What Are Hemorrhoids?

A health article about hemorrhoids from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies

No one really likes to talk about them because hemorrhoids are related to one of the body functions that people find embarrassing to deal with.

On top of that, they can be painful, which is usually what causes most people to seek some form of discreet treatment.

Most cases are easily treated and less than 10 percent of cases require surgery.  They often vanish, even without treatment, in a few days.

Many people consider this condition too embarrassing to talk about – even to a doctor.

In fact, it’s so embarrassing that there’s no accurate way to determine how many people may be affected by the condition.

What we do know is that over half of the population in the U.S. becomes afflicted at some time in their lives – especially occurring in those between 45 and 65 years of age.

Men and women are equally affected and the problem occurs more frequently in higher economic status Caucasians.

The first hint of the disease came from the 1700 BC Egyptians on a papyrus paper which offers an ointment remedy for hemorrhoids of acacia leaves which are ground, titurated and simmered together.

Some of the common symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Most people know right away whether or not they have hemorrhoids, but the symptoms are common.

One of the most often recognized signs of the condition comes after a bowel movement when you see blood that’s brighter than normal.

If the hemorrhoids are large, you’ll feel pain as pressure is placed against them during a bowel movement.

You might experience pain, itching and a feeling of rawness even when you’re not in the bathroom.

If you do think that you have hemorrhoids, there’s never a need to let yourself suffer when you can easily find products that offer quick relief and healing.

There are two types of hemorrhoids – internal and external – and about 40% of the population experience no symptoms.

Some have a combination of the two types and only seek help when they experience bleeding or extreme pain.

Sometimes, bleeding of hemorrhoids cause anemia, but that’s not common and most of the time not life-threatening.

Usually, you can diagnose hemorrhoids yourself, but a medical doctor may be necessary to help with treatments in extreme cases.

Imaging or lab tests aren’t required to diagnose hemorrhoids, which are obvious from the discomfort around the anus they cause and pain during bowel movements or when sitting.

You may also experience itching and bleeding around the anus area.

Occurrences of hemorrhoids may be recurring, but the outlook of treating them without surgery is good.

You may have symptoms off and on during your entire life.

What Is the Difference Between External Hemorrhoids & Internal Hemorrhoids?

There are two types of hemorrhoids - external and internal.

An external hemorrhoid is the inflammation of the soft tissue on the outside of the anus, whereas an internal hemorrhoid is the inflammation of the anal tissue that resides within the in the rectum.  

External hemorrhoids are easier to diagnose and treat than internal hemorrhoids. 

Since they are located on the exterior of the anus, the bumps caused by blood filling the tissue can be felt and seen. 

The bumps, known as piles, are usually raw, sore, and itchy.  Bright red blood may be found on the toilet paper following a bowel movement.

Pain when sitting is common with external hemorrhoids and getting rid of them for good can feel like a nightmare.

External hemorrhoids are more likely to respond to home-care remedies such as over-the-counter products (creams, pads, etc.), sitz baths, and good personal hygiene practices. 

These remedies alleviate the discomfort and the hemorrhoids usually disappear entirely within a few weeks. 

Many cases of internal hemorrhoids are not painful and are not noticed until blood appears in the stools or streaked on toilet paper following a bowel movement.

Internal hemorrhoids can also cause a non-painful, persistent urge to move the bowels, even when there is no necessity to do so. 

However, large internal hemorrhoids can be very painful, especially during a bowel movement, and cannot be treated with creams, ointments, and pads because of their internal location.   

Very large internal hemorrhoids that swell and protrude through the anal opening are said to be prolapsed hemorrhoids. 

Prolapsed hemorrhoids can be painful and are often accompanied by heavy blood and mucous discharge. 

Mucous that seeps from the hemorrhoid causes severe itching and irritation of the anus and surrounding area. 

Prolapsed hemorrhoids, if they are not too swollen, can be gently pushed back into the rectum to reduce pain and discomfort when wiping or sitting.

Prompt medical attention should be sought if you think you may have a prolapsed hemorrhoid.

A prolapsed hemorrhoid that is too swollen to push back into the rectum may become strangulated.

Strangulated hemorrhoids also occur when a clot has formed in its blood supply.

That is, the blood supply to the hemorrhoid has been cut off, resulting in excruciating pain. 

Strangulated hemorrhoids require emergency medical attention.

If you’re unsure whether you have internal hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids, it’s always best to consult your physician.

Doctor-with-Xray hemorrhoids

What Causes Hemorrhoids

The reasons that hemorrhoids develop are numerous, but all have the same underlying factor - which is pressure on the area.

Your anal canal contains veins and whenever these veins are strained in any way, it can cause hemorrhoids to develop.

Your bathroom habits are the most common cause of this irritating health issue.

If you experience trouble going to the bathroom because of constipation, the struggle to eliminate can cause the veins to begin to bulge.

Because of constipation, you might stay on the toilet longer and this is another cause of hemorrhoids.

Most people believe that it’s only the strain from the constipation that can apply pressure to those veins.

But having long term diarrhea can also cause hemorrhoids to develop.

The actual cause of hemorrhoids isn’t known, but there are factors which increase the risk such as:

  • Constipation or diarrhea,
  • low fiber diets,
  • pregnancies,
  • genetics,
  • prolonged straining during bowel movements,
  • abdominal masses,
  • aging,
  • obesity,
  • chronic coughing,
  • anal intercourse,
  • no valves within hemorrhoid veins and
  • dysfunction within the pelvis

may all contribute to increasing your chances of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids aren’t veins or arteries, but are normal blood vessels (sinusoids).

They’re found in the tissue surrounding the anus and rectum and may swell and dilate from pressure.

The swelling and dilation sometimes causes the hemorrhoid to bleed and prolapse (protrude from the anus) because the blood has more difficulty emptying from them.

This can cause pain during bowel movements or prolonged sitting.

After a pregnancy, women are usually able to get rid of hemorrhoids – and losing weight is also a factor in reducing the risk.

While it’s rare for children to experience hemorrhoids, the risk goes up at the age of 14 and continues to rise as we age.

External hemorrhoids lie just under the skin around the anus and may itch or bleed.

Internal hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum and don’t usually cause discomfort unless you strain or irritate them during a bowel movement.

Sometimes, they can be pushed through the anal opening.

Occasionally, a thrombosed hemorrhoid may bleed and form a clot which then swells and becomes inflamed.

You may also notice a lump near your anal opening.

If you experience large amounts of bleeding or faintness, see a doctor immediately.

Keep in mind that bleeding from the anus or rectum isn’t normal.

Hemorrhoids tend to be the most common problem when there’s blood in the stool, but make sure you discuss the problem with your physician.

Some causes of bleeding from the rectum may be serious and include IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and cancer of the colon.

Never ignore the bleeding, but seek help to get a diagnosis.

Also keep in mind that hemorrhoids don’t cause abdominal pain.

If you’re experiencing bleeding and pain in the abdomen, seek medical care as soon as possible.

Blood loss from hemorrhoids may cause weakness and lightheadedness if the loss is significant.

Seek medical help if that problem occurs – especially if you’re taking anticoagulation medications such as Pradaxa, Warfarin, Xarelto, Plavis or Lovenox.

These meds may cause excessive bleeding from the rectum if you have hemorrhoids.

Prolapsed hemorrhoids can sometimes be gently pushed back through the anus, but if not, you should seek medical care.

Also, thrombosed, external hemorrhoids may need medical care if you’re in extreme pain.

Risk Factors: Who are prone to Hemorrhoids?

man obese

People who are overweight, and especially obese people, will find that hemorrhoids occur because of the amount of force that extra weight places on those veins.

Being pregnant can also make hemorrhoids appear. This is caused because of the pressure as the baby grows.

Usually, the condition doesn’t appear until about the sixth month.

Many women also experience pregnancy related constipation, which adds to the chance of developing hemorrhoids.

Your diet can also be a contributing factor to the reason why you get hemorrhoids.

People who don’t eat enough foods that are high in fiber can struggle to eliminate.

As you grow older, you can get hemorrhoids because the area of your anus and rectum will lose their elasticity.

Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Avoid straining during a bowel movement and drink adequate fluids each day to keep stools soft. 

A high-fiber diet acts as a stool softener as well and will reduce gas and bloating. 

Always make time for a bowel movement as soon as the urge presents itself – waiting can make stools harder, making them more difficult to pass. 

Regular exercise and loss of excess weight will also ease factors contributing to hemorrhoids.

In addition to over-the-counter products, certain home remedies and practices are further recommended to ease hemorrhoid symptoms. 

The anal area should be kept clean and dry. 

Use of perfume- and alcohol-free moistened toilet paper or towelettes following a bowel movement will cleanse and ease the pain of wiping the inflamed area.

Regular soaks in warm baths or sitz baths help to relieve inflammation and keep the anus and surrounding area clean. 

Ice packs can also be used to numb aching hemorrhoids.


Finding a Long-Term Hemorrhoids Cure

Chronic hemorrhoids are more often than not an indication that a lifestyle adjustment is overdue.  A long-term hemorrhoids cure can be as simple as making a few changes in daily practices. 

Habits and routines that have become ingrained may need to be reevaluated to prevent recurring hemorrhoids and avoid invasive surgery.

Hectic daily life often leads us to find quick and easy meal solutions. 

Unfortunately, unhealthy choices are all too easy to make without much thought given to nutrition or digestive processes. 

A healthy diet rich in fiber strengthens rectal veins and valves in and around the anus. 

Fiber also acts as a natural stool softer, eliminating the need to strain in order to pass stools. 

Fruits and vegetables, as well as grains, cereals, and whole-wheat pastas are excellent sources of natural fiber. 

Consider using a fiber supplement. 

Read the ‘Nutrition Facts’ label on food products: men should consume about 35 grams and women at least 22 grams of fiber each day. 

Awareness of what one’s diet consists of is key in making the right changes in food choices. 

Over-processed foods low in fiber and high in carbohydrates lead to dry, hard stools that cause constipation. 

Frequent constipation is a common cause of hemorrhoids due to straining and excessive pressure on rectal walls and veins. 

Paradoxically, recurrent diarrhea also causes hemorrhoids:  regular consumption of fatty foods, excess alcohol or caffeine, and some medications create watery stools. 

Daily discharge of diarrhea can damage the rectal veins from moving the bowels too frequently. 

Drink at least six glasses of water per day to promote regularity and healthy bowel movements.

In addition to diet, regular exercise is essential to preventing hemorrhoids. 

It is unnatural, and therefore unhealthy, for human beings to be sedentary. 

A lifestyle of inactivity that commonly accompanies our desk jobs and such conveniences as cars, computers, and televisions creates ideal conditions for hemorrhoids. 

Daily exercise that is age and health appropriate aids the natural movement of the digestive system, promotes healthy weight, and relieves anxiety that causes hypertension.

Good toilet practices are imperative to realizing a long-term hemorrhoids cure. 

Always make time to move your bowels as soon as possible when the urge presents itself. 

Once the stools pass from the colon to the rectum, they tend to try and harden.

Take the least amount of time needed to eliminate – don’t use the bathroom as a library.

Prompt elimination reduces straining. 

Wipe cleanly and completely after each bowel movement – moisture and feces consistently left behind are conducive to hemorrhoids. 

Shower or bathe daily to remove dirt and perspiration. 

Self-care and a healthy lifestyle are usually sufficient to attain a long-term hemorrhoids cure. 

Only in very few cases is surgery necessary for a cure. 

Hemorrhoids that refuse to go away despite your best efforts should be attended to by a physician.

drink water to help prevent hemorrhoids


European surgeons Lanfranc, Guy de Chauliac, Henri de Mondeville and John of Ardene made huge progress in surgical procedures for hemorrhoids during the 13th century and some of the techniques are still used today.

If you do have hemorrhoids, you shouldn’t ignore them because they can lead to conditions such as anemia due to blood loss.

Even a small amount of blood loss on a regular basis can cause a depletion in your red blood cell count.

Over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatments can often be used to relieve mild discomfort, including pain, swelling, rawness and anal itching when wiping following a bowel movement. 

Products such as creams, pads, and ointments that contain hydrocortisone, witch hazel, or other ingredients to alleviate itching and soreness, can be obtained at a nearby pharmacy. 

Products containing acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also be taken orally for pain associated with hemorrhoids.

Over-the-counter products and self-care practices only alleviate the symptoms of internal or external hemorrhoids and are not a cure. 

If hemorrhoids persist, causing severe pain, bleeding, or symptoms that are not relieved within a few days of self-treatment, a trip to your doctor’s office will be necessary.

Minimally invasive procedures can be performed in a doctor’s office. 

A blood clot in an external hemorrhoid can be removed easily, giving the sufferer quick relief. 

Other hemorrhoid treatments, such as laser therapy or rubber-band ligation, aim to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrivel and drop off, thereby providing relief within a few days.

Only in extreme cases, such as large hemorrhoids or when other treatments are ineffective, is more invasive surgery required. 

Daily, repeated practices of bodily and anal hygiene can help prevent recurring hemorrhoids. 

Hemorrhoids are nearly always a transient condition. 

However, if severe hemorrhoids persist or are recurrent in spite of good hygiene practices, home care remedies, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, surgery as a last resort may be necessary for enduring relief. 

Surgery, or a hemorrhoidectomy, is required in less than one percent of cases and should be considered only when all other treatments have failed.

Depending on the location and severity of the offending hemorrhoids, minimally invasive procedures can be performed with local anesthesia in a surgeon’s office or on an outpatient basis.

While still unpleasant and painful, the aftercare and recovery time associated with these procedures are significantly less than with major surgery.

Less invasive techniques block the blood supply to the hemorrhoid causing it to die and slough off. 

One such procedure is rubber band ligation (RBL), whereby a physician places a band around the base of the hemorrhoid, strangulating the blood flow. 

Similarly, stapling devices also interrupt circulation to hemorrhoids and tend to be less painful than RBL.

Laser coagulation and heat coagulation create a blockage by forming a clot in the blood vessel.

Another method, sclerotherapy, uses a hardening solution injected into the hemorrhoid causing it to shrivel and eventually fall off.

Treatment with major surgery is necessary to remove large, severe, often prolapsed, internal hemorrhoids. 

The same risks and post-operative care, along with a longer recovery time, inherent with any major surgery can be expected.  

This type of hemorrhoidectomy involves removal through surgical incisions made around the base of the hemorrhoid to excise it completely. 

Recovery time from a major hemorrhoidectomy is about 3 weeks. 

Bleeding is normal and antibiotics are often prescribed to prevent infection. 

Ice packs may be used in addition to the prescribed and over-the counter medication to numb the pain from the incisions. 

Frequent soaks in warm sitz baths are recommended to ease discomfort and muscle spasms.

While treatment through major surgery is the most painful and difficult to recover from, it is also the treatment least likely to see a recurrence of hemorrhoids. 

But because of its radical nature and lingering effects, surgery is impractical for most sufferers of hemorrhoids. 

Unless hemorrhoids are chronic and severe, treatment with surgery is more unpleasant and painful than the hemorrhoids themselves.

Following recovery from surgery, major or minor, your mind must be set on preventing a relapse of hemorrhoids. 

The conditions that caused the hemorrhoids in the first place must be changed and counteracted.

Healthy lifestyle elements, especially a diet rich in fiber, exercise, and good hygiene practices must be put into place to avoid relapse.

healthy food with fiber helps prevent hemorrhoids

Self Care strategies for Living with Hemorrhoids

It’s not fun to have to go to the doctor for treatment of hemorrhoids. Not only that, it can be expensive if you have to see a gastroenterologist.

While going to the doctor is certainly an option, there’s a less embarrassing, much less expensive choice that you can do right at home to treat your hemorrhoids.

The treatments can not only eliminate the pain, but can take care of the swelling and itching as well.

If you’re currently experiencing pain and itching due to hemorrhoids, take a sitz bath because warm water can help ease the pain.

Put a small amount of warm, not hot water, in your tub or a portable plastic tub and sit down in it.

You’ll want to sit for at least 10 minutes each time and try to do it once in the morning and once in the evening.

The warmth from the water helps reduce the swelling.

After you have a bowel movement, make sure that you’re not using anything that can irritate the hemorrhoids such as using rough tissue.

With hemorrhoids, always use soft toilet paper.

When you bathe or shower, make sure that you’re not using any soaps or bath washes because many of these can contain ingredients that can irritate hemorrhoids.

Make sure after bathing that the area is completely dry since moisture can irritate hemorrhoids.

After the area is clean and dry, you can treat it with ointment or creams that are known to give relief for the condition.

You’ll want to make sure that these treatments are specifically labeled as helping to treat hemorrhoids.

To use these, you simply apply them directly to the area.

As with any area of the body, when hemorrhoids swell, it can increase the level of pain that you experience.

In order to bring that swelling down, you can use ice. You can either buy a small ice pack or use a sandwich bag.

Crush a little bit of ice, put it in the bag, then put the bag against the area.

It can also be helpful to take medications such as ibuprofen which are known to not only help cut out pain but can also help with any inflammation you might have.

If you’ve been wearing tight fitting clothing against the area, you’ll need to avoid that until the hemorrhoids are better.

Choose underwear that allows good air flow to the area such as ones that are made with cotton.

You can also change the way that you do things so that you can treat your hemorrhoids.

Don’t strain when you’re on the toilet. If you do find that you’re not eliminating easily, you need to add more fiber to your diet.

Up your water intake. When your body isn’t hydrated enough, it can make stool harder to pass.

Make sure that you’re physical. Exercising helps prevent constipation that can trigger hemorrhoid flare ups.

If you are currently experiencing the uncomfortable pain from hemorrhoids, make sure that you sit on something soft, especially if you have the kind of job where you’re sitting for long periods of time.

Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment

People who have experienced hemorrhoids or fissures know that the pain can be pretty excruciating. Each bowel movement that you have when you have the conditions can make the pain flare to higher levels.

It can end up making you feel reluctant to even go to the bathroom.

When it reaches that stage, you’re willing to do anything and to shell out any amount of money to find relief, which is what most people do.

Unfortunately, there are more over the counter medications that don’t work than those that do.

But there is one ointment that can give you fast relief and it’s called Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment.

You can finally say goodbye to the pain and enjoy life the way that you once did before you developed hemorrhoids.

Thousands of people have effectively found relief from their symptoms thanks to this product.

The ingredients in the product not only treat the hemorrhoid, but they also eliminate the painful, irritating side effects such as bleeding.

While the bleeding can be annoying, it can also be problematic in that any residual bleeding keeps the area moist, which in turn can inflame the hemorrhoids.

By stopping the bleeding, you stop that irritation - thanks to the ointment.

Not only that, but bleeding from hemorrhoids that isn’t contained can affect your red blood cell level.

The moment that you apply it, the product goes to work right away to stop the swelling, which is one of the causes of the pain you might be experiencing.

Hemorrhoids commonly cause itching because of inflammation and swelling.

This itching can be annoying, but it can also be to the extreme where you feel like you just can’t stand it another second.

The ointment can cure the itching – regardless of whether it’s happening a little or a lot.

It can also stop that burning, raw feeling you can get with hemorrhoids so that you feel comfortable all day.

The ointment gets to work as soon as you apply it. One of the reasons why it’s so effective and works so quickly is that it was created by a board certified proctologist.

The cream is colorless, so it won’t stain any of your undergarments. It’s also odorless, so you won’t notice any weird scents associated with using it.

The ointment is made using organic herbs along with minerals and amino acids that are known to promote natural healing.

This maximum strength ointment not only heals hemorrhoids, but gives you instant soothing relief from your symptoms because it contains a topical pain reliever. You don’t have to suffer a second longer.

aromatherapy bath

Caring for Bleeding Hemorrhoids:

Bleeding hemorrhoids are caused by the irritation of swollen hemorrhoidal veins and anal tissue. 

They can be external or internal. Hemorrhoids, especially internal hemorrhoids, often go unnoticed until blood appears spotted on toilet paper in the stools after a bowel movement. 

Too much pressure on the rectal and anal veins is the most common cause of bleeding hemorrhoids. 

Straining due to constipation, too much sitting, poor diet, obesity, pregnancy, and lack of exercise are the usual suspects that bring about hemorrhoids. 

Bleeding results from inflammation of the veins and tissue in and around the anus.

Bleeding hemorrhoids can be treated at home if they aren’t too severe. 

It’s important to treat a bleeding hemorrhoid as soon as it’s noticed to avoid enlargement and increased pain. 

However, if there is heavy bleeding, severe pain, or if the hemorrhoid is prolapsed (protruding through the anus), a doctor should be seen for treatment.

Self-care and home remedies practiced regularly will usually relieve the symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids. 

Creams, ointments, pads, and suppositories can be purchased over-the-counter to treat bleeding hemorrhoids.

Products containing corticosteroids act as a vasoconstrictor to reduce bleeding and itching. 

Witch hazel, petroleum jelly, or aloe vera applied directly with a cotton swab are also effective, soothing home remedies.

Stay away from spicy foods and increase fiber in the diet.  Eat more fruits and vegetables and consider adding a fiber supplement. 

Drink at least six glasses of water a day and avoid drinking alcohol, sodas, and other caffeinated beverages to promote regularity and healthy bowels.

Keeping the anal area dry and clean will reduce itching and irritation. 

Moistened toilet paper or towelettes make wiping after a bowel movement less painful; just be sure to gently pat the area dry after wiping. 

Regular soaks in warm baths cleanse and soothe inflamed hemorrhoids. A hair dryer set on low can be used after bathing to avoid direct contact with the raw area.

One hundred percent cotton undergarments will also promote dryness. 

Though the area may itch, try not to scratch as this will exacerbate the bleeding and further inflame the hemorrhoid. 

Perfumed products and products containing alcohol, such as lotions, scented toilet paper, and body spray are irritants that should be avoided. 

Wear loose, comfortable clothing that do not chafe the affected area. 

A doughnut-shaped foam pillow to make sitting easier can be bought where medical supplies are sold.

If bleeding hemorrhoids persist beyond a few days with home self-care, seek help from a physician who can present medical alternatives.

Diet change strategies:

Hemorrhoids are a health problem that can make going to the bathroom something you dread. It can be painful to have a bowel movement, but it can also be painful throughout the day.

If you’re someone who has struggled with the side effects of hemorrhoids, you can find fast relief.

In fact, with Dr. Frederick's Original 15 Day Rapid Hemorrhoid Relief, you can have freedom from irritating hemorrhoids quicker than you can with most treatments that you can find at the drug store.

This product is so effective that doctors recommend it. It’s a fiber supplement that works fast to give you the relief that you’re seeking.

If you’re someone who deals with bleeding that’s associated with hemorrhoids, then taking this treatment can reduce - and in many cases - eliminate that bleeding.

Not only can the supplement stop rectal bleeding cause by hemorrhoids, but it can also put a stop to the itching that’s often present when you have them.

While internal hemorrhoids don’t cause itching, external ones do, because as you have a bowel movement, especially with any straining, it irritates the hemorrhoids and they itch as a result.

The product can put an end to the pain that you feel because of the pressure of the hemorrhoids.

Whether you have a low degree of pain or a higher degree, the supplement can help you get rid of that.

Because most of the side effects of hemorrhoids are caused by straining when you go to the bathroom, this supplement gets right to the root cause.

By eliminating the pressure due to straining, you eliminate the side effects that follow.

One of the ingredients in the product is blond psyllium. This is a fiber that comes from an herb known to offer other health benefits for the body - but it’s known for its laxative properties.

It has the ability to not only help you go to the bathroom easily, but to make stools softer so that they pass quickly and are less likely to irritate hemorrhoids.

It can also be used to help alleviate the pain associated with anal fissures.

This product uses a superior form of organic blond psyllium in the ingredients, unlike some other brands which use a form that’s not as effective.

Not only can you treat the hemorrhoids that you do have, but you can also stop more from forming by using the product daily.

You need to take a dose twice a day and the recommended dose is 6 pills each time.

You also need to drink plenty of water with the dosing. The product isn’t for use by children or for pregnant or nursing women.

Vitamin & Nutrient Associations

Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.

It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.

The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.

This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.

Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.

You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.

Also using NouriFusion Skin Essentials will clearly help provide you with excellent skincare support for your ‘outer nutrition’.

We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.

More Resources available about hemorrhoids

Below here are examples of Health Success Results other people have had with using a self care strategy for dealing with this condition:

We would be very interested to hear your result stories with your problem if you are using some of our nutrition products. To send us your story just fill out the form below.

The outlook for reducing the pain and other symptoms of hemorrhoids is great. Usually, some small life changes in diet or habits along with some help from external or internal medications can relieve the symptoms and save you the embarrassment of seeking help for hemorrhoids at the doctor’s office.

Just make sure that if they’re extreme, such as bleeding continually, or so painful that over the counter or natural remedies aren’t working – you make an appointment with your physician so that they can help you find fast relief.

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External hemorrhoids are mostly annoying, but sometimes painful – especially during bowel movements. Thrombosed or clotted blood vessels are especially …

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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease.

This hemorrhoids information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The hemorrhoids content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any hemorrhoids questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

The hemorrhoids resources on this site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify hemorrhoids information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site hemorrhoids subject matter herein.

The site hemorrhoids contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or  practices described.

The purchaser or reader of this hemorrhoids publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these nutritional supplements materials. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional.

This website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

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