A Self-Care Guide for Adult Women with ADHD

While medication and talk therapy can help you manage the symptoms of ADHD, daily habits pay a big role too. Regular doses of skillful self-care can boost your mood and make it easier to fulfill your responsibilities.

Paying attention to your physical, mental, and spiritual needs is essential. The more you love and nurture yourself, the greater your capacity to deal with troubling symptoms and pursue your goals.

Make your wellbeing a top priority. Use these self-care strategies for getting organized and staying healthy.

Getting Organized

How would you like to achieve order and use your time more effectively?

Simple self-care routines like these enable you to take greater control of your life:

1. Clear away clutter.

Tidying up your home and officer reduces anxiety and cuts down on time spent searching for lost keys and remote controls.

Give away possessions you rarely use or donate them to charity. Use shopping lists to cut down on impulse purchases, so you’ll have fewer things lying around.

2. Go paper free.

How much of your clutter is unread mail and magazines? Cut down on paper with digital subscriptions and online banking.

3. Schedule your time.

Maintaining a calendar can be a major challenge with ADHD. Find a basic system that works for you and set aside time each day to plan your activities.

4. Use reminders.

Take notes, make lists, and set alarms. Being proactive can often protect you from the consequences of forgetfulness.

5. Act promptly.

Procrastination is common when you have ADHD. If possible, complete a task immediately while you’re still thinking about it, so you can check that one off your list.

6. Limit distractions.

Figure out where you’re wasting time. Resolve to watch TV for two hours or less each day.

Check your messages at designated times instead of watching your phone during meetings and meals.

7. Browse for apps.

See what technology can do for you. Free apps can help you record your to-do list, sort your photos, and relax in between.

Staying Healthy

ADHD can take a toll on your body and brain. Your stress levels rise when tasks become more difficult and relationships become more complicated.

You may also have trouble remembering to take your prescriptions and schedule doctor’s visits.

Try these techniques:

1. Exercise daily.

Physical activity trains your mind too. Strengthen your focus along with your muscles. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week.

2. Take frequent breaks.

Pause in between tasks and move around. Go outside to take a walk or work in your garden.

3. Change your diet.

Some research suggests that what you eat could reduce ADHD symptoms.

Foods rich in protein help to stabilize blood sugar and balance brain chemicals. Smart choices include fish, beans, and dairy products.

4. Sleep well.

Do you find it difficult to fall asleep and wake up frequently during the night? Try going to bed and waking up on a consistent schedule.

Keep your bedroom dark and quiet and avoid heavy snacks and alcohol before bed.

5. Ask for help.

Inattentiveness and mood swings can lead to misunderstandings with family, friends, and coworkers.

If you feel comfortable, let others know about your symptoms and the steps you’re taking to make positive changes. They may be eager to support you.

6. See your doctor.

Tell your physician about your self-care program and any natural remedies you use.

That way, they can coordinate your care and make other recommendations based on your individual needs.

ADHD affects many aspects of life, but consistent self-care will help you to enjoy greater life balance and peace.

Healthy habits and a supportive environment give you more opportunities to use your unique strengths and increase your happiness and productivity.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: ADHD In Adult Women and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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