How to help your friends with an addiction
A health article about helping friends with an addiction from Overcoming Addictions dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
If you know that someone that you love is dealing with an addiction of any kind, you need to step in and offer him or her some help. They have to have the support that they can count on and you are the best person to give it to them. They will appreciate the love and the caring that you give to them.
They may not appreciate it at first because they do not realize that they have to give up their addiction, but they will soon see the reason behind your actions.
You have to tell your friend that you know about their addiction no matter what it is. You need to let them know that it is ok. There is nothing to be worried or ashamed about because many people have to deal with an addiction. You have to make them see that they have to get help so they can be healthy and happy once again. Show them that they are on a bad path and they have to find a good road to walk on again.
Get their friends and family involved if you have to? If you know that you are not able to deal with this problem on your own and you want the person that you love to get help, you may have to get others involved in the process. You may have to get them to see the addiction for what it is and get them to see that it is hurting others around them as well.
Start thinking about a plan that will help you help the person that has the addiction. You may have to think long and hard about what you can do to make this problem get solved, but you have to find something that will work. If you do one plan and it fails, you have to move on to something else.
This may be the only hope that the person has and you should not let them down. You will find that once you get a plan together and you see that it is starting to work, you will feel better and hopefully the person will soon start to heal the way that you have intended.
Tell the person that has an addiction that they are not bad or weak. If you are really prepared to make them give up the addiction, you have to make them see that they are good and that the addiction is what the problem is. Show them that they have to find a way around the addiction and get beyond it to see the future.
Most of all, be a friend and do not support the addiction that your friend is doing. Show them that you are going to be there for them without the addiction and that you want to walk them through the hard times.
Hopefully they will see that you are prepared to help them and get them to a good point in their life. They will want to choose you and not the addiction that is hurting them.
Getting help for an addiction
If you are having a problem with any type of addiction, you should think about getting help. Having an addiction is a very hard thing to overcome and most cannot break the habit on their own.
They will need to have some sort of help for the addiction so that they can get back to a normal and more peaceful lifestyle.
The first step in getting help for an addiction is to realize that you have a problem. No matter what the addiction is, you have to be in complete agreement that you have a problem and that you are willing to get help for it. This is going to be the best way to get on the right track and to get where you need to be emotionally and physically as well.
There are a lot of people that believe that they can take care of an addiction by themselves. This is not always the case. It may not work for most people because of the severity of the addiction.
The best thing to do is find someone to talk to and tell them what is going on in your life. This should be someone that you trust and feel good about. You may want to turn to a counselor or a professional that will give you better and sounder advice.
Overcoming an addiction is not easy. It may be the hardest thing that a person ever has to do in their life. There are so many things that you have to deal with and they are not easy. Having to face life without the crutch that you have been leaning on for so long is not something that a person can do over night. Having help is sometimes the only way to get where a person has to be in life.
Being addicted to something is going to be with you for the rest of your life. You simply have to try and find a way to get through the hard times and move on past them. You will have to have a lot of courage and get past the rough spots because there will be many of them in the future.
It is however, a great feeling when you do not have to take on the challenge of being addicted to something on your own. You will have support and help that you deserve so that you are able to deny yourself that addiction and go on to better things in life.
Overcoming addictions
Addictions are most commonly associated with drug and alcohol addiction, however the truth is millions of people suffer from all kinds of addictions.
Some of these addictions are related to some form of chemical dependency such as alcohol, controlled substances and even prescription medicines. Other addictions are related to compulsive types of behavior such as gambling, shopping, food disorders an even the Internet.
One of the most important things to recognize about any type of addiction, regardless of whether it is a chemical addiction or a behavioral addiction; is that it is not a matter of choice. Individuals who are addicts do not have the ability to simply decide to stop abusing their 'drug' of choice. Addictions affect not only the user, but also their family and friends as well.
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Overcoming coffee cravings & caffeine addiction
Do you think that you might be addicted to caffeine? Can you have a cup of coffee every now and then or do you have to have a cup or two every morning? You may find that you crave coffee or colas to make it through the day. You may not think it is something serious, but when it comes to caffeine, you can become addictive.
You may find yourself having many sugar treats and it is all because of your caffeine habits. There are so many people who find it hard to go through the day with a few caffeine fueled drinks and can't go without at least one a day. It is time that you learn about your addiction as well as learn how you can cut back.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
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