by Laurance Murray
Hiatus Hernia is when the upper wall of the stomach is displaced or protrudes at the point where the gullet passes from the chest to the abdominal area. It is a quite common complaint and often occurs more frequently as you get older.
The most severe symptom or this complaint is acute heartburn usually when lying down, sometimes so severe that you wonder if you are having a heart attack. Other symptoms are indigestion, choking and difficulty swallowing.
My brother suffered from this complaint for many years and had the head of his bed propped up with bricks and used six pillows to alleviate the heartburn. After many visits to the doctor and numerous prescriptions nothing appeared to work until a friend told him of a natural cure. The cure: Take a teaspoon of olive oil twice a day before meals.
After taking the oil for a couple of days the heartburn disappeared, he removed the bricks and extra pillows and still has a good pain free sleep.
Many years earlier my mother had also suffered from the same illness with symptoms so severe that eventually she had an operation to repair the hernia. Unfortunately she died of complications and infection. Its a pity she had not known of this cheap and natural remedy
I took the olive oil for some years with the same remarkable success and some time later I started on fish oil capsules with omega3 for other health benefits and found to my delight that I no longer needed to take both.
This natural alternative cure is one of many effective natural cures that can cure or relieve the symptoms of many different illnesses.
Learn more about this subject here at your health online page that fully details the causes, symptoms, treatments and self help home remedy options for: Hiatus Hernia BACK TO “Your Health Online”
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