Colon Health | Your Health Online

Digestion is the process when the foods that we have eaten are being converted into substances that are essential for the body. For that reason, it is very important for us to have a healthy digestive system so that the vitamins and minerals on the foods are being fed up into the body accordingly.

In addition, when the body is not digesting properly, certain diseases are being experienced such as constipation or even colon cancer.

Scientific studies have shown that increasing your intake of diectry fiber and doing regular exercise dramitically reduces your risk of bowel and colon cancer.

Having a healthy colon required cleaning the large intestine and also keeping dietary fiber up in your diet to keep your digestive system active and working well.

Thus, proper diet is needed to have a healthy colon as well as a healthy digestive system. In order to do that, here are some of the simplest ways that may guide you in the whole cleansing process.

1. Indulge In Fiber Rich Foods.

Apples, mangoes, prunes and dates are best examples of fiber rich foods that you must eat wherein it is best eaten during breakfast.

According to Mayo Clinic, 20 to 35 grams of fiber everyday is enough, but to have more is better. Mixing the fruits with cereal or oatmeal is also advisable.

2. Nuts Are Good.

So, you can include nuts in your daily diet. You may add beans on your vegetables delight for dinner or you can make a peanut butter sandwich for your snack.

Beans are good in cleaning the intestine, so don’t left them behind on your recipes.

3. Consume Fermented Foods.

Fermented foods such are yoghurt are good for the intestine so, deal with its sour taste or you can choose those in the market that are a little bit sweetened already.

Remember that those foods are essential in helping to have a balance intestinal flora as well as to have a regular movement in the intestine.

4. Choose Nuts And Seeds For Your Snack.

Instead of buying junk foods or other foods with no nutritional value, you can buy nuts and seeds instead.

This is because they contain fats that are good for the body as well as they help in increasing diet on fiber. Having said that, walnuts as well as almonds can be added in your garden salad

5. More Water Is Better.

Drinking plenty of water is advisable in order to have a healthy colon. It has been suggested by different research institute to have at least eight to ten glasses of water per day or any sufficient quantities that is enough for the body to be hydrated.

For that reason, it is very much advisable to always have a glass of water ready on your desk. In addition, you should always have a bottle of water ready every time you are going on a trip or you are going to travel for long hours wherein water is impossible to have.

Latest studies are showing that 2 lites (2 quarts) of water a say is the minimum and for someone over 100 kg (220 pounds) double that would be best.

By drinking plenty of water, you will keep your body hydrated thus you will have a healthier skin as well as a healthier colon.

6. Get your nutrition right!

Make sure you are giving your body the tools it needs every day to keep it healthy. Vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, healthy fats, protein, botanical factors. Take some time to understand what your body needs so you can look forward to a longer and healthier life.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
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To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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