There are enough diseases in the work ready to snap at our heels without us making it easier for them to catch us by allowing obesity to rule our lives. It is up to every individual to ensure that they keep the body in the best health possible. That way they will enjoy life more.
Some diseases that are connected to obesity are:
Cardiovascular Problems:
People who are obese often develop congestive heart failure. This is a condition in which the heart is not capable of pumping enough blood to the different body organs. So they cannot carry on with their normal physiological functions.
An enlarged heart is another problem that some overweight people get. This is usually caused by the thickening of the heart muscle and happens due to the increased workload of the heart - all because of the excess fat in your body.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:
Obese women sometimes develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The ovaries develop cysts due to high levels of the male hormone Androgen which is secreted in high amounts. These women miss their periods and suffer from menstrual disorders. Some may develop fibroids and benign growths in the muscles of the uterus. This causes pain and heavy bleeding and generally disturbs their menstrual cycle. It may also cause infertility. That is why everyone should follow an active lifestyle to stay fit and in good shape.
Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease:
Many obese people develop gastro intestinal problems. They may have growths that act as a valve between the esophagus and stomach. These can open up spontaneously and cause the stomach contents to rise up. The result is severe heart burn which in itself may cause more serious medical complications.
Fatty Liver Diseases:
Fat accumulation can cause inflammation and the formation of fibrous tissue in the liver, damaging this vital organ. Cirrhosis - irreversible liver scarring – can be the result. This can also lead to cancer.
It is always best to eat healthy food, drink adequate amounts of water and be physically active. In this way, all your body organs will perform their regular functions perfectly.
This condition is otherwise known as gall stones; they form when the cholesterol levels in the body increase. Gall stones are formed by the bile hardening which also hinders the digestion of body fat.
Colorectal Cancer:
Obesity leads to colorectal cancer. It may promote the development of cancerous growths in the colon, appendix and rectum. This is the second most common type of cancer in the world and obese people are the most likely victims.
Chronic Renal Failure:
Obese people may suffer from chronic renal failure, a condition characterized by the gradual and progressive loss of the kidneys' ability to filter the waste material in the body.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Morbid Obesity
** Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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