What is the common cold and cough?
A health article about common cold and cough from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
The common cold, also known as acute coryza is an inflammation of the upper respiratory
tract and is caused by infection with virus. It occurs more often than all other diseases.
A person
suffers from this disease three times in a year on an average.
A cold usually lasts from three to
ten days. The patient feels miserable for the first three days or so.
Signs & Symptoms of common cold and coughs
The first signs of a common cold are a feeling of soreness of the throat and congestion of the nasal
passage. Although the disease normally begins in the nose and throat, it affects all parts of the
Its usual symptoms are a running nose, sneezing, a rise in temperature, headache, sore
throat, chill, aches and pains in the body and loss of appetite.
The skin around the nostrils may
become sore.
Common Cold in Children
Common Cold is caused because of upper respiratory system infection due to cold virus. This infection affects parts such as ears, nose and throat. There are about two hundred known viruses which are responsible for common cold, out of which rhinovirus is the most common.
Because of this great number of viruses, there isn’t any shot or vaccination available which helps in preventing the common cold.
The best solution to the common cold is human body immune system. Majority of a child’s visit to the doctor will be because of cold. According to an estimate, a child catches the common cold nearly eight times in a year and each time it last up to a week or so.
Cold viruses usually spread by sneeze or cough from the infected person. The wet and slimy substance inside the nose, called mucus, is the carrier of the virus. When a person cough or sneeze, the mucus drops come out of the mouth and when other persons breaths in these droplets they catch the common cold.
Cold can also spread by handling of contaminated stuffs like towel, door knobs, school desk, etc. If a person touches a contaminated towel and then touches his nose or eyes, there is a great chance of getting an infection. Therefore, it is a good habit to wash the hands regularly and keep them germ-free.
The cold viruses have docking points which helps it to stick to the interior of the nose. It then controls the nose’s cell lining and begins to multiply into more viruses. White cells are responsible to fight these viruses inside the nose. They even kill them and finally get victory after seven days.
Sneeze and runny nose actually prevent the viruses to affect the rest of the body parts. A person sneezes when the nerves inside the nose detect irritation and take the help of the lungs to push them out by letting out a blast of air through the mouth and the nose. The air, while sneezing, comes out at the speed of hundred miles per hour faster than cars on the road.
Once the child contracts common cold viruses, they take two to three days to develop and show symptoms. There are many symptoms of cold. The child becomes cranky. He will complain of headache, blocked nose, cough, sneeze, sore throat, muscle ache, nasal cavity congestion and will become exhausted.
Low fever can also accompany, along with body chills. Medicines do not speed up the process of healing as the viruses complete their cycle irrespective of the intake. But they do suppress further growth and make the child feel better.
Children shouldn’t take any medicines on their own, thinking that it’s just a common cold. Parents should supervise the dosage and medicine being taken. And in turn, the parents should follow a doctor’s prescription.
Decongestants help to decrease the wise of the swollen nose lining, which makes breathing easier. Antihistamines help to dry the mucus and stops sneezes and runny noses. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be given if the child is experiencing headache and muscle ache.
At home, parents should give hot food and drink to the child as they help to soothe soar throats and coughs. The heat also clears up the mucus. Chicken soup is an age old remedy for common cold.
Steamy showers are another good option as they help with stuffy nose. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and stuffy throats can also be treated with humidifiers which spray cool and fine mist. They also loosen the mucus.
The nose should be blown regularly to let the mucus out of the body. It is a good idea to use disposable tissues instead of regular handkerchiefs. Complete bed rest for a day or two is greatly suggested.
The best precaution that can be taken is eating healthy food and balanced diet so as to strengthen the immune system. The child must exercise regularly in order to stay fir and sleep adequately.
Children who are stressed out more frequently are more prone to have common cold. Therefore, it is good if the kid takes extra rest and goes to bed early on some days. And when the child is suffering from common cold, he should relax and take bed rest as much as possible.
What Causes common cold and coughs?
The common cold results from exposure to a virus. Its intensity however, depends upon the
state of health of the person and by environmental factors.
Lowered vitality, allergic disorders of
the nose and throat, chilling of the body, lack of sleep, depression, fatigue and factors such as
sudden changes in temperature, dust and other irritating inhalations are important contributory
causes for the development of a common cold.
The real cause of a common cold, however, is the toxic condition of the body brought about by wrong
feeding habits such as an excessive intake of starch, carbohydrates, proteins and other
acid-forming foods.
A common cold is, therefore, nature’s simplest way of expelling toxic waste from the
human system. The duration of the common cold will depend on the amount of poisons accumulated in
the body and the rapidity with which they are expelled.
Cold Sores
Cold sores are small blisters on the lips caused by the herpes simplex virus. They are often brought on by stress, and can last up to 14 days. While oral anti-viral drugs may be prescribed by your doctor to lessen the effects, these have side effects of nausea and headaches. Repeated use of anti-viral drugs can cause viral resistance.
• Lemon Balm – Lemon balm is an herb that helps to stop the spread of many viruses, including the herpes simplex virus. Lemon balm is often found as an ingredient in commercial creams. Apply to the affected area up to five times per day as needed. It is also available in capsule form and as a tea to be taken internally.
• Licorice – Licorice is a natural anti-inflammatory and in studies has been shown to inactivate the herpes simplex virus. You can apply a licorice compress topically as often as needed. You may also take licorice internally in the form of tea or capsules. Do not use longer than 6 weeks at a time, and do not take if you have heart disease or high blood pressure.
• Mullein – The healing properties of this plant helps fight the herpes viruses, and can also soothe irritated skin. You can take it internally, as a tea, or apply topically in a compress.
• St.-John’s-Wort – St.-John’s-Wort contains the compound hypericin, which is known to help fight the herpes virus as well as to help heal wounds. Take 300-milligrams up to three times per day in capsule form. You can also drink tea made from steeping the dried herb. It can also be applied topically by making into a compress. Do not take internally if you are already taking a prescription anti-depressant.
Colds or the Flu
Colds and flu are often viral infections for which there is no cure. There are no drugs that can be taken as a preventative measure against the common cold. While there are many over the counter drugs available to treat the symptoms of colds and flu, you are often just as well off taking herbal remedies, which have fewer side effects.
• Echinacea – Studies have shown that this herb can shorten the duration and lessen the severity of a cold. It does this by helping to stimulate the body’s own production of anti-viral substances and helps enhance the body’s immune cells, helping it better fight off cold germs. Often available in capsule form, take 900 milligrams of Echinacea per day.
• Astragalus – This Chinese herb has immune-boosting properties, and also has anti-viral properties. Take Astragalus throughout the cold and flu season to help bolster your immune system to avoid getting colds. Commonly found in capsule form, take up to 3600 milligrams per day.
• Elderberry – Elderberry has been found to have compounds that help fight the flu. Taken as soon as symptoms start, and continue taking it daily. Commercially available as syrups and lozenges, these can be taken as directed on the package. It is also available as tea, tincture and in capsule form.
• Garlic – Garlic helps boost the immune system and fights bacteria and yeast. You can eat garlic in foods, but during cold season it is helpful to take a garlic supplement. It is readily available in capsule form. Take up to 5,000 micrograms per day.
• Vitamins – Vitamin C and Zinc are known to help lessen the duration of common colds as well as help keep the symptoms down. Take supplements in capsule form or in lozenge form during cold season and especially with the onset of any symptoms.
Self Care strategies for Living with common cold and coughs
Some Causes & Natural Remedies for Common colds
1. Poor dietary habits which create a toxic build-up in the body.
2. A lack of proper nutrients.
3. Weakness in the immune system.
4. Emotional problems which suppress the body’s defense.
5. Over use of antibiotics.
6. Viruses - Bacteria.
When First Symptoms Appear
1. Vitamins - Immediately take plenty of vitamin C. You can take about a total of 3000 mg a day in small doses - say 200 mg at a time, which would mean 15 tablets a day.
Zinc is also a good immune enhancer. From 20 to 40 mg of Zinc can be taken daily until the cold subsides.
It is better to take both of these in tablet form so that you can suck on them and dissolve them in the mouth.
In this way, the active power of these two substances can be absorbed by the cells of the mouth and throat area and thus strengthening the power of the cells to protect themselves.
2. Immediately cleanse the nostrils and gargle with salt. If the cold continues after the first day, then discontinue the washing of the nostrils but continue 3 or more times a day gargling with salt or lemon water.
3. Avoid eating solid food, especially cheese, milk and all dairy products, as well as white flour, white sugar and any products made from them.
They form excess mucus, which increases the symptoms of the common cold.
4. Drink plenty of liquids especially fresh citric fruit juices: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, as well as herb teas, and vegetable broth.
5. If you feel very hungry and must eat, then the best food would be a raw salad or a hot, spicy soup.
A very effective soup is onion soup made from onions, garlic, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and other spices. (Not if you have ulcers.)
6. For those who are familiar with stomach cleansing with slightly salty water, this is very effective for removing accumulated mucus from the body. (Not if you have an ulcer).
7. An enema is also effective in helping the body purify itself of accumulated toxins.
8. Get plenty of rest and do plenty of deep relaxation. Also perform any exercises you feel up to doing. They will facilitate the renewal of the body’s vital energies and thus its ability to heal itself.
9. Keep your body warm and protected from drafts.
10. Shiatsu massage of the neck and head can be miraculously relieving and beneficial. (Reflexology can be used to free up the sinuses).
11. Continue with the vitamins taking up to 3000 mg of C. and up to 30 mg of Zinc per day until the symptoms disappear. If the cold lasts more than a week, then you might want to check with a doctor as to why your body is not healing itself.
Other antioxidants such as vitamins E, A and Selenium and various enzymes such as Super Dioxide Dismutase call also be very useful.
12. Continue to avoid solid food as much as possible. Drink plenty of juices and broths. If you feel very hungry, eat raw salad or hot spicy soup.
13. Take occasional hot baths (covering yourself well afterwards).
14. Slow deep breathing will re-energize your body. Breathe as slowly as you can, letting as little air as possible pass through the nostrils. Gradually they will open up.
15. Do not continue with the cleaning of the nostrils, but do continue with frequent gargling.
16. Gentle exercises can open up the nostrils and also the flow of energy in the body.
17. Use deep relaxation to imagine the body’s defense system healthy and powerful and invincible.
18. Be happy and relaxed.
Diet change strategies:
Cough and Cold Remedies
Try some of these recipes for homemade cough and common cold remedies:
Ginger Tea
• 1 inch or so fresh ginger root, sliced thin or grated
• 1/2 a fresh lemon, sliced (peel & all)
• 1 clove garlic, mashed
• ~2 c water
• Very generous spoonful honey
Place water, ginger, lemon, & garlic in saucepan; bring to boil, then turn down heat and simmer gently for 20 min. Strain into mugs and add lots of honey. The tea *will* get stronger if you let it sit! Most invigorating!
The garlic adds a bit of bitterness, but the honey masks that. This tea is very soothing to the throat and warms and opens the chest and nasal passages. Plus there are all those vitamins and other good things! I now make this tea at the first sign of a common cold, which helps me fight it off.
Old Fashioned Mustard Plaster
Helps relieve chest congestion due to colds.
• 1 tbsp dry mustard
• 1/4 cup flour
• Lukewarm water
Sift together mustard and flour in a bowl. Slowly add just enough water to make a paste. Spread the plaster on a piece of muslin big enough to cover chest. Cover with another piece of muslin.
Make sure the skin is dry. Place the mustard plaster on the chest. Check frequently and discontinue if there is any kind of allergic reaction. Remove when skin begins to turn red, usually after 10-20 minutes, and don't leave on any longer than 30 minutes at a time. Then rub the chest w/ petroleum jelly to keep the heat in. Treat twice daily until congestion clears up.
NOTE: For children, reduce amount of flour to 6 tbsp.
Simple Cough Syrup
• 3 tbsp lemon juice
• 1 cup honey
• 1/4 cup warm water
Combine lemon juice and honey in a bowl. Slowly stir in the water. Store in a covered jar in the refrigerator - take 1-2 tbsp as needed for cough.
To soothe a sore throat, add 1 tbsp of mixture to a cup of comfrey root, chamomile or rosemary tea.
Cranberry Soup
• 1 cup cranberries
• 2 cups water
• Honey to taste
• 1 tbsp potato starch
Heat cranberries and water together until cranberry skins open. Strain and add honey to taste. Bring mixture close to a boil, then remove from heat. In a separate bowl, mix starch with 2 tbsp cold water. Slowly add this mixture to the cranberry juice - stir vigorously.
Return mixture to heat and bring to full boil, stirring until it thickens and becomes slightly transparent. Store in refrigerator in a covered container. Serve w/ warm cream. Soothes colds, and is a good source of vitamins C and B.
Hyssop Cough Syrup
Licorice flavored, soothes sore throats.
• 2 tbsp dried hyssop (flower tops) or 1/3 cup fresh hyssop (chopped flowers)
• 1/4 cup water
• 1 cup honey
• 1 tsp aniseed
In a saucepan combine honey and water. Stir until the mixture is consistency of pancake syrup. Bring slowly to a boil (over a medium heat). Skim off any scum that rises to the surface.
Use 1-2 tbsp water to moisten the dried hyssop. Crush the aniseed. Stir both into the honey. Cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, uncover, and allow to cool. While the mixture is still a little warm, strain into a jar. When completely cooled, screw on the lid. Should keep for 1 week.
Glycerine Lemon Cough Syrup
• 1 lemon
• 2 tbsp glycerine
• 2 tbsp honey
Heat the lemon by boiling it in water for 10 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Add the glycerine and honey. Take 1 tsp as needed.
Marshmallow Cough Syrup
• 2 cups water
• 2 cups sugar
• 1/4 cup orange juice or juice of 1 lemon
• 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tsp chopped dried marshmallow root
In a small saucepan, bring the marshmallow root and water to a boil. Recuce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain liquid into another saucepan (should result in about 1 cup). Over a low heat, slowly stir in the sugar until it becomes thick and granules completely dissolve. (Stir in more water if the mixture becomes too thick.) Remove from heat and stir in the orange juice. Transfer to a container and allow to cool before covering tightly.
Wild Cherry Cough Syrup
• 2 cups water
• 2 cups sugar
• 1/2 tsp cream of tartar (scant)
• 1 tsp wild cherry bark
• 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tsp chopped dried marshmallow root
Make a decoction of the cherry bark and marshmallow root. (Boil in water for about 4 minutes. Steep the mixture with the cover on the pot for a few minutes.) Slowly stir in the sugar and cream of tartar, simmer until the mixture becomes thick and sugar granules completely dissolve. Transfer to a container and allow to cool before covering tightly.
Lemon Cayenne Throat Soother
Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp lemon juice and dash of cayenne pepper. Take like cough syrup. This does not prevent cough, but does relieve throat pain in two ways. First, the honey and lemon coat the throat. Second, the cayenne pepper brings blood cells needed to fight off infection to the throat area
Using Ayurveda Therapy:
To treat a common cold by means of customary suppressive drugs like aspirin and codeline only paves
the way for future trouble of a more serious nature. For such a treatment puts a sudden stop to
the eliminative process then taking place and forces the toxic matter back into the tissues again.
Moreover, drugs have no effect on the duration of the cold. It has been aptly said that a cold can
be cured in a week by taking medicines, otherwise it will subside in seven days.
The only real treatment for colds is a proper diet. The best way to begin the treatment is to put
the patient on a fast for two days. Nothing should be taken during this period except warm water
mixed with lemon juice and honey or fruit juice and hot water. A liquid diet of fruit juice in large
amounts is necessary to neutralise the acid condition of the blood and hot drinks are needed to
help clear the kidneys. Pineapple juice in particular is highly beneficial. A warm water enema
should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during this period.
The short juice fast may be followed by an exclusive fresh fruit diet for three days. IN this
regimen, the patient should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears,
grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, melon or any other juicy fruit in season.
Bananas, dried or stewed or tinned fruits, should not be taken. No other foodstuff should be
added to the diet as otherwise the whole value of the treatment is lost.
After the exclusive fruit diet, the patient should gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of
three basic food groups, namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits. It is
advisable to avoid meat, fish, eggs, cheese and starchy foods for a few days.
The patient should strengthen the system as a whole by taking a diet which supplies all the
vitamins and minerals the body needs. Vitamin C, however, heads the list of these nutrients. It
protects one against infection and acts as a harmless antibiotics. It is found in citrus fruits, green
leafy vegetables, sprouted Bengal and green grams.
According to Dr. Linus Pauling, a noble prize-winning scientist, the regular use of this vitamin in
the optimum daily amount will prevent the common cold and if a cold has already appeared,
large doses of this vitamin will relieve the symptoms and shorten its duration.
He estimates that
one to two grams or 100 mg. to 200 mg. per day is approximately the optimum amount of this
vitamin. His advice is to swallow one or two 500 mg. tablets of vitamin C at the appearance of
first sign of the cold and continue the treatment by taking an additional tablet every hour.
Lime is the most important among the many home remedies for common cold. It is highly
beneficial in all types of cold and fevers. It should be taken well diluted. Vitamin C-rich lime juice
increases resistance, decreases toxicity and reduces the duration of the illness. Lime juice
should be diluted in a glass of warm water, and a teaspoonful of honey should be added to it. It
forms an ideal remedy for a cold and dry cough.
Garlic soup is an ancient remedy to reduce the severity of cold. Garlic contains antiseptic and
antispasmodic properties besides several other medicinal virtues. The volatile oil in garlic flushes
out the system of all toxins and thus helps bring down fever. Garlic oil combined with onion juice,
diluted with water and drunk several times a day, has also been found in several studies to be
extremely effective in the treatment of the common cold.
Ginger is also an excellent food remedy for colds and coughs. Ginger should be cut into small
pieces and boiled in a cup of water ; it should then be strained and half a teaspoon of sugar
added to it. It should be drunk while it is still hot, in case of colds. Ginger tea, prepared by adding
a few pieces of ginger into boiled water before adding tea leaves, is also an effective remedy for
colds and for fevers resulting from cold.
Turmeric, with its antiseptic properties, is an effective remedy for cold and throat irritations. Half
a teaspoonful of fresh turmeric powder mixed in 30 grams of warm milk is a useful prescription
for these conditions.
Turmeric powder should be put into a hot ladle. Milk should then be poured
in it and boiled over a slow fire. In case of a running cold, smoke from the burning turmeric
should be inhaled. It will increase the discharge from the nose and will bring quicker relief.
Water Treatment
A hot water bath, if it can be taken without undue exposure, is recommended as it helps relieve
much of the congestion in the chest and nasal membranes. Hot packs or fomentations are
excellent for treating chest and head colds. Steam bath, hot foot bath and hot hip bath are also
beneficial as they stimulate perspiration.
Steam inhalation will help relieve the congestion of the
nasal tissues. Gargling with hot water mixed with salt is beneficial for a sore throat. Cold chest
packs should be applied two or three times a day as they will relieve congestion of lungs and
help in eliminating the accumulated mucus.
Other useful measures in the treatment of common cold are mild sunbath, fresh air and deep
breathing, brisk walks, sound sleep, adjustment of one’s clothes and habits to the requirements
of the season, so as to nullify the effect of weather fluctuations.
Yogasanas like bhujangasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, and yogamudra in vajrasana, yogic
kriyas such as jalneti and vamandhouti and pranayamas such as kapalbhati, anuloma- viloma
and suryabhedana are beneficial in the treatment of the common cold.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.
It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.
The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.
This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.
You may find benefit from our information on detoxification as well as a bit about detoxing because of change of diet
It may be due to difficulties with your digestive system that is causing your body to be starved of key nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In this case you may find useful answers by reviewing our article on Nutrition For Your Cells. There is also more information here about why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
It may be that your metabolism has slowed due to pressures that have been placed on your system through life in general or through specific “challenges” you have faced in the last few months or last few years. Review this by looking at our article about balancing your Metabolic Rate.
Further reading through our articles on common cold and coughs health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this common cold and coughs problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about common cold and coughs :
What is Flu or Influenza?
Influenza, also known as flu, is the clinical condition that results from infection with influenza
viruses. The main effects of the influenza viruses are on the upper respiratory tract, the nose
and throat, with possible spread and involvement of the lungs and bronchi.
The disease is highly contagious and it has potential to cause wide spread epidemics affecting
sizeable portion of a population at any time. Although it is more common during winter it may
strike at any time. It affects people of all ages.
Influenza strikes suddenly. It usually begins with chills, fever, headache, and severe muscular pains. The patient feels miserable and weak. There is an inflammation in the nose and throat, which may spread down the windpipe to the lungs, resulting in a sore throat, cough, and running of the nose and eyes
In milder cases, the temperature rises to 39degree C or 102degree F, and in severe cases, it may go up to 40degree C or 104degree F. The consequent weakness and fatigue may continue for several weeks. This may be followed by a
deep chest cough due to irritation in the windpipe.
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