If you’ve been struggling with acne or aging skin, you may have considered dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. But you may not understand what it really is and how it can affect your skin.
Let’s begin with dermabrasion. This is a procedure that helps to scrape off the top layer of your skin to get rid of blemishes, scars, and wrinkles. By removing the top layer, your skin will look refinished in a sense.
This is a fairly invasive procedure and must be performed by a physician. You’ll be able to go to a surgical suite or medical center for this procedure and it will require local anesthesia, though you don’t have to have general anesthesia.
Typically you’ll experience some bleeding of the skin and your skin will look very raw and red immediately after the dermabrasion is done. It takes anywhere from a week to a month to completely heal from this procedure.
Dermabrasion isn’t as common as it once was because laser treatments have replaced it. The laser allows for there to be fewer problems with error and bleeding. However, dermabrasion is often less expensive than laser treatments.
This would be an appropriate procedure if you have deep acne scarring because it focus on deeper layers of skin. On the other hand, microdermabrasion deals more with the surface and outer layers of the skin.
Microdermabrasion is a much gentler procedure. It lightly removes the dead skin cells from the outermost layer called the epidermis. Often an abrasive tip made from crystals is applied to your skin. It doesn’t hurt and no anesthesia is required.
Unlike dermabrasion, microdermabrasion doesn’t require any recovery time. You might have some skin sensitivity, but it will be mild. You might also be more sensitive to the sun or feel that your skin feels a bit dry. But these side effects are minor and go away quickly.
You can have this procedure performed by a dermatologist, but it doesn’t have to be performed by a doctor. There are several spas that can provide microdermabrasion to you. This is erally more of a cosmetic treatment than a medical procedure.
The benefits of microdermabrasion include exfoliation of the skin and healthy new skin growth. This can help to reduce problems with acne or acne scarring. It can also help to prevent aging and allow moisture to penetrate your skin more efficiently.
Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are related, but dermabrasion is much more invasive. Most people will choose microdermabrasion and dermabrasion is left for those who have more severe skin problems.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Acne Vulgaris
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