“The Health Success Site”
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Health and Nutrition Resources Index Warren Tattersall – Australia, Victoria
You have come to this site looking for answers for your health, energy or weight or looking for a way to create income helping us to help people with their health.
What ever brings you here you are, as I said, welcome.
“Your Health Online”
the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & Self Care Strategies for natural remedies to your health issues.
To learn more about the health issue that concerns you most right now, just click on the link and you will be taken to a page with all the information we have been able to source for you along with our ‘self care’ recommendations. The page will also feature a collection of relevant health articles, home remedies and other online resources for you.
We always welcome improvements on our content and quality of our health issues information, so we invite you to submit any additional information that you feel may enhance the content on any of the health issues listed below – and that way YOU can also help our site grow in valuable expertise and personal health experiences shared with all our visitors.
Food Health Issues Articles Directory “Are you caught in a natural energy shortage?” Sometimes, the demands of modern life seem to require an endless supply of energy. It’s hard enough just trying to squeeze everything in, then finding the energy to actually do everything presents a whole other obstacle. Even when we try to lead healthy, balanced lives, the energy our bodies need may not be there to sustain us. So where do we find the energy to accomplish everything so we can meet our goals and live our dreams? Here’s a short course on what your body needs to produce energy and how you can get more of it.
Cellular Nutrition for your Cells
A lot of people are a little confused about how our body actually works.
I can remember looking at a plate with chicken and vegetables and knowing that it was food for our body but not knowing how the body actually converts that food into a form where the body can actually use it and then gets that food to our cells.
To understand how nutrition supplementation can effect our health we need to start with this basic information about how this all works. (If you have a nursing or medical background this is so basic that you can just skip it as you will have done it all in collage in biology 101!)
“Why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?”
If I eat three health meals a day why should I even think of using supplements? This seems logical. Eat well and you will get everything you need from your diet and will stay healthy.
Sadly it is no longer correct. For our parents that may have worked, but things have changed. Once upon a time vegetables were grown in your garden and animals grew up in fields. I say “once upon a time” but it is only 40 or 50 years ago that this was basically true.
“Nutrition and general health”
Do You Have Any Indicators Of Health Problems?
A lot of people look at the information about nutrition and how the body breaks food down and absorbs it through the villi, putting it into the blood stream to deliver it to their cells and say, “That just makes sense”.
There is a big step though from knowing how the body does this to understanding that each of us need to be taking some personal action to give our bodies what they need for optimum performance.
“Losing Weight and Keeping It Off”
Heath article about preventing yo-yo dieting to lose 5 kilos. Everywhere you look you see promises of diets to let you lose 5 kg FAST.
Often they work …… in the short term. In the long term they work against you and they can be quiet dangerous. These diets often lead to the phenomenon known as yo-yo dieting with weight going up and down in a very negative way.
Guided Meditation self help Videos to help you relax
Includes meditation clips for total beginners with Tonal healing qualities and visuals. Just watch and you will feel amazing afterward.
INDEX of Health Problems & our self care recommendations:
Abrasions, Cuts and Scratches
Abscessed Teeth
Acid Reflux
* Acid reflux tips
Acne Vulgaris
Acne Scars
* Acne prevention - Free Health Book.
Addiction Facts
Addiction Types & Treatments
Addiction to coffee
Addiction to Cigarettes
* Addictions – free ebook
Age Spots
Alcoholism Disease
Allergy Dust Mite
Allergy Food Intolerance
Allergy – Seasonal Hay Fever
* Allergic Rhinitis
* Aloe Vera gel – health miracle?
Alternative Therapy - Alternative Health care
Alzheimer’s disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amoebic Dysentery
Anaemia – Iron Deficiency
Anger management
* Angina, Heartburn Or Heart Attack?
Anorexia - Eating Disorders
Anti-Aging Skin Care
Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Apnea – sleep disorder
Atrial Fibrillation
Arterial Hypertension
* Athletic (Karate) supplements
Asperger Syndrome
* Asthma & hay fever
* Asthma & pollution causes
* Asthma - Free Health Book
Athletes Foot
Attention Deficit Disorder
Anti-Aging Guide
Anti-Aging Skin Care
“How to live to be a 100” free health anti-aging book download
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Back Pain
Bacterial Vaginitis
bad breath - halitosis
Binge Eating Disorder
Bipolar disorder
* Blisters – natural remedy
Blood Pressure
Body Mass Indicator - BMI CALCULATOR
Body Building Sports Supplements
Body Mind and Spirit balance
Bone health
Bowel Cancer
Bowel problems
* Bowels and stomach digestion
Breast health
Breast cancer
Breast Enhancements
Breast feeding
Breast self examination
Bulimia nervosa - Eating Disorders
Burn treatment
Blood Pressure - High
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Cancer in Breast
Cancer in Bowel
Cancer in Prostate
Candida Vaginitis
Calories in food
Candida - candidiasis
Cavities - Dental care
Celiac Disease
Change of Diet
Childhood Mental Disorders
Child Sleep Disorders
Cholesterol and Heart Disease
* Cholesterol detox diet
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Clinical depression
Caffeine addiction
Common Cold
Chronic Stress
Crohn's disease
Coronary Heart disease
Compulsive Eating Disorder
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Daily sleep requirements
Deafness & hearing loss
Dental care for healthy teeth
* Depression & Insomnia
* Depression - Free Health Book
Dermatitis herpetiformis
* Detox Juice Diet
Diaper Rash
DIET PLANS reviewed
* Diet guide - Free Health Book.
* Diet tips - lose 5 kg
* Diet Change symptoms
* Diet Foods
* Digestion -food health issues
Digestion - Bowel problems
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID/MPD)
Diverticulosis & Diverticular diseases
Dual Diagnosis Mental Problem
Dust Mite Allergy
Dysentery Amoebic
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
Dyshidrotic eczema
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Ear Infections & hearing loss
Eating Disorders
* Eating Disorders - Free Health Book.
Energy low
Energy Quiz
* Engorged Breasts
Exercise for health
* Exercise & Fitness – free eCourse
Eye Infections & Defective vision
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* Fainting - heart disease
Fatigue - chronic
* Fibroid Treatment
Fitness Exercise
* Fitness & Exercise – free eBook & eCourse
Flu - Influenza
Food Allergy
Food Pyramid
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Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
General Health Indicators
German measles - Rubella
Gingivitis –Gum Disease
Guided meditation
Gluten intolerance
Grave’s Disease - thyroid
Green Tea
* Green Tea Diets - Free Health Book.
Growing Pains
Gum Abscess
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Hay fever
* Hay fever & asthma facts
Hair Loss
* Hair Loss prevention - Free Health Book.
Hashimotos thyroiditis
* Health Success Magazine – free subscription published monthly
* Health Reports & eCourses 20+ F’R’E’E’ ebook downloads
Hearing loss
Heartburn (Acid Reflux)
* Heartburn, Angina Or Heart Attack?
Heart disease
* Heart Disease prevention - Free Health Book.
* Heart disease in women
Hemolytic Anemia
Herbal Green Tea
High Blood Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Hypnotism Part 1
Hypnotherapy Part 2
Hypnosis - Self Part 3
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Impulse Control Disorder
Infant bowel problems
* Insomnia & Depression
* Insomnia cures - Free Health Book.
Insanity - Mental Health
Intestinal Worms
Iron Deficiency - Anaemia
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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Jet Lag sleep disorder
* Juice Detox Diet
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Kidney Stones
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Lactose Intolerance
Leg muscle pain
Liver Spots
Lou Gehrig's disease - ALS
Lose Weight
* Lose weight - Free Health Book.
Low Blood Pressure
Low Energy
Lupus Erythematosus
Lyme Disease
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* Mamogram - humour
Manic Depression
Massage Therapy
Measles - Rubella
Meditation videos
Meditation techniques
Memory Improvement
* Menopausal Dizziness
Mental Disorders - Childhood
Mental Health Disorders
Mental health - Dual Diagnosis
* Metastatic Breast Cancer
Metabolic Rate
* Metabolism Boosters - Free Health Book.
Mind Body and Spirit balance
* Mind, Body & Spirit Balance - Free Health Book
* Migraines & Vertigo
Morbid obesity
Multiple sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscle disorders
Muscular Dystrophy
Myasthenia gravis
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Nutrition for your cells
Nutrition -food health issues
Nutritional changes – what to expect
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Osteoporosis - Bone disease
* Osteoporosis – vegetarian diet
Otitis Media - ears
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Painful Leg Muscles
Panic Disorder
Peptic Ulcer
Pernicious Anaemia
Personality Disorder
Piles - Hemorrhoids
Poison Ivy Rash
Post Natal Depression
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Prostate Disorders
Prostate – Treatments for Cancer
Protein Requirement Estimator
Psychosis mental disorder
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Quick Weight Loss Disadvantages
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Rash Diaper
Rectal prolapse
Restless Leg Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis
* Rhinitis Allergic
Root Canal - Dental care
Rubella - measles
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Self Hypnosis
Skin Rash
Skin Care - Anti-Aging
* Skin problems answered - Free Health Book.
* Flawless skin guide - Free Health Book.
* Healthy glowing skin - Free Health Book.
* Think Clean & Green Skincare - Free Health Book.
* Fight Acne - Free Health Book.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep - daily requirements
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders - Children
Sleep disorders - Insomnia
Sleep disorders - Jet lag
Sleep disorders - Restless Leg Syndrome
* Sleep disorders - Free Health Book.
* Sleep drink recipes
* Smoothie Recipes Collection
Slow Metabolic Rate
Social Phobia
Sore Throat
* Spider Veins
Sports Supplements
Stomach Ulcer
Smoking – how to stop tobacco addiction
* Stop Smoking manual - Free Health Book.
Stress management
* Stress Management - Free Health Book.
Stroke – heart attack
Suicide Prevention
* Super foods – Weight Loss
Swimmer’s Ear
Syndrome X
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
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Teeth & dental care
Temporomandibular joint disorder
Tennis elbow
Thinning Hair
Throat - sore
Thrush - candida
Thyroid Gland - thyroiditis
Tongue White
* Toothache – natural remedies
* Toothaches - stopping the pain
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Ulcers - stomach
Urinary Tract Infection
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Valvular heart disease
Varicose Veins
Vegetarian diet
* Vegetarian –v- Vegan Diet
Vitamin supplements
* Vitamins When Dieting
* Vitamins & Minerals - Free Health Book
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Water - benefits
* Weight gain - athlete
Weight Loss
* Weight loss guide - Free Health Book
* Weight loss prevent high blood pressure
* Weight loss - lose 5 kg
White Tongue
Whooping cough
* Women - heart disease intro
* Womens health self care considerations
* Women’s Sleep Habits & Problems
* Writer's Cramp
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Syndrome X
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Yeast Infection
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The Health Success Site content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
The resources on this The Health Success Site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site subject matter herein. The Health Success Site contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or practices described.
The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these The Health Success Site materials and information. Neither The Health Success Site author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional. This website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
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