A health article about Intermittent Fasting from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Intermittent fasting is an eating schedule that alternates periods of eating with periods of fasting. On some level, you’re already fasting.
You might only be fasting from bedtime until you wake up, but you’re fasting while you sleep.
This form of fasting shrinks the eating window and expands the fasting portion of a 24-hour day.
There are a lot of benefits to be gained by fasting that will be covered in the next section, but the benefits are exciting and include:
● Weight loss
● Reduced inflammation
● Lower blood pressure
● Increased insulin sensitivity
● Increased brain health
Intermittent fasting isn’t new but wasn’t well-known until 2012 when Michael Mosley hosted the documentary Eat, Fast, and Live Longer. This is the beginning of the popularity of time restricted fasting.
While it sounds difficult, most people are surprised how easy it is to follow after a couple of challenging days or weeks, as it doesn’t require you to change how you eat, only when you eat.
Of course, making healthier eating choices is always a step in the right direction!
This can be a simple and convenient way of eating that makes a meaningful difference.
You’ll notice that you save time and feel better. Your body wasn’t built to successfully handle eating day and night.
Intermittent fasting is more natural for your body than the eating schedule most people follow.
Consider that it hasn’t been that long that humans had access to a steady stream of food. In fact, many people in the world still don’t.
There was a time when humans spent most of the day roaming the countryside looking for things to eat, and they weren’t always successful.
Eating morning, noon, and night is a recent development, and it isn’t good for you.
Many of the benefits of intermittent fasting have been shown in human trials, while others have only been studied in animals to date.
Certain types of studies, such as longevity and dementia-related studies, can take a long time to conduct, perhaps too long for anyone currently in their middle-age years to live long enough to see any concrete results!
It’s much quicker to test longevity in rats that only live 2-3 years versus humans that often live to 80 years or longer.
Some of the following benefits aren’t certain but are likely.
Intermittent fasting can greatly boost your health in many ways:
Lower insulin levels. When
insulin levels are high, the body is reluctant to release fat stores for
energy. This makes sense. Your body assumes that if insulin is high, then
your blood sugar must be high. There’s no reason for your body to release
fat for energy if you already have plenty of sugar in your blood.
● However, over time, it’s possible to develop insulin resistance. This is when your cells no longer respond well to the action of insulin, and blood sugar remains elevated.
Intermittent fasting reduces both the blood sugar and insulin levels,
which ultimately allows for the use of body fat for energy.
Decreased insulin resistance. Eating less frequently keeps your blood sugar lower, lowers your
insulin levels, and can help increase insulin sensitivity. Type-2 diabetes
is the result of excessive insulin resistance. Some people with type-2
diabetes are able to heal themselves eventually through intermittent
The weight loss that often occurs
with intermittent fasting also increases insulin resistance.
Weight loss. With lower
insulin levels, lower calories, and greater insulin sensitivity, weight
loss often occurs. In some cases, it occurs rather quickly.
Lower blood pressure. Even
without weight loss, intermittent fasting has been shown to lower blood
pressure in human subjects. Interestingly, the eating window had to be
eight hours or less to see this effect in the absence of weight loss.
Possible lowered risk of cancer. Several animal studies have shown that intermittent fasting can
help to treat and prevent cancer. Studies in humans still need to be
Increased growth hormone.
Growth hormone levels can be boosted significantly via intermittent
fasting. Growth hormone can do a lot of good things in adults:
● Improve bone density.
● Increase muscle mass.
Lower body fat levels.
Cellular repair. There are
processes in the body for repairing cells. These processes appear to be
stimulated by intermittent fasting. It has also been suggested when the
body spends less time and energy digesting food, it has more time and
energy for these cellular repair processes.
Autophagy. When cells are
beyond repair, they are destroyed by the body by a process called
autophagy. Autophagy literally means “self-eating.” The body is eating its
damaged cells, and this leads to the production of new cells.
Reduced inflammation. Many
scientists believe that cancer, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, obesity,
diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease, and many others are all
attributed to systemic inflammation in the body.
There’s little doubt that even low
levels of inflammation are damaging to the brain, arteries, organs, and other
cells of the body over time.
Intermittent fasting can help in
this regard by reducing inflammation in your body.
Some causes of inflammation that
can be helped by intermittent fasting are:
High blood sugar
Unhealthy foods
Oxidative stress. Eating too much
and eating unhealthy foods creates oxidative stress which damages the cells and
leads to inflammation.
Immune cells. Certain types of
immune cells are part of the inflammation process. Intermittent fasting reduces
the activity of these immune cells.
Enhanced brain health.
Intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of many neurological disorders
such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke. Animal
studies have been very promising, but human trials are still necessary to
verify the benefits in humans.
Intermittent fasting is believed
to boost memory, learning, and the generation of new neurons.
Those that practice intermittent
fasting also report less brain fog throughout the day.
Increased longevity. All of
these health benefits make it very likely that this style of eating can
increase the likelihood of enjoying greater health and a longer lifespan.
More free time. Fewer meals
mean less time spent cooking, eating, and cleaning up afterwards. If you
choose to adopt an intermittent fasting lifestyle, you’ll be surprised by
how much time you used to spend dealing with meals.
Less hunger. When you go
without food for about 12 hours, your body uses up all of its glucose
supplies. This is when fat burning begins. When your body is burning fat for fuel, one of the metabolic
products produced is ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are known to blunt the
Eating fewer meals also results in
fewer blood sugar spikes and low points, resulting in less hunger.
● Less hunger can also lead to weight loss.
Improved palate. Eating
less frequently often leads to a greater appreciation for healthy foods.
You might find that your vegetables are more appealing after you start
intermittent fasting.
Lower cholesterol and LDL numbers. Several studies have shown a drop in cholesterol and LDL values in intermittent fasters.
There are so many benefits to intermittent fasting. And best of all, there’s very little risk, and it’s free.
Can you think of anything else that can do more for your health for free? You can’t even talk to a doctor for 30 seconds for less than $150 in most cities!
There are things your doctor can do for you that you can’t do for yourself.
But your diet is something that you can do for yourself that your doctor can’t do for you. Be sure that you’re taking full responsibility for your health.
While intermittent fasting is very safe, there are a few potential hazards, which we’ll look at next.
Intermittent fasting is incredibly safe for the vast majority of the population. However, there are potentially a few exceptions.
If you have any concerns after reading this chapter, give your doctor a call and set up an appointment. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Intermittent fasting can be risky for certain groups of people:
Those with a history of eating disorders.
Many mental health experts believe that intermittent fasting
could be problematic for those with current or past eating disorders. In
this case, a more conventional style of eating is recommended.
Anyone under the age of 18.
Anyone that’s still growing should postpone intermittent fasting until
they are physically mature. The age of 18 is a safe bet for most, but if
you’re over 18 and still growing, it’s best to wait to begin an
intermittent eating plan.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
It might be difficult to ensure that all the required calories
and nutrients are being consumed each day. Growing a baby and producing
milk requires a fair number of calories, vitamins, and minerals.
It’s best to
work with your doctor if you have diabetes. Intermittent fasting can be
very helpful for type-2 diabetics, but it’s best to consult your
Those that are underweight.
If you need to gain weight to be at your best weight, intermittent fasting
is likely to be a step in the wrong direction.
Those on multiple medications.
Check with your doctor first.
It’s understandable that these six groups might be better off following a more conventional diet. Again, let your doctor be your guide if you have any concerns.
The whole purpose of intermittent fasting is to enhance your health. There’s no point in following a diet that could be detrimental to you.
Intermittent fasting can produce a few side effects, too, such as:
The common side effects of intermittent fasting are far from life threatening but can certainly be annoying.
Most of these side-effects only occur during the first week or so, and most people report zero side-effects.
The risk of intermittent fasting is minimal if you’re not in one of the higher-risk groups.
How does intermittent fasting accomplish all of the amazing benefits that it provides?
There are several interesting things that scientists have discovered about intermittent fasting and the physiological effects that are produced.
Not everything is known yet, but there’s enough to be confident in the benefits of intermittent fasting.
There are 4 states in the fasting cycle:
The first state is the absorptive state.
This begins immediately after eating. You’re fed and your body is
digesting and absorbing nutrients.
This state is roughly four hours
in duration. The body relies on glucose for energy and the mechanisms for
storing body fat are very active.
This is the state most of us are in the vast majority of the time. We
eat again before our metabolism moves on to the next state.
The next state is the postabsorptive state. This state lasts from 8 to 12 hours. The primary source of fuel
is still glucose, but the source is the liver, rather than directly from
The fasted state. Once the
liver glycogen stores are depleted, the body is in a fasted state. At this
point, the body is switching over from glucose to other energy sources,
including fat.
The final state is a switch from fat storage to fat
mobilization. This is the point that the body has
no interest in storing fat but is very interested in releasing fat to be
used as energy.
This is also a period of low
insulin. In fact, low insulin is considered to be one of the primary triggers
for this state. It’s also why diabetics that use insulin have a very difficult
time losing fat. The body is reluctant to hold onto fat if insulin levels are
Intermittent fasting allows the body to move beyond states one and two. There are many health benefits that occur once the fasted state is reached.
It’s easy to see that if you eat until late
into the night and begin eating early in the morning, the fasted state is never
Other mechanisms for the benefits
realized by intermittent fasting include:
Fewer calories. A smaller
eating window tends to result in consuming fewer calories.
A fasting period of at least 16
hours each day encourages the use of fat for energy and results in a rise in
ketone bodies in the blood, which lessens appetite.
This has many benefits, including
weight loss, which leads to other positive health results.
Lower inflammation. Less
inflammation leads to lower incidence of heart disease, stroke, arthritis,
and many other diseases.
Lower IGF-1. Insulin-like
growth factor 1 is involved in the growth of bones and tissue. High levels
of IGF-1 are implicated in the developments of several types of cancer.
Intermittent fasting lowers IGF-1, and lower levels of IGF-1 are
associated with longer life spans.
Lower blood sugar levels, lower insulin levels, and
greater insulin sensitivity. All of these greatly
contribute to health, leanness, and longevity. High blood sugar is
devastating to the lining of blood vessels and to nerves.
Compliance. The healthiest
eating plan in the world is worthless if you can’t follow it. Intermittent
fasting results in considerably better compliance than simply following a
reduced calorie diet.
Increased autophagy. The damaged cells are removed from the body more quickly and efficiently when intermittent fasting. Autophagy plays a big role in preventing cancer.
While all of these are amazing, it’s important to note that this is how your body was designed to operate.
You’re allowing your body to do what it naturally does.
Intermittent fasting prevents you from getting in the way of your body’s natural processes.
Intermittent fasting isn’t really making your body do anything.
You’ve just been preventing your body from doing all of these things by eating too much and too often.
There’s more than one road to get to the intermittent fasting promised land.
There are several popular eating/fasting schedules, and you always have the option to create your own plan.
Let’s take a look at a few options.
Consider the intermittent fasting schedule that will work best for you:
16:8. This is the most common intermittent fasting eating schedule. On this plan you have eight hours of eating and a 16-hour fast. This can be very convenient.
You can skip breakfast and begin eating at noon. Your eating window lasts until 8PM, which allows for lunch, dinner, and a snack. You’re free to use the eight hours as you see fit.
Some people modify this plan by decreasing the eating window to as little as 2 hours. It’s up to you but avoid an eating window of over 8 hours.
5:2. This plan allows for five days of regular
eating and two days of very low calorie eating.
The commonly suggested caloric intake for the two low-calorie days is 500
calories for women and 600 for men.
Eat-Stop-Eat. You simply
eat on some days and skip eating altogether on others. Two days of fasting
per week is the most common schedule. However, many people have success
with just one day a week, while others prefer three.
Alternate day fasting. Just
as the name suggests, you eat one day and fast the next.
One meal a day. This plan
has a lot of fans. You eat one meal a day or have a one-hour eating window
each day. Most people prefer to eat their one meal at dinner, but it’s
entirely up to you. If you want to lose a significant amount of weight
quickly, this is a great option.
Your own schedule. Many people choose to follow their own intermittent fasting schedule. Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square has a unique fasting schedule. He eats one meal a day from Sunday night until Thursday night. He doesn’t eat anything on Friday or Saturday.
There’s more than one way to do intermittent fasting. The right schedule depends on you and your lifestyle.
Everyone is different and the best schedule for someone else might not be the best schedule for you.
Feel free to give a few options a try and pick the one that works the best for you.
The best option is the one that you can follow consistently
It’s not enough to read about intermittent fasting. At some point, it’s necessary to get started and actually do it!
Intermittent fasting is simple once your body gets used to it and you lock down the right schedule.
There are several tips that make your first intermittent fasting experience easier.
Use these strategies to get started with intermittent fasting today:
Try 16:8 first. This tends to be the easiest plan
for most people, because many are already close
to following this plan already. Many people eat a minimal breakfast
anyway, so skipping it altogether isn’t a huge change.
● The only challenge is managing
food consumption in the later evening hours when many people struggle with
16:8 is the best place to start
unless one of the other options is highly appealing to you.
Set an easy goal. Rather
than decide on day 1 that you’re going to eat this way for the rest of
your life, start with something smaller. A week is a good goal, and you’re
likely to feel pretty good after a week.
Once you’ve accomplished a week,
aim for two more weeks. Three weeks is enough time to determine if intermittent
fasting is for you.
Even easier is to do just a few
intermittent fasting days the first week, and then add additional days when you
believe you can be successful.
Pick the best 8-hour window for you. While most people on a 16:8 schedule choose to eat from noon-8PM,
there’s no reason you have to use these times.
If you like to eat in the morning,
you can start eating at 6AM if you like.
Or maybe you’d like to have a late
breakfast, normal lunch, and early dinner.
You’re free to choose the continuous 8-hour period that works for you.
Get the junk food out of the house (mostly). An 8-hour window is still plenty of time to eat enough to gain
weight and be unhealthy. Eight hours just makes it harder.
One cardinal rule of any eating plan is: If it’s in the house, you’ll
eventually eat it.
Don’t deprive yourself of all the
foods you love but keep your access under control. A small bag of M&Ms is a
better option than the big bag.
Fill up on healthy foods first. When you do sit down to eat, focus on eating healthy foods that
you enjoy. If you want to eat something unhealthy, wait until the end of
the meal and enjoy a small indulgence. Focus on:
● Vegetables
● Fruits
● Healthy sources of protein
● Whole grains
● Healthy fats
● Water is a great, healthy, low-calorie option that can fill you up quickly.
Have a plan for hunger. What are you going to do if you experience hunger outside of your eating window? You’re not intermittent fasting if you’re not sticking to the plan.
Studies show that those with a
plan to handle negative events such as hunger, anxiety, or the urge to spend
irresponsibly are much more likely to be successful when those events occur
than those without a plan. So, have a plan.
You could read a book, go for a
walk, drink a glass of water, knit, clean the house, dance, call a friend, or
chop wood.
When you want to eat, consider
whether you’re really hungry or just bored, stressed, or lonely. If you’re not
hungry, distract yourself.
Exercise. Exercise is a
good idea for everyone that doesn’t have a manual labor job. Your body
needs some physical activity to be healthy. Exercise also helps to control
appetite and will make it easier to stick to the plan.
Take it easy at first, but there’s
no reason why most people can’t exercise without reservation.
For example, do you know of David
Goggins? David needed to lose 106 pounds in less than three months to qualify
for Navy Seal training. He ate one meal a day and exercised for several hours
every single day. He was successful and became a Navy Seal.
It might feel a little intimidating to begin intermittent fasting.
The most important aspects are just getting started and avoiding the need for perfection.
It might take some time to find the right eating/fasting schedule that works best for you. Be patient and do your best to enjoy the process.
Can I eat whatever I want during my eating window? You can, but just because you’re eating in a narrower window than
before doesn’t mean that food quality doesn’t matter.
You will see benefits from
intermittent fasting even if you eat the same foods you normally eat. However, higher-quality food will yield
better results.
Avoid the belief that you can now
eat a lot of junk and still see significant benefits.
What can I consume during my fasting period? Ideally water. Diet drinks, plain tea, and coffee are all calorie
free and acceptable. Anything with calories is best avoided.
What is the best eating schedule? The best eating schedule is the one that you will best adhere to.
If I follow 16:8, what is the best time of day for
my 8-hour eating window? Again, the best schedule
is the one that you’ll adhere to.
The second answer is to eat earlier in the day. The body’s digestive system is believed to have a circadian rhythm
like your sleep cycle. Your body is best at digesting and assimilating food in
the morning. You’ll also be less likely to affect your sleep if you eat earlier
in the day.
How should I manage hunger while fasting? Here are a few tips:
● Remind yourself that you’ll be eating before too long.
● Remind yourself that what you’re doing is good for your health.
● Drink a big glass of water.
● Exercise.
Distract yourself in any way you
can that isn’t unhealthy. For example, smoking isn’t the best option here.
What if I don’t want to lose weight, but I still
want the health benefits of intermittent fasting?
You’ll simply need to ensure that you’re eating enough. Just eat more food
at your meals and/or ensure that you’re eating some foods that are more
calorie dense.
Are there any supplements I should take? There’s no reason to take any supplements just because you are
practicing intermittent fasting. There’s no reason to avoid any either. It
would be best to take any supplements during your eating period.
What is the longest I can safely fast for? In supervised fasting clinics around the world, six weeks is
pretty standard. That’s right, six weeks without food. While you can
probably fast for six weeks safely, having medical supervision would be
best for such an undertaking.
In the world of intermittent
fasting, fasting for an entire weekend without food is fine if your doctor is
Will I lose muscle from intermittent fasting? Most studies show that intermittent fasting has no impact on lean
body mass. A few studies show minimal lean body mass losses, while others
show minimal gains.
● If your muscle mass is affected, it will be inconsequential.
Those that have been intermittent fasting successfully for years have a lot of tips to pass along to others who want to be successful.
A few additional bits of knowledge might make all the difference.
Below you will find the most common tips from the experts.
Keep these tips in mind to maximize the odds of success:
Have a glass of water every few
hours. If you can’t stand the thought of drinking water, choose another
zero-calorie beverage.
Intermittent fasting is a more natural way of eating than the current custom in North America and most of the world.
Our bodies weren’t designed to consume food from early in the day until late at night. There are a lot of benefits to eating inside of a smaller window of time.
The benefits of intermittent fasting are a result of the metabolic changes that occur. The major changes include:
● Better insulin sensitivity
● Lower blood sugar levels
● Less inflammation
● Increased fat burning
These changes also lead to lower body weight which is a healthy step for most of the population.
The benefits you can expect to receive are numerous:
● Lower body weight and lower body fat levels
● Decreased risk of many diseases
● Increased longevity
● Eating fewer meals leads to more free time
There are a few groups of people that might not be suited to intermittent fasting.
If you fall into one of these groups, have a chat with your physician. The benefits gained from intermittent fasting are worth a visit to your doctor.
Choose the best eating/fasting schedule for your life and your personality.
Sticking with this style of eating is more important than the specific schedule you choose. They’re ultimately all a path to the same destination.
If you’d like to be healthier, intermittent fasting is an idea worth considering. If you have any questions or concerns, talk with your doctor.
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional
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Further reading through our articles on health issues will give
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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