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Your August Health Success Free Monthly ezine July 31, 2023 |
Hi there I hope you enjoy the e-zine as much as I do writing it. Index: Warren’s Notes :![]() Today we are talking about stress. There are a whole range of things that affect us every day which we get used to and start to accept as normal. One is stress, which we discuss below. All of these have long term effects that we tend to ignore on a day by day basis. Now I am in my 60‘s I there is more perspective on these things. So many things that seem to be of secondary importance in the moment make a big difference in the long term. Stress is just one of those. Looking back, I can see the importance of regular exercise. Long term effects: better bone density, better muscle. This is a situation where what we Should Do, what we Can Do, and what we Want To Do, are at odds. This applies to all those things we should do, including stress management. I suggest we apply another test. Once we break the habit of something it is often very hard to recommence.
Think of all the things that effect longevity and pick out the things that are Easy To Do that have long term benefits. My wife and I have been using a nutrition shake and vitamin and mineral supplements every day now for over 30 years. Easy to do. Once you get the habit it gives full nutrition first thing in the morning and actually saves time getting the day started. Long term effects are that now the experts are telling me that I should have been eating whole foods, amino acids, micro-nutrients for nutritional value, all these years. Yes, we cook our own food, have lots of vegetables etc but that’s because we want to. Short term easy, long-
term benefits. This can be the same with stress management. This may not seem too important when work and family are pressing on your energy and your time but, later on, when people around you are dying, often directly related to the lifestyle choices they’ve made, it looks different. Today we have one core message: When you look through the stress article below, take the time to think about what you can apply to make some changes to your current lifestyle and which will give the long-term benefit.
You will be glad you did as you get older. Warm wishes Warren. Optimal Health Tip:Energize Yourself.- Energy starts with a good night's sleep. If you don't get the rest you need you'll never have any energy. - For a lasting energy, snack on protein foods like skinless poultry, fish and pasta. - Avoid sugar type snacks. - A coke, a cup of coffee or other beverages with caffeine will give you a quick temporary boost of energy but if you take too much you will feel worse later on when the caffeine wears off. - Since sleep is a source of energy be sure to avoid alcohol or caffeine close to bed time to assure you of a better quality of sleep. - If it is possible, take a short nap in early afternoon. You will be surprised at how well you will feel, often better than when you first get up in the morning. Check out our latest optimal health articles here on: Your Health Online Blog
Motivating Quotes:![]() - Antoine de St. Exupery "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." "Never fear shadows; they simply mean that there's a light shining somewhere nearby." "Let us be of good cheer remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come." "Generally the theories we believe we call facts, and the facts we disbelieve we call theories." Natural Health & Beauty RecipesCooking Apples Apple pie or apple cobbler can be made vegan fashion with evaporated cane juice for sweetener and whole-grain pastry flour for the crust. A little non-hydrogenated vegetable oil makes an excellent fat substitute if needed. Applesauce: Peel and core apples. Cut into slices, put them into a saucepan, and add a little water or apple juice to cover the bottom of the pot. Cover pot, start heat on high, and bring to a boil. Turn heat down to medium, and cook gently, about 15 minutes, stirring often and checking liquid to prevent burning. Natural Beauty recipes
Help for Itchy Scalp Brush your hair frequently to remove the flakes. Try a jojoba oil based shampoo and use it regularly.
Try a final rinse of one cup warm water mixed with two to three tablespoons of white vinegar. This will also bring out the highlights in your hair and make it shiny. Massage 20 crushed aspirin (you can use a generic brand about $1.50) mixed in 1/2 cup water into your dry scalp before shampooing. Massage warm olive oil into your hair and scalp cover your hair with plastic wrap and with two warm, wet towels for 20 minutes, then shampoo your hair twice.
Put about 1/4
cup of Herbalife Aloe Gel in your hands, rub into your scalp and let it soak in without needing much massaging, it just takes a little bit of time. Instant soothing for an itchy scalp! "Stress Will Defeat Your Anti Aging Efforts"You might not have as much energy as you once had. Your ability to concentrate on things can become a problem, too. This happens because stress ages the body. You might be young, but feel much older physically as a result of the toll that stress takes on your body. Stress can cause your blood pressure to go up. It can also cause you to develop aches and pains and lose sleep. The body is being affected because of the release of hormones that happens when you get stressed. Over time, these stress-released hormones can even affect your memory retention. But what else it does inside your body is it revs up the aging process. When you’re under stress, it can make your body much older than what it actually is. That’s because stress shortens your telomeres. Your telomeres are like caps on your chromosomes and their job is to conserve the chromosome. They’re like gatekeepers and work to keep your chromosomes healthy and functioning properly. Stress shortens these gatekeepers, which allows damage to occur to your chromosomes. One problem that occurs is the increasing the rate at which your body ages because the cells get shorter faster than they normally would. This is not a little bit of aging, either. Stress can age your body years and even decades – rapidly, which shortens your lifespan. Not only does it damage your telomeres, but it ages your brain. You can develop age-related conditions like dementia, confusion and more all because of stress. It can affect your vision and your hearing as well, causing diminished
abilities and even loss. The reason that this happens is because when the body encounters stress, your adrenals boost production of hormones. These hormones can cause your blood pressure to rise, which affects your vision. When you develop pressure in the eyes, it causes blurriness and can cause eye strain and light sensitivity. It can also worsen the side effects of any current eye condition you have. Stress affects your ears because it limits the amount of blood flow by tightening your blood vessels. When the ears have a limited amount of blood, it causes damage by hurting the auditory cells. When the stress is chronic, you can experience hearing loss. Some people who have stress may also develop tinnitus. When stress affects the eyes and ears, reducing the stress so that the cortisol and adrenaline are returned to normal usually restores vision and hearing. Supplements such as Omega3 can help your blood flow and pressure to normalize and reduce the physical effects of stress. Are You Starting to See Physical Symptoms? Stress is something that can be pretty sneaky. It’s not like it announces its presence with one glaring symptom. Instead, stress spreads the symptoms around. So you could have a variety of symptoms, all seemingly unrelated when they actually all point back to stress. You might already know some of the more common signs of stress. Whenever anyone gets depressed or they feel blue, you might automatically assume that it’s because they’re dealing with stress. While this can be true, this symptom usually happens after others are already present. Things irritate you so much that you can’t stand to be around certain situations or people. Feeling on edge can be a symptom of stress. Feeling like you just can’t handle one more thing and if something else drops onto your plate, you’re just going to lose it is also a sign of stress. Headaches are a common occurrence in some people and they’re also one of the most often overlooked signs of stress. A headache every now and then is normal. Recurring headaches are not. These are tension headaches and the stress can reach a point so that they’re so bad, they wake you from a sound sleep. Some people develop migraines with stress. These are usually targeted areas of pain in the head and you may also get nauseous at the same time. You can experience both light and noise sensitivity as well. Experiencing aches and pains throughout the body is a sign that stress is
starting to manifest in physical symptoms. You can feel muscle or joint pain. When you get stressed, your body tenses. This is a normal response and with healthy stress, the tension dissipates. But constant stress causes long lasting tension in the muscles. This leads to painful shoulders, neckaches, backaches and more. Digestive issues can be stress related. You can have stomach cramps and feel like you’re going to be sick to your stomach. You can also develop trouble going to the bathroom or have bouts of diarrhea. You might have a loss of appetite or a raging hunger. Stress is known to cause insomnia. The anxiety and worry keeps you from being able to sleep and when you don’t sleep well, that can acerbate other stress related physical symptoms like muscle aches and headaches. Stress can also cause chest pain and tachycardia. Your heart might beat so hard that
you’re sure something is wrong. Some people have gone to the emergency room certain that they were having a heart attack, but it turned out their symptoms were caused by stress. The thing about stress manifesting in physical problems is that by the time your stress reaches this point, it’s serious and you need to do something about it to protect your health. Has Stress Become Your Norm? Many people have trouble at work or home. There are bills and responsibilities all around and issues that create emotional and mental havoc. So it’s not what creates the stress that affects you - it’s the lack of coping skills. When a person is unable to deal
with the stressor or the results of the stressor, then they push it aside and don’t do anything with it. It doesn’t go anywhere, but they learn to live with the stress the situation causes them. This happens because sometimes trying to fix the stress is uncomfortable. It might involve digging into things that you don’t want to face. But not facing stress is like having a huge stain in the middle of your living room floor. This stain has been there in your home for a long time. You don’t know exactly when the stain first occurred and maybe you don’t even know what caused it, but it’s there and it’s not going anywhere. It used to bother you to see the stain, but over time, you’ve learned to turn a blind eye toward it. You’ve gotten used to and it’s now your normal. You’ve learned how to accept it. You might think it probably wouldn’t do any good to try and fix the stain. It’s too much effort. But the
problem is that underneath that stain, there might be a lot of bacteria growing. There might be some things aren’t good for your health underneath the flooring. But because you’ve become stain-blinded, that’s okay. Over time, that stain can spread and you don’t even realize how things used to be before that. The problem is that just as that stain can harbor stuff that might hurt you, so can stress. You might not even realize that you’ve made stress a normal part of your life that you simply accept. When stress has become your norm, it means that you’ve learned how to adapt. You’ve altered some things about your life in order to make it as comfortable as possible to live with that stress. Below the surface, this situation could be destroying your health. Stress wrecks your immune system. Plus, people who are stressed are two times more likely to have a heart attack than people who deal with their
stress. Your physical and mental health cannot live with stress, no matter how well you think you’re surviving in spite of it.
There are many options that you can choose so that this chaos you’ve been living with ends and you get your serene life back.
Report Download with eCourse:![]() How To Successfully Wipe Out All Traces of Harmful Stress From Your Life in the Shortest Time You Never Thought Was Possible! Stress is a reality. In fact, it is something that everybody experiences once in a while. It is inevitable; and it can be acquired from all sources – at work, school, home, family, and relationships. Nevertheless, there are many powerful techniques that you can do easily and effectively to eradicate stress. Download your free Report today: "How to Stop Your Depression Now!" New order website for Australian customers:Is it time for you to lose weight, shape up, trim down, or just detox after all the recent celebrating and feasting???For all of the subscribers that don't want to talk to anyone, who just want to buy their products direct online, I now have a site that processes orders for you once you register with them. Australian customers: Click this link to GoHerbalifeSite or tap on the banner above to check it out and get registered to place your orders... and remember your 15% discount code: HLIntro15 International customers please just continue to Contact Us to place orders in other countries outside Australia. I also have a brief outline in this section about our Herbalife Weight Loss
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What is Stress Management?Everyone whether men, women or child suffers from stress at one or other point in their lives. We feel stress when we are dealing with our family problems. We feel stress when we are facing financial or health problems. We feel stress when we got stuck in traffic. Children feel stress in our school age and employees feel stress due to increasing workload. The Dictionary meaning of stress is any affair requiring mental or physical energy. It is a condition which causes perturbation of both mental and physical health of Individual. Stress can be defined in three ways The first focuses on the
environment’s role as a stimulus, or as a stressor, such as a catastrophic event, major life events and chronic circumstances (a stressful event). The second approach perceives stress as a response to a stimulus, and the person’s response is called strain (strain is the amount of stress experienced in response to our environment). The third approach describes stress as a process that includes the first two concepts, but focuses on the interaction between the environment and the person (stress as our behavioral, cognitive and emotional response to a stressful event). Stress does not necessarily have a negative effect on a person. For example, a
certain level of tolerable stress improves performance on many tasks. Also, work can be stressful if it is not sufficiently challenging. Signs & Symptoms The body and the mind react to any stress factor. A large number of physical changes take place at the time of stress induced arousal. Being asked for a Password to view a site page? Not a problem! Some of the site product pages are available only to Subscribers like you to view, that we have ongoing contact with, so they are password protected. Just enter WT (in capitals) to open the page. Have a Laff!![]() Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with the hopes that something new to eat will have materialized? Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give their vacuum one more chance? I looked up my family tree and found out I was the sap. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Thank you for joining us this week, I hope that you have found some extra motivation and inspiration to achieve lifetime optimal health! To update yourself on our new resources and lifetime optimal health strategies just go to
Your Health Online at The Health Success Site Your Editor, The Ultimate Secrets of Healthy Heart & Longevity Finally Revealed! - Learn How You Can Add 10-20 More Years To Your Life By Reversing Arteriosclerosis & Curing Bad Habits ![]() If you are under 20, you can increase your life-span by as much as 15 years. Even if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two golden, bonus years by following the advice in this life-changing book! Just mouse over the link below and click "right mouse button" and select "save target as" from the window that appears, to save this 200+ page book to your computer ENJOY!
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