Working with Herbalife World Wide

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Working with Herbalife - How to Get Started with Your Own Herbalife Distributorship.

warren-tattersall-thumbnailsml It is good to see you are here. Looking through all the information to get to this page tells me that you are serious minded and that you are paying attention to what we do.

Everyone who has joined Herbalife as a distributor has done so in the same way: First they obtained an IBP (Independent Distributorship Pack) and then used the Herbalife registration form supplied with that pack to activate their distributorship.

To do this you must have an existing distributor who is prepared to sponsor you into our business.

Herbalife give a lot of support to their distributors but they also want each new distributor having someone to personally support them (In fact, if you have checked the market plan you will realize that you will actually have 3 sponsors).

In each area that I work in I look for one key person, a person who I like and who I feel comfortable with on a personal level. I then am happy to sponsor that person and guide them in how to establish their Herbalife business.

When there is a distributor already working with me in an area then that is much easier as there is someone locally who can support you so there is both local support and my own international support.

You will have noticed that I am selective about who I work with but you also need to check my own background with Herbalife to ensure that you would be comfortable working with me. One of your questions how should be: What can Warren to do help me here in my city to build my Herbalife distributorship?

Below is a page link. Check the short video there. Herbalife put it together to put on the big screens at a regional meeting in Singapore, the Asian Herbalife Extravaganza, which had 16,000 distributors attending: (Voice over is by Alan Lorenz who has been the No.1 distributor in Herbalife)

Check this page: Warren’s story – Getting Started with Herbalife.

Initially I like to see people working their Herbalife business around their traditional source of income. Having a successful part time cash flow makes a big difference to your life. When that part time income is bigger than your full time income then you have a powerful story.

To support you we have a heap of training:
• Distributor manuals in the IBP
• DVD’s on the products, the market plan and also on how to work your business
• Herbalife run trainings that you can attend in your area
• A huge library of on line training from Herbalife themselves
• A whole section of training and support we have for our own team on The Health Success Site

For people working with me we have the site, The Health Success Site. I built The Health Success Site as a tool to tell our story anywhere in the English speaking world. Now it is established I use it to support people working with me.

If you are a distributor registered in my business then I am happy to set up web pages for you on the site with contact forms that feed directly back to your personal email.

I will sort that for you at no cost to you, ie no cost to set up and no ongoing cost to keep it.

What are the costs?

The cost of establishing a Herbalife Distributorship is very little.

In USA for example the IBP is just a little over $100. The price in other countries varies. in Australia it would cost more like $180 but in India the price is less.

Herbalife include in the IBP about the same value of products as the value of the IBP so that you can trial them for yourself and personally experience the products.

The IBP basically includes everything you need to set up your business: The registration papers, product information, point of sale material, product and business training material. Basically all you need to get your business started.

Moving Forward

Now you have a good overview of who we are, what we do, what I am looking for, and what we offer you are able to make some decisions of your own.

Top sort out moving forward fill out the form below and we can take things from there.



Warren Tattersall’s “Getting Started World Wide” form

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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Working with Herbalife World Wide information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The Working with Herbalife World Wide content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health online or a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
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