A health article about the various forms of Bronchitis from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Today, there are thousands of drugs available in the market, each with different illnesses to treat. One of the most common illnesses in modern society is respiratory illnesses.
You have to consider that there are a lot of kinds of respiratory illnesses. Some are contagious and some are not. There are also different kinds of drugs for different kinds of respiratory illnesses.
The fact that you need a perfectly healthy body in order to function well in your daily activities, you have to know how to properly take care of it or at least know how to deal with it in case you get affected with a disease.
One of the most common diseases today is called bronchitis. This is a form of respiratory illness that can affect anyone at anytime.
However, people who live in highly polluted areas, and people who smoke tobacco are usually affected as well as infant, children, the elderly and people who have weak lungs are also prone to bronchitis.
Bronchitis comes in two forms, one is acute bronchitis and the other is chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is a short term bronchitis that requires little treatment.
Usually, acute bronchitis doesn’t need any drugs at all. However, there are people who take expectorant in order to improve breathing.
Some people take anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate the symptoms. Sometimes, bronchitis can also congest the sinuses and can be a painful condition. To alleviate the symptom, you can take some nasal decongestant drugs.
Acute bronchitis usually lasts for up to only 10 to 12 days if properly managed and treated. However, it will also vary on the kind of infection that the bronchitis has. If it is a viral infection, you don’t need to take any special drugs to treat it.
All you need is plenty of rest, plenty of water, and avoid dusty and highly polluted areas. If you want to alleviate the signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis, you can take some anti-inflammatory drugs, some pain medication, expectorant and nasal decongestant drugs.
However, if the virus is caused by bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe some antibiotics or antibacterial drugs that will kill the bacteria infecting your bronchial tube and your respiratory system.
On rare cases, bronchitis can also be caused by fungal infection and for this your doctor may prescribe antifungal drugs along with other medications to alleviate the signs and symptoms.
It is very important to remember that you shouldn’t just but any over-the-counter drugs as you may some allergies and some drugs are dangerous if combined to any other kind of drugs.
If you prefer to take medications for your bronchitis, it is important that you should first consult your doctor.
He or she will refer to your medical history and find out if you are allergic to any kind of medications. The doctor can also give you prescription on the right combination of drugs and can give you instructions on the proper dosage and the proper time to take it.
In the chronic form of bronchitis, you have to consider that this is a long term treatment that will require long term and well-managed care.
Chronic bronchitis will also require you to take different kinds of drugs to help alleviate the signs and symptoms and also help treat the illness.
However, the most important step in treating acute bronchitis is by quitting smoking. If you do this early enough, you can reverse the damage in your lungs.
The doctor will also prescribe some medications to help you overcome chronic bronchitis which may include inhaled medicines, such as bronchodilators to open your airway and let you breath easily, steroids, and antibiotics to prevent infection.
In some cases, people with chronic bronchitis have low oxygen levels. For this, the doctor may recommend that home oxygen should be used.
The chance for a full recovery for people with chronic bronchitis is poor. Always remember that the key to cure chronic bronchitis is detecting it at its early stages and changing your lifestyle, such as quitting smoking and reducing your alcohol intake.
These are the things that you should remember about bronchitis. Always remember that before you take any drugs, you should first consult your doctor who will tell you about the proper dosage and the proper drugs to take.
Learn more about this subject here at your health online page that fully details the causes, symptoms, treatments and self help home remedy options for: Bronchitis BACK TO “Your Health Online”
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