If you’re a health conscious woman, cancer of the breast is probably something you are aware of and want to prevent.
And while there are certain aspects of breast cancer over which you have no control, there are some things you can do to prevent it.
A healthy diet is one way you can lower your risk of developing breast cancer. You’ll need to eat a balanced diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables.
This is one way to pump up your immune system and help to prevent cancer cells from being able to develop.
You’ll also want to watch your intake of saturated fat. A diet high in fat can cause your body to produce excess estrogen.
Estrogen is known to increase the growth of breast cancer tumors. If you’re predisposed to breast cancer, a high fat diet can increase your risk.
A high level of alcohol use has also been shown to increase risk of cancer of the breast for women.
In this case, high level of use is defined as drinking more than 1-2 alcoholic beverages every day. So if you want to prevent breast cancer, you’ll want to limit alcohol.
Exercise is another way you can lower your risk of cancer of the breast.
It’s amazing to know that physical activity actually helps to strengthen your immune system and it lowers your levels of estrogen.
Both of these factors combined means you’ll have a lower risk of breast cancer if you get more physical activity.
The recommended amount of physical activity for lowering breast cancer risk is four hours each week. You can break up that exercise any way you want.
Smoking tobacco products is also not recommended for those who want to prevent breast cancer. While there hasn’t been a direct link found between breast cancer and smoking, we do know that smoking causes a wide array of health problems.
Those health problems caused by smoking can make it difficult for your immune system to function properly.
If you’re at risk for developing breast cancer, your body will have a harder time fighting off the cancer and withstanding cancer treatments should you need them.
It’s a good idea to avoid tobacco products if you want to have optimum health – whether you’re concerned about breast cancer or not.
While you can’t control your family history or genetic predisposition for cancer of the breast, it can be preventable in many cases by leading a healthy lifestyle.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Breast Cancer and breast health issues
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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