Weight loss is an important topic for many people. Millions of people struggle with weight problems. Everywhere you look, there are pills and diet plans that promise you quick results for a slimmer body.
However, how effective are these rapid weight loss techniques? And are there methods that can truly give you quick results that are safe and which will last? Read this article for things that you should consider before you embark on a quick way to lose weight.
You have seen all sorts of advertisements promoting products that promise you a slim body in a short period of time. It is important to understand how these products work.
Some of them require you to omit certain food groups from your diet. Some of them require you to consume nothing but what the diet plan offers you.
Unfortunately, for many people who start using these products, they cannot sustain the results after an initial loss in weight. They either go back to their original weight, or gain back even more pounds.
The only way to drop those pounds is by burning off more calories that you consume. A pound in weight is about 3,500 calories. So, if you want lose 10 pounds quickly, you will have to burn off 35,000 calories more than you eat.
You will need to adopt permanent lifestyle habits that will help you sustain this weight loss. So, what are some of the things that you can do to immediately reduce the calories that you consume and boost the calories that your burn off?
Start by eating foods that are high in nutrients and low in fat, sugar and salt. Treat yourself to only a small bit of dessert to keep those cravings in check. Replace all of your beverages with water and freshly brewed, unsweetened green tea.
You can save a few hundred calories per day this way. Green tea has phytochemicals that direct your body to burn off fat when muscles are active.
Green tea has no calories. Green tea has caffeine, but water on ice with a bit of lemon is great for after dinner because it adds no caffeine to your body. Add a couple of spoonfuls of chia seeds to your water which will serve as an appetite suppressant.
Eliminate all white bread and pasta. These simple carbs are low in nutrients and raise your blood sugar level too much. Eat more mixed green salads with an olive-oil based vinegrette.
You can add a small portion of grilled chicken or salmon, some grated low-fat cheese, and some crushed nuts or seeds for a crunch. Salads are low in calories, and the added protein will keep your appetite satisfied.
Work on a cardio routine that uses multiple muscle areas in your body, arms and legs. In addition, learn how to alternate short bursts of intense workout with periods of slower activity. This helps in burning off calories faster.
It is important to point out that before you incorporate rapid weight loss techniques into your daily routines, you must get a clean bill of health from your doctor. This will prevent any health complications that may come to the surface.
Rapid weight loss techniques are ineffective if they are not safe and if they do not produce lasting results. Make lifestyle changes that you can stick with for the long-term, and you will get the slim body that you have always dreamed of.
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