What is Hypnotherapy?
A health article about Hypnotherapy from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Hypnotism And Self-Hypnosis - by Ralph Slater
IT is apparent, from the History of Hypnotism in Chapter One, that the development of the theory and practice of hypnotism has been largely in the hands of medical men. To the names of those mentioned in our brief history, scores of other physicians might be mentioned such as Forel, Janet, Arndt, Berend, Coué, Binet, Richet, and innumerable others.
Some physicians have become specialists in this field, and used hypnosis with marked success in a wide range of physical and mental disorders.
In consequence of further experimentation by medical men, doubtless many more will specialise in this branch of medical therapy. I consider hypnotism should be regarded as allied to medicine, but a separate science in itself, like chemistry.
My interest, however, is not so much in specialisation by a few physicians, as in an effort to interest all physicians in learning the technique of hypnosis. During the war, I gave most of my time to visiting U.S. Army and Navy hospitals, demonstrating the use of hypnosis to the medical staffs, in the treatment of shell-shock, battle fatigue, insomnia, amnesia and other nervous and mental conditions. For ten years I have toured the U.S.A., giving hundreds of demonstrations before medical groups, in an effort to stimulate the interest of physicians in the medical use of hypnosis.
That doctors are becoming more hypnotism-conscious is evidenced by hundreds of letters from physicians all over the world which I receive daily. At my third appearance in Carnegie Hall in New York recently, over a thousand physicians were in the audience, including the medical staffs of Halloran and St. Albans Hospitals. Nevertheless, it is still true that not one medical school in a hundred to-day actually teaches hypnotic techniques to its students.
I have never suggested that hypnotism is a cure-all, or that its use should in any way replace usual medical procedure. It does seem apparent, however, that it is worth trying in many cases which fail to respond to other means of treatment.
Physicians, as we have already stated, have found hypnosis effective in correcting undesirable habits; such as, excessive smoking, drinking, etc.—speech defects, such as stammering, when the cause is not organic— insomnia—sexual and other emotional disturbances— phobias and other neurotic disorders—and in the relief of many types of pain: migraine headache, neuralgia, rheumatic pains, etc.
For the benefit of physicians who may wish to use hypnotism in treating any of the above conditions, I am going to offer specific suggestions as to the technique to be used, which will differ in certain respects from the techniques used purely for entertainment purposes.
Please note that in the instructions which follow, I shall make no effort to discuss the medical aspects of the cases under consideration. Medical men are fully informed as to causes of illness and established methods of treatment. I merely suggest the use of hypnotism as an additional method of treatment, and leave it entirely to the judgment of the individual physician, whether to use it or not.
Another point I wish to make clear: in presenting the type of suggestions which may be used under the various categories, I am giving much fuller and more detailed suggestions than I ever use myself. You may be able, like me, to develop a speedy technique.
Where some psychologists assert that it takes them an hour and a half or more to get a subject under control, you may be able to train yourself to hypnotise subjects in a matter of a few seconds or minutes. Instead of using the lengthy and detailed suggestions which follow, you may find it easier to use simple, direct and quick suggestions.
For example, under the head of smoking, I have given detailed suggestions which may be used. Personally, in my public demonstrations, I simply tell a subject that cigarettes taste bitter—they will not enjoy smoking any more—they will stop smoking because all cigarettes will taste bad. I trust I have made this point clear.
The thousands of doctors who have seen my demonstrations all over the country may think, after reading what follows, "This does not read much like the Slater speedy technique." It isn't! I am merely giving the long form because the beginner may find it helpful to have an extended series of examples of suggestion which may be used. True, they are all good and tend to impress the ideas into the subconscious of the patient from as many different angles as possible; but as you acquire experience, confidence and speed, you will naturally shorten the procedure and use more simple and direct forms, which you will develop for yourself by shortening and simplifying the suggested forms.
In other words, these forms are given to you, not to be followed verbatim, but merely as illustrative of some of the suggestions which may be used in practice.
Millions of people suffer from the effects of undesirable habits, such as excessive smoking, drinking, etc. Multitudes of these individuals go through life with decreased efficiency, distraught nerves, and a sense of futility and frustration. They are unable to break the compelling force of negative habit by themselves. They need help; but do not know where to find it.
Many appeal to their physicians. But, unless the physician has learned to use hypnotism, there is little he can do except give good advice; and every doctor knows that good advice is of little value in cases of excessive smoking or alcoholism. The victim knows the habit is injurious; he is desperately anxious to stop; but cannot do so. Through hypnotic suggestion, he can be helped.
For example, an excessive smoker is told, while under hypnosis, that the cigar or cigarette he is smoking does not taste good. You may say, "It stinks—it is bitter—it tastes bad—throw it away—here, wash your mouth out (with a real or imaginary glass of water). Now every time you put one in your mouth it will turn your stomach—you will lose your taste for smoking—you will no longer want to smoke—you are through with smoking!"
Having thus implanted the negative idea, you will now proceed to the positive phase of the treatment, something as follows: "You have decided that you are through with smoking—you will lose the desire to smoke—you are strong—you are powerful—you have perfect command—from now on you will demonstrate that you are stronger than this habit—no force can break down your iron determination—every time you refuse to smoke, it will be easier the next time to say, 'No!'—the habit is broken!" Use a strong, commanding tone in giving these suggestions.
To test the patient you may offer him a smoke after he is awake. If he starts to put it in his mouth, stop him and say quietly, "I don't think you had better put that in your mouth—it will not taste good—forget it—you don't need to smoke now—when you start to take a smoke again stop and think how much better you will feel if you throw it away—the more often you do this, the less you will want to smoke, and you will soon be entirely cured of the habit." These suggestions will impress upon the conscious mind the suggestions already given to the subconscious, thus forming another constructive association of ideas.
The same general method can be used to break a patient of the habit of excessive drinking. The same two steps are involved in the treatment. First the negative phase: tell him that liquor will taste bad—it will turn his stomach—he will have a feeling of nausea, and will put the glass down without wanting to finish it. Then proceed to the second step and give suggestions similar to those indicated in the treatment of excessive smoking.
You must, in all cases, build up a positive expectation in the patient's mind that he is going to be helped; that the treatments will be successful; that the habit will be completely broken.
Physicians, of course, know that there are two schools of thought about drinking, one of which believes that best results can be secured through progressive reduction. They seek to get the patient to drink less and less each day or week.
If he has been in the habit of taking ten drinks a day on the average, he will decrease this first to eight; later to six; then to four; and so on. The main objection to this is that, though it appears promising, it seldom works. The patient starts out co-operatively for a time, then breaks down and abandons all restraint.
Most authorities now urge that immediate and complete abstinence, with no exception and no compromise, is essential. You may wish to experiment with both of these methods on different patients, and determine for yourself which is for you and your patients the most effective. It is a question which depends largely upon the individual patient.
Some patients may stop immediately and completely, leaving your future task merely to deepen and strengthen the resolve not to drink. With others, it would be impossible for them to stop at once without serious physical consequences, and the only alternative to admission of failure will be the use of the method of progressive reduction. The decision in each case is a matter for the judgment of the practitioner as to the best procedure.
In the suggestions which follow, I have followed the basic procedure of psychiatry in suggesting that the causes of the neurotic symptoms be located where-ever possible. This is in line with accepted medical standards. Through hypnosis, these causes can much more readily be brought out than through the long and tedious operation of "free association". . Facts which might require weeks or months through psychoanalytical technique are instantly revealed through hypnotic regression.
Personally I am not convinced, however, that such an investigation is always necessary. When the surgeon is called upon to operate in a case of a badly inflamed appendix, he does not pause to consider how the appendix got that way: he takes it out!
It may help to know just what experience, or set of conditions, started a stutterer in his speech defect. Then the force of this cause in the subconscious can be broken and the treatment strengthened. But the first thing is to cure the stuttering, and this can be done, even where no definite cause can be located. The same is true of the treatment of phobias, etc. Remove the phobia.
Assure the patient he will no longer fear the dark, high places, closed places, or whatever his trouble may be. This is simple, direct and effective hypnotic treatment—regardless of causes. The chain of negative association which comprises the cause can be utterly broken up, through positive suggestion, during hypnosis.
If, under hypnosis, the patient proves unable to reveal any clue as to the cause of his defect, do not delay but proceed at once with the treatment. Never press your efforts to locate a cause to the point where you may develop unconscious resistance. Stop your inquiries and proceed with positive suggestion.
Place the patient under hypnosis as described in Chapter Five. When tests reveal he is in a hypnotic state, ask him at what age he started to stutter. Then ask him what happened that might have caused him to stutter. You may ask, "Did you receive punishment for something you did? Did anything happen at school? Did other children make fun of you? Did you do something about which you felt a sense of guilt?"
Tell him to think hard and try to recall any experience which might have had a restrictive influence upon him just before he started to stutter.
If he is unable to recall anything which might have been a factor in the cause, immediately proceed to the suggestive treatment. You may say, "Sleep deeply— very deeply—you will be conscious of nothing but my voice—you will speak freely and easily—the tendency to stutter is gone—speak without hesitancy."
Then ask him simple questions which he can answer without effort: such as, "What is your name? What is your father's name? Your mother's? How many brothers and sisters? Name them. Where do you live? Where did you attend school? Do you work? What do you do? Tell me about it—just what are your duties—do you like this work—what would you rather do, if anything, etc." The purpose of these questions is to get him talking with least possible resistance.
The moment he starts to stutter, if he does, stop and repeat the suggestion that he does not need to stutter— that he will answer you easily and freely; and say, in a sharp, commanding voice, "Now repeat that without stuttering." When he does so, say, "That's fine—see— you have proved to yourself that you can talk without stuttering."
Be sure, before awakening him, to give strong post-hypnotic suggestions that his stuttering will be completely eliminated, he will speak without embarrassment and with complete self-confidence.
Do not expect miracles. Few will be cured in a single treatment. But they can and will be cured if the treatments are persisted in. Improvement may at first be gradual, and will become more marked as the patient becomes more deeply hypnotised in successive treatments.
Treatment for the relief of insomnia depends largely on post-hypnotic suggestion: "You will be very tired when you go to bed—while undressing you will become very sleepy—the moment your head touches the pillow your eyelids will be heavy—your arms and legs will be heavy—you will breathe deeply—you will immediately fall sound asleep and enjoy restful sleep throughout the night."
It should also be impressed upon the patient that sleep must be effortless. As soon as he tries to go to sleep, his efforts tend to tense him, and thus prevent the relaxation essential to sleep.
This should be stressed, after the suggestive treatment, before the patient leaves your office. Explain this fact to him and then assure him, in a tone of absolute confidence, that he will go right to sleep to-night—you have given him the hypnotic suggestions which will put him to sleep immediately, when he goes to bed.
You should follow up your treatment with some hints about the technique of self-hypnosis outlined in Chapter Ten, so that the patient can learn to "do the trick" for himself night after night, when you are not there to help him.
As every doctor knows, sexual difficulties are so many and varied that it would be impossible to go into any
detail in suggesting specific treatment in the limited scope of this work. It is desirable to locate causes for every sexual disorder. The nature of the cause will largely determine the nature of the suggestions to be used.
For example, a patient suffers from homosexual tendencies: your preliminary analysis of the patient's history convinces you that the condition is acquired, rather than congenital, and therefore subject to cure. Your suggestions will then be to the effect that the patient really is not homosexual—his tendency is merely the result of certain experiences he has had that have tended to deviate his sex desires from the normal object—that contact with his own sex is repugnant to him—he derives no real satisfaction, etc.
This is especially true in cases of frigidity. Almost all authorities are agreed now that very few women are really frigid. The causes of the apparent frigidity may be many: misguided teaching by parents or other adults resulting in the idea that everything pertaining to sex is vile, filthy and should be strictly repressed; premature sex experience with its attendant sense of guilt; the husband's lack of knowledge of how to perform the sex act so as to achieve mutual satisfaction, etc.
Once the cause has been located, the character of suggestions used to produce the desired result is obvious.
For example: "You will cease to think of sex as something vile which you must repress—you are completely a normal woman, and possess natural and strong sexual desire—you will respond to your husband's love-making without any resistance or repression—you will find complete satisfaction in your marital relations— your sexual thoughts will be dominated by the idea of beauty and love—you will find the sex relation natural and beautiful."
Impotence in the male is another sexual condition for which the physician is frequently called upon to prescribe a remedy. Wilhelm Stekel in his important work Psychic Impotence claims that most cases diagnosed as impotence are in reality merely psychic impotence. The span of man's virility, according to Stekel, is from the cradle to the grave.
Some single experience, or several negative influences, creates in the sufferer's mind the fear of impotence, and this fear inhibits the normal sexual development. Remove the fear, or other negative associations, and normal functioning returns. If this be so, and Stekel's claims have received wide support, hypnotism should clearly be a strongly indicated treatment for this condition. First clear up the cause, then proceed, as above, with suggestions that he will demonstrate complete virility, etc.
This is an age of specialisation. The average medical practitioner will prefer to refer patients with serious neurotic conditions to a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst. However, many cases, in which the mental or emotional disturbance is mild or not of long standing, will readily respond to hypnotic treatment.
Also, many patients in great need of help have neither the time nor money to undergo a psychoanalysis, or even a series of treatments by a psychiatrist—yet they do need help. For many such cases, hypnotism will be the answer.
In every case involving a neurotic trend, it is desirable to study the patient's history for all possible clues as to the basic cause or causes. Most of these causes willdate back to childhood impressions buried deep in the subconscious. Usually, the patient himself will be of little help in locating these psychic causes of the neurotic manifestations of which he complains.
The psychoanalytical procedure is largely based upon the effort to bring up into the conscious these submerged associations and conflicts. When dragged into the field of conscious memory and viewed objectively, they tend to lose their dominance and the neurotic pattern is broken.
Frequently, these negative, submerged impressions are quickly located while the patient is under hypnosis. Many patients will describe, in complete detail, incidents which they do not consciously remember, but which are deeply embedded in the subconscious and largely responsible for their neurotic condition. It must be remembered that the subconscious never forgets.
In my public demonstrations, I have frequently had subjects give me the name of every teacher they had from the bottom form of their school up to the top. Yet on waking they would be unable to recall the name of a single teacher, or at best but one or two. This ability to call up long-forgotten facts is called regression.
A few examples should suffice. The general pattern will be the same, though the specific suggestions will, of course, be adapted to the particular condition you are seeking to relieve. For a patient suffering from claustrophobia, you may find that the patient's unreasoning fear of closed places dates back to the time when, as a small child, he was locked in a dark cupboard by his parent as a punishment. Location of this consciously forgotten experience, and bringing it into the conscious, will tend to break the repressed association.
Then again place the patient into a hypnotic state and give suggestions something as follows: "Your fear of closed places has now been destroyed—henceforth, you will experience not fear or distress when in closed places—think how nice it is to be in such a comfortable room—you will feel protected, safe and secure under all such conditions, etc."
In helping a patient to overcome the inferiority complex, after locating as many contributing causes as possible, and helping the patient to face these objectively and resolve to rise above their negative influence, put him to sleep and give suggestions something as follows: "You are developing perfect self-confidence— you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve a worth-while place in life—you will be strong, courageous, self-reliant—you will enjoy meeting people and will converse and work with them with a sense of absolute equality."
In Chapter One on the History of Hypnotism, it was pointed out that Bernheim and Liébault dissented from the theory of Mesmer, that hypnotic healing was due to a magnetic current directed to the body of the subject by the operator. It was their belief that the therapeutic agent used in hypnotism was suggestion.
They taught that hypnosis was a mental state in which the subject's susceptibility to suggestion was greatly increased. They also demonstrated that suggestion could be used therapeutically without hypnosis. The value of hypnotic suggestion is that the patient's acceptance of the healing suggestion is heightened by the inability of the
conscious mind to doubt, contest or reject the suggestions made by the operator.
The therapeutics of suggestion are based on the fact that a number of diseases can be relieved or cured merely by making the patient believe he will get better, and strongly impressing this belief in his mind.
Every capable physician uses this technique to some extent even though he may do so unconsciously. The patient's faith in the doctor and his belief in the efficacy of whatever treatment may be given, is an important factor in all therapy. This use of suggestive therapy is as old as the practice of medicine itself. What hypnotism does is to multiply many times over the force of the suggestion through the greater susceptibility of the patient under hypnosis.
If suggestion is to be successful, the patient must believe he will get well! It is not always possible for the physician to implant this faith and expectancy in the patient's mind. Hypnotism is a means to this end. With the conscious mind in abeyance, the subconscious readily accepts the healing suggestions. No patient under complete hypnosis can resist the influence of the suggestions given by the operator.
In 18 80 Berger conducted a series of notable experiments proving the effectiveness of hypnotic suggestion as a therapeutic agent. He reported that a hemiplegic patient easily made movements under hypnosis he was unable to make when awake. He saw locomotor ataxia cases cease to stagger under hypnosis. Other physicians experimenting with hypnosis in this period, reported induction and removal, through hypnosis, of fractures and paralysis. But to Liébault must go the credit of first reducing hypnotic therapy to scientific treatment.
His work was carried on and extended by Bernheim, Forel and others who followed.
Thus far, functional neurosis is the chief field for hypnotherapy, i.e. nervous disorders with no organic lesion or derangement. But out of the very considerable literature available, we will indicate some of the other disorders which have yielded to this treatment.
Hypnosis has been employed to cure all types of pains having no anatomical basis, such as: chronic headaches, abdominal pain, ovarian, neuralgic and rheumatic pains, hysterical disturbances with resulting paralysis of the extremities, hysterical vomiting, polyuria, menstrual pains, loss of appetite, nausea in pregnancy, alcoholism, etc.
Brugelmann reports its successful use in cases of nervous asthma: Forel, Bernard and Schmidt in chronic constipation; Mollerup and Clutnoff in nervous ocular disturbances; Krafft-Ebing, Ladame and others in non-congenital sexual perversions; Heim and others in the prevention of sea-sickness; Barband in cases of vaginism.
Successful treatment of chronic alcoholism has been reported by Forel, Wetterstrand, Carval and many others.
Some practitioners report that, even in the light stages of hypnosis, pains of headache, neuritis, etc., have been relieved.
After the subject has been placed under hypnosis, gently stroke the affected part and say, "The pain is passing—it is going—now you have no pain—when you wake you will be conscious of no pain—the pain is now completely gone—now, when I count three, wake up—and remember—there will be no pain—one—two—three—wake up—now you feel better."
In the deeper stages of hypnosis an advanced condition of analgesia can be induced. You may have seen one of my public demonstrations in which needles are pressed into the outstretched palm of a hypnotised subject with complete absence of pain. Hypnotism as an anaesthetic in surgery has been employed successfully by many physicians in France, Germany, Russia and U.S.A., in cases of childbirth among others.
In India, Dr. Esdaile performed several hundred operations with hypnosis as the only anaesthetic. Doubtless, hypnosis would to-day be very widely used in anaesthesia were it not for the development and use of more easily administered and highly effective modern methods of anaesthesia.
Because of these developments, it is doubtful if hypnotism will find any wide use in surgery; it is too much like taking a shotgun to kill a fly. It can only be used in deep hypnosis after the patient has been hypnotised a number of times, and tested with needle insertions to ensure the degree of analgesia which has been induced. Its chief application as an anaesthetic is in minor surgery and with patients who fear, or for any reason cannot take, the usual anaesthetics.
Many anaesthetists in the U.S.A., however, are trained to offer simple hypnotic suggestions with the anaesthetic, in such words as "You're going to be all right—you're going to be well", which is particularly valuable for inducing a state of well-being in the patient on waking after the operation. Just at the very moment the patient goes under is the most valuable time to reach his subconscious mind.
Self Care strategies for Living with Hypnotherapy
Post-Hypnotic Suggestion:
FOR therapeutic purposes, post-hypnotic suggestion is of very great importance. This will become more apparent in the chapter which deals specifically with hypnotic therapy.
It is, doubtless, the most remarkable fact about hypnotism, that it can be used to implant ideas into the subconscious mind which will influence the behaviour and bodily condition of the subject after he has been released from direct hypnotic control.
The power of post-hypnotic suggestion is graphically illustrated in its use for entertainment purposes. The subject is told that after he wakes, at a given signal, certain things will happen. For example: "When I awaken you from the hypnotic state, you will go over to a chair, sit down, and immediately go sound asleep."
Or you may say, "After you wake, you will sit down and rest. When I snap my fingers, you will bark like a dog." Another post-hypnotic suggestion, used in entertainment, is the suggestion that when the operator snaps his fingers or claps his hands, the chair on which the subject is sitting will start to get warm, will get hot, so hot that the subject will be forced to jump up and cry, "Ouch!"
These demonstrations will be most amusing to the spectators; but they also are convincing evidence of the power of post-hypnotic suggestion. The operator may say, "After you wake, I will give you a cigarette, but it will taste very bitter, and you will throw it away." It will be apparent to the subject and audience, when the
awakened subject finds the offered cigarette bitter and throws it away, that the same type of suggestion might easily be used in a serious use of therapeutic hypnotism to break excessive smoking and other bad habits.
There are great possibilities of using post-hypnotic suggestion therapeutically in accomplishing beneficial results. It has been used with marked effect in breaking various bad habits. Many alcoholics have been induced to stop drinking through using this technique. Such a serious condition will usually have to be the subject of a series of treatments until the suggestions become a fixed and controlling part of the subconscious mind. We will discuss this fully in the section on therapeutic hypnosis.
It is interesting to note that, even in the lighter side of hypnotism for entertainment purposes, there is very definite evidence that the suggestive control of the subconscious can be used by the operator for more serious purposes.
In public exhibitions, two subjects may be selected; one a timid person, suffering from a sense of physical weakness and inferiority, the other the strong aggressive type. The timid subject is told that he is so strong that everyone is afraid of him; the other is told that he is physically weak, timid and afraid to fight or to argue with anyone. The little fellow is then told to go over and bully the big one.
Of course, the result is most amusing. But it is more than that. If a subject with an inferiority complex can be made to believe he is powerful and aggressive for entertainment, it is evident that the same conviction can be permanently implanted in the subconscious to help him overcome his sense of inferiority.
Suggestions should be kept positive so far as possible,
rather than negative. In other words, "You will do this —you will think this—you will feel this", instead of using the negative form, "You will not do this, etc." The subconscious accepts the positive suggestions much more readily than it does the negative. Avoid, therefore, the use of not, etc.
Always be sure to remove any post-hypnotic suggestion which might have an undesirable influence on the subject. For example: suppose you hypnotise a subject, and tell him that after he awakens he will see a cat and be very much afraid of the animal. When he awakens, a cat is introduced and he may cry out in terror. That is all right as a gag and to get some laughs. But the suggestion might persist.
So after the experiment is over, tell him to close his eyes, that his fear of cats is all gone, that after you count three he will completely awaken and the post-hypnotic suggestion concerning cats will have completely vanished and lost its power over him.
Of course, this would not apply to post-hypnotic suggestions given for therapeutic reasons, in which you definitely desire the impression to be permanent and controlling, in the cure of bad habits such as smoking, drinking, sexual disorders, allergies, phobias, inferiority complex, insomnia, etc.
Diet change strategies:
Since so many reasons for seeking Hypnotherapy relate to substance abuse or over eating, we will work on the assumption here that your body would also benefit from a cleansing and detoxing process, followed by a few weeks of pure herbal bases nutrition.
No matter how much you are trying to eat healthy while undergoing your hypnotherapy, chances are, your body is actually undernourished, as explained below. So this is a great opportunity to SUPPORT what you are doing with hypnotherapy, to help your body heal itself the way it is designed to.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.
It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.
The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.
This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.
You may find benefit from our information on detoxification as well as a bit about detoxing because of change of diet
It may be due to difficulties with your digestive system that is causing your body to be starved of key nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In this case you may find useful answers by reviewing our article on Nutrition For Your Cells. There is also more information here about why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
It may be that your metabolism has slowed due to pressures that have been placed on your system through life in general or through specific “challenges” you have faced in the last few months or last few years. Review this by looking at our article about balancing your Metabolic Rate.
Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about Hypnotherapy :
Hypnotism And Self-Hypnosis - part 1
Hypnosis is the Greek word for sleep chosen by scientist James Braid in 1840 to describe the very natural process of opening our subconscious minds for a period of time. During this relaxed moment we can do two things, remove old unhealthy or unwanted values and patterns and replace them with new healthy desirable ones. We all go in and out of trance many times a day. We call it day dreaming, staring or zoning out. Have you ever driven to the store and realized you remembered no details of the drive? You were in a hypnotic trance.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Self Hypnosis Part 3
IN self-hypnosis or auto-suggestion, the individual learns to contact his own subconscious mind to produce apparently miraculous results. And yet are they so miraculous?
Many ordinary people are able to wake themselves up in the morning by concentrating hard the night before on the exact time they wish to wake. Most readers of this book will have done this successfully at one time or another, and so will readily understand the power of auto-suggestion over themselves. This power can be controlled and harnessed to useful ends, and like all other techniques becomes easier still with practice.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Hypnotherapy information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any Hypnotherapy questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Any natural and/or dietary supplements that are not FDA approved or evaluated must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.
The Hypnotherapy resources on this site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site Hypnotherapy subject matter herein. The what is Hypnotherapy site Hypnotherapy contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The what is Hypnotherapy author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or Hypnotherapy practices described.
The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these Hypnotherapy materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these Hypnotherapy materials. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. This website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to