Sleep is so important for our body. It allows our body to repair itself, provides a crucial opportunity for the brain to rest, and resets us so that we’re ready for the next day.
Undoubtedly, you’re familiar with the feelings that come the morning after a restless night. You feel irritated, confused, and unable to concentrate.
The cycle does not have to continue. There could be several reasons you are struggling to sleep.
Take a quick look at this guide to identify some of the potential problems and see if you can work towards some solutions to guide you towards peaceful, restful slumber.
Here are some reasons you may be struggling to sleep.
Too Many Thoughts
Sometimes, we have so much racing around in our heads that when our head hits the pillow, it's as though we have a dramatic television show or soap opera playing in our brains.
An overactive mind is not something you want when you are trying desperately to nod off to sleep.
Consider writing down your thoughts in a journal just before you go to sleep. Write down everything that is concerning you.
Let your mind spill onto the page and release those anxious thoughts. This should allow you to feel more in control of your thoughts and help you organize them.
By releasing your thoughts, you can go to sleep with an empty mind. You should be able to drift off, having put all your thoughts down on paper.
Too Much Caffeine
There is a high chance your tea and coffee contain caffeine, which is a stimulant. While this is great when you need a boost of energy in the morning, it's not particularly helpful when you’re lying wide awake at midnight.
Consider cutting caffeine from your routine in the afternoon and swapping your evening coffee for a mug of warm milk instead.
Caffeine can make you anxious and wide awake, so it’s best to avoid it in the evenings for a peaceful slumber.
Too Much Screen Time
Our tablets, phones, and televisions emit something called blue light, which tricks the circadian rhythm in your body into thinking it’s the morning. When we sleep, ideally it should be dark.
Blue light can interfere with restful sleep, so consider avoiding all screens at least an hour before bed to give your body the chance to wind down.
Too Much Exercise
We know that exercise is good for us but going for a run or doing a high-intensity workout just before you go to sleep isn’t the greatest idea. Your body will be stimulated, your heart will be pumping, and your adrenaline will make your mind race.
Consider gentle muscle stretches or avoiding exercise just before bed so you don’t overstress your body.
Avoid Alcohol
It’s a scientific fact that although alcohol makes you drowsy, it can impede your ability to sleep properly, causing broken sleep and making you feel unwell in the morning.
It also makes your body work harder to break down the alcohol, meaning you won’t have high-quality sleep.
The trick to getting better quality sleep is to experiment with different techniques. Try avoiding alcohol before bed. Don’t indulge in strenuous exercise.
Try cutting out caffeine and keeping your mind clear. Keep yourself away from screens and see whether these small steps can help you sleep.
Remember to write down what works and what doesn’t. Trial and error will eventually lead to a restful sleep.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Daily Sleep Requirements - free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren
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