It gets more and more difficult to build muscle mass after 40. As you age, your body will naturally have a reduction in hormones that makes it harder to put on muscle mass and gain weight. But you can make lifestyle changes to build muscle regardless of your age.
Ramp up your protein. Often people over the age of 40 don’t consume enough protein to truly support the building of muscle tissue. It’s important to make sure that you’re getting a serving of protein at each meal. You can get protein from whole grains, meats, fish, beans, and nuts.
Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese can also provide you with plenty of protein. And if you still don’t get enough, adding a protein shake or other type of protein supplement can be very beneficial.
Eat more food. You may have spent much of your life trying to eat fewer calories to maintain a healthy weight. But if you want to build muscle mass you’ll have to reverse your thinking on this. It’s important to provide your body with sufficient calories to build more mass.
That doesn’t mean pigging out on your favorite junk foods. You still need to make sure that you get your extra calories from as many whole foods as possible. All calories are not created equal – you want to focus on good nutrition.
Cut back on alcohol. As you age, the effect alcohol can have increases. Drinking alcohol and using some types of drugs can cause your testosterone levels to plummet. You need a fairly high testosterone level in order to build muscle mass after age 40.
Make sure that you don’t have any more than one or two drinks each day in order to protect your testosterone levels.
Participate in weight training. In order to build muscle, you have to use the ones you have. That means adding resistance training to your schedule at least three times a week. You should begin with exercises that use more than one muscle group such as squats, rowing, and bench press.
These will help you to exercise more parts of your body and allow you to spend less time at the gym while you increase your muscle mass quickly. It’s important to make sure you follow proper form to protect your joints.
Get more rest. Your body builds muscle mass when you’re resting. Especially when you’re over 40, you need the rest to allow your body to produce the necessary hormone to grow your muscle tissue. But at an older age, you may get less sleep. Aim for 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
In order to build muscle mass after 40 you’ll need to focus on making some lifestyle changes, but it is possible to have the best body of your life at this age.
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