What is Low Testosterone In Women?
A health article about Low Testosterone In Women from Menopause HRT the A to Z directory of
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testosterone women and low testosterone in women symptoms
are related to hormone levels in the woman's body. Testosterone
production in a woman is about 10% of the amount typically made
by a man. Testosterone is produced primarily in a woman's
ovaries and adrenal glands.
Along with the two other vital hormones - progesterone and
estrogen - testosterone production declines as a woman ages.
Low testosterone women may experience certain symptoms, the
most notable symptom being low libido. However, low
testosterone in women can also contribute to depression and
Harvard-trained family physician Dr. John R. Lee describes his
experience with low testosterone women in the book What Your
Doctor May NOT Tell You About Premenopause. He reports that
several clinical studies have shown that using a small amount
of natural testosterone supplementation may enhance the good
effects of the other hormones.
However, Dr. Lee observes that testosterone production depends
on sufficient progesterone levels in the body. In the healthy
human body, progesterone converts into another form of
progesterone, which converts into androstenedione from which
testosterone is made. If progesterone levels are too low -
common today with women in their 30's and older - low
testosterone in women may be the result.
For low testosterone
women, Dr. Lee recommends first using natural progesterone
cream supplementation for at least six months, using dosages in
the same amounts as what the body would normally produce. Dr.
Lee found that natural progesterone supplementation often
solved the problem of low testosterone women and low libido.
While low testosterone in women is one problem, excessive
testosterone can also cause problems. Dr. Lee describes what
often happens as women approach menopause and ovarian function
Women often show symptoms of becoming androgen dominant,
and testosterone supplementation may only make this condition
worse. Symptoms of androgen dominance in women include male
pattern baldness and facial hair growth.
In addition, an excess of estrogen in the woman's body can
result in the occurance of these same two symptoms. Clearance
of testosterone from the body is related to the healthy balance
of estrogen and progesterone levels. Too much estrogen slows
down the clearance of testosterone, while progesterone enhances
testosterone clearance.
By staying in the body longer than
necessary, testosterone may produce the androgenic
characteristics described above. Dr. Lee found that
supplementation with natural progesterone cream tended to
reverse the androgen dominant characteristics.
Dr. Lee recommends that low testosterone women first use
natural progesterone cream supplementation for at least six
months. His experience was that frequently no testosterone
supplementation was required as natural progesterone corrected
the symptoms.
He advises that if low libido is still being
experienced after doing progesterone supplementation for at
least six months, then consider trying a small amount of
natural testosterone supplementation - approximately 0.5-2 mg
in the mornings. If testosterone supplementation begins to
produce facial hair growth and/or male pattern baldness, reduce
or discontinue testosterone supplementation.
He recommends using only natural testosterone, not one of the
synthetic testosterone drugs that can have undesirable side
effects. You will need a doctor's prescription to obtain
natural testosterone which is easily available from compounding
Learn as much as you can about when to use natural hormone
supplemention to help stay healthy and free from the symptoms
associated with low testosterone in women, and understand the
vital role that natural progesterone plays in women's health.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
About The Author: Read more about natural progesterone
supplementation at
and natural hormone therapy. Olinda Rola is President of
InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of
http://www.safemenopausesolutions.com - a website of natural
health articles and resources.
What is Menopause?
The menopause or a woman’s change of life is a perfectly normal event which starts in the mid
or late forties to fifties. It signifies the end of the female reproductive period of life which commenced at
adolescence in the early teens.
Menopause is the cessation of the monthly female menstrual cycle, usually in the late forties or early fifties, and it marks the end of fertility. Currently, about 40 million American women are menopausal, and the number will grow dramatically in the next decade as the baby-boomer generation reaches the age of menopause.
At the turn of the last century, menopause and death occurred at roughly the same ages, but now the average woman who reaches menopause will live 30 more years. Menopause is the cessation of ovulation; that is, the ovaries no longer release eggs and no longer secrete estrogen and progesterone. The average age for menopause is 51, and perimenopause, the transition from regular functioning of the ovaries to its absence, can take from one to ten years.
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