Bronchitis Talk: When It Hits Your Child

A health article about the various forms of Bronchitis from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies

Bronchitis is an illness which scares most parents since it is after all an inflammation of the bronchi in a person's lungs. However, most physicians would advise parents or caregivers to calm down since according to medical findings bronchitis is not a chronic illness in children.

Although bronchitis is not a chronic illness in children, it is still important for parents or caregivers to acquire knowledge about the said illness. By doing so, you will be well-equipped during times of bronchitis attacks.

Bronchitis is a condition wherein the air passages amid the lungs and the nose swell due to a viral infection. It affects the bronchi.

The bronchi are tubes wherein air passes through into and out of the lungs. There are times that the tracheas and windpipe is also affected by the inflammation.

There are two types of bronchitis – acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is most common to children than the chronic one.

Usually chronic bronchitis appears to adult especially those who are heavy smokers and are prone to inhale chemical substances.

Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is most common during the winter season which usually strikes children.

Some viruses attack the lining of the bronchial tree which leads to an infection. Swelling heightens because the body combats with the viruses. When there is more swelling, it produces more mucus.

Your child will more likely develop acute bronchitis if the virus which causes the said illness is inhaled from the air he breathes or can be passed on by other people with a cough. Your child is likely to develop acute bronchitis if he breathes in the said viruses.

If you observe that your child has runny nose which starts before a cough do, has slight fever, experiences pain at the back and muscle area, has sore throat, getting chills and malaise then he is most likely suffering from acute bronchitis.

During the onset of acute bronchitis, your child will have a dry and unproductive cough which will later on develop into a copious cough filled with mucus. There are times that some children vomit or gag as they cough.

Upon observation of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is recommended that you bring your child to his physician. Acute bronchitis is initially detected by obtaining the child's medical history and performing a physical examination of the child.

Furthermore to verify the said illness the following tests can be done:

** Blood tests
** X-ray on Chest
** Lung Tests
** Pulse Oximetry
** Sputum cultures

A child with acute bronchitis will get well if you ask him to get a good rest. Eating a well-balanced meal and drinking a lot of non-caffeinated fluids will also be helpful. Another helpful cure is to improve the humidity within your surroundings.

There are times that some physician recommends asthma-related medications. This helps release mucus inside the bronchi tubes. The said medications are usually accompanied with an inhaler.

Analgesics can be given to a child to relieve his fever as well as the discomfort he is feeling.

Parents or caregivers must be cautious not to give aspirin to a child suffering from bronchitis since it can lead to severe illness such as Reye's syndrome. Additionally, antihistamines should also be prevented since it can worsen your child's cough.

So that your child will not have recurring acute bronchitis, it is advised that you inform your child to regularly wash his hands. It is recommended that you keep your child away from smokes coming from cigarettes or belches.

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is the second type of the said illness. It usually appears after a continuing irritation of the bronchial tubes. Bronchitis is referred to as "chronic" when symptoms persist by more than three months.

Studies show that there are fewer cases of chronic bronchitis in children compared to acute bronchitis. Bronchitis in children will be chronic if symptoms are not treated well.

Bronchitis should be properly treated since it can lead to serious illness such as pneumonia.

When your child experiences cold or cough, do not let it pass by thinking that things will all be well. It is better to give immediate aid to a child with colds or cough for it may lead to bronchitis.

Learn more about this subject here at your health online page that fully details the causes, symptoms, treatments and self help home remedy options for: Bronchitis

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