What are The Effects of Coffee On The Body?
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The smell of coffee brewing can surely awaken the senses. But people will feel the effects more after sipping since this is when the effects of coffee really kick in.
What are the effects of coffee? Studies have shown this can boost the person's alertness, improve performance and concentration. Internally, this means an increase in the heart rate, blood pressure and basal metabolic rate.
It will also promote urine production and can help relax muscle tension. It is because of this that many use coffee while studying for an exam, to help wake up in the morning or while working through the night.
The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine. Research shows that it is safe to drink one or two cups a day. However, those who exceed this may suffer the negative effects that include difficulty sleeping, headaches, irregular heartbeat, nausea and muscle tension.
This may also lead to ulcer or heartburn, which is why experts also advise people to drink moderately.
Coffee isn't good for women who are pregnant or patients who have heart disease should avoid it since it could cause birth defects and other health problems.
But those who drink coffee may also experience the same effects by drinking substances that contain caffeine. Examples of these are tea, sodas and chocolates.
Coffee may not make the person do something foolish which is usually associated with the use of illegal substances or alcohol. But it can be habit forming.
Those who drink it on a regular basis and suddenly stop may experience what is known as withdrawal effects that will disappear after a day or two when they are able to once again have a cup of coffee.
But coffee has been known to prevent certain diseases. Java for instance is effective as an anti-depressant. Others are known to lessen the chances of developing Parkinson's disease in men even if doctors aren't yet able to determine the cause of this disease.
Coffee is being consumed in almost every household. It can be purchased from the store or brewed at home or in the office. The effects it has on one person may vary with another depending on how well the body is able to react to the caffeine so when the individual has felt this is enough, it is time to stop rather than feeling the negative effects of consuming too much.
What dangers can drinking coffee bring?
Coffee has become part of our every day meals. In fact, most Americans wouldn't be able to wake up properly without a jolt of caffeine to their systems. They need that steaming cup of coffee to start the day with energy.
While coffee boasts of several advantages, it is also pose
s several dangers to the body especially when taken in excessive amounts.
Acidic content
Although coffee is basically coffee granules, some water and sometimes sugar or milk, it is a potent drink especially when combined with the body’s natural acids. Unknown to many, caffeine, which is the main component of coffee, can combine with the stomach acids to form a toxin in the body called caffeine hydrochloride.
When this toxin reaches the liver, the body naturally produces a bile that will help remove the toxin. This is the reason why some people think that coffee can aid in their digestion because of bowel regularity.
Harmful Chemicals
Coffee contains the chemical trichloroethylene in large concentration due to the use of pesticides in coffee plantations. The chemical is used mainly as a solvent and a cleaning agent in the clothing industry. It is also used in the metal industry as a degreasing chemical. Trichloroethylene has been linked to some types of liver cancer.
Another potential chemical in coffee that may harm the body is the chlorogenic acid, which has toxic side effects.
Overworking the adrenal
Coffee also contains an oil that can adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Because of this, the adrenal glands are frequently secreted, thus the feeling of always being full of energy. However, too much secretion of the hormone adrenaline can result in a rise in the blood pressure, tension in the body and low energy. The mood may also be affected as well as the appetite.
Counteracts medications
People who are taking drugs or any mediations for pain, obesity, hypertension or depression are advised not to drink coffee as all their efforts in getting well could be wasted. A patient with high fever can also be harmed by coffee and is better off drinking lemon juice or even tea.
Deficiency in Thiamine
People who drink coffee often can develop a deficiency in Thiamine or Vitamin B1. This can cause fatigue and nervousness. There is also general malaise as well as aches and pains in the body. Headaches are also common.
In addition, drinking too much coffee may also prevent the nutrients in the food that you eat from being absorbed by the intestines.
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