Is Sign Language an Option for You?
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Should Your Child Learn Sign Languages: Strong Reasons to Teach Your Child the Language?
As we discussed previously, having a child with a hearing disability can be quite difficult on a family. Aside from the stress related to the physical inability of the child to communicate, one also has to deal with the emotional stress this type of situation presents.
The problem becomes evident and frustration sets in especially during times when communication has become cumbersome. A hearing impairment makes communication difficult for those who have not been able to cope with the problem.
This may make the child feel socially isolated from the rest of the family when he or she isn't able to communicate properly with siblings or with parents. These are some of the factors that make learning sign language the ideal course of action on for families with members that have hearing disabilities.
Hearing disabilities
Hearing disabilities are not limited to deafness or a total lack of hearing. Hearing disabilities also include partial deafness or even temporary deafness. The disability may be treatable or not. Any hearing related problem that prevents good communication between members of the family can be considered and hearing impairment that should be dealt with at the family level.
Should you consider teaching your child sign language?
If a child has a hearing disability, and is having a hard time understanding, hearing of communicating with others, he or she may feel alienated from the rest of the family. This could cause a whole deal of emotional stress which will surely result in difficult behavior for other social problems.
It is very important that the family is able to recognize this problem and deal with it early on in the child's life. This is especially true if the child is born deaf or hard of hearing. Remember that throughout the early years, much of the child's social, emotional, and physical growth occurs.
The child learns during this age how to relate to other people. Communication is a big part of this development, and with the disability he or she may have, being able to relate with other people through meaningful communication becomes doubly hard.
Immediate consultation with the physicians is important to assess whether the impairment can be corrected or treated. In the meantime it is important that the child is able to express him or herself and is able to understand what other people are trying to tell them.
This can be accomplished through the help of sign language. If your child has a hearing impairment, no matter what type of impairment it may be, as long as it impedes his or her communication with other people, he or she should be taught sign language.
Baby sign language
Some experts even recommend that babies be communicated with using a special type of touch language. This is called baby sign. This is not a language that is thought exclusively alone. It is typically taught in conjunction with normal spoken language.
The rationale behind this movement is that babies are receptive to communication via touch more so than communication via sound during the early years. The combination of both develops social bonds faster than by sound alone.
Home sign language
Aside from typical sign language, you will probably develop what is called home sign. Home sign is a set of signs that are exclusive to a family. Whenever you start a sign language program for your child make sure that the whole family is included. Everyone in the family should be encouraged to learn sign language and to speak sign language in the home.
This is to make sure that the child never feels out of place even in his or her own home. Children are very sensitive to this sort of social bonding. They should always feel like they are a part of any conversation in the house. If this does not happen, then they may develop feelings of suspicion, or paranoia, and other negative
emotional trauma.
Where to get help
A speech professional may be able to help a family with a member that has a speech disability. A deaf person may be taught to speak even if he or she cannot hear. There are numerous sign language programs that can be availed of so that the whole family can learn the language.
Also, there are special schools that can help the specific problems of a family with a hearing disability.
What are Ear & hearing loss problems ?
Your ear is divided into three major components: the inner ear, the middle ear, and the outer ear. The outer ear is what is physically seen in our bodies. The ear canal is the path where the sound waves pass through.
It is also seen from the outside. The ear canal acts like a funnel catching the sound waves and lead them to the eardrum.
The middle ear is where the eardrum is located. It is actually a small space inside the ear filled with air. In the middle ear, there are three tiny bones. Collectively, they are called the ossicles.
Individually, there are the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup. From the outer ear, sound is directed to the eardrum. Now on the eardrum, these bones move in tune with the sound that passes on the vibration toward a much smaller part of the ear, the cochlea.
The cochlea is already part of the inner ear. It has fluid in it, which, in turn, moves the hairs on the outside of the cells. Several of these hair cells create an electrical impulse that is send with the auditory nerve directly to the brain.
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