What is Anger management?
A health article about Anger management from Mental Health Problemsdealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Anger is something that everyone in life will experience. Anger is completely normal, it is usually healthy for human emotions.
However, when it gets out of control it can lead to problems, for example, problems at work, in our personal lives, relationships and overall, to the quality of our lives.
When an angry episode occurs all of the following are involved:
• Cognition – our present thoughts
• Emotion – the physiological arousal our anger produces
• Communication – the way we display our anger to others
• The affect of anger on others – fear, hostility
• Behaviour – the way we behave when we are angry
We also (if we are aware of it) feel the results of anger in our own bodies. According to psychologists who specialise in anger management, there are some people that are more angry than others. They usually become angry more easily and more intensely than the average person. There are also some people that do not show their anger in loud spectacular ways but are chronically irritable and grumpy. These people usually withdraw socially and/or become physically ill.
Signs & Symptoms of Anger management
What are the physical signs/symptoms of anger?
• Tension or stress begins to build eg. easily frustrated, clenched posture
• Breathing rate increases
• Blood pressure rises eg. flushed face/neck, veins standing out
Types of Anger
Anger is a feeling that has to be recognized outright. Anger could be a start of something deeper, like rage or violent actions and reactions. You’ve got to control your anger, because it has the ability to control you.
Anger is best recognized and best controlled if it is more understood. The first step in better understanding anger is to know what the types of anger are.
If you know the cause of your anger, the better you can combat it. Here are the types of anger and a short description of what they are.
1. Behavioral Anger. This type of anger is comprised of aggressive and cruel actions. It inclines mostly on the physical aspect. It usually implies an attack towards the subject of the anger, usually a person. It is expressed through trouble-making, physical attack and defiance.
2. Verbal anger. This type of anger, on the other hand, merely uses words and not actions. It is expressed mostly by openly speaking insulting words and hurtful criticisms. Accusing somebody of a crime or of a wrong-doing is also an example of verbal anger.
3. Passive Anger. Passive anger is shown mostly through mockery, or through avoiding a certain instance. People who are displaying this type of anger are not showing their anger outright but are devising covert ways of expressing it. They do not confront a person or a situation.
4. Self-inflicted anger. This type of anger is the one that is directed toward a person’s own body. Sometimes, people showing this type of anger tend to starve themselves or eat too much, for example. These are the people into the idea of punishing their own self for something wrong they have done.
5. Chronic anger. People with chronic anger are just angry in general. They are angry with their lives, with their selves, with the people around them and the whole world in general. They don’t necessarily have a definite reason why. Most of the time, they are just angry for apparently no reason at all.
6. Judgmental anger. This type of anger would lead somebody to hurtfully shame the people around him, like his family, friends and neighbors. He expresses his anger by putting others down and belittling their abilities as a person.
7. Overwhelmed anger. This type of anger is seen on people that hate the situations happening around them that directly affect their lives. They usually shout or lash out at someone or something easily. They do so because that’s their way of relieving the stress and the pain they are feeling.
8. Constructive anger. This type of anger is the type that makes people want to go out and join groups and movements. And they usually do it because they wanted to do something to correct a certain situation. They wanted to make a positive change. And that’s the main effect of this type of anger.
9. Volatile Anger. This type of anger is the one that easily comes and goes. The magnitude of this anger varies too. It could build into a rage, or it could be a mild, sudden anger. It could explode abruptly, or it could go unseen. It all depends on the person controlling the anger. This type is expressed either by verbal or physical assault.
10. Retaliatory anger. This type of anger is the most common one. Usually people get angry because other people are angry at them. This anger depends mainly on the other person. If your anger is due to a person lashing out at you, then you are guilty of this type of anger.
11. Paranoid Anger. This anger arises if a person feels, in an irrational way, that they are intimidated by others. People with this type of anger feel and think that other people wanted to take what is rightfully theirs. They are angry toward that person because, for one, they are jealous.
12. Deliberate Anger. This type of anger is shown by people who would like to gain control over a situation. They are mostly not angry at first. But they will be once you have shown that you are against what they have planned and what they would like to happen. They use anger to gain power over somebody or something.
These are the most common types of anger. Determine what type your anger is. Then harness it accordingly.
What is Anger Management?
Anger is an emotion experienced by kids and adults alike. When something or someone interferes with an individual in a negative manner, it can cause them to become angry. Anger is a normal response to such a situation.
However anger can be classed as a mild or intense irritation. Depending on the individual, the circumstance and their emotions, anger may cause a person to become enraged or even furious. People who become angry behave in different ways.
Some lash out or become extremely defensive. Other people tend to keep their anger to themselves, bottling up their negative emotions and hurt. While some people become reckless and even abusive. Anger can be a terribly harmful emotion if it isn't controlled.
Controlling anger is considered anger management. The first step to controlling anger issues it to admit there is a problem. Some people have major anger issues but cannot see it. Naturally something happens to set a person off making them angry.
Individuals, who have trouble admitting to their anger and accepting responsibility for their actions, often play the blame game. They have difficulty seeing the situation as being their fault. There's always something or someone to blame.
Their fits of anger are always blamed on something else. These people could really use a few lessons in anger management. However they need to accept their actions and reactions for what they are, anger.
Many people who have anger issues find it demeaning when anger management is suggested. Unable to accept their problem prevents them from seeking the help they require. If a person continues down a path where they are constantly angry and acting out, it will eventually cause major problems. Without anger management this individual will likely experience loss, loss of their family, loss of their job and loss of their own identity.
It is essential to convince the person with anger problems, anger management is not meant to be a punishment but rather to help them have a better quality of life. Anger management is designed to help the individual work out their problems, help them figure out why they become so angry. It also teaches the person not to be enslaved by their emotions, their anger. Anger management is meant to teach the person techniques which prevent them from getting angry as often or for very long.
There are all sorts of anger management strategies. There are programs created specifically to help those with anger issues. These programs are broken down to address different people, kids, teens, adults, couples and families. These anger management programs are in place to teach or help people to work on their anger. Teaching people strategies for working out their problems and controlling their anger are important in anger management.
Anger may be a healthy, normal emotion but when the anger takes over an individual's life making them destructive and violent, it's a big problem. Not only does the anger destroy the individual but it also impacts everyone and everything around them. Anger management could change this individual and ensure a healthy, normal life.
What are the causes of Anger?
A common cause for anger is the prevention or incompletion of attaining our goals and desires. And since humans certainly have numerous and different goals and desires, anger can easily erupt at any place and time.
It’s very common for people to feel frustrated and angry at the same time because both emotions are the results of their inability to achieve their objectives.
Another cause for anger is feeling inadequate and disrespected; humans normally feel furious when they believe that they are not being treated equally, fairly and justly.
There are a number of causes of anger. One cause might be genetic or physiological. There is evidence that suggests that some children are born with irritable, sensitive and easily angered natures and these signs are present from a very early age. Another cause might be our fast paced and increasingly pressured way of life.
Because anger is often regarded as negative, we are taught that it is all right to express anxiety or depression and all other emotions but not anger. This can result in outbursts from a build up of tension. It may also be a result of frustration from our experiences in life, a disturbed background and/or our lifestyle. People often learn to react with anger from their parents.
Factors that Affect Anger
Fatigue – When we’re extremely tired, our minds and bodies slow down and this sometimes makes us unable to cope with problems that we used to have no difficulties solving. Exhaustion makes us lose our patience and temper more than usual.
Alcohol and Drugs – It’s a well-known fact that alcohol and drugs can have some very disastrous effects on how our minds work. And one of such effect is controlling our tempers.
Intoxication and the influence of drugs can cause us to become easily provoked and liable to have violent reactions to the smallest of things.
Pain – Anger is a common and understandable effect of extreme pain. Because our mind and body are almost fully involved in finding ways to help ourselves cope with the pain, we end up lacking the ability to sufficiently control our temper.
Risk Factors:
What are the effects of anger on our health?
• Headaches – creates more tension and stress
• Stomach ache
• Skin rash
• Arthritis – anger produces uric acid in the bloodstream which contributes to the onset of arthritis
• Circulatory disorders
• Aggravation of existing physical symptoms
• Emotional disturbances
• Suicide and murder
Depression – Anger is often followed by depression. When we feel particularly irate, we tend to express ourselves very passionately. Afterwards, when we recognize such outburst as abnormal, we end up feeling depressed and unable to cope with the reality of what we have just done. Depression is also another emotion commonly produced by blocked goals and desires.
Loss or Reduced Ability to Comprehend Logic – Anger also often makes us reasonable. It makes us blind to the truth and unable to accept what’s sensible and correct. When anger is the primary emotion being felt, we become less able to think and act rationally and in some cases, even our senses do not work properly because of extreme anger.
Increased Physical Strength and Courage – Sometimes, the effects of anger can be positive. When we are threatened, we may feel intimidated or angered. Anger gives us the power to defend ourselves against stronger elements – and even win occasionally. Lastly, anger gives us the ability to confront our worst fears.
Violence – Sigmund Freud once declared that individuals may have a natural urge to become angry and violent when their goals are blocked. Although leading psychologists had formerly disproved this theory, recent studies have shown that people in general do have specific genes that contribute to the likelihood of violence occurring when anger is present.
Is there a link between anger and mental illness?
The prevalence of anger attacks (defined as irritability, inappropriate anger and rage, frequent outbursts and overreaction to minor annoyances) in patients with depression can be as high as 44%. Also people with bipolar disorder can have episodes or periods of irritability when hypomanic or manic.
Early Warning Signs and Your Triggers
Know when you are about to get angry
Contrary to popular belief, anger is normal, natural and healthy because it is a human emotion.
Anger actually is a good sign to help people know that there is something that should be resolved or corrected somewhere, somehow. Anger is usually motivated by something that was brought about by an action that is quite uncomfortable and it being uncomfortable means that it is such, for a reason.
Anger, if properly managed, can help right a possible wrong. It could also help solve a particular problem and even find a probable solution. However, anger is also a double-edged sword wherein – if used in a negative manner - could also be a force enough to destroy people, relationships or even your own health.
Usually, there are warning signs prior to anger exploding on an uncontrollable level. It is best that you are aware of these triggers as it could help you prepare on how to respond or how to be in command of this very powerful emotion.
Recognizing these signs early on could help you avoid feeling regret later because of an incident that got out of control or those words that you wished you never said but are now just too late to take back.
How tense are you
Usual signs of pre-explosive anger are tense muscles. Observe how and what you feel in your neck Are the muscles in your neck taut? If so, prepare to relax and get hold of yourself. Inhaling and exhaling slowly helps relax all those tensions.
Teeth gritting is gritty
Usually when gritting your teeth happens, the jaws become tight. How much do you do this? If usually and always, prepare to psyche yourself to relax. Anger cannot be quenched by more anger. Slowly but surely, try to acknowledge the feeling until you think you could let it go without much fanfare or unnecessary drama.
When angry, the face becomes flushed
This is easily perceptible as the blood circulates more than normal, brought about by the intense emotion due to anger. If this happens, the best way to deal with this situation is to relax and keep your cool. Imagine how much energy you could save by responding in a non-traditional manner. Put your effort to where your power should be – use it instead to be productive.
When angry, hands are clenched
See how in the movies, men who are about to punch someone first clench their fists and then deliver that blow? This emotional process also works the same way in real life. When anger comes to the forefront of vulnerable emotion, the whole body actually becomes tight. And it is the hand that is usually the more obvious expression of it.
When angry, the voice becomes loud
Intentionally or not, this raising of the voice is one of the more common and traditional ways to know one is angry. The opposite of this is cold stony silence. Both are meant to intimidate. All are unhealthy, both for the one raising the voice and the one giving the silence, as well as the recipients.
The best thing about these triggers is that they are all, believe it or not, controllable. It depends on how much you want to be controlled by the triggers. When you are really angry, calm yourself down.
But if you have crossed the threshold and it is a bit too late to turn back, deep breathing would help you a lot. This relaxes your body. Remember how children are advised to count to ten when angry, this method actually works. But if counting to ten does not work, try counting to twenty.
Talking to yourself also helps. Try to tell yourself to be calm, think, do not lose it, what are the consequences of my actions?
These positive talks can help take the focus from the anger-inducing event and on the questions that really matter. It also has the tendency to make you less angry.
All in all, anger only gets to you when you let it. So do not let it. It is your choice after all.
Taking Time Out
It is important to know that anger is not an enemy. Anger is not an emotion that needs to be repressed. First and foremost, it is a valid feeling that needs to be acknowledged and accepted for what it is.
Adults and children are both prone to bouts of anger because it is a natural feeling that everyone has. What is necessary though is the management of anger because when it gets out of control it has the tendency to have negative effects on people as well as on one’s self.
The following are activities that could be done in order to do away with persistent feelings of anger and replace them with more productive outlets to express this emotion in a manner that is more appropriate and less destructive.
Wash it all off
Everyone, be it kids or adults, would find the effect of taking a warm bath soothing to the senses. This method is even good for all females as well as males who have had a rough day at work and would want to un-wind from a busy, hectic, not to mention, an angry day from co-workers, bosses and the like.
All you have to do is lie down in water that is a bit warm. It would also be a good idea to light a few candles, the kind that are scented. Then watch as you slip slowly away to a relaxing world that is away from all the hustle and bustle of a dreary and busy world.
Walk and walk and walk
Kids or adults could very easily do this to help ward off any intense feelings of anger. The good thing about this method is that it usually works. Try it on for size. As much as possible, fifteen to twenty minutes a day of brisk walking would do the trick of dissolving and releasing any edginess you feel or any anxiousness you may have.
Another good thing when one engages in walking is the effect it brings to one’s physical health. Believe it or not, walking helps improve circulation by releasing hormones called endorphins. These are also called the “feel-good” hormones. Realize how walking – even in short distances – could help you feel more refreshed and relaxed after.
Get a massage, and get a good one
Adults would benefit much from this activity as their weary bodies seem more vulnerable to stresses and negativity. Contrary to popular belief, this does not have to be expensive. Try to get the voluntary services of your significant other.
However, if this is unavailable, there are always a slew of massage parlors around who would more than readily provide you with a very good and soothing massage at your own liking.
Determine the cause
Anger is caused by a variety of reasons. The best way to manage anger is by first determining what it is you are angry at. Getting to know the triggers that set you off helps you either avoid those triggers or manage your feelings towards those triggers in case your anger starts to erupt.
Being aware of what sets you off is a significant step toward making your feelings known to yourself thereby making it easier to manage any abrupt changes in your emotions.
Going, going gone - Let it go
Anger is not necessarily helped by remembering any past incidents that made you angry and may still have bitter feelings towards. Though difficult, it is always for your own best interests to let go of past sad and angry memories.
Unfortunately, this effort is easier said than done as everyone carries a bunch of conditioned responses and go through life using those to deal with every blow that comes their way. Usually, these responses were those left off from childhood and onwards.
Believe it or not, having awareness of such past conditioned behavior actually frees you from its clutches. By bringing them to the fore of your attention, you then get to deal with them and eventually use them to not be as impediments to your personal growth.
All in all, anger - when left to fester and rot in one’s psyche – will cause more harm than good. It would do well for everyone to deal with the causes of anger and work on those issues as well as having efforts to deal with anger before, during and after it erupts.
Relaxation to Counteract Anger
What are the things you could do to help do away with generally negative angry feelings? First things first, anger is a completely natural emotion. What is unnatural though are the ways and means they can be manifested.
Usually, anger is expressed by venting out, throwing a tantrum or is laid out in cold and stony silence.
Too much anger is also dangerous as it gives the body unnecessary stress and keeps the nerves, the heart and the brain pumping too much blood.
So how should one take a break from stress-related anger? Anger is caused by a host of situations, but primarily how one chooses to respond to anger is the best way to counteract its negative effects.
What you eat, is what you are
Anger is not further helped by eating foods that contain a lot of fat. A diet that is well-balanced and contains more fruits and vegetables than pork or beef actually helps in flushing out all those unnecessary toxins in the body.
These toxins could just as well contribute to emotions being unbalanced and sometimes overly anxious. The body processes anything and everything that it takes in.
It has also been said that the way an animal has been slaughtered has an effect on those who consume the said animal. Eating a diet that is rich in green and leafy vegetables helps cleanse the body from any impurities. It also helps clear the pathway towards a healthier outlook towards life and eventually any situations that come your way.
The way to relax, lessen caffeine
Believe it or not, it is not only coffee that contains nerve-wracking caffeine. Sodas, soft drinks and even chocolate contain caffeine. All these drinks have what it takes to make you jittery and would not be of much help if you need or want to relax.
If anger-related stress gets the best of you, run a warm bath
This is one of the most effective ways to de-stress and relax. This method is good for all females as well as males who have had a rough day at work and would want to un-wind from a busy, hectic, not to mention, an angry day from co-workers, bosses and the like.
Just lie down on the warm water, put on music even a few scented candles and slip away to a relaxing moment with yourself away from the hustle and bustle of a busy and dreary world.
Again, get yourself a good massage as we discussed previously. Of course you cannot really give your self a good massage, but you could get yourself one. Try to get the services of your significant other who could be more than willing to give you a good massage for free. If not, then there are massage parlors out there that can provide a great ten minute or fifteen minute massage on various stress areas of your body such as the shoulders, neck, scalp even on the face.
Visualize your self away from anger
This is supposed to be easy. If you are just open to the possibilities of visualizing anger away, that is. All you have to do is close both of your eyes. Then, try to create that little place in your own mind wherein you could go there to relax and slow your activities a bit down.
It all depends on how you define relaxation. It could be a place that is real or not. The important thing is that it is truly and specially yours.
All in all, anger is only bad when you let it affect you. The best way to counteract it is by learning to keep your cool, relax. After all, it is you who decide how and if you are going to let a situation get to you. The important thing is you know how to respond positively to any given situation.
Experiencing anger is extremely dangerous to your health.
causes your adrenaline and blood pressure to rise up at above
normal levels.
Moreover, you could end up hurting someone or
doing something that you will regret later on.
Here are 7 fantastic tips to help you be the one in control of
yourself, and not the hazardous madman called "Anger."
1) Relax and visualize.
Calm yourself down. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, imagine
all those bottled-up fury come out of your nose and mouth. Release it and be free. Repeat this step over and over until
you feel peace inside.
Then visualize being in a place where you feel most happy, calm, and relaxed. It may be a place like a beach, garden, scenic
locations, or anywhere else you might think of.
Just imagine
being there and inhaling the essence of your serene environment. By doing this, you will not find it hard to attain inner peace.
2) Pour out your anger to safe outlets.
You had a big quarrel with your former friend. He betrayed your
trust. You want vengeance and you're raving mad.
Hold it. Restrain yourself.
Try your best to get away from him as far as you can. You don't
want to hurt anyone. Anger can possess your brain into doing
something that you wouldn't dare do before.
How do you then release your anger if you can't restrict it
Buy a punching bag, then pour out all your rage in it. Punch it,
kick it, strangle it. Imagine the punching bag is your enemy.
When you're done, you will feel a sense of satisfaction. You may
even punch and kick through thin air if you desire.
Another way to release it is "SHOUT!" Find a distant place where
you can be alone - a place where no one can hear you. At the top
of your voice, yell out loud "Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh."
You can choose any word you like as long as you release all those
angry demons out of your chest.
3) Forgive and forget.
Nothing could ease your mental and emotional pains better than
by forgiving someone that has hurt you in the past. It is very
unhealthy to burden yourself with unnecessary torture brought
about by unpleasant memories of other people's demeaning acts.
Moreover, if they have taken something important away from you,
would it make sense to also sacrifice your health and lifestyle? Of course not.
4) Exercise.
Engaging in exercises increases your endorphins. Your angry
mood could miraculously change to a happy one if you get involved
in exercises that you enjoy doing.
5) Have a circle of "sponge" friends.
Do you feel relieved when you voice out all your problems to close
friends and relatives? That's the power of voicing out your inner
Always have someone to talk to when you're down, when you're
depressed, when you're mad, or in any other occasion when you feel
you have to get the thorns out of your chest.
6) Listen to soothing music.
It calms your soul. A 20 minute session of listening to relaxing
music while resting comfortably could soothe the upset spirit.
Take deep breaths often.
7) Pray.
Deadly consequences arise when people could not hold back their
fury. Ask for guidance that you will be able to control your temper.
Prayers bring inner peace to those who ask for it.
There you have it - 7 essential rules to release yourself from the
treacherous killer known as "Anger." Manage your anger, save your
When to seek Medical Advice:
Most people are hesitant to admit to themselves that they have a serious anger management problem that needs to be handled by professionals. At first there is denial and sometimes it is hard for them to accept that they have turned into a person full of rage.
The first step in handling anger issues is to assess yourself and observe what kind of anger management solution you need to have. Most anger management issues can be dealt with yourself using proper information, self control, determination, and the help of family and friends. If your anger has become too much to handle, then it is time to seek professional help.
But what if you aren’t sure if you need the intervention of professionals or not?
Here are some questions to help you assess your situation:
• Do you often have intense arguments between you and your loved ones or friends?
• Do you easily lose control of yourself?
• Do past anger and misunderstandings with other people still haunt you up to now?
• Do you get angry and frustrated when waiting in line?
• Do you get annoyed and call people “dumb” or “stupid” when they don’t do things right, are always clumsy, incompetent, or prone to errors?
• Do you get angry at yourself whenever you do something bad or when you lose control?
• Do you find it hard to forgive people who have hurt you?
• Do you find yourself at night lying on your bed just thinking about the things that have upset or caused you pain during the day?
• Do you get so angry to the point that you have forgotten the details of what had happened like the things you said or have been said to you?
• Do you get frustrated a lot?
• Do you get depressed when things don’t go the way you planned or expected?
• Do you get mad, upset, or frustrated to the point that you experience headaches, stomachache or become weak?
• Do you use alcohol or drugs when you are angry?
• Do people have a tendency to stay away from you or get scared whenever you are angry?
• Do you say things when you are in a bad temper than you later regret saying?
• Do you have problems in the workplace because of your anger?
• Do your family and friends think that you have serious anger management issues?
• Are your family, social life and other aspects of your life negatively affected due to your rage?
• Do you often get into trouble because of your bad temper that sometimes it leads to legal problems?
• Do you have feelings of revenge to those people who have done you wrong?
• Do you hit people or break things within your reach whenever you are angry?
• Do you have thoughts of killing somebody you have become so angry with?
• Do you have thoughts of killing yourself?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, then it is time to seek professional help. Being angry is normal, but being too angry too frequently to the point that it is ruining your life is not at all normal.
If you think that you need help, there are many anger management coaches or counselors that help people with anger management problems. You can ask your doctor or research your local community to find reputable professionals that can help you.
During anger management counseling, patients are taught how to control their temper and handle situations wherein they are about to lose control.
Anger management counseling is not something to be ashamed of. Everybody goes through some difficult time in their lives. What’s important is you recognized the problem and are now going to do something about it.
Is there treatment for Anger?
It is potentially dangerous to “let it rip” with anger as it escalates the anger and aggression and does nothing to help us or the person we are angry with.
There are solutions available to deal with anger. Some options are listed below.
• One strategy is to find out what it is that triggers our anger then maybe develop strategies to keep those triggers from tipping you over the edge.
• Another strategy is relaxation, which is very important for our body to relax and breathe deeply. Picture your breath coming up from your “gut”.
• Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase, for example “take it easy”, and repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply.
• Non-strenuous, slow yoga-like exercises can also relax muscles and bring feelings of calmness.
• Cognitive reframing (changing the way we think) can work. Try to replace the exaggerated and overly dramatic angry thoughts with more rational ones, for example, telling yourself “Oh well, I know it’s terrible, it’s frustrating and it’s understandable that I’m upset but oh well, it’s not the end of the world and anger is not going to fix anything”.
• Develop better communication skills. Sometimes angry people tend to jump to and act on conclusions, these are not always very accurate. It is important to have slower discussions with others. Also, think through your responses. Do not say the first thing that comes into your head and think carefully about what you want to say, and at the same time, listen to what the other person is saying.
• Changing your environment, for example, sometimes our immediate surroundings give cause for anger. Give yourself a break making sure that you have some “personal time” scheduled for times in the day that you know are particularly stressful.
• Counseling may be needed if you think that your anger is out of control. Psychologists or other licensed mental health professionals can help work with anger by developing a range of techniques for changing thinking and behaviour. This can be surprisingly effective – even by just admitting to a problem and being willing to change is a big step in the right direction – as frightening as that may be.
• Assertiveness training – some angry people need to learn to become assertive at a point well before the anger is triggered. The aim of developing assertiveness is for people who do not express themselves well on a daily basis
Goals of Anger Management
• Developing better communication skills with the aim of improving relationships
• Developing an understanding of what triggers anger
• Developing strategies to deal with anger
• Developing listening skills
• Developing skills like ‘reframing’ negative thoughts about life situations
• Getting help to change your life circumstances
• Stress management
Learning Healthy Anger Management Strategies
When treating or dealing with anger issues, there are many suggestions for anger management strategies. Each of them is intended to help people who are hot-tempered and frequently have fits of rage. Anger, although a healthy and normal response to upsetting situations, it can be intense to the point of violence.
When a person experiences regular episodes of angry or reckless behavior, there's a problem, one that needs to be dealt with. Anger management strategies are designed to help an individual return to a healthy, normal existence.
Taking a time-out is considered a healthy management strategy. Removing oneself from a situation or person that makes a person angry is practicing time-out. This anger management strategy might simply require a ride in the car or a walk on the beach.
Playing sports or working out will help an individual to use up some of the extra energy without involving others. Some other suggestions for time-out are reading, listening to music or sitting alone in silence. Each of these activities are healthy anger management strategies.
A second example of a healthy anger management strategy is, owning up to the anger. Although the anger is usually brought on by an irritating situation or a confrontation with another individual, the anger actually belongs to the troubled person. Only the person who's experiencing the anger issues can control their outbursts.
Only the person with the anger issues can learn anger management strategies and how to deal with their feelings in a healthy way. When an individual becomes mad or upset they need to try to disclose the reasons for their anger whether it is hurt, fear, frustration sadness, confusion , jealousy or whatever seems to bring unleash the rage.
Another healthy anger management strategy is to look back on those situations that upset an individual and try to find ways to make changes.
Learning the cause of the anger may help the individual to avoid those situations. Not only might the person learn to avoid these incidents but they might also choose to take what they've learned and attempt to deal with the situation without bursting into a frenzy.
A fourth suggestion regarding healthy management strategies is to confront the situation or person. Talk to the person or people involved, calmly of course, to try to determine the root of the problem. The angry individual might actually discover that the whole thing was a mix-up, a misunderstanding. The individual might also try asking the person or people in the situation to think about their behavior and perhaps even change it.
It may be surprising what people would be willing to do to help the person who is attempting to deal with their problems with anger. Hopefully everything will work out for the best. If not there has to be room for acceptance. Sometimes a person must simply accept the situations and people they cannot change and either deal with it or walk away.
Learning healthy anger management strategies should be considered by those with anger problems. There are many books published regarding anger and anger management. There is also a wealth of information available on the Internet for those who are attempting to deal with their anger by learning healthy anger management strategies.
What are some Anger Management Techniques?
Having trouble controlling anger is a major issue in many individual's lives. Addressing this issue can be difficult if the person is unwilling to admit to their problem and seek help. It is imperative that people be supportive and encouraging to those with anger issues.
At times it may seem impossible since these people can be hurtful and even violent. Helping them to realize they need help would be the initial step to controlling their anger.
Once an individual is willing to work on their anger problem and turn to anger management, there are anger management techniques which will be taught to help them. There are many techniques which are beneficial regarding anger management.
It might be necessary for the individual to try them all in order to find anger management techniques that work best for them.
One technique recommended for anger management is relaxation. Angry feelings and emotions can be calmed by relaxing exercises such as deep breathing, relaxing imagery and slow non-strenuous exercise similar to yoga. When a person becomes irritated and headed for a fit of anger, it is suggested they breathe deeply.
This technique recommends that the person breathe from their diaphragm in order to relax. Using relaxing imagery may work for some people. Allowing their mind and thoughts to go to a happy place, a relaxing experience may help to calm them down.
This imagery may be of a past experience or the individual could use their imagination. The yoga-like exercises used as an anger management technique are meant to relax the muscles which in turn will help the individual feel much calmer.
Problem solving is used as an anger management technique. It is important for an individual to discover the reason for their anger. Anger is a natural response to certain situations and at times it is an acceptable reaction but there are other incidents when the anger is not appropriate. There is a reason for the anger and to every problem there is said to be a solution.
When a situation arises, the individual is taught not to focus on the solution but rather the problem. Finding ways to handle the problem and confront it is the main objective in this anger management technique. It may take awhile to conform to this plan. It is important to stick to it, eventually the answers will come.
People with anger issues are taught through anger management techniques to practice better communication skills. Often a fit of anger arises because an individual misunderstood a conversation. Before giving it any thought, they become enraged and filled with anger. Anger management teaches the individual to slow down their thinking, think before they speak or react.
The easily angered person needs to listen to the underlying message and try not to jump to conclusions. When feeling on the defensive side, the individual should learn not to fight back. Listening rationally to what the other person has to say might make a huge difference in a reaction.
These are just a few anger management techniques. There are many others which may be helpful to an individual requiring help. There are many books, movies and website on the Internet which can provide information regarding anger management techniques.
Why Children may Benefit from Anger Management Worksheets
Dealing with children who have anger problems may be challenging and require thought and imagination. A child's mind is normally not developed enough to deal with intense feelings of anger. They cope with these emotions in their own childlike manner which usually involves acting out or throwing a tantrum.
Unaware of the specifics which cause these behavioral actions, children are not prepared to explain or share their feelings. Finding programs and resources for effective anger management in children will likely require planning and well thought out programs.
A person who is developing an anger management program for children needs to consider activities and exercises that may interest children. Sticking a child in a support group setting or arranging an appointment with a psychiatrist will not likely produce positive results.
Since the child doesn't understand their feelings of anger themselves, it would be difficult to share or talk about them with others. Children would benefit from anger management worksheets and activities designed specifically to address their problems.
Children are familiar with worksheets, coloring pages and puzzles. These sorts of activities are used daily in the school setting. Incorporating anger management lessons into these activities would make sense. Anger management worksheets could be disguised as fun and interesting.
These anger management worksheets could teach techniques and strategies for controlling anger in such a way that children would understand and respond to. Using familiar situations in coloring pages or related words in puzzles may help a child to deal with anger issues without making the situation complicated.
Children love to play games and have fun. Besides using anger management worksheets, it might be beneficial to incorporate games into a children's anger management program. Many issues regarding anger in children arise from jealousy and competition. Playing games which teach children healthy interaction with other children as well as fair play would make a difference in their behavior.
Teaching children that it's alright to play games and not always be the winner would be beneficial to a child's behavioral development. Designing activities which include role-playing might help children to realize that they can't always be the center of attention. Anger management for children can be taught in all sorts of ways which will be both productive as well as enjoyable.
When children display signs of anger and upset, anger management worksheets could be used to uncover the underlying problem. Listing different possibilities for their anger and having them read over them to see which statements apply to them might be beneficial in treating kids with anger issues. Simple sentences, using everyday dilemmas that a child might encounter could be used in these anger management worksheets.
Children may not even realize the reason for these worksheets yet they may be providing relevant information which could help in treatment of their problem. In order to create anger management worksheet that will benefit children, the individual needs to understand how a child's mind works, as well as what interests them and use this knowledge to develop an effective anger management program for children.
Self Care strategies for Living with Anger management
Anger is not all bad; it is how one expresses it that spells the difference. Managing anger is important especially if one has the tendency to lose control over situations big or small.
The following are basic tips and advice to help you be comfortable with your anger, and being able to express it in a manner that is not hurtful towards others or yourself.
Know what you are angry at
First things first, how would you get to manage the anger that seems to broil deep down inside you when you have no clear idea as to the situations, matters that trigger them in the first place?
It is important therefore that you identify any attitudes that you have which predispose you to a host of reactions.
Do you not like it when the waiter takes about ten minutes to give you your regular order? Or what would your reaction be if the cashier in your local 7-11 store punches the wrong keys and you end up short changed.
Do you vent? Do you rave? Do you feel you want to punch someone or at least scream at their face?
Fortunately or unfortunately, you are not alone. If it is these triggers that set you off, then you have at least made that significant first step of becoming aware of your feelings and your reactions.
Knowing and having identified what makes you angry make it a lot easier to deal with when they erupt. You also could get to see how your past reactions were in order to gauge or determine how your current reaction would be, now that you know a bit better.
Past is past, let them go
Most of us carry a litany of conditioned responses and go through life using those to deal with every blow that comes our way. Usually, these responses were those left over from childhood.
Remember when you were crying and a grown-up caregiver - your parents, aunts or relatives – told you it is bad to be angry? And so you kept it all inside you until you grew up. As an adult, this then gets manifested as denial and fear of truly expressing what you feel.
Being aware of such past conditioned behavior actually frees you from its clutches. By bringing the feelings to the fore of your attention, you then get to deal with them and eventually use them to not be as impediments to your personal growth.
Anger needs to be acknowledged as it is there. Anger that is suppressed is not healthy and if it is not appropriately dealt with could lead to it exploding unnecessarily later on.
Respond not react
Believe it or not, you and you alone have the ultimate choice on how to respond to a situation.
There are various ways to express your anger besides the more traditional ways such as throwing a tantrum, throwing a chair, or hailing invectives.
These non-traditional ways of expressing anger are also legitimate, as long as the pathway towards expressing one’s emotions is cleared.
Responding to our own feelings towards an anger-provoking situation helps expose built-in and buried emotions that you may have concealed from yourself. Observe how self-anger could lead to feeling depressed or anxious.
The solution to this is managing our own reaction to situations, not burying it with alcohol, drugs or any addiction provoking habit.
Forgive and try to forget, if you can’t, then just forgive for now
It is not easy to forget a deed that may have caused a lot of anger inside you. If there are any wounds from an emotionally charged relationship or interaction that you are still carrying and heavily weighing you down, then why are you still carrying it?
There is a natural reaction to mope. Usually, going through this stage helps in ultimately letting go of the resentment do. Forgiving others usually starts from forgiving the self. Try this one for a change.
All in all, anger is a difficult emotion to deal with especially if you are exerting the effort to not deal with it. Acknowledging you are angry and finding positive ways to deal with your feelings are the steps to letting it go.
Happy as You Want to Be
Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin's simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.
Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke.
One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in an unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change.
Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along with well with
Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.
To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.
There are several ways by which you can do this.
Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mails, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.
News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.
A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace.
Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.
Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -'Laughter is the best medicine'.
Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.
Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future.
Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.
Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.
These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.
And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Diet change strategies:
When You Crave A Good Feeling
Some moods trigger food cravings -- and vice versa. The challenge is to keep both in check.
Think of your body as an insanely complex, gooey car. Put in gas and oil (a balanced diet), and you're good to go. Put in nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, weird, manufactured fats, gummy, washed-out flour, and sugar, and it's like pouring sugar into the gas tank. You'll sputter, run on, stop and start, or stall.
Put Food In, See a Difference
Senior New York University clinical nutritionist Samantha Heller, MS, RD, would probably prefer an analogy to a chemistry set. "If you are chemically balanced," Heller contends, "your moods will be balanced."
A lot of factors can throw the body out of balance. "A lot of women are anemic," she says. "This leads to depression and fatigue. Older people are often deficient in the B vitamins. People who don't eat regularly often have big shifts in blood sugar." People also have chemical sensitivities to certain foods that can govern mood.
In a study of 200 people done in England for the mental health group known as Mind, subjects were told to cut down on mood "stressors" they consumed, while increasing the amount of mood "supporters." Stressors included sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and chocolate (more of that coming up). Supporters were water, vegetables, fruit, and oil-rich fish.
Eighty-eight percent of the people who tried this reported improved mental health. Specifically, 26% said they had fewer mood swings, 26% had fewer panic attacks and anxiety, and 24% said they experienced less depression.
How Moods Are Fed or Starved
One big set of chemicals that control mood are the neurotransmitters in the brain led by the pleasure "drug" serotonin. These substances determine whether you feel good and energetic or tired, irritable, and spacey. They run on sugar, preferably the form that comes from low glycemic carbohydrates (not doughnut sprinkles), according to Molly Kimball, RD, sports and lifestyle nutritionist at the Ochsner Clinic Foundation and Hospital in New Orleans.
The idea, she says, is to maintain a stable blood sugar level through the day, slowly feeding these substances into the brain. Low glycemic carbs include whole grain bread, beans, whole grain crackers, soy, apples, pears, peaches, and other fruits.
What Kimball calls "crappy carbs" -- commercial granola bars, animal crackers, graham crackers, potato chips, and of course, cakes and pies -- flood into the system too fast and cause your body to order up a big shot of insulin, which then tips the balance you've tried to maintain. "You can see it when you've had a white flour pancake and syrup for breakfast," Kimball says. "By mid-afternoon, you're ready for a nap." This sugar alert/insulin cycle can gradually become less efficient and lead to diabetes and other problems.
Comfort Foods Really Work
If you have let your neurotransmitters get off balance or if external forces have conspired to put you in a bad mood, don't fret, it happens. That's when your body will start to think "comfort food."
According to Joy Short, MS, RD, assistant professor and head of undergraduate nutrition and dietetics at St. Louis University, you should fulfill that craving -- but in moderation. "You might take time to think, 'Am I really hungry or just feel like eating because I am stressed,'" she says.
However, if you can't think of a healthier response, eat your comfort item and enjoy it! If you must eat a deep-fried Twinkie, eat one and lighten up on (but don't skip) the rest of the meals in the day, she says.
You could make comfort foods more nutritional, she says. Interestingly, both men and women choose ice cream as their preferred comfort food, but coming in second is chocolate for women and pizza for men. "If you want a cookie, make it oatmeal raisin or vanilla wafers. Buy low-fat ice cream. Make your hot chocolate with skim milk. And forget the chips, in favor of popcorn or pretzels," Short says. Or after Domino's arrives, throw some artichoke pieces, anchovies, or frozen veggies on top and heat.
What about that universal comfort food, chocolate? Much has been written about chocolate's rich complement of mood-altering chemicals, some of which trip the serotonin receptors and cause a "falling in love" feeling, according to millions of chocoholics.
Chocolate is also supposedly loaded with antioxidants that keep the brain and other organs from being bashed by rogue cells called free radicals. Kimball says chocolate can act almost as a cannabinoid -- the mood-altering chemical found in marijuana. But Heller and Short say the touchy-feely chemicals are not in sufficient strength to make a difference in the body.
Recommendations for Managing Moods
• Maintain a stable blood sugar, no big swings. This means frequent small meals and snacks, every four hours or so.
• Be sure to drink a lot of water and juice.
• Exercise 20 minutes a day for mood -- and an hour for fat-burning.
• Do not follow an extremely low-fat diet (quick weight loss is also bad for mood, Heller says). Fat is needed for anti-depression. Stick with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and fatty fish or flaxseeds, which are full of healthy omega-3 fats.
• Take in tryptophan, an amino acid that makes blood sugar accessible to the neurotransmitters. This means milk or turkey. Eat a carb alongside your tryptophan source for better absorption.
• Have breakfast.
• Spend time in the produce department when you shop (try to eat a lot of bright colors, which means fruits and veggies).
• Pass on food items that come wrapped in crackly cellophane.
• Limit coffee (even nutritionist Kimball drinks some).
• Don't eliminate any one food group, such as carbs.
Herbs and related supplements are one natural treatment alternative for mental health disorder patients. Some patients prefer to use natural treatment choices as stand alone treatment, whereas others use them in combination with medication and psychotherapy. Work with your health care practitioner to find out what is best for you.
The best place to get quality supplements is from a natural healthcare provider. There are dozens of supplements marketed on supermarket shelves today, but many of these do not receive standardization. It is important if you decide to use supplements that you get the best quality supplement possible.
Here is a listing of a few supplements that healthcare providers have used for many years to treat symptoms of bipolar and related disorders. Most herbs come from plants and can help relax or provide support with sleep disorders and depression in patients.
Black Cohosh – This may affect one’s hormones, which may be one cause for symptoms of some mental health disorders.
Damiana – Often used to help lessen depression, but may cause mania in people with bipolar disorder.
Ginseng – May help provide more energy to people who feel fatigue during depressive states.
Gotu Kola – May help address symptoms of anxiety.
St. John’s Wort – One of the most popular of herbal supplements supported with scientific research that may help lessen mild depression. Again, one should use with caution and can interact with other medications including antidepressants.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
If you suffer from mental health disorders, it is important you eat well to nourish your body. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can contribute to your symptoms. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in anyone can contribute to symptoms including anxiety, depression and poor health.
A good quality multivitamin is a good start, especially if you do not have a history of eating well. Even if you do eat well, not all people absorb the vitamins and nutrients from their foods completely, so a multivitamin may help correct any shortages.
Many therapists recommend patients with bipolar disorder take extra B vitamins because these vitamins may affect our moods. A deficiency in vitamin B of any type may result in symptoms of depression or anxiety.
B vitamins are also often recommended to people to help lessen fatigue. For most, B vitamins help energize the body. There are many forms of B vitamins, so your best bet is a complex tablet containing all the B vitamins. For your information, here is a breakdown of the B vitamins by category.
B-1 – Also known as “Thiamin.” This may impact anxiety, irritability and improve blood circulation in the brain and body.
B-6 – Also known as “Pyridoxine.” This B vitamin may help reduce irritability. Doctors sometimes recommend it to patients with premenstrual irritability and agitation. You can take too much however, so be sure you consult with your doctor.
B-12 – This vitamin helps convert what you eat into fuel for your body. It is most helpful for reducing drowsiness.
Folic Acid – Important for preserving the body’s systems and biochemical balance. Careful however, as this supplement may interact with some of the more commonly prescribed mood stabilizers including Depakene.
Other vitamins that may prove helpful may include vitamin E, which may combat the risk of seizures often associated with the use of traditional medication therapies.
Here are some other supplements and nutrients that may prove useful for combating the symptoms of mental health disorders.
SAMe (pronounced Sammy) – This supplement may affect levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, but carries with it a risk of mania.
Tyrosine – Often used in combination with B vitamins, this amino acid is a precursor to dopamine and norepinephrine, important neurotransmitters in the body. What this means is your body needs tyrosine to make norepinephrine and dopamine.
GABA – May help relieve some symptoms including anxiety, insomnia, racing thoughts and tension in patients with bipolar or related disorders.
Essential Fatty Acids – Essential fatty acids are important for our entire body to work properly. They nourish the brain and may help reduce symptoms of depression. You can get essential fatty acids by eating more fatty fishes and flax seed or by taking a Omega 3 Fish oil supplement. Some healthcare providers recommend as much as 5,000 I.U. or more for patients with severe depression. Be sure you check in with your doctor. Most over-the-counter supplements contain only 1,000 I.U. per serving.
Lecithin – This substance may help stabilize mood swings. If you plan to use this supplement, you should do so while working with a natural health care provider.
Calcium – Calcium is a mineral our bodies need for proper neurotransmitter production. Look for a supplement with calcium and magnesium to heighten the effects. A lack in magnesium can often lead to insomnia and anxiety.
Zinc – This important and often ignored mineral is often lacking in many people’s diet. It can help combat colds and may help reduce some symptoms of depression or other mental disorders.
Remember, as with herbal supplementation you should embark on vitamin and nutritional therapy under a skilled practitioner’s guidance.
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.
It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements.
You may find benefit from our information on detoxification as well as a bit about detoxing because of change of diet
It may be due to difficulties with your digestive system that is causing your body to be starved of key nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In this case you may find useful answers by reviewing our article on Nutrition For Your Cells. There is also more information here about why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
It may be that your metabolism has slowed due to pressures that have been placed on your system through life in general or through specific “challenges” you have faced in the last few months or last few years. Review this by looking at our article about balancing your Metabolic Rate.
Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
Most mental health disorders are complex and often misunderstood, that affects millions of people every year. It is important that patients understand their disorder is one that they can live with, and even learn to enjoy life with.
There are many misconceptions surrounding mental health disorders. There are times when a patient’s symptoms may become very serious. In cases like this it is critical a person seek professional care and guidance. A mental health disorder can manifest in many different ways. It can for example, manifest as a mild disorder with mild mood swings, or a major mood disorder with swings that are very extreme.
There are many approaches to treating a mental disorder. A patient should always work with a competent doctor or other healthcare provider they can rely and trust on in times of need. Also important to one’s health is his or her ability to build a supportive wellness team.
Your wellness team can help you during the tough times, offering support and helping you make critical decisions when you may not be up to it. The most important step a patient can take, the one that will ultimately lead to their success and fulfillment, is to take a proactive role in their recovery and in their care. To do this, you must first embrace and accept the fact that you have a mental health disorder.
Once you do this, life gets a lot easier. You can then help manage your disorder by working actively with each member of your wellness team as well as with members of your family and your healthcare team to create an action plan that allows you to live a happy, healthy life. Many people live with mental health disorders. Your job is to learn to not only live with, but also learn to enjoy life with bipolar disorder or any serious ailment.
Congratulations on taking a step in the right direction, one that will lead to your long-term recovery and happiness.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this Anger management problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about Anger management :
Mental Health Problems
Various factors either contribute to or challenge our ability to look after our "whole person". These factors include our degree of self-discipline, how aware we are of our feelings and thoughts, how well we know ourselves. Factors outside ourselves include the nature of our home and work environment, our financial situation, the current state of our relationships with important people in our lives - friends, partners, families and work colleagues. The quality of our mental health varies depending on our experience and circumstances. Periods of emotional or financial stress can take their toll on mental health. Working your way, mindfully, through life's difficulties can help us to grow in our emotional life and self-esteem, so that we are even better prepared for future challenges.
If the tension gets too much for us to cope with, however, it can cause us to "break down" emotionally or mentally, that is, not be able to carry on our lives in health. At these times, we may need to ask for help or support while we adjust. Many people live with disability, including physical illness or mental illness, and cope in a healthy way. The challenge for all of us is to search out new ways to cope.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Reading list
Beyond Anger: A Guide for Men: how to free yourself from the grip of anger and get more out of life
By Thomas J. Harbin ISBN: 1569246211 published by Marlow & Co 2000
The angry self; a comprehensive approach to anger management by Miriam M. Gottlieb
Publisher Zeig, Tucker and Theisen, inc 1999 ISBN 189194407X
It’s not personal! A guide to anger management by Alice J. Katz
Published by AJK pub 1999 ISBN 0965172902
Anger-free: ten basic steps to mange your anger by W.Doyle
Published by Quill 2000 ISBN 0688175872
Dealing with anger, self help solutions for men by F.Donovan
Published by Finch 1999 ISBN
More books available online from the anger clinic- www.angerclinic.com.au
PO Box 116
Mt.Macedon VIC 3441
The information provided is to be used for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional care in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. Information may be reproduced with an acknowledgement to the Mental Health Association NSW. This, and other fact sheets are available for download from www.mentalhealth.asn.au. This fact sheet was last updated in Spring, 2001.
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Anger management your health online information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any Anger management questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Any natural and/or dietary supplements that are not FDA approved or evaluated must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.
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