Acne is very common in teenagers and most people think that once they have past those teenage years they won't suffer from acne anymore. The days of looking for a good acne skin care treatment will be over right?
While many people do stop having acne problems once they pass those teenage years, there are many people who will continue to have acne. Many people in their twenties, thirties, even forties will suffer from acne. Women will often suffer from acne when pregnant too due to the many hormonal changes that they go through. Fluctuating hormones when a woman reaches menopause can also cause acne to re-occur, even if the woman hasn't suffered from acne since she was a teenager.
Acne usually starts to occur when a person reaches puberty. The body contains sebaceous glands which produce oil that our body needs to keep our skin smooth and supple.
During puberty these glands grow and usually the oil they produce is drained away but sometimes the pores can become blocked and then acne occurs.
The other problem one may get with pores are blackheads and these occur when the pores remain open. The pore then builds up with dirt and air and then gets a black appearance. Pores that are closed and blocked are white in appearance so they are whiteheads or more commonly known as acne.
Our skin has bacteria and that bacteria will feed on anything trapped in the pores which will cause spots to appear.
Some people will only have a few spots while others will have large breakouts of pimples. Some pimples can become very big and painful and in rare cases may need antibiotic treatment.
To treat acne you need to use a good acne skin care product. You will want a product that contains salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide as these will fight the bacteria that is causing the underlying infection.
The problem with many acne skin care treatment products is that with long term use they can be quite damaging to the skin. They can be very harsh and leave the skin feeling itchy and inflamed.
You should always follow the directions on any skin care product so that you don't overuse the product. Putting on more than suggested won't get rid of the pimples any faster, it will only cause more problems.
If you have tried over the counter acne treatment products without much success then you may need to consult your doctor who may be able to prescribe some antibiotic creams to clear your skin. If your acne is severe and painful then you may also require oral antibiotics.
Often it is a bit of trial and error to find a good acne skin care treatment product that will work well for you.
Learn more in our section here about healthy skincare and the treatment of Acne Vulgaris and get your free report about skincare
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the work to help them improve their health issues, including skin care, with inner and outer nutrition programs
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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
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