Enhance Your Health and Waistline with Mindful Eating

There are very few people that eat mindfully, and it shows. The obesity rate for those over 20 years of age is 40% in the United States! In Canada, the number is around 30%. If you could stand to lose a few pounds, mindful eating is a viable solution.

What is mindful eating?

In a nutshell, mindful eating is eating only when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full.

It is also putting your full attention on the eating experience.

Most people don’t eat mindfully. They’re watching TV, talking, playing on their phone, or thinking about something else while they eat.

These are habits that lead to overeating and weight gain.

Try these tips to do your health and waistline a favor by eating mindfully:

1. Start with mindful shopping.

Avoid the tendency to just automatically buy the same things you’ve always bought at the store.

Instead, ask yourself whether or not an item supports your health goals before placing it into your shopping cart. Be mindful of each item you choose to take home with you.

2. Remove distractions.

Eat with minimal distractions. Turn off the TV. Put your phone away. Close your book.

Ideally, you won’t even talk during a meal. Clear away all the distractions and just eat.

3. Start with a reasonable amount of food.

The more food you put on your plate, the more you’re likely to eat. Start with about ⅔ of your normal amount.

You can always go back for seconds if you’re still hungry.

4. Put your full attention on your meal.

Keep your thoughts on the experience of eating.

This isn’t the time to think about work, your boss, your significant other, kids, or bills. Relax and focus your thoughts on eating.

5. Chew slowly and thoroughly.

The faster you eat, the more you’ll eat. It takes a while for your brain to get the signal that you’re full.

Eating slowly will help to prevent overeating. Take your time and chew slowly.

The food isn’t going anywhere. Give yourself the chance to enjoy it.

6. Focus on the taste.

Unhealthy foods often taste great if eaten quickly. Many of them aren’t so delicious if eaten slowly.

Also, many healthy foods are more enjoyable if eaten more slowly. Really notice the flavor of your food.

Here’s an interesting experiment. Take a piece of sweet fruit that you enjoy. It could be an orange or a small bunch of grapes.

Eat the food very slowly and keep your attention on the flavor. You’ll find that it’s not easy to finish the entire fruit. Fruit is nature’s dessert.

Now, take an unhealthy food and do the same thing. You’ll find it’s not that appetizing.

Unhealthy foods are designed to be enjoyable when eaten quickly, since that’s how most people eat.

7. Only eat when you’re actually hungry.

There’s no reason to wait until you’re ravenous. However, there’s also no reason to eat if you’re not hungry.

Allow yourself to feel hunger before eating. If you eat when you’re not hungry, your waistline and your health quickly take a nosedive.

8. Be grateful for your food.

Have gratitude for the food you’re eating. It’s a privilege to have plenty to eat.

You’re luckier than most of the world’s population. Gratitude is a part of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is paying attention to your emotions, surroundings, and actions. It’s a type of self-awareness. Few people eat mindfully.

We multitask while eating, and the result is overeating. This is extremely unhealthy, and it’s simply not an enjoyable way to eat.

Much of the eating experience is lost if you’re not paying attention. Eat mindfully and notice the impact it has on your life.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Mindful Eating for Nutrition guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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20 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Introducing the practice of mindfulness into your life can be accomplished in several ways. One of the most convenient ways to embrace mindfulness is to take advantage of all the little opportunities that present themselves each day.

By chipping away a little at a time, you can comfortably grow into your mindfulness practice.

Consider these suggestions:

1. Focus on your breathing upon awakening each day.

Feel each breath. After a few minutes, get up and see how long you can be mindful of your grooming activities.

2. Practice body awareness in the shower.

Feel the water touching every part of your body. Focus on how it feels.

3. Flossing your teeth.

Many people forget to floss. Now is a good time to incorporate it into your routine. Being mindful makes it easier to develop new habits.

4. Observe your thoughts while driving.

Are you thinking about driving or worrying about work?

5. While outdoors, notice the weather.

Describe it to yourself. What do you see and hear?

6. Practice good listening skills at work.

Are you intently listening to the person who is speaking or are you thinking about something else?

7. Focus on both the taste and texture of your food.

How does it feel in your mouth? What flavours please you most? Can you smell the aroma of what you are eating?

8. Go for a record.

Time yourself and see how long you can focus your thoughts on one object in your environment.

9. Pick a worthwhile activity you’re hesitant to do.

Do it and see if you can focus without experiencing negative emotions.

10. Practice meditating in the bathroom.

It might be the only peaceful time in your day.

11. Observe the person standing in front of you in line.

Describe them in complete detail to yourself. See if you can complete the activity without having your attention wander.

12. Find a quiet place and do nothing for 10 minutes.

Let your thoughts wander and observe your thinking.

13. Breath.

Focus on your breathing for 5 minutes each hour.

14. Think about a person you dislike.

Notice the changes in your body feelings. Now let go of those negative emotions.

15. Go slower.

It’s easier to focus when you’re not being rushed. As the military says, “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”

16. Exercise.

Notice your body and thoughts while exercising.

17. Sitting at a red light.

Watch the light until it changes.

18. While you’re in pain.

Focus on the pain and notice what happens to the pain. Now focus on your environment and notice what happens to the pain.

19. In bed, count your breaths until you fall asleep.

In the morning, ask yourself the last number you remember.

20. See how long it takes to become mindful in your dreams.

Our thought patterns in everyday life tend to stick with us in our dreams.

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