In your search for weight loss help you may come across the procedure known as stomach stapling or Vertical Banded Gastro-Plasty. This is what is called a restrictive surgical method of weight control. It basically uses a staple and a band to create another smaller pouch out of your stomach. This allows the food to flow into the smaller pouch first. It takes a longer time for it to pass through the hole at the base of the small pouch into the remaining stomach area. It not only makes you feel full faster, but it limits the amount of food that you can eat.
Often, another procedure called gastric bypass is used with stomach stapling. This bypasses some of the digestive tract. Calories and nutrients are thus lost, aiding in weight reduction. However care should be taken to eat nutritionally sound food so that you do not miss out on the nutrients your body needs for health.
If you are considering stomach stapling, you need to realize it is a serious operation and there are many side-effects to go with it, even though it is effective for many people. Some patients even suffer from psychological side effects.
So what dangers are there associated with this procedure? Since it is major surgery on the abdomen, it is possible that the incisions could become infected. Some people are troubled with a high temperature and must take antibiotics, while others can get blood clots. Persistent nausea is another effect that some patients suffer from.
Other long and short term side effects of stomach stapling include nausea, diarrhea and heartburn, vitamin deficiency, stroke and at times, even death. If you eat too much at once it causes the stomach staples to come off, creating an emergency situation. If the patient is not treated quickly, the problem may cause death.
Eating food that is too hot or very high in carbs can often cause stomach cramping after this operation. Large amounts of cholesterol may cause gallstones – in fact around thirty percent of patients who undergo stomach stapling do in fact develop gallstones.
These are only a few of the side-effects so it is essential to discuss the matter with your doctor and surgeon before going ahead. You also need to obey your dietician implicitly afterward, or you may find that you don’t even lose weight. So while stomach stapling can help, it is not that alone that works; but lifestyle and diet changes along with it. It is also important to set realistic goals when trying to lose weight.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Morbid Obesity
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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