5 Ways to Make The Most of Being Outside

There’s nothing like fresh air to open and expand your mind, clear your senses, and maybe even inspire you.

Every season brings new possibilities and the world looks different depending on the time of year.

Fresh oxygen, exercise, and the sense of community and fun that come with being outside, along with the endless freedom it brings, can bring out your inspired side and lift your mood.

Here are 5 ways to make the most of being outside:

1. Go walking.

There are so many beautiful places that can be traversed on foot.

You can look online or speak to locals, friends, or family to find potential walking routes.

Find ones that you can manage and enjoy the sights and sounds that can only be experienced on foot.

Maybe take a camera for a photograph.

Hikes are great for building up your fitness, while gentle walks are a great opportunity to see nature and catch up with friends.

2. There's always time for a picnic.

If you’re outside and trying to enjoy nature, then consider enjoying a beautiful outdoors meal.

Take a picnic with you so you can enjoy the fresh air and great-tasting food.

A picnic also allows you to stay nourished and hydrated before the next leg of your adventure.

It can be a great opportunity to catch up with friends and family while enjoying nature.

3. Get some exercise.

Exercise is a perfect reason to get outside.

Consider going running at different times of the day so you can experience the small wonders of the world, such as the changing of the seasons, different weather conditions, and the different types of light that only happen at specific times.

Perhaps invest in those running shoes you’ve been meaning to buy and go jogging.

You could push yourself into running a half marathon after many months of training and you could set yourself small, midterm, and long-term goals.

Perhaps you could even join a running club to get truly inspired and energized!

4. Consider trying out some photography.

There are so many beautiful and natural wonders of the world, it would be a shame to miss any of them.

Consider investing in a camera, or just use your mobile phone camera to get creative, and take shots that can both be used as memories and as opportunities to show off your photography skill.

Take photos at different times and in interesting and unusual places.

5. See some historical monuments.

Use the time you have to research areas of local spectacle and wonder. So many weird and wonderful historical monuments exist right outside your door.

Take a look at what is happening in the local world around you and consider venturing out to recommended places of interest.

You can experience the joys of being outside while also trying to build some understanding of history and culture!

Whether you choose to walk, run, cycle, or just stroll gently, getting outside provides you with so many opportunities.

You can learn new photography skills, catch up with friends or improve your fitness.

You’ll be getting valuable vitamin D from the sun and you may even find that being outside lifts your mood.

So make sure you breathe in that natural fresh air and reinvigorate and re-energize yourself.

Get going and make some amazing memories!

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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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