What is EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing - Psychotherapy Treatment?

A health article about EMDR from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies

EMDR is one of many different forms of treatment and therapy that can be used to treat traumas.

It’s important that if you’ve experienced any type of trauma that you seek treatment.

With the right treatment, you can find healing.

One of the emerging popular forms of treatment that can help with healing is EMDR.

This practice was once used primarily for people who struggled with problems related to post-traumatic stress disorder.

But EMDR is now successfully used for anyone who suffers from the effects of any type of traumatic event – from an abusive marriage to an assault or accident. There are many uses.

Types of EMDR


The initials for EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It’s a type of psychotherapy treatment.

Its purpose is one that’s intended to relieve stress and other negative feelings that can be caused by traumatic memories.

This can be living through a traumatic event yourself or witnessing it happen to someone else.

There are three different parts to the EMDR therapy that can be a help to people.

The first part is dealing with the events and memories that are responsible for the emotional problems you’ve been experiencing.

In this first part of dealing with the events, you’ll learn how to create new links that you can associate with the events and memories.

EMDR therapy works in that it can have you feeling safe and in control in your environment rather than afraid and feeling like the world is not a safe place for you to be in.

The second part that can help people who use EMDR techniques is targeting the present situations that might provoke your distress.

During the sessions, while you’re going through the phases, you’ll be doing work designed to desensitize any external and internal triggers you may have.

Many people have certain triggers that will cause them to feel as powerless and scared as they were at the time the actual event took place.

The person can feel like he or she is actual back in the event or seeing it again.

EMDR can help you overcome the emotions and issues that are connected with that. The third part involves using imagery.

This imagery consists of picturing possible future events that can help you to obtain the skills necessary for reconstructing how you want to react to situations.

EMDR therapy helps you learn how to cope with a trigger that brings up old emotions.

For example, if you were the victim of a fire, and the feel of heat from any kind of flame on your skin scares you because of that past experience, EMDR therapy can teach you how to cope with the feeling of terror that you may have when you feel heat in the present.

Working through triggers is a big part of healing with the use of EMDR therapy.

It involves dealing with the past, with the present, and also with the future.

This part of EMDR can help you so that the problems that you’re experiencing currently won’t always be with you.

If you have several triggers, make sure to mention them all to your therapist.

It’s important that you learn to work through each one so they don’t bring on the painful or terrorizing emotions any longer.

When you’re in an EMDR session, the therapist will lead you in various sets of eye movements.

During this session of eye movements, what you’ll be doing is focusing on the traumatic event.

At the same time, you’ll also be focusing on any emotional problems or thoughts that are associated with the event.

This back and forth eye movement will help you learn to alter your responses to memories or triggers associated with whatever it was that you went through.

While the same techniques are used, there can be slight variations. Some therapists will use music during EMDR sessions while some choose not to.

The reason that music is used is because music is another way to stimulate your senses and help guide you to being able to alter your responses.

Other therapists will also teach certain body movements, like having you drum your fingers or tap your toes because these movements work to stimulate your senses.

If you’ve lived through several traumatic events, the therapist will target each one of these separately to work through them.

By focusing on helping you with one at a time, you won’t feel overwhelmed with emotion or receive a trigger overload.

The therapist will then help you work through the remaining traumas.

When anyone experiences a trauma, it can cause several different emotional responses.

What EMDR can help you do is process these events. By processing them, you gain a better way to deal with these different emotions.

EMDR therapy doesn’t use the homework and other techniques used by other therapies.

The purpose behind EMDR techniques is to help you leave the sessions feeling empowered by the traumatic events rather than terrified or afraid to face them.

The length of the sessions and treatment plan will differ by clients because of the wide range of emotional responses to different events.

EMDR is one of the most well-researched mental health treatments, with hundreds of peer-reviewed studies conducted.

The research consistently demonstrates that EMDR is More effective, Faster-acting and Longer-lasting than other forms of treatment, including pills, drugs, talk therapy and holistic treatment:

* 7 in 10 studies of randomized controlled trials reported EMDR to be more rapid and more effective than trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

* Over 80% of PTSD patients suffering from single-incident trauma no longer had symptoms after only 3 EMDR sessions. Similarly, 77% of combat veterans were free of PTSD after just 12 sessions

* 50% of Depression patients treated with EMDR experienced full remission after just 4 to 12 sessions, compared to 25% of those who received other treatment

Today, EMDR is recommended and recognized by many international health authorities, including World Health Organization (WHO), US Veterans Affairs (VA), Dept of Defense, UK Dept of Health.
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What Problems Can Be Helped by EMDR?

There are several problems and symptoms that can be handled by using the teachings of EMDR.

Extremely traumatic events such as sexual and physical abuse can be successfully treated.

Rape victims can find relief from the traumatic memories through the techniques offered. Child traumas can also be treated by using EMDR.

Experiencing the death of a loved one can be difficult.

Not everyone grieves in the same manner.

Losing someone that you care about can be a traumatic event that can cause people to become stuck.

EMDR can also help you overcome the trauma of losing someone that you love.

There are other traumatic events that can require the need for a treatment like EMDR.

If you witness a terrible trauma or the abuse of someone else, it can affect you emotionally.

So can going through a natural disaster or even watching it unfold on television.

Going through a short term event can have long term emotional consequences.

An example of this would be having a house fire or being in a car accident.

When you go through something like that, these events can bring on feelings of loss of control and fear.

In some cases, if you experience a trauma that leads to the death of someone else, you can develop survivor’s guilt.

These feelings can be worked through during EMDR.

Emotional issues - such as depression, anxiety, overwhelming fears, phobias, and low self-esteem can also be treated with EMDR.

The problems you have don’t have to be extreme to use EMDR for treatment.

You can seek out EMDR if you’re dealing with problems like a bad temper or excessive worrying.

You can find help for working through relationship problems.

You can also learn how to overcome things like test anxiety or panic attacks.

If you feel that you have something that’s holding you back in your personal or professional life, you can contact an EMDR therapist about it.

With these, you might feel a lack of motivation or have a fear of being alone.

EMDR can help you deal with these issues.

Many people find that EMDR is successful in helping deal with the underlying issues that can lead to eating disorders.

Part of what makes EMDR so effective for those suffering from difficult events is the way that it explores positivity versus negativity.

During EMDR treatment, you’ll learn how to look at yourself through a different light.

What Are the Phases of EMDR Therapy? 


EMDR focuses on treatment through the use of phases.

These phases that EMDR focuses on are the past, the present and the future.

The overall treatment plan has a total of eight phases.

Each one of these phases is uniquely designed to help you work through the problems and symptoms you’re dealing with.

The first phase that you’ll learn how to deal with involves your past.

You’ll meet with your therapist and have an in-depth discussion about your problem and what caused the problem to occur.

The therapist will also determine if you’re ready for EMDR and what the best possible plan is to work with you.

A lot of the focus during the first phase is on any troubling and frightening memories you have and on any present situations that are triggering these memories.

The age that you were when the trauma took place will be taken into account.

If you’re a victim of an adult trauma rather than a childhood trauma, your treatment plan may be slightly different.

If you’re a victim of multiple traumas instead of just one, your treatment plan may be longer.

For the second phase of EMDR treatment, the therapist will teach you different techniques to help you deal with stress and external and internal triggers.

These techniques will then be used in further sessions and you can use them in between sessions whenever you need them.

The third phase deals with assessing and reprocessing.

Part of the assessing involves the therapist asking you to verbalize how you feel about the traumatic events.

You may also be asked about how your body reacts to external and internal triggers.

The fourth phase that you’ll go through is desensitization.

During this phase, the therapist will focus on disturbing sensations or emotions you have related to the traumatic events or your sensations and emotions with internal and external triggers.

You’ll be asked to rate how you feel about current situations and past traumatic events on a scale of one to ten, also called the Subjective Unit of Distress Scales (SUDS).

During this phase, the therapist will teach you to use eye movements that have changes in focus or shifts until you can positively lower your rating from a ten to a one or zero.

The fifth phase works to help you replace negative beliefs you have about yourself with positive ones.

Because of the desensitization in the previous phase, you will be able to look at the traumatic event from a different point of view.

For example, if the traumatic event happened to you when you were a child, you’ll be able to look at it from the perspective of a strong adult instead of the helpless child you once were.

After the positive beliefs have been instilled, the sixth phase will have you revisiting the traumatic event again.

You’ll be asked to determine if your body has any tension or residual negative feelings associated with the event.

If you do, you’ll go through more EMDR therapy. If you don’t, you’ll move on to the next phase.

The seventh phase is closure. This takes place over a few or several therapy sessions.

Your therapist may teach you more techniques, especially ones dealing with ways that you can practice self-calming.

During this phase, your therapist will help you remember that you’re in control - both in and out of the sessions.

You may be asked to keep a journal during this time, depending on the treatment plan that you and your therapist have worked out.

The eighth and final phase is reevaluation.

Your therapist will ask you at the beginning of each session about residual feelings you have about the traumatic event and will ask you to rate your feelings about the event.

It’s important that you’re honest about your ratings.

If they start climbing up again, you’ll need more therapy.

You should leave the sessions feeling better than you felt when you walked into them.

How Does EMDR Work? 

EMDR helps you work through traumatic events and process them in a new way.

For many people who experience a trauma, they don’t actually deal with it.

Instead, what they do is to compartmentalize the traumatic event or events.

This is a method of survival and people do this in order to be able to cope at that moment.

Often, during a traumatic event, shock will set in that will prevent the person from being able to process the event.

It isn’t until after the event is over that the person has the time to realize what happened and how traumatic the even or events actually were.

Those who are victims of childhood abuse will sometimes repress those emotions and feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness.

It isn’t until they’re adults and have the freedom to explore these feelings that they’re suddenly faced with having to learn how to cope with them.

EMDR works by going back into the past and learning how to deal with those emotions and feelings on a better level.

You’re able to access your traumatic memories in a safe environment and the treatment allows you to forge new links between the memories and your present environment.

The ultimate goal of EMDR is to help those who have been through traumatic events to lead healthier and more positive lives.

It works to help eliminate stress associated with the traumatic event and teaches you how to overcome triggers and negative thoughts and feelings you have about yourself.

You can use EMDR in conjunction with traditional talk therapy to help you live a better, more fulfilled life without anxiety.

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Self Care: Dissolving Past Pain and Moving Forward in Your Life 

Have you ever been hurt so badly that you thought you'd never come out on the other side? Perhaps you're still holding onto that grief.

If you are, then it's time to learn how to let go of past pain. You deserve to let it go and learn how to move forward with your life.

Holding onto past pain and anguish is a kind of self-inflicted torture that can cause serious health risks as well as emotional scarring.

The truth is, when you cling to the past, you're internally changing your present.

How can something you've kept inside for so long just be let go? It's not an easy task, but it can be done with a little effort and self-reflection.

Here are some ways you can let go of past pain and disappointment, so you can move forward with your head held high:

1.     Know what's holding you back.

What are you holding onto and why? Identify the things you're keeping inside that you shouldn't be.

·       For example, maybe your best friend betrayed you in a way that broke your trust. Recognize this and figure out a way to finally deal with it. Get in touch with them again, then explain the pain they've caused.

·       They may not even be aware they did anything to upset you. Whether or not they apologize isn't important. While it may be nice, you can't control others or force them to say sorry. However, by simply voicing your feelings, you are finding closure from the hurtful situation.

·       Getting closure on something that was left open-ended can make a huge difference in letting things go.

2.     Talk it out.

If the person who caused the hurt is still in your life, talk to them about the way they made you feel. If that person isn't available, try to talk to a close friend or professional therapist about the situation.

·       Getting your emotions out in the open can help you get over any resentment or anger you may be feeling. Bottling up your emotions is never a good thing. Let it all out in a constructive way and you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel. 

3.     Forgive and forget.

It may sound easier said than done, but forgiving someone who has hurt you can be extremely therapeutic. Strive to let things stay in the past and don't allow them to affect your present.

·       Once you learn to forgive the people who've caused your pain, you will find it far easier to heal and move on with your life.

4.     Make the first move.

You're in charge of your pain. You're the one who carries it around with you and you're the only one who can change its intensity. It's up to you to take control of the pain and take the first step towards making yourself feel better.

·       Acknowledge that your pain is real and that a positive solution exists.

·       Confront the cause of the pain and do everything in your power to get rid of it.

The best way to move forward is to forgive the past. If you can't change the past, you might as well learn to accept it and move on.

You'll be glad you did once you see just how bright your future can be when you regain control of your life.

Make the conscious decision, today, to live your life free from pain and resentment.

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Virtual EMDR is a revolutionary online mental health program that has helped thousands of people successfully overcome Depression:

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... without fear or stigma of others finding out. Use powerful Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy recognized by the World Health Organization, US VA Dept of Defense, UK Dept of Health, and many health authorities.

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Ways to Let Go of Pain From Your Past


Everyone has pain from the past. It might be a failure in school, a cruel comment from a parent, or a failed relationship.

Letting go of the past is challenging, but necessary. Those that cling to the past are forever at its mercy.

A peaceful and meaningful life is easier if you’re able to leave the past in the past.

Use these strategies to leave your past behind you and get on with the business of living:

1. Remember: your past only exists within you.

Everything happens in the present, so the solution to your challenges is in the present. Everything you can control is happening right now. The past only exists because you allow it to.

2. Avoid ruminating over the past.

What do you think you accomplish by replaying negative events in your head? Do you think something positive will happen the 500th time that didn’t happen the previous 499?

◦ Rumination is an activity with negative consequences. It ruins your mood and leads to more rumination. Reliving negative events can lead to shame, depression, and anxiety.

3. Accept the past.

You can’t change it and it’s already happened. You don’t have a lot of choices here. Stuff happens. Sometimes life stinks. Focus your attention on the present.

4. Forgive everyone that wronged you.

Forgiving them doesn’t mean you have to let them back into your life. It does mean that you’re ready to focus on something else in your life. When you forgive, you give yourself the emotional freedom to not feel bad about the incident anymore.

◦ You might need to forgive yourself, too. We all make mistakes, so give yourself a break. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

5. Treat yourself well.

Ensure that you’re eating well, getting enough sleep, and spending time with people you enjoy. What hobbies would you like to explore? Make yourself a priority. You’re worth it.

6. Realize that you did the best you could.

For that matter, everyone in your past did the best they could. Our best isn’t always great at each moment in time. Everyone is doing the best they can. Believe that and you’re free.

7. Make exciting plans for the future.

Give yourself something to look forward to. What do you want to do and accomplish in the next 5 or 10 years? What do you want to accomplish next month?

8. Do something fun.

One way to overcome negative memories is to create some new ones. Do something fun with people you enjoy. Focus on making new memories to help you let go of the old.

9. Control what you can.

Much of the reason for reliving the past comes from wanting to control the uncontrollable. Rather than longing to do the impossible, focus on what you can control. Control what you’re able to control and let go of the rest.

10. Realize the control you’re giving to your past.

When we relive past pain, we develop defense mechanisms to protect us from future pain. The pain from the past creates fear.

That fear of the past creates fear of the future. The key to a peaceful future is releasing yourself from the past.

How much is your past affecting your present and future? Will you allow this to continue?

Everyone’s past is checkered with failure and uncomfortable memories. You can choose to allow the past to define and limit you, or you can choose to leave it behind.

Learn from your past and then move on. Forgive everyone and yourself. There’s plenty of life left to be lived.

Leaving the Pain of Family Trauma Behind


Q: Our family has a lot of trauma with divorce, broken promises, and relationship issues. There are also abandonment issues.

This involves my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members. Everyone has contributed to the trauma in some way.

I want to move past the trauma and let go of this pain.

I’m tired of letting the past weigh me down all the time. I’m tired of being controlled by what they did. How do I learn to let go of the family trauma?

A: First, congratulate yourself on recognizing the hold that the past trauma is having on your life and your willingness to work on it.

Awareness is the first step to healing after trauma.

It sounds like you’re ready to make some serious changes and work on the trauma, so it’s less of a burden on your mind and spirit.

You can work on this process on your own. You can also reach out to get support from friends or trusted family members who aren’t the cause of the trauma.

Another option is to find a therapist and get group or individual therapy.

Q: I’m definitely going to consider therapy, but I want to try to deal with things on my own at first. I feel like I finally have the strength to move forward.

I’m really tired of letting the trauma affect me. I think it’s behind some of the issues I have, like anxiety and insomnia. I also feel unsafe.

I worry all the time. I am scared to try new things or start relationships.

I don’t know if I can trust anyone anymore. The trauma is messing with my life and my mind. I want this to stop.

Is it normal to have these types of issues after trauma that happened a long time ago?

A: Yes, it’s normal to have physical symptoms after trauma. If you haven’t healed, then the symptoms can continue to appear for years. The symptoms can include anxiety, depression, insomnia, flashbacks, eating disorders, irritability, fear, impatience, and others.

It’s good that you recognize what may be behind your symptoms.

Once you heal from the trauma, these symptoms may vanish.

Q: I’m ready to heal. I’m tired of living like this all the time. I’m just not sure where to start or what to do next. What steps do I need to take now?

A: Since you’ve already mastered awareness, you can work on the following steps. It’s beneficial to have a support network of friends, other family, or therapists to help guide you.

First, you need to feel empowered and validated.

Take control and realize that you’re the only one who can heal you from the trauma. Others may help you along the way, but the changes have to be internal.

Validation can come from others listening to you and acknowledging the trauma.

In many cases, family members want to ignore the past and refuse to speak about traumatic issues like divorce or abandonment.

They would rather focus on different topics. This means you may need to get validation from friends or others.

Second, connect with others and fight loneliness.

Trauma can often isolate you. It’s beneficial to resist this feeling and reach out for help. Connect with new and old friends. You may need to go beyond your usual network to grow.

Third, take responsibility and stop the feelings of being a victim.

After trauma occurs, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being a constant victim.

You’ve been hurt and need to heal, but you don’t want to suffer forever and have people pity you.

Instead, take control and stay responsible for your actions and thoughts.

Fourth, continue talking and resist the temptation to hide your past.

One of the best ways to heal is to acknowledge what has happened and learn from it. By talking about your past and discussing the trauma, you’ll learn to share and trust people again.

However, there’s a fine balance required for this step. You don’t want to spend all of your time focusing on the past. You can talk about it, but it shouldn’t be the only thing. 

Q: These are all great ideas, but what can I do on a day-to-day basis to deal with the trauma? I want to fill my day with things that make me feel better. I don’t want my mind to focus on the past all the time.

A: There are several things you can do throughout the day and every day to help you feel better, such as:

1.     Find a hobby or activity that lets you focus on other things. It should be an activity that also allows for some fun. For example, painting and cooking are great options.

2.     Consider writing in a journal or use another form of creative expression.

Many survivors of trauma find that keeping a journal helps them gather their thoughts and work through issues.

3.     Focus on things that make you feel better such as wearing your favorite items.

Do things that enhance your life. A makeover, new clothes, or other items may be the answer in some cases.

4.     Stay in the moment and try to enjoy the present.

It’s easy to let your mind drift and relive the past trauma. Instead, practice mindfulness and living in the current moment. You don’t want to miss out on the present by always thinking about the past.

5.     Find relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, bubble baths, or exercise.

You want to heal both your body and your mind, so relaxing activities are essential. Experiment with different techniques until you find your favorite. 

These steps can fill your day with a variety of activities and positive thoughts.

Q: I’m going to try these ideas each day, but I’m bothered by something that keeps reappearing in my life.

Everyone keeps telling me I can’t heal without forgiveness. They’re convinced I have to forgive my family for the trauma.

I feel like I’ve done this, but I won’t let certain family members back into my life. Despite forgiveness, I still don’t trust them.

What can I do to balance forgiveness with trust?

A: Forgiveness isn’t an easy task, but it sounds as if you’re on the right path. Trust is tied to forgiveness, but it’s also a separate matter.

It’s hard to forgive family trauma because of several reasons. One of the main issues is that forgiveness may feel as if you’re letting them get away with things.

Another big issue is that you may feel that forgiveness opens you up to new trauma from the same people.

There’s a common fear that by forgiving the past, you’ll allow the same people to hurt you again.

However, this is only a fear and doesn’t have to be your reality. You’re in control now and can set boundaries to prevent more traumas from happening.

It’s normal to acknowledge that there are parts of your mind and spirit that don’t want to forgive.

It’s also normal to accept that forgiveness comes with a price. Nevertheless, you can forgive and move forward.

Trust is a huge issue for those who have experienced trauma.

Again, many of the concerns are rooted in fear. You may be afraid to trust anyone again because they can hurt you. You’re scared that they’ll be like your family. You’re afraid to open up and start new relationships.

Trust takes time, so it’s important to give yourself space. Gradually allow new people into your life and build that trust over time. Start by taking small steps toward a better future.

One of the best ways to establish trust is to have clear boundaries and guidelines. Only you can decide what you allow into your life as an adult.

You’re no longer a vulnerable child who is stuck being controlled by family or others. You get to decide who enters and stays in your life today.

You also get to assert those boundaries. If someone steps over the line, you can cut them off.

Q: Is it possible that I’m suffering from PTSD from the trauma in my past?

A: PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, does happen frequently. It’s not limited to those who have been in war situations or serious accidents.

PTSD is possible after a family trauma. Any scary, shocking, or extremely difficult event in your life can cause it. 

Ask yourself these questions:

·       Do I experience flashbacks, nightmares, or night terrors?

·       Do I suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, and angry outbursts?

·       Do I feel tense all the time, like I’m on the edge?

·       Have I lost interest in the things I used to enjoy?

·       Do I constantly relive the past trauma?

If you answer yes to these questions, consider seeking help from a medical professional. PTSD can be hard to treat on your own.

You may benefit from both therapy and medications.

Q: I have some of these symptoms, but not all of them. I’m wondering what the different types of treatments for PTSD are after trauma.

A: One of the main treatments for PTSD is talk therapy. There is also group therapy, individual therapy, and other types.

You may want to explore exposure or cognitive restructuring therapy.

There is also eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.  A medical professional can assist you in deciding which therapy might be the most beneficial to you.

It’s important to find a person who you can talk to easily and trust.

Your therapist can only help if you’re upfront about your past and what happened. You also need to be ready to share the difficult experiences.

Plus, you need to be prepared to make changes in your life. Your therapist may suggest changes that push you out of your comfort zone.

Q: I’m going to look into therapy and see if I really have PTSD.

I’m also struggling a lot with shame and guilt. I feel that it’s preventing me from healing. How can I get past these feelings of shame?

A: Shame is a common feeling after trauma. Victims often blame themselves for what happened and feel alone.

Shame can make you feel as if you’re flawed. It can make you feel vulnerable and exposed to the world. You may be scared to share your past because you feel ashamed.

Shame can make you want to hide from the world.

It grows with the fear that others will judge what you went through and think you’re less of a person. It can make you afraid to talk about your trauma.

However, you can’t stop shame by hiding from it. A therapist can work with you on your feelings of shame, so it doesn’t stop you from enjoying your life.

However, you have to take the first step and talk about it.

One thing that can help is recognizing that the negative self-talk in your head is actually shame.

Q: I’ve heard that there are some diet changes I can make to get over my trauma faster. Is this true?

A: Diet is part of a healthy lifestyle and can make you feel better overall. It’s not the only factor you should consider, but you don’t want to ignore it either.

It’s important to avoid turning to junk food and unhealthy comfort food as you heal.

It’s easy to reach for a bag of potato chips or a bag of chocolate after a difficult flashback or nightmare from the past.

However, these aren’t healthy coping mechanisms and can lead to obesity and other health issues. Avoid using food as a crutch.

In addition to sticking to a healthy diet, research shows that blueberries may help after trauma.

A study from the American Physiological Society (APS) reveals that blueberries may help those with post-traumatic stress disorder.

They have an impact on the brain and can affect neurotransmitters. Researchers also found that blueberries had a positive impact on serotonin levels.

Of course, blueberries can’t completely remove the pain from trauma. However, they can help you heal your brain and work in conjunction with other therapies.

Q: I’ll think about eating more blueberries.

Thinking about food reminds me how much I worry about family gatherings.

It’s hard for me to attend other people’s celebrations and meals because my own family is a mess.

My family rarely gets together for anything and part of me is glad we don’t see each other.

Some of my friends think I need to make more of an effort with my family and host events. I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure if I can handle seeing them at frequent gatherings and meals. What should I do?

A: Although your friends may have good intentions and want to see you happy, they may not fully understand the extent of your family trauma.

Gatherings and reunions are very difficult for victims of trauma.

First, you may be forced to confront the people who hurt you, or at least see them. Second, the gatherings can bring up painful memories.

For your own benefit, set boundaries with your friends and family. You’re not obligated to host anything for anyone.

You’re an adult who has been through trauma with your family and are trying to heal. You don’t have to put together meals or gatherings for them.

Your friends may think that being a host will help you heal. However, only you can decide if you’re actually comfortable with this concept.

Being a host for a family meal and gathering is inherently stressful, and past trauma can make the situation even more difficult.

If you feel that your healing process can continue better without these types of events, don’t let your friends push you into them. 

Tension can be extremely high at family gatherings.

Before you decide to host one, consider these questions:

·       Do you really want to host this event, or are you being forced to do it?

·       Can you handle seeing all of your relatives?

·       How will you cope with the stress and tension at the gathering?

Your health, sanity, and feelings need to come first. 

Q: I’m seriously considering getting a therapist. How do I know who to pick and if they can help with trauma?

A: Selecting a therapist is an important step and shouldn’t be taken lightly. You’ll be sharing personal details with them, so you’ll want to find someone you trust.

The first place to look for a therapist is to ask close friends for recommendations. Do they know someone who can help you heal? Have they worked with a therapist and had a good experience?

If you don’t like their recommendations, or they don’t know anyone, then you’ll have to do your own search.

You can talk to your primary doctor and ask who they recommend. You can go through your insurance company and see who they have on their list.

Take a look at online reviews, websites, and licensing requirements.

You may also want to a find a therapist who specializes in trauma or PTSD.

Not every therapist is prepared to deal with trauma victims, and you’ll usually get best results from someone who understands your situation well.

Once you’ve decided on a potential therapist, do a quick interview with them.

A good therapist will be happy to answer some brief questions and explain their experience with trauma victims.

They should be able to answer all of your questions about their practice.

It’s also a good idea to ask them about how they approach treatment for trauma patients. Do they have a specific method they use? What is their experience with it?

You can heal from trauma, and therapy can often help you do this quicker and more efficiently than trying to heal on your own.

Try to find a therapist who understands you and your past and cares about your healing process. Your goal, of course, is to heal and be able to stop the therapy at some point.

You have some great insights about your trauma and its effects on you. Please continue to pursue further healing so you can leave your trauma behind as you move forward with a happier and more fulfilling life.

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Vitamin & Nutrient Associations for Mental and Emotional Health

Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.

It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.

The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.

This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.

Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.

You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.

Also using NouriFusion Skin Essentials will clearly help provide you with excellent skincare support for your ‘outer nutrition’.

We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.

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If you have a proven home remedy or natural treatment or have a great Health Success story, we would love to share it with our readers.

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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease.

This EMDR information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The EMDR content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any EMDR questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

The EMDR resources on this site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site subject matter herein.

The site contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any EMDR products or services mentioned, or any techniques or  EMDR practices described.

The purchaser or reader of this EMDR publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these EMDR nutritional supplements materials. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional.

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

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