7 Ways to Grow Your Mental Toughness

Mental toughness can benefit you in many ways. When you’re mentally tough, it’s easier to overcome challenges, whether they be mental, physical, emotional, or something that’s keeping you from achieving your goals.

Would you like to make your life easier with mental toughness?

Luckily, you don’t have to be born mentally tough. You can cultivate toughness. And you can grow your mental toughness step by step from wherever your starting point happens to be.

Use these strategies to create a level of mental toughness that will send a chill down the spine of most others:

1. Meditate. Meditation looks peaceful and easy to the casual observer, but they might not be seeing everything.

● Meditation can be exhausting and uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally. It’s uncomfortable to sit in the same position for any length of time. Your brain is also used to a lot more stimulation than meditation provides.

● When you teach yourself to sit still and clear your mind, you also practice mental toughness.

2. Physical discomfort. A cold shower, hot weather, an exhausting workout, staying awake when you’re very tired: These are a few examples of physical discomfort. Put yourself in physically uncomfortable situations and see how long you can last. Obviously, you want to avoid causing yourself any real harm.

● Keep in mind that the level of discomfort doesn’t have to be extreme. Mild discomfort over a longer period of time can be just as challenging.

3. Emotional discomfort. Make yourself bored. Introduce yourself to five strangers each day. Ask out someone on a date. Sit, stare at the wall, and count until you give up. Boredom and anxiety are the basic emotions of discomfort. Test yourself each day.

4. Finish what you start. Most of us want to quit before we’re done. We’ll vacuum the last room tomorrow. That last repetition of bench press isn’t necessary. Why pound away on the treadmill for an hour when you can quit after 45 minutes? Some of those dirty dishes need to soak anyway.

● Quitting is the result of either physical or emotional discomfort. Learning how to finish what you start is a great habit to grow and display your mental toughness. It’s also great for your overall success in life.

5. Only concern yourself with what you can control. One way to be tougher is to focus all of your mental and physical resources on just one thing - something that you can control. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. Why worry about something you can’t do anything about?

6. Avoid complaining. Complaining is a demonstration of weakness. If you’re tough, you don’t complain, because nothing can bother you. Show yourself and the world that you’re a tough guy, or tough gal, by not complaining about anything.

● That doesn’t mean you have to tolerate something you don’t like. If you can change it, change it. If you can’t, keep yourself from complaining about it.

7. Use affirmations. There are plenty of affirmations online related to mental toughness. YouTube is loaded with videos of affirmations.

● Tell yourself each day just how tough and resilient you are.

● When you notice your internal dialog beginning to falter, fall back on those affirmations.

● Make this a daily habit. It takes time, but affirmations can make a difference.

How tough are you? It’s a trick question, because it doesn’t matter. Whether you’re super tough or a total wimp, you can become even tougher. You don’t have to join the marines, live in a cabin with no electricity or running water, or join a motorcycle gang to learn how to be tough. You can teach yourself each day.

7 Ways to Clear Brain Fog

Everyone has a little brain fog on occasion. But, if you’re regularly suffering from a serious case of brain fog, there are steps you can take. Brain fog can be frustrating and greatly limit your productivity and creativity.

There are steps you can take to reduce or even eliminate brain fog. Try these tips and see just how clear-headed you can actually be.

Practice these techniques to maximize your mental clarity and boost your productivity:

1. Exercise your body and your brain. Your brain and your body need a workout each day. Have you ever noticed that you feel better and think more clearly after a moderate bout of exercise? Plan some mental and physical exercise into your daily schedule.

● Mental exercise can be as simple as working a few brain puzzles or math problems.

● Physical exercise doesn’t have to be demanding, but it can be helpful to push yourself enough that you’re breathing hard.

2. Deal with stress. Stress is distracting. Stress also results in abnormal levels of hormones and neurotransmitters that can affect your thinking. Stress is hard on your body and your brain. Lower your stress levels if you want to do your best thinking.

3. Get a checkup. See your doctor if you’re having issues with brain fog and nothing else seems to be working. It might be that you have an underlying medical condition that’s contributing to your brain fog. You might also be taking medication that’s creating challenges for you.

4. Eat healthy food. Unhealthy food can leave you with brain fog. Also, there are foods that are often considered to be healthy that just might not sit well with your system. It’s important to notice how you feel after eating different foods and use that information to your benefit. Experiment and see what you discover.

5. Sleep the right number of hours for you. If you’ve ever missed out on a few hours of sleep, you know how compromised your ability to think clearly can be. A lack of sleep is a major cause of brain fog.

● Interestingly, many people also suffer from brain fog if they sleep too long. An hour or more of sleep beyond what you require can greatly reduce your alertness. It’s not easy to reach 100% alertness if you sleep too long.

● Even if you think you do just fine with 5-6 hours of sleep, try sleeping longer and see if it helps.

6. Avoid stimulants and depressants. Too much caffeine can leave your brain racing. The same goes for other stimulants as well. Stimulants can also interfere with your sleep.

● Obviously, depressants can leave you feeling groggy and cloud your thinking. It’s best to avoid both if you want to minimize brain fog.

7. Drink some water. One of the early signs of dehydration is brain fog. If you just can’t seem to concentrate or to think clearly, have a glass of water and see if that helps. A tall glass of water every few hours isn’t a bad idea. Drink according to your thirst.

Brain fog doesn't have to be a regular occurrence in your life. Take the necessary steps to minimize the amount of brain fog you experience each day. If you try all of these tips and aren’t satisfied with your progress, schedule an appointment with your physician.

Brain fog can potentially be a serious issue, but it’s harmless in origin the vast majority of the time. Give these tips a try!

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Mental Health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over 35 years and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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