by Helene Malmsio
When I was 17 years old I developed a bad case of Glandular Fever that took many weeks to fully recover from. I remained anaemic, and lost the natural energy I used to have up til then.
As an adult I seemed to 'catch all the colds' going around, and even though I was still able to work hard physically when required, I needed some serious recovery time after each session of major energy output.
By the age of 28 - 29 in the late 1980's I was a walking wreck... a fully paid-up member of the "Yuppie Disease" Club .... I was working around 80 hours a week in my business like most Yuppies, but collapsing on the weekends, constantly exhausted, too tired to do any 'fun things' anymore and finding it harder to even think straight or make clear business decisions. Doctors had no idea what to suggest, other than to "get some rest".
Finally unable to cope any longer and experiencing a nervous breakdown from total exhaustion, I ended up closing my business and taking 12 months of rest to try and recover my health. But when I ran out of money in my savings account, I HAD to return to work, and just barely coped in my full time work, by sleeping for two days solid every weekend.
I still remember when during my 90 minute drive to work every day, I would often wake up at different stages of the drive, wondering HOW I had driven to that point...!?! That happened nearly every morning. YES.. BE AFRAID of the other morning commuters sharing the road with you, as some of them will also be driving on auto-pilot while they unknowingly take a nap on the way to work!
In 1992 I found a CFS Specialist who set me a 90day schedule of horrible weekly intravenous vitamin drips to feed my organs direct, allergy drops to ease my allergic reactions to everything around me, a massive collection of supplements covering the entire top of my fridge - a few thousand dollars invested in treatments ... and still I didnt feel better than just 'burnt out'.
He told me that I was lucky to be able to enjoy ANY quality of life AT ALL, since my blood tests still showed Glandular Fever and all of the six strongest flu type viruses that were notorious for triggering chronic fatigue syndrome. I was a 'walking-dead' classification in his books after 10 years of CFS - he was amazed that I could hold down a job at all.
In 1994 David Exon convinced me to try taking nutrition that he promised me "would detox my system, and enable me to feed my body this wonderful herbal based product, directly to my body on a cellular level" - as the painful, painful, weekly intravenous drips were supposed to have done... and this time all I had to do was drink a smoothie shake twice a day, and take some vitamin supplement tabs! EASY! Pain free! Wow!
I honestly didnt dare to hope for measurable improvement in health and stamina anymore, as my expectations of myself and life had shrunk down to the level my body could function to meet.. and my life was beginning to look pretty small, and I didnt expect much as life was passing me by - I just wanted to feel at least a LITTLE bit better, if possible.
I started using the nutrition products and things started happening quickly, I had all sorts of reactions and cleared rubbish from my system, but before long I found I could get myself out of bed in the morning with a clear head and ENTHUSIASM for the day ahead. My friends started telling me that there was a spark back in my eyes and a bounce in my step they had never seen before. I could laugh again and I could work again and there was hope in my life for the first time in a very, very long time.
And in the following years since that momentous decision to "just try one more thing.... dont give up just yet" I can tell you that I have developed a reputation for being a notorious workaholic with ridiculous levels of stamina, regularly working 30 hour shifts on projects I enjoy, and my friends will testify to my sheer endurance nowdays.
And as a lazy vegetarian (since 2000) who refuses to eat mung beans and Tofu... I NEED to supplement my daily intake of the foods I eat, as it would be simply impossible to eat my daily protein & total nutritional requirements in any other way.
These products are simply the PUREST form of nutrition that we can buy in a jar... the simplest and tastiest way to "eat yourself healthy again".
For over ten years now I have been taking Aloe Juice & FloraFibre to cleanse my system & villi, and supplemented my natural organic food diet with Formula #1, 2, 3, and supplement with LifeLine and XtraCal and Tang Kuai for my eyes, relaxation, gums and cardivascular/circulation.
I suggest you get a basic "Ultimate Pack" as that has everything I recommend for coping with CFS, and start out the first 5 days just with a gentle Detox of Aloe Juice and FloraFibre, and then add your Shake, and then add your tabs. Within 10 days you can be on the full Ultimate Nutrition progam and wonder how you used to live without it.
It is my proven "attitude food"... no more depression or mood swings, from chronic exhaustion.
You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a ton of support from experienced people on this team, to help you every step of the way, to regain a level of energy and health that you probably dont even remember anymore how it felt... !
There are thousands of us who are enjoying these results of dynamic health again, we would love you to come join us!
Helene Malmsio,
Maryborough, Victoria
Australia A health article fromYour Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
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