Looking on the internet for body building tips hoping they will change the type of results you get is not going to be enough. You have to actually take these tips and implement them into your workout scheme. Here are seven tips and steps to help you accomplish your goals.
The first step is to sit down and actually decide what you want. Decide whether you want to gain 30 pounds, increase your bench by 100 pounds, or be able to squat 300 pounds. This will help you formulate the proper workout.
Once you have figured out what you want, write it down. It is much more powerful if it is on paper. It allows you to see every day what you are aiming to accomplish.
Writing down your goals is fine, but it is nothing without a timeframe. You want to set dates for when you want to accomplish these goals. It will push you and keep you motivated to strive every day for these goals.
The next of the body building tips is to make a list of everything you believe you need to do to accomplish these goals. Whether it is increasing your protein intake, altering your diet, lifting six days a week or running four days a week, you want to write down anything you can think of.
After you have come up with a list, formulate this list into an organized plan. Having a plan will keep you focused on the task at hand so you know exactly what it is going to take to accomplish your goals.
Feeding off of your plan, the next step is to take action. Sitting around thinking about your plan is going to get you nowhere. Take what you have formulated, look at your goals and strive to achieve them.
The last of the body building tips is to make sure you do something every day to move closer to your goal. Taking action is one thing but staying motivated and consistent is another thing. If you can do something every day to move toward your goal, you will accomplish what you have always dreamed of.
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