A health article about the various forms of Bronchitis from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Coughing, most often, is the onset symptom of bronchitis. Being knowledgeable on matters regarding coughing can be most helpful in combating bronchitis especially chronic bronchitis.
A cough is an abrupt, frequently recurring contraction of the “thoracic cavity,” which results in an aggressive discharge of air from the lungs that comes with a distinguishing sound.
When the air passages in your body are irritated, a cough takes place to do away with the irritants.
Causes of Cough
There are two reasons why cough occurs – physiological and psychological. The psychological aspect of cough is termed as “habitual coughing.”
In a medical perspective it is referred to as “steruphilia” wherein an individual loves the sound of coughing or sneezing that is why he practices the said condition. On the other hand, there is also a physiological reason why cough is evident to humanity.
The “vagus nerve” which flows through the lungs into the brain has a major role in the physiological act of coughing.
Under this type, the following are broken down into sub-causes:
** Infection – the presence of bacteria, virus from a common cold or fungus triggers humanity to develop a cough.
** External factors – cough is evident when an individual is allergic to irritants such as dust, smoke from cigarettes or belches, pollens and some medicinal drugs.
** Internal factors – as diseases in heart, ear, sinuses especially in the lungs progresses it causes a person to cough.
Types of Cough
1. Dry cough
Dry cough or sometimes termed as non-productive cough is described to be arid, stiff and exasperating. Apart from being bothersome, dry cough gives you a wearing and strenuous time.
2. Chesty coughs
Chesty coughs are commonly known as “productive coughs.” The common cause of this type of cough is infection from a virus or bacteria.
Phlegm is being taken away from the respiratory channels so that unwanted mucus and germs can be eradicated in the body. By doing so, your breathing will be normalized.
Effects of Cough in Chronic Bronchitis
There are a lot of consequences if cough is persistent and productive especially if you have chronic bronchitis. When you cough you will experience any of the following:
** There is aggravation in the “anus” which can worsen piles or crevices from within it.
** Headache oftentimes occur with persistent or aggressive coughing.
** Stomach-strain heightens which may lead to “hernia” or “scrotal sac.”
** There is increased pressure in your chest. Having so, “air emphysema” may occur.
With the above-mentioned consequences, it is best to know important ways for coughing to be reduced.
1. Medical studies show that smoking is the main culprit for the development of chronic bronchitis. Hence, if you are a smoker, it is highly recommended for you to stop smoking.
Breathing for you will be easy if you decide to stop smoking. It is not only cough that will be reduced but you will have better lungs as well by putting an end to smoking cigarettes.
2. If you are a non-smoker yet you encounter people around you smoking, it is best to stay away from them because according to some medical findings secondhand smoking is more serious than firsthand smoking.
3. You need to avoid irritants. Some common irritants which can worsen cough are aerosol products, fumes from chemical substances and dust.
4. When there is a high possibility that you will be exposed to irritants, it is a must for you to wear masks so that there is less chance for you to breathe those.
A visit to your physician is recommended for you to recognize the type of cough you have. The physician will also tell you if your cough is associated with chronic bronchitis or a symptom of other illnesses.
Moreover, it is he who will tell you the means and ways for you to treat as well as prevent the cough you have. There is no need for you to delay a consultation with your physician. Cliché, as it may be “the sooner…the better.”
To some, coughing is but an ordinary illness. However, no one can tell when cough is mild or fatal. When health is being talked about, you need to be extremely concern about it for life is just but once.
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