Many people begin an exercise program and also diet at the same time, but you need to build muscle with calories that are nutritious and can support the growth and repair of muscle tissue. If you restrict calories too much, you may not add muscle - even though you’re exercising.
It’s important to make sure you’re providing your body with all the calories it needs. You’ll need to eat as many whole foods as possible in order to build muscle with calories. Foods such as whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables provide the best nutrition.
You may also need to supplement with a protein bar or shake to add additional calories to your program. Why do you need so many calories? Usually when you try to get fit and lose weight, calorie restriction is suggested.
But if you want to build muscle, you’ll have to make sure you don’t restrict your calories too much. It requires a lot of energy to build new muscle cells and tissues. If you don’t eat enough food, you won’t have enough energy to complete the task.
So even if you’re working out perfectly several times a week, you won’t get anywhere with your build if you’re not feeding your body. And muscle tissue itself is very active when it comes to your metabolism.
As you build more muscle, you’ll need more and more fuel to keep it going. Again, that’s where eating plenty of food comes into play. You should try to consume at least five meals each day. They should have a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
What you eat also matters. It’s not enough to just eat a lot of food. It needs to be high quality food. Avoid highly processed carbohydrates and sugars. You should also avoid artificial preservatives and colors.
When you choose groceries, try to choose foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. This will mean you get more vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein in your diet. These are the building blocks for muscle tissue that you need in order to build muscle.
If you’re not sure how many calories you should eat, there’s a simple formula. Simply multiply your current weight by 10 and add 1000 calories to that number. This will give you a baseline for your caloric intake. From there you can add or take away depending on your muscle growth.
In order to reach your fitness goals, you’ll need to build muscle with calories that can help you to repair and grow your muscles along with your strength training exercise program.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Body Building guide to exercise and nutrition
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