‘Herbalife can mean financial security, freedom, fun and feeling fantastic!’
Susan Smith was a teacher for 13 years, both in Australia and the UK, but was constantly unhappy with the long stressful hours, she was expected to work.
Earning an average wage with no paid overtime and the absence of recognition brought her no job satisfaction. ‘When I taught full time in London I left for work at 7am and arrived home at 7-7:30pm,’ Susan said. ‘I also took work home to complete for the next day on a regular basis. I was unhappy with the type of person I had become in that profession. My income potential was limited to the position of teacher, deputy principal or principal. Becoming a deputy or principal was completely out of the question, as it would have meant more hours and more stress for a maximum of $60,000 a year, which was definitely not worth it!’
‘I moved into the fitness industry after returning from London and became a personal fitness trainer. I enjoyed this profession and ran my own personal training business on the Gold Coast in Australia. I realised this was not a reliable income. Job security was minimal and personal training was not the best option for the future. When you are self employed and starting out in a new business it is very difficult to secure a mortgage.
I found myself back, living with my parents to save money for a deposit on a house. I had no social life and I calculated that at my present rate of income I would be living with my parents forever to be able to come up with 20% deposit.’
‘I was introduced to Herbalife and started doing it part time around my personal training business. I was attracted to Herbalife because I could continue helping people with their health and develop financial security. It also allows me to continue travelling and meeting new people. I became a Supervisor in my first week and all my personal training clients started taking the Herbalife nutritional products. This made my life a lot easier, as I was able to give them the best nutrition available to enhance their weight loss or sports performance.’
‘My third week in the business took me to an International Convention in Christchurch, New Zealand, where I had an unbelievable time socially and business wise. It blew me away! I saw the full potential of this business and the possibilities for my future with Herbalife. In my second month in the business I went World Team and was on my way to the top!’
‘My initial goals were to earn an extra $500-$1000 a month; to be able to move out of home; and be able to pay the bills. I made $2,600 profit in my first two months, very part time. This was achieved by using my circle of influence, doing health surveys, wearing the button, ‘walk and talk’ and using HOM’s.’
‘In February 2006, I closed my personal training business, moved to Malaysia in time for the opening and have been doing the business fulltime since then. I’m very excited about my future, as I am able to continue helping people improve their health and feel fantastic!’
Susan Smith
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