What is The Link Between Thyroid Cancer And Hypertension?
A health article about Thyroid Cancer And Hypertension from Thyroid Gland - Hashimotos thyroiditis the A to Z directory of
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Thyroid cancer occurs in the body due to the growth of abnormal cells in a person's thyroid gland, which cannot be controlled naturally by the body. Thankfully, in most cases thyroid can cancer be cured. In this particular article we will take a look at the connection between thyroid cancer and hypertension.
About 20,000 people with thyroid cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States, and the cancer is typically present as a nodule on the thyroid.
Thyroid cancer usually does not have any symptoms and in over 99% of cases, even if a person does have a nodule on their thyroid it is not cancer, but a benign growth. If cancer does grow in the thyroid, it normally does so in a nodule.
There are a number of things which will point to a person suffering from thyroid cancer, the most common being a lump is found in the neck. However there are other symptoms that may occur but they can very often be associated with other conditions. These include:-
1. A pain in the neck which often starts at the base and then shoots up towards the ears.
2. Finding it difficult to swallow.
3. The throat becomes hoarse.
4. Finding it difficult to breathe and so have shortness of breath.
5. Suffering with a persistent cough.
The number of cases of thyroid cancer seem to be steadily increasing across the world but this may be a result of better screening and detection of all types of cancer.
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There is a condition called Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes, they are rare and occur when several endocrine glands develop benign or malignant tumours or they can overgrow and form no tumours. Is it thought that nearly all cases are inherited.
MEN can occur in three different variations, 1, 2A and 2B, however, they can overlap, and all three are categorised by the production of excess hormones.
In MEN type 2A, people develop tumours or overgrowth and excessive activity in two or sometime all of the thyroid gland, the adrenal gland and the parathyroid gland, and almost everyone with this syndrome goes on to develop medullary thyroid cancer.
In about 50% of the people with MEN type 2, they also develop tumours of the adrenal glands, which can raise blood pressure due to the release of epinephrine and other substances. This elevated blood pressure can be very severe.
There is a link between Thyroid Cancer and Hypertension, but the majority of thyroid cases do not encourage increased blood pressure levels.
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Thyroid Gland - Hashimotos thyroiditis
Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located directly below the Adam’s apple. This gland swells up accompanied by an inflammatory sensation, when not working properly. This can be seen as a small bulge in the area. Doctors might feel the size of the gland by keeping hand around your neck and making you swallow.
Even though this organ is relatively small, it is responsible for some of your body’s most important daily needs. The thyroid produces a hormone in order to control your metabolism, digestive and muscle functions, and skin health. Without your thyroid, you would need extensive medication to stay healthy.
For some people, this is what they must rely on. A variety of thyroid disease can cause your thyroid to produce too much or too little of its hormone. Unfortunately, if you are at risk for developing heart disease or have had heart disease in the past, thyroid problems could worsen your conditions.
Thyroid is known as the hormone factory of the body, as it manufactures a number of hormones for the body. T3 and T4 are the major hormones amongst them. Among various other things these hormones control the body’s metabolism and energy levels.
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