If smoking cessation was as easy as deciding just to stop, we wouldn’t need elaborate statistics about smoking cessation and good stop-smoking programs.
But as we all know, quitting the habit is not an event... it’s a step-by-step process that takes time.
With the pressure we experience from our smoking friends, nicotine withdrawal syndromes, emotional and psychological traps that can lead to relapse, and more, we need all the help that we can get to totally get rid of the nicotine in our system.
Here are 5 stop-smoking tips that will help the new quitter make the process a notch or two easier:
Tip #1: Keep Your Emotional Health In Tip-Top Shape
Stress and anger – these are the two biggest smoking triggers one could face.
Exposing and building up these emotions can threaten even the most elaborate and efficient quitting programs.
Early cessation creates tension, and it can be very overwhelming when you add stress and anger to the mix.
The answer? Keep your emotional health in good shape every day. Take the time to relieve stress by doing an activity you enjoy – read a book, travel, watch movies with friends, and the list goes on.
By being well-rested and calm, you will be geared up to meet challenges you will face throughout your quitter program. Spoil yourself just a little bit each day.
Tip #2: Switch On The “Ignore Mode”
We will have bad days – that’s for sure. That’s how smoking cessation and life in general goes.
When your day isn’t going as planned, focus on the positive, not the negative atmosphere of your thoughts.
Ignore your negative mood and, furthermore, do something that will distract you from it.
Again, pamper yourself…especially when you’re having a bad day. Failing that, you can always call it a day earlier than normal and put yourself to bed.
Do that and, trust me, you will get up the next day recharged and ready to keep yourself smoke-free.
Tip #3: Ask For Help
People who have a healthy support system to back them up have a higher rate of long-term smoking cessation success.
Aside from getting support from your family and friends, you can use the internet to get more backup for your quit program. There are many forums and social network groups filled with like-minded people.
Surrounding yourself with folks who think like you and, more importantly, have gone through the same trials and succeeded is worth its weight in gold.
Tip #4: Steer Clear From The Trap Of “Just One”
There’s no such thing as just one stick... cigarettes travel in packs.
There are truckloads of good stop-smoking programs that have been lost because of falsely thinking that we can control our smoking habits. Steer clear from the trap of “Just One”!
There’s only one way to stop smoking – stop TOTALLY without looking back.
If you decide to smoke just one stick or for just one night, probably, you will go back to being a cigarette slave... chained by nicotine addiction in short order. You sure don’t want to ruin such a fine start, do you?
Tip #5: Know Your Reasons For Smoking
There’s got to be a reason, or a bunch of reasons, why you want to quit smoking. Keep those thoughts evergreen! Don’t let time shroud your thinking and blur your reasons for stopping.
Review your reasons for quitting smoking regularly. Clearly visualize how good and healthy your life be when you stop completely.
Imagine how energetic and physically fit you will be when no traces of nicotine can be found in your body.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: How to stop smoking
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