What are zits?
A health article about zits & acne from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
There are many different types of blemishes that you can get on your face. They are all generally called acne but when it comes to treatment, it is important to know exactly what is going on with your skin.
People with zits are usually familiar with whiteheads(milium), however they don't know what causes them or how to get rid of them. The difference between this and a blackhead is that blackheads are exposed to oxygen which causes the black appearance.
A whitehead is a build-up of oils and dead skin that plugs up your pores. It is embedded under the skin so it appears as a raised white bump. These are also referred to as "closed comedones". This is because the pore is not open and oxygen never comes in contact with it. They are caused by hardened oils under the skin that are clogging the pores, which is the cause of most acne to begin with.
Some dermatologists believe that people with frequent outbreaks may produce a drier oil than normal, which makes them susceptible to getting clogged pores. If you wear make-up, avoid using anything that is greasy to prevent all forms acne. Another acne preventing precaution is to wash your pillowcase regularly as well as your hair. This will prevent old dirt and oils from rubbing off onto your skin and causing irritation.
If you are experiencing a problem with whiteheads, there are many treatment options available that could clear your skin right up.
Using a deep pore cleanser can prevent whiteheads from ever forming. It could also help to gently dislodge existing spots over time. Even though the chance of scarring from a whitehead is very unlikely, you should still never attempt to remove them yourself. It will only damage your skin and cause an infection. The contents leaking onto your skin can also cause more acne to form. A doctor can remove them individually for you in his office, using sterile tool.
Signs & Symptoms
Non-inflammatory zits often takes the form of a closed comedo, or whitehead. This occurs when the plugged hair follicle stays beneath the surface of the skin, and appears on the skin as a small whiteish bump.
An open comedo, or blackhead, occurs when the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin. Its dark appearance is not due to dirt, but rather to a build up of the dark pigment of the skin called melanin. Blackheads are also a type of inflammatory zits.
The mildest form of inflammatory zits is a papule, a small, firm, pink bump appearing on the surface of the skin. These bumps can be tender to the touch, and are often considered an intermediary step between non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne.
Pustules are like papules in that they are small, round lesions. Unlike papules, pustules are clearly inflamed and visibly contain pus. They may appear red at the base with a yellowish or whiteish center. Pustules do not generally contain a great deal of bacteria, but are inflamed due to chemical irritation from sebum components.
Nodular or cystic acne is usually very painful. Nodules are inflamed pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. They develop when the contents of a comedo has spilled into the surrounding skin and immune system responds, producing pus. The most severe form of this type of acne may persist for weeks or even months, eventually hardening into a cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars.
Acne conglobata, a rare form of inflammatory acne, forms primarily on the back, buttocks, and chest. It is characterized by pustules and nodules, and severe bacterial infection may ensue.
Acne cosmetica is a relatively mild form of acne caused from topical cosmetic products. It is characterized by small pink bumps, and local inflammation on the cheek, chin, and forehead. It may develop over the course of a few weeks or months, but usually does not cause scarring. Since it can persist indefinitely, it is important to find out which topical products are causing the problem and eliminate their use.
Who is prone to zits?
All of us are prone to getting zits at some stage of our lives, especially during puberty. Acne is usually a result of over stimulated hormonal activity which cases the oil producing glands, or the sebaceous glands to produce more oil than necessary.
This oil, whose purpose is to keep the skin moist, then combines with the dead skin cells, which are constantly being shed by the upper layer of our skin, to block the skin pores. Blocked or clogged skin pores, which are visible in the form of blackheads or whiteheads, can become inflamed and form lesions which we commonly call zits.
There are many people who are prone to get zits.
Prime targets of acne are pubescent adults. The body is experiencing many changes at this time and hormonal activity is at its peak. Some teens experience only a mild outbreak while in other acne can be severe and chronic and requires the attention of a dermatologist
. Unfortunately this is also the time that adolescents are developing their own personality and acne, especially in its severe form can hinder this as it can cause social embarrassment, shyness and a general drop in self –esteem. Parents and guardians are advised to keep channels of communication open with their children and help them seek professional advice from a dermatologist.
Adolescent women also often experience zits during their menstrual cycle, again due to hormonal activity. Women can also get acne as a reaction to the cosmetics they use. Teenage boys are more likely to have severe and persistent acne problems.
It is not uncommon for people in their thirties and forties to experience acne problems. As with teenagers, here too hormones are the offenders. Androgens, the male hormones that are responsible for teen acne are to blame for adult acne. Acne can even be seen in post menopausal women, when the body reduces the production of estrogen, which stimulates the androgen to over produce sebum from the sebaceous glands.
Acne in babies is a common problem and usually begins after the baby is a few weeks old. It is probably triggered by the maternal hormones, which cross over to the baby through the placenta in the final moments of the pregnancy. Among other positive effects, like maturing the lungs, these hormones stimulate the oil glands on the skin, eventually giving rise to baby acne. Baby acne does not require any treatment except gentle cleansing with water and maybe a mild soap.
Causes Of Acne: Do You Know Factors Responsible For Zits?
Acne is caused by overly active sebaceous glands in the skin. These glands secrete an oily substance, called sebum, which lubricates the skin and roots of hair. The over activity of these glands is triggered by a sex hormone, called testosterone, present in both men and women (but more in men than women). Sebum is produced in excessive amount by sebaceous glands in acne patients.
The dead skin cells lining the hair follicles are not discarded effectively. Hence the follicles are clogged up and sebum builds up in follicles. The result is the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Acne may stop at this stage.
In some people it gets more serious when Propionibacterium acne (a type of bacteria) starts growing in the clogged follicles containing sebum. These bacteria use sebum as food and produce harmful chemicals in the skin that cause redness and spots. In more severe cases, cysts develop beneath the skin surface, which upon rupturing spread the infection to nearby tissues. The result is scarring of the skin.
Acne occurs when your follicles get blocked and swelling appears, which mostly happens during one’s pre-teen or teen years. But these days even adults are found suffering from zits. It is also been observed that in the United States around 17 million people are suffering from acne problem. The rise in acne problem has made people conscious of its treatment, and if you too are looking for it, you must first understand the causes of zits.
Few hormones, which are responsible in turning a kid into an adult, cause acne and you would be surprised to know that males suffer from it more than the females. This is because, these hormones occur more in case of males. So, if you are a teenager, the wish to get rid of the acne must be pretty high on your list. For, the problem is quite natural at this age.
However, there could be other reasons that may be contributing to your problem. Make sure that any such reasons are not at work in your case so that you do not suffer more than you have to.
Acne flare-ups can be caused because of stress, which obviously does not cause zits for every individual. So, if you notice that after a period of stress your acne gets worse, you must try to reduce stress and live a more relaxed life.
Similarly, the link between diet and acne is also well known. Earlier doctors were of the belief that a person’s diet has no relationship with the acne problem but gradually they have started believing that for few people, certain type of food is not good, like chocolate, cola drinks etc. In some cases they result in the formation of pimples. So, it is advisable that you keep a check on your diet and avoid foods that you do not respond to well.
Acne and zits can also be caused due to excessive intake of coffee. It is, thus, better if you reduce your caffeine intake because it has been found responsible for zits no matter whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinated.
Smoking is another reason. According to a study in 2001, people who smoke are 62% more prone to zits problems in comparison to those who don’t smoke. So, quit smoking now.
If even after giving up all these zits inducing factors, the problem persists and you find it difficult to cope with it, you might visit a doctor and seek his advice.
When To Seek Medical Attention For Your zits:
Acne is one of the most common problems among teens and adults alike. It comes in many types and can take many forms. The physical and psychological effects can be devastating, especially affecting self-esteem and feelings about one’s physical appearance.
While many mild forms of acne can be treated by over-the-counter products, more severe types may require medical attention. It is important to properly care for zits and take the necessary steps to treat and prevent it, but it is also important to know when your zits requires you to see a dermatologist.
The decision to see a doctor about your zits takes into account several things, among them, how you feel about your acne and how it’s affecting you, and the medical facts surrounding your acne condition. There are several reasons why it may be a good idea to see a doctor about your zits.
For one thing, severe acne may leave permanent scars, and medical treatment may help reduce scarring. Acne scars come in different types, and appear on some people while others do not have them. The type of zits you have, and your skin type, both play an important role in how your acne scars are treated. The best way to prevent acne scars is to prevent acne, so you should find what works for you and stick to it.
In men, scars on the face and neck may make shaving difficult. Shaving can irritate scars, especially larger, more prominent ones, and can further irritate the skin.
If you have cystic acne, a more severe type of acne, painful cysts may need to be drained by a physician. This type of acne usually requires medical attention because of its severity. It can also last for months and cause a good deal of discomfort to sufferers.
Acne can also have negative psychological effects on people. It can cause them to become anxious or depressed, because they are constantly worried about their appearance. They may also fear how others see them, and feel there is no cure for this condition.
This happens in adults because many feel their acne should have cleared up after adolescence, or shouldn’t have occurred during adulthood. They are often afraid to place themselves in social situations where they might feel inferior, and often shy away from events. A physician can help treat the physical effects, ass well as the psychological ones.
Another reason to see a doctor is that teens who suffer from acne early on can usually expect it to worsen as they get older, and even continue on into adulthood. This can also mean more severe types of zits have formed, and by seeking medical attention, scarring can be prevented earlier on in the course of the condition.
Even if you aren’t sure, it can be a good idea to seek medical attention for your zits. Even if prescription medications aren’t necessary, a doctor can help you find a treatment that works best for you, and you will be on your way to recovery.
Prevention of zits:
With new research, new products and new skin protection advice popping up all the time, it is hard to figure out the best things to do to improve and protect your skin.
These days we seem to be living in the fast-food age and the condition of your skin is often neglected. You still can't beat the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and a good complexion.
Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods. Give your skin a drink too. Those eight glasses of water a day your mom always told you to be sure to drink are essential to maintaining your skin's elasticity and suppleness, say experts. And don't count coffee or any of the caffeinated sodas as part of the eight glasses because caffeine is dehydrating. The water you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the tap. Another suggestion is that you keep a liter-size bottle close at hand, or simply drink a glass or two with your meals, and a few in between.
Clear Skin with Sea Salt
Some acne sufferers will visit the beach to try to hide their acne by tanning. However, there is something else at the beach that may actually be a lot more effective in treating your skin - the sea water. It’s a common story on the message boards that people have noticed improved skin after going for a swim in the ocean, thanks to the benefits of salt water.
This sounds great, but not everyone lives by the ocean. So what do you do if salt water isn’t to be found anywhere nearby? There are a number of stores online and off where you can purchase sea salt, and this can work just as well. To promote clear skin, you’ll want to dissolve the salt in warm water, such as a bath, and soak for about 30 minutes per day.
Salt water promotes clear skin in a few important ways. It naturally enhances exfoliation, gently speeding the removal dead cells from the surface of your skin. But more than simply eliminating the top layer of dead cells, salt water draws unwanted bacteria to the surface of your skin, tightening your pores in the process.
This is one of salt treatment’s best benefits, provided you give it the time it needs to work. Soaking in salt water allows the salt to penetrate your skin cells, causing them to flush out unwanted toxins. This can provide lasting improvement in the clarity and texture of your skin.
Treating your skin with sea salt can take some effort, so it’s not for everyone. Time for results can also vary, with some seeing results within just a few days, while other require up to 8 weeks for considerable improvement. For deeper blemishes such as cystic acne it may simply not be enough. However, this treatment can be especially effective for treating pesky body acne in areas such as your back. So it’s certainly worth a try if you fall into that group.
Zapping Your Zits:
When it comes to diagnosed skin disorders there is no question that acne tops the list. Although very popular in teenagers, many adults are realizing that just because they turn 18 or even 21 the acne just doesn’t want to go away. The older adults get the more embarrassed and ashamed of their acne they are and they try every which way to get clearer skin. Whether you are in the classroom or the boardroom the fact of the matter is that acne is just not a confidence booster at any age.
There is a new weapon against acne that was unveiled last June by the FDA to treat mild to moderate acne. It is designed for home use, and should only be used once you have tried many “home” remedies such as adding more vitamins and minerals to your everyday diet. Zeno is the name of this acne treatment and it is relatively easy to use.
About the size of your iPod, Zeno uses a controlled dose of heat to kill your P. acnes which is the bacteria that causes acne breakouts. In a study that was done before Zeno was released, in as little as 24 hours most blemishes disappeared. What is great about Zeno is that it does not require a prescription and is being sold at both medical offices and salons that deal with acne and blemish breakouts.
What dermatologists want you to realize is that Zeno is not a cure or replacement for good skin care which means eating and taking the proper vitamins that naturally give you clearer skin. Along with the vitamins you should have a good regimen of cleaning your skin with the proper anti-acne washes and soaps.
Before using Zeno you should consult a doctor to make sure you have the type of acne that can be removed by using Zeno because there are much more active forms of acne that simply cannot be removed just by using heat. Acne is more about your genetics, hormones, and your diet that can clog pores then actual medical problems. It is also in the way that you clean your face and the general oiliness that your skin deals with on a regular basis. That is why Zeno is so effective on most mild to moderate acne problems.
Zeno should be used along with regular treatments because nothing is foolproof although it does show that it can work effectively if you put in the effort. Note that Zeno can require 1-2 minutes of application per pimple, multiple times per day. This may make it a difficult solution if your acne is more serious.
Again, it should be used along with the proper acne vitamins that you can get from a healthier diet, as well as vitamin supplements that are specifically made to treat acne and to give you clear skin. Along with drinking lots of water as well Zeno can be an excellent alternative to showing up to work everyday with large pimples that make you just want to crawl back into bed.
If you're searching for zits treatment advice that will help you get rid of those annoying pimples, blackheads, and zits, this brief article will give you some good places to start. Treating acne can be extremely frustrating and it's not as easy as many think to clear up blemished skin.
Go to the supermarket or drug store today and you'll find an endless array of acne treatments, all promising to get rid of acne quickly and easily. But before you waste your hard earned money on acne solutions that don't work as advertised, read the rest of this article...
One of the lesser known (and much cheaper) alternatives to buying over the counter acne products are natural zits remedies. These treatments are cheap and easy to do from home, and they're often just as (or even more) effective than their store bought competition.
One remedy for zits that has worked well for many people is raw potato. Not only does the potato contain valuable nutrients needed for healthy skin, it also acts as an exfoliate and removes dead skin.
Another important step to take when attempting to clear up an acne problem is your diet. I'm sure you've heard the saying, what goes in comes out. Well, that is especially true when it comes to your complexion. A diet that is high in fat and sugar can potentially be a reason for your breakouts.
Acne breakouts can be embarrassing and clearing them up certainly takes a little experimentation and patience. If you're suffering from bad skin, don't give up. Although you may not feel this way now, know that there is a solution that will clear up your problems and give you the clear complexion that you've always wanted. Remember to be patient and don't expect to see results overnight, in most cases an acne treatment can take several weeks to produce any noticeable results.
Different treatment methods are used for relieving acne symptoms. These mainly include prescription medication, including both oral and topical medicines and home treatment. The most commonly used medication for treating zits is Benzoyl peroxide.
If it fails to bring relief, other oral and topical medicines are tried. Topical treatments include the use of azelaic acid (sold by the name Skinoren), retinoids (Adapalene, etc.), and antibiotic lotions. Azelaic acid is an alternative chemical for benzoyl peroxide but it does not cause the skin to sore like benzoyl peroxide. Retinoids are medicines based on Vitamin A. They are rubbed into the affected area once or twice daily. Antibiotic lotions control the acne-causing bacteria.
Oral treatment may be in the form of antibiotic tablets, some types of contraceptives (for women), or oral retinoids (like Roaccutane). However, Roaccutane should not be used by pregnant women. Consult a physician to find out more about both prescription medications and over the counter drugs to prevent any serious side effects.
Self Care strategies for Living with zits
Aloe Vera Juice For Acne
Aloe Vera has been around for centuries and is obviously nothing new. However what used to be thought as just a cure for sunburn and cuts is now being used for acne. If you read back into history Queen Cleopatra touted the use of aloe vera as her most important beauty secret but for some reason it seemed to get lost in the shuffle of new acne treatments that are much more costly and invasive. Now though aloe vera is shown to make an excellent zits treatment once again.
Many people often use aloe vera for clear skin by the use of skin care products that contain this powerful source. But it doesn’t necessarily have to come from the plant or in facial washes. Aloe Vera Juice is now just as popular and quite frankly deserves a place in your refrigerator as well. Whole leaf aloe vera juice contains many vitamins and minerals that you need for not only healthy and clear skin, but for a healthy body.
Containing calcium chromium, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sodium, folic acid, niacin, as well as Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E aloe vera juice is perfect for your acne treatment. This is a long list of vital vitamins and nutrients that are the exact ingredients that you would include in a natural skin product, but yet you can simply just drink it to get everything you need in one 8oz glass.
Aloe vera juice detoxifies your body by helping with the digestion and elimination of waste as well as the killing of bacteria that brings on the acne and acne breakouts. By getting rid of the harmful toxins you have much clearer skin that will lessen blemishes, general acne as well as other skin problems. Aloe vera juice does this by enhancing the production of fibroblasts which are the tiny cells that are responsible for collagen formation. As we know collagen gives the skin it’s “body” which takes away wrinkles and fine lines. It is also a natural anti-flammatory that can work to reduce the inflammation that causes breakouts and acne.
The vitamins and amino acids, which are the proteins that you need for healthy clear skin and a healthy body, that are found in aloe vera work well to renew your skin with healthy cells. It is almost like taking a natural vitamin supplement that is already working to help with your acne, but it just gives you more of what you need.
You can use this in conjunction with vitamins or alone to clear your skin up and help reduce the acne that you have. Acne is never fun to have, and the easiest way to clear it up is through the use of natural products such as essential vitamins and minerals.
Tea Tree Oil- Often referred to as an all-natural alternative to BP, tea tree oil is a powerful antibacterial agent that makes for an effective acne spot treatment. Some users have found tea tree oil to be less abrasive to their skin compared with BP, while still just as effective at stopping acne. Tea tree oil has a powerful smell that turns some users off, but it absorbs quickly into the skin, and personally I don’t mind the scent at all. It may be a good idea to stick to applying this one only before bed if it bothers you.
Green Tea Cream - A lesser known spot treatment compared with the other two, green tea cream has been shown in a number of tests to again produce results similar to BP in combating acne. Green tea is one of the best herbal antioxidants out there, and using green tea extract (usually at concentrations of about 3%) in topical form, has been shown to have powerful antibacterial properties. Of course, actually drinking green tea is a good idea to supplement your clear skin diet, but the topical form is best when it comes to the fast results needed by a spot treatment.
Licorice root extract is a natural acne treatment that, like many natural treatments, has its roots in Asia. The use of licorice root to treat various medical conditions has actually gone on for thousands of years. It is mainly helpful for the treatment of skin care problems and stomach irritation.
Licorice root is made from the roots and stems of the licorice plant. This plant grows naturally in parts of Asia and Europe. It is known for its long roots, and the plant typically grows 3 to 7 feet tall.
The primary benefit of licorice root is found in its anti-inflammatory properties. Both used via topical application and taken orally, licorice root can sooth skin blemishes such as acne, helping to reduce swelling, redness and irritation. It also inhibits the growth of viruses and bacteria such as p. acnes. It is now becoming a common side ingredient in natural skin care lotions and peels.
The oral use of licorice root is effective for combating inflammation both on your skin and elsewhere. Its is even used when dealing stomach ulcers. In more serious cases, as much as 4.8 grams of licorice root extract may be consumed per day. For most cases of acne the recommended doses are lower though. Three 300 mg tablets per day is a more common dosage when dealing with supplements.
One should be cautious when taking licorice root extract, as licorice can become toxic in large doses and has several side effects, including serious ones such as paralysis. While the use of licorice root is common, it’s best to use it only as directed, and you should quit immediately and see a doctor if you experience any unwanted effects.
As an acne treatment,baking soda is most commonly used as either a facial mask or an exfoliant. Baking soda works by neutralizing your skin’s pH levels, killing local bacteria, and drying and dislodging the plugs of bacteria and dead cells that get stuck in your pores. While baking soda will not prevent future acne, it can help with the elimination of current blemishes, and thus is also helpful when applied as a spot treatment.
To be effective, baking soda should first be made into a paste. You don’t want to apply the dry powder itself directly to your skin. For best results, gradually mix warm water into baking soda until you have an even paste. You can then gently apply this paste to your face, letting it sit for not more than 15 minutes before washing it off. The length of time can very and the drying effect of baking soda may irritate those with sensitive skin, so start with just a few minutes if you think this may be a concern for you.
Unfortunately, some sites promote the other use of baking soda - as an exfoliant, rather than a mask or spot treatment. This method is both less effective and potentially harmful to your skin. Baking soda granules are so small that they can do damage to your pores if rubbed in forcefully. These fine particles can tear at your pores’ openings, leaving them potentially damaged and swollen. Also, just as it’s important not to leave the mask on too long to avoid over-drying your skin, baking soda particles can easily be left lodged in your pores if you massage them in with too much force, causing irritation to your skin later.
Baking soda isn’t a miracle cure for acne, but as a topical treatment it is more effective than many name-brand creams and gels. As long as you use it carefully and don’t nuke your skin with overuse, it can be a helpful aid for those who need a quick topical fix.
As baking soda is drying, consider following it with a gentle moisturizer during the winter months. It’s not a smart treatment to use right before you go outside.
Diet change strategies:
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
Acne is a skin problem widely known and experienced by almost
all of our people especially teenagers and young adults. When
not given enough attention and care, zits can actually give you
serious problems. Nowadays, doctors and advertisements offer us
different products that might help solve our worries about
However, it is still better if you can actually cure it
before seeing or consulting your doctor. There are actually
acne home remedies that you can find and use inside your home
or in your garden. All you have to do is to know how you can
use that acne home remedy to finally say goodbye to your acne
There is still no scientific basis nor findings yet that
discusses how the toothpaste can actually lessen, if not cure,
the spread of acne. In fact, it is one of the most widely used
zits home remedy by people.
It might be a result of trial and
discovery that made the toothpaste serve not only to clean the
teeth but also as an unusual acne home remedy. To use it, just
apply it directly to your zits before sleeping. This is
believed to help control the swelling overnight. Just make sure
that it is not the gel but the paste.
It is actually previously proven that salt can be used as an
acne home remedy. Just prepare a salt solution (salt added to
warm water) and wash your face with it twice everyday. This
will remove the excess oil in your face, the main cause of
pimples. You actually have an option to add vinegar to it.
Apply it directly on the affected area and leave for 15-20
Fruits are definitely not just for food. They are not only good
for inner nutrition but can also be used as cure for outer
health problems. You can actually use some of them to be your
acne home remedy. One thing you can do is to place strawberry
leaves just directly on the affected part. Another is by
applying fresh lemon juice mixed with rose water in your face,
leaving it there for 15 minutes. A continuous application of
this for 15 days is believed to give you amazing results.
the other hand, ground orange peel added with water to make a
paste and applied to the acne can also make your face free of
acne again. Lime combined with rose water is also a recommended
acne home remedy. Just apply it on your face and leave it for
15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Juice made of Papaya
applied on the affected area is another great option. In
addition, a paste made of ripe tomatoes is also an effective
solution. That's so many great acne home remedies to choose
The power of the plant species against acne
Like the fruits mentioned above, there are herbs and other
plants that also proved to serve as a good acne home remedy.
You can try methi (fenugreek) leaves made to a paste and
applied to stay in your face for 10-15 minutes. Two cloves of
crushed garlic applied twice a day is another choice, just bear
with the strong smell of this acne home remedy.
A combination of
witch hazel, tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils put into
water can also give satisfactory results. Just always stir or
shake it before applying to the swellings twice or thrice a
day. Use cotton wool everytime you put it on.
Aloe vera gel is also proven to be great as a zits home remedy. Just make a juice out of it and apply it twice a day for the fast healing of your lesions. Cucumber will never be out of the list for beauty regimen. Apply a paste of it as a mask and leave it for 30 minutes. A paste of ground radish, as well as ground sesame seeds are also very good options when curing your acne.
Paste or mask applied to the face is not only the way of curing
You may find benefit from our information on detoxification
As well as about detoxing because of change of diet
It may be due to difficulties with your digestive system that is causing your body to be starved of key nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In this case you may find useful answers by reviewing our article on Nutrition For Your Cells.
There is also more information here about why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
It may be that your metabolism has slowed due to pressures that have been placed on your system through life in general or through specific “challenges” you have faced in the last few months or last few years. Review this by looking at our article about balancing your Metabolic Rate. We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about zits :
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Natural Beauty Skincare
With new research, new products and new skin protection advice popping up all the time, it is hard to figure out the best things to do to improve and protect your skin.
A skin care program is the combination of skin care products and a routine that will be most beneficial to the skin. You will first need to consider your diet and type of life-style since these two factors play an important role in the health of a person's skin.
Acne Vulgaris
There are many different types of blemishes that you can get on your face. They are all generally called acne but when it comes to treatment, it is important to know exactly what is going on with your skin.
The most common type of acne is Acne Vulgaris which literally means 'common acne.' This type of acne can cause blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.
Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, are follicles that are filled with the same as blackheads, but have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the material is not oxidized, and remains white.
There are many different types of blemishes that you can get on your face. They are all generally called Acne but when it comes to treatment, it is important to know exactly what is going on with your skin.
An open comedo, or blackhead, occurs when the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin. Its dark appearance is not due to dirt, but rather to a build up of the dark pigment of the skin called melanin. Blackheads are also a type of inflammatory acne.
Acne is a diseased condition of the skin characterized by symptoms like blackheads and/or whiteheads (plugged pores), pimples, and nodules or cysts (deeper lumps). Acne mostly targets the skin of the face but it can, and does, occur elsewhere on the body like neck, shoulders, back, and upper arms.
Most of the times, pimples appears in teenagers and young people in their early twenties. However, people in their thirties and even forties can also suffer from pimples. Severity of the condition varies from person to person.
Acne Scars
Most people with mild or moderate acne will recover from the condition without serious scarring. In cases of severe acne, however, scarring is almost inevitable. But don't give up hope -- new acne treatments can minimize scarring and existing scars can be removed with a variety of techniques.
People experience different types of scarring from acne, and every person is left with different facial topography. Therefore, acne scar treatment must be addressed on a case by case basis. No single treatment is right for everyone. You and your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon will have to decide what is right for your type of acne scarring.
Anti-Aging Skin Care
Aside from being our body's largest organ that protects us against various infections and illnesses, our skin is also the best indicator of aging. Since the skin plays an important role in our overall well being, it is a must that we take care of it the best possible way we can.
Indeed, developing healthy habits can help you develop an effective anti-aging regimen that can help slow down the aging process. Experts advise that people should—as much as possible—treat their aging skin the natural way
Age Spots or Liver Spots
These skin spots are sometimes called Liver Spots and are flat brown spots that can appear anywhere on the body’s skin as it ages.
Most spots appear on the face, neck, and hands.
These brown spots in themselves are harmless, but they can be a sign of more serious underlying problems. They are the result of a buildup of wastes known as lipofuscin accumulation, a Byproduct of free radical damage in skin cells.
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Micosis Before starting Uses Aloe Vera Gel, I suffered from a terrible micosis with lots of liquid loss and I needed to scratch frequently.
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aloe for toning skin care & barrier from pollution

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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Zits, pimples, acne, your health online, skin care, zits, pimples & acne
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