10 Tips to Increase the Odds of Staying Sober

Many people are able to drink without serious consequences, but there is a significant part of the population that struggles with sobriety. Many people rely on alcohol as a coping strategy. Others develop an actual physical addiction to alcohol.

Common signs of alcoholism include:

● An inability to drink in moderation
● Overspending on alcohol
● Craving alcohol
● Neglecting personal and work responsibilities due to alcohol consumption

Work, personal relationships, physical health and psychological health can all be negatively affected by drinking alcohol in excess.

Increase the odds of staying sober with these useful tips:

1. Remove all alcohol from your home. Anyone that’s ever been on a diet knows that any food in the house that tastes good will eventually be eaten. The same goes for alcohol. If you enjoy drinking, you’ll eventually break down and drink it if it’s in the house.

2. Avoid situations that make it easy to drink. Opportunity can equal disaster. Be careful about meeting coworkers at a bar after work. Parties can be another danger zone. Consider taking a date to a location that doesn’t serve alcohol. Be wary of where you spend your time if you want to stay sober.

3. Re-evaluate your social circle. Spending time with your long-time drinking buddies can be a huge mistake. Do you have friends that always drink on the weekends? Does someone in your family drink frequently?

● While many people will be supportive of your decision not to drink, there may be some that won’t. You might have to shuffle the people in your life if staying sober is a priority.

4. Find a group of people that share your challenge. There are many groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, that provide support to those who have chosen to stay sober. These groups can be a great place to build friendships with those going through the same struggle.

5. Exercise. A good workout can clear your head, burn off stress, and reset your brain and your perspective. Exercise benefits you in many ways.

6. Get help with any mental health issues. Mental health issues can make sobriety much more challenging. Get the help you need to deal with any mental health issues you might be facing.

7. Find a hobby that you love and do it! Spend time on an enjoyable activity as often as possible. A positive mood makes it easier to avoid drinking. What do you like to do? What would you like to try?

8. Deal with urges effectively. It’s important to have a plan when the urge to drink arises. There’s no way to avoid the urge to drink completely. What are you going to do when it happens?

● Call a friend?
● Call a sponsor?
● Go for a run?

9. Reduce the stress in your life. Stress is uncomfortable. When we’re uncomfortable, we tend to do whatever needs to be done to make ourselves comfortable again. Stress can’t be avoided completely but reducing the amount of stress you experience can help reduce the urge to drink.

10. Address any physical pain. Pain, like stress, is another form of discomfort. And let’s face it, alcohol is pretty effective at reducing pain. See your doctor and deal with any injuries or long-term pain your body might be suffering.

These tips can help with maintaining sobriety, but the initial steps of becoming sober might require the assistance of health professionals.

If alcohol is a serious issue for you, it is likely to be an ongoing struggle for the rest of your life. It’s a battle best fought one day at a time.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that requires immediate attention. Get the necessary help you require. You’ll be glad you did.

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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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10 Tips to Reduce Alcohol Consumption

If you are currently consuming more than the recommended amount of alcohol, you could be putting your health at risk. Maybe you’re already starting to experience some of the negative side effects associated with excessive drinking, such as heart or liver disease.

So, what can you do about it?

Try these tips if you want to cut down on your alcohol consumption:

1. Set a realistic goal for yourself. How many drinks do you want to consume each day, and how often do you want to drink? Once you have decided on the numbers, write them down as a reminder to yourself that this is your limit.

2. Count your drinks. Counting and recording how many drinks you have had has been shown to help reduce the number you consume, and the rate that they are consumed. You can either use a handwritten note or record your intake using your smartphone.

3. Measure your drinks. If you are going through the effort of counting your drinks, you may as well be accurate with your intake. Learn what counts as a standard drink so that you can accurately measure how much you have had.

4. Slow down and pace yourself. Sip your drinks or have only one drink per hour and you should see an overall reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed.

5. Space your drinks. Drink a non-alcoholic drink between each alcoholic drink. When you do this, you are slowing down and ultimately cutting your alcohol consumption.

6. Eat something. This is not true for all drinkers, but some will see a reduction in alcohol cravings when they are eating.

7. Learn what your triggers are and try to avoid them. Do you know what triggers your drinking? Perhaps it is seeing certain people, or perhaps a certain situation causes you to drink. Whatever the reason is, once you learn what it is, you can then try to avoid that trigger in the future.

8. Substitute a healthy activity in place of drinking. If drinking has become a massive part of your daily life, it will benefit you to find a substitute for it. Choose something healthy, so perhaps join the gym, learn a new skill, make new friends, or spend more quality time with your family.

9. Learn how to say “No.” Even if you commit to cutting back your alcohol intake, chances are you’ll be put in a position where it will be difficult to say no to a drink. However, if you truly want to change, learn how to say “No” without offending anyone.

10. Take it one day at a time. Cutting your alcohol consumption may take some time, especially if it’s a part of your daily life. However, if you’re able to cut back a little each day, then each day will be a success. Before long, you may not need to drink alcohol at all.

Even if it is just a small reduction in the amount you consume, reducing your overall intake of alcohol can result in a dramatic reduction in alcohol-related issues.

Following these tips can set you on the path to a new, healthier lifestyle. The key to cutting back is to find something that works for you. If one tip doesn’t work, then move onto the next one.

Soon enough you will find a process that works for you.

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