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Ultimate Secrets of Healthy Heart & Longevity Finally Revealed! -
Learn How You Can Add 10-20 More Years To Your Life By Reversing
Arteriosclerosis & Curing Bad Habits

If you are
under 20, you
can increase your life-span by as much as 15 years. Even
if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two golden,
"bonus" years by following the advice in this
life-changing book! |
can live to be 100!
Here are the six things that this information will do for you:
You may well ask—"What will this book do for me?" or to
paraphrase Ben Franklin, "Can it bring me health (which is really
wealth), happiness, and wisdom?" It can, for many reasons.
growing number of books for laymen on the subject of health have
appeared in the past decade. Never before has there been such widespread
popular interest in medical science.
of this interest has been motivated by the unprecedented advances in
medical research that have been made in our time.
discovery has led rapidly to another and many old views are radically
changed. New information, new diagnostic tools, and new drugs
have provided new answers to many old problems that were believed to be
without solution.
the practicing physician cannot always keep abreast of these swift
developments in medical progress. He cannot take time from treatment of
his patients to evaluate all reports of new findings and new products
that daily flood his office.
the same time, he cannot shirk the traditional responsibility of the
physician to teach the public how to prevent illness and how best to
treat it when it occurs.
answer, therefore, seems to lie in a division of labor among doctors.
Each should contribute to the nation's health literature information on
the particular phase of medicine about which he is best qualified to
speak. Such information, whether derived from research or from his daily
practice, should be as reliable and as safe as a prescription.
all books appearing today—even those written by physicians—come up
to this high standard. Many are written merely to entertain, to
exploit some medical novelty, or sometimes to enhance the prestige of
the author.
preparing the following work for the general reader, the author has
aimed at a twofold objective: to prolong your life and to save you
from crippling or fatal heart disease resulting from hardening of the
information offered here is based upon the writer's 25 years of
medical practice, extensive research, and clinical experience.
low-fat diet, weight reduction, and nutritional program presented in
this book are not a panacea for all illnesses. They are not a
get-healthy-quick nostrum or cure for everything that ails you.
in the opinion of the author and a large number of scientists and
physicians, these measures are the most effective known to prevent
and treat hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis, today's
greatest cause of sickness and death.
are unquestionably other still unknown causes of hardening of the
arteries in the heart, brain, and other vital tissues of the body. Not
only is there little or nothing known about them, but there is no
effective remedy other than those presented in the following pages.
this very moment, countless research scientists and
physician-investigators are searching the unknown in the life-or-death
quest for the various causes and the cure for arteriosclerosis. If this
miraculous discovery should come to pass, the way of eating and living
described in this book may become of historical interest only.
But, until that day of more perfect knowledge arrives, I believe we
should, in all good conscience, use the most perfect tools that we
now have, namely the dietary and nutritional tools set forth in this
book. The mounting evidence that they can save the lives and health of
countless victims is now too powerful to allow us to stand by and
wait for the perfect cure or the therapeutic millennium.
you will read this book carefully, and apply the simple, easy-to-follow
directions given, it will definitely enable you to accomplish the
How many years depends upon your present age and weight. If you are
under 20, for example, you can increase your life-span by as much as 15
years. Even if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two
golden, "bonus" years. These figures are based upon actual
Metropolitan Life Insurance tables, included in this book.
In addition to prolonging your life by controlling your weight, correct
diet can also save you from heart and blood vessel disease. Almost all
heart researchers agree that when people who have defective fat
metabolism eat a high-fat diet, heart disease often results.
the following pages you will find instructions, in detail, on
what to eat to maintain a well-balanced diet and at the same time to
avoid fat-rich foods that may undermine your health.
Complete daily menus for a period of several weeks are included.
Medical research has discovered a number of important dietary
supplements that not only improve the body's general efficiency and
well-being but help prevent hardening and blocking of the arteries—the
condition that sets the stage for heart attacks and strokes.
nutritional supplements combined with vitamins that are described in the
following pages can help you overcome fatigue, nervousness, and loss of
science has effectively demonstrated that millions of Americans eat
three meals a day but are poorly or badly nourished ; many are
overweight. Yet they suffer from the symptoms of malnutrition or
borderline, subclinical illness.
is often expressed by feelings of tiredness, nervous symptoms, and
loss of vitality. The author will describe the results of controlled
studies into new products that he and his associates have conducted to
prove their effectiveness and safety.
The role that cigarette smoking plays in various diseases has been
the subject of intensive research. The discussion of tobacco will answer
many of your questions concerning the effect of smoking on the heart and
blood vessels.
The question of alcohol, although not so important to the prevention
and treatment of heart disease as it is to some other physical
disorders, is also discussed, and professional advice given for using it
It would be only a limited gain if the years added to your life were
years of unhappiness or ill health. Therefore, the author has included
advice for meeting the special problems of the older years.
writer believes that a longer, happier life will be yours if you make a
whole-hearted effort to absorb and follow the directions given here.
Like most worthwhile undertakings, it will take patience and time. But
the results are so vital to you and to your loved ones, that your utmost
efforts can reward you with a rich harvest of health and extra years of
happy living.
what foods to eat to improve your mental powers, step up your
how to use today's 3 sensational food supplements
harmful food cravings and how to overcome them
how to take the nuisance out of calorie counting
7 ways to lose weight and keep it lost—automatically
how going on and off diets does more harm than good
how to figure how long you'll live
why you may be wasting money on vitamin pills
what the "easy, fast" reducing formulas don't tell you
how your eyes, heels, elbows warn of arteriosclerosis
how to "cook in" the good in foods you eat
fantastic health miracles performed with the new wonder
foods that keep older people from feeling their age
how a low-fat intake keeps you off the sick list
how food supplements guard against virus infections
food secrets of people with outstanding vitality
why getting fat is worse than being fat
how alcohol can be beneficial in your diet
how to survive a heart attack to a ripe old age
the truth about tobacco and health
how much fatty food is safe for you
5 "golden rules" of nutrition worth more than all the
gold in the world
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
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