cell count. Perfect for the day before that big meeting or exam!
* Another study showed that office workers who get a regular massage are more focused, productive and less stressed out than their co-workers who aren't massaged on a regular basis.
* It’s also been proven that geriatric massage can decrease the agitation that often affects nursing home residents.
* After receiving a massage, patients who had recently undergone heart surgery showed a major decrease in anxiety and stress levels. And since stress and anxiety are directly related to many heart conditions, that’s great news for patients experiencing this type of ailment.
* For cancer patients, the massages they receive prove to show an increase in NKs. NKs boost the immune system which can lead to a possible slow-down in the progression of cancer. It also assists in decreasing depression, anxiety and pain, not just for cancer patients, but for anyone who may be suffering from one or more of those types of disorders.
So as you can see, there are plenty of reasons to pick up the phone (or the mouse) and schedule yourself an appointment for a full body massage. Surely after all this, you can think of at least one justifiable reason why you not only need it, but also deserve it!
You can learn more here about the benefits of massage and learn how to give a massage to someone else.
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