You’ve probably heard many times that calcium is important for bone health. Doctors commonly encourage patients to consume calcium tablets in order to prevent a deficiency.
But strong bones are not the only benefits of calcium supplements; in fact, the calcium tablets can help prevent feelings of fatigue, muscle cramps, joint pains, and even kidney stones.
Calcium supplements can also assist in weight loss, which makes many people happy. That’s like killing two birds with one stone!
But it gets even better; calcium helps keep our teeth strong, and it fights many diseases and serious health conditions. A quick word of caution though, while dairy products are sources of calcium they also contain a lot of fat and calories.
Calcium tablets are likely the best sources of calcium. Calcium coral is easily absorbed by the bloodstream and it is best taken immediately after meals.
Another advantage of the tablets is that they can help to reduce acidity and aid in the proper digestion of food. One weight loss tip is eating six small meals each day and consuming a calcium tablet after at least three of them.
The daily requirements of calcium vary depending on the life stage of the individual. Generally speaking, a healthy person should consume approximately 1000 mg each day, teenagers need up to 1200 mg and women that have experienced menopause should consume approximately 1500 mg of calcium each day.
Because some of our calcium requirements are met by the food we eat, it becomes necessary to learn about and track each source of calcium we consume. It is important to note also that calcium weight loss does not happen quickly.
In fact, you should expect to follow the plan for at least two months or longer. Because you will be eating several small meals a day you will keep your metabolism rate high. This will also aid in the weight loss.
Some calcium supplements contain other nutrients as well. These often assist in absorption of the calcium and provide numerous other health benefits.
Calcium tablets are sometimes referred to as miracle supplements because of the many benefits they can provide.
Check out the list below:
• Strengthen bones and teeth
• Controlling high blood pressure
• Controlling high cholesterol levels
• Brightening yellowed teeth
• Strengthening brittle nails
Calcium supplements are available in both tablet and liquid form. Directions should always be followed when taking this or any supplement.
Not only will that insure maximum benefits but additionally your safety will not be put at risk. Look for supplements that combine other important nutrients with the calcium.
Calcium is the best way to keep your bones healthy. Always strive to eat well, minimize the stress in your life, exercise, and get a sufficient amount of calcium. Free Report Reveals how to Lose Weight the Most Effective and Healthy Way - Handle Fast Weight Loss with Care!
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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
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