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Lose Weight For Your Immune System" - Your Health Success ezine October 06, 2020 |
Hi there I hope you enjoy the e-zine as much as I do writing it. Index: Covid 19 challenges.After the big lockdown in Melbourne, daily numbers spiking to over 700 and everything being totally shut down over the last month, I am pleased to say that it appears to be working.New cases are less than 20 a day now.The 14 day rolling average is only about 12 cases.The city is getting ready to open up again. Our other two major states have had weeks with no new cases. It has been hard here but we have political leaders who recognize the issue and who have been prepared to take the necessary action. the result is that the whole country, like New Zealand, is on the point of 'covid normal' with only a very few, less than 5 new cases a day in cities of over 5 million people. God willing, Australia will have a lot better Christmas than might have been the case. For everyone living in countries where the leadership has not taken responsibility we wish you the very best and have some suggestions to help you keep well, this as much ability to fight this
virus as you can. Optimum Health Tip:Dental HealthNot only can flossing prevent gum disease and other issues, it may increase your lifespan. So floss daily! Drinking water is good for your dental health too. It helps flush acids and other harmful elements of your teeth during the day. For better dental health and development of good habits, help children brush until the age of 7 or 8. Limit foods like granola bars, packaged fruit snacks and dried fruit for children. They stick to teeth and contribute to tooth decay. Bacteria that cause tooth decay can be transferred to other people. Limit sharing of utensils, cups and food. Want white teeth? Limit coffee, red wine, smoking, colas and dark juices that stain your teeth. A toothbrush needs to be replaced every 2-3 months because bacteria build up on toothbrushes over time. Food great for naturally brushing your teeth: Apples, raw carrots and celery…but they won’t replace good old fashioned brushing.
Motivating Quotes:"Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow!" – Norman Vincent Peale "Try not to become a man (person) of success but rather try to become a man of value." – Albert Einstein "We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined." – N. Scott Momaday "What a pity that so many people rather believe their doubts and doubt their beliefs.… Why don't we just decide to have no doubts, and believe our beliefs! Fear and worry is just the misuse of the creative powers we originally got to dream." – Jannie Putter
REPORT: "Lose Weight to Lend a Hand to Your Immune System"Studies have repeatedly shown that losing weight can help you become healthier. It improves your blood pressure, cholesterol and lowers your risk of developing heart disease. But a big thing that many people don’t know that it also does is gives your immune system a boost, which is exactly what you need to help you combat viruses and bacterial infections. How Excess Fat Hinders Your Immune System Illnesses happen all the time, but there are ways that you can lessen your symptoms and even lower your odds of catching something. One of the big things that you can work on immediately is losing weight. Studies have shown that when you’re at a healthy body weight, your immune system is actually strengthened versus when you’re overweight. The scientific reason why having excess fat hinders your immune system is pretty simple. Sickness causes your body’s immune system to kick in to fight off
whatever is going on. This could be any type of foreign invader, germ, a cold, the flu or more. What happens is white blood cells work to create an inflammation. You might think this is a bad thing, but it’s your body’s way of raising the red flag to let you know two things. First, that something is going on and you need to pay attention. Second, your immune system pushes this inflammation response to let you know that it’s marshalling the white blood cells to attack whatever’s going on. You might wonder how that can possibly be linked to carrying excess fat. When you have an inflammation related to an illness, or bacteria, that’s a normal thing. Your immune system does its job and your body and health return to normal when the job is done. But when you’re carrying excess weight, you’re carrying what can cause
long term inflammation. That’s because your fat cells release proteins. These are known as cytokines. All the excess weight that you carry is made up of fat, which is a key component in releasing cytokines. So your immune system keeps having to rise to the task in order to fight the release of cytokines. You might think that’s no big deal. It’s the job of the immune system to take out inflammation. The problem is that your immune system is continually working to fight this off. Having your immune system working overtime stresses the system. When that happens, you
end up with a weakened immune system so it’s more difficult to fight things off like infections when they do occur. Losing a Small Amount of Weight Does Wonders for Your White Blood Cells Most people who are overweight imagine losing those excess pounds and improving their health. It doesn’t matter if you need to lose twenty pounds or if you need to lose a hundred pounds. The entire weight loss isn’t what’s important to boost your immune system. All it takes is a little bit. Studies have shown that when a person loses even a little bit of weight, it can do wonders for the body. In fact, losing just 5-10 pounds can help lower your risk of having an ongoing inflammation response from your immune system. When you lose weight, you can take yourself out of the
inflammation stage and give your system a break. This break occurs because the weight loss can calm that inflammatory response that actively causes your white blood cells to react. Your white blood cells are known as natural killer cells. When you have ongoing inflammation, you tax the ability of these cells to help you fight off whatever hits you. This reversal and boosting of the immune system happens because shedding pounds shuts down the demand for a response between the cells and the immune system. Studies have shown that when people lose weight, they raise the ability of the white blood cells to respond. This is because they’re not taxed from
constantly battling inflammation. They’re able to focus their fight and power on whatever germs or viruses hit instead. The way that you lose weight to cut the excess body fat matters. Plus, these kinds of diets also affect your gut health, which further harms your immune system. What you want to do instead is to keep your focus on eating foods that boost your immunity. Make sure that you include foods that are rich in antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins and minerals. Following a healthy meal plan will help you to lose weight at a steady pace that’s good for your immune system. Is Inflammation from Fat Working Against You? You might be someone who is health conscious. Maybe you carry some extra weight, but you’ve never considered it an issue. You
practice other good health steps like making sure you limit your caffeine intake. You make sure that you get plenty of sleep. It could be that you always stay up to date on getting a physical. You pay attention to any health issues that crop up and you try to do your best to always get whatever flu shots that you need to get. Those are all good things to do, but the problem is that you can do everything right for your health and still battle ongoing inflammation if carry more fat because of excess weight than is good for you. That’s because there’s not enough good steps in the world that you can take that can combat the effects of too much fat on the immune system. Not when the fat is the underlying cause. Every bit of fat that you have isn’t the issue and doesn’t affect your
immune system. Your body uses energy from fat which is a good thing. But too much stored energy because you have too much fat is bad for the immune system because it leads to inflammation. The reason that it leads to inflammation is found in the way that the body processes the fat for energy. The longer you have this excess fat, the worse it can be on how well your body is able to fight infections off. Research has made it clear that those who have more fat as revealed by a BMI measure have a higher demand on the immune system. Studies on how the body process excess fat also made it clear that this fat is directly related to lifestyle even given family genetics. That doesn’t mean that you can’t do
something about it. There’s only one way to get rid of the inflammation and that’s to get rid of the fat. That’s the key to reversing it all. When your diet is unhealthy, the body doesn’t have a chance to fight back and improve the inflammation. To prevent inflammation as well as to heal it, you need to turn your focus to a healthy diet and lose weight in order to calm the immune system’s reaction and strengthen it against health risks.
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body building and weight lifting career: One of the most powerful products I can recommend to my clients is the Thermojetics Beverage. It speeds up your metabolism and boosts your energy to burn more fat faster. REPORT: "Lose Weight to Lend a Hand to Your Immune System" continued:Finding a Weight Loss Plan that Helps You Fight InfectionTo boost your immune system, the best thing that you can do is to lose weight so that you get rid of your body’s excess fat. When you do that, you’ll help your immune system be able to fight infection as well as other health issues that you might have to deal with. A great way to lose weight is to find a weight loss plan. This plan should teach you how to get started losing weight so that you shed fat in a healthy way. These kinds of diets are dangerous because they create a yo-yo of fat loss and rebound weight gain, which causes the immune system inflammation to get worse rather than better. The types of diets that you want to focus on
are ones that feature designing your eating plan around food items that are antibacterial as well as antioxidant in nature. The way that you eat is the key to boosting your immune system to the point that you not only lose weight and fat, but you also change the ongoing infection response. This is not only about junk food, but foods such as certain types of bread. The sugars and high carbs all feed infections as well as the infection response that makes your immune system work overtime. Other foods such as having a lot of processed items also promote infection and impede your body’s ability to
fight against germs. When you get an infection, it causes an inflammatory response. That’s why one of the best diets you can try is one that’s an anti-inflammatory. For meat, you should consume lean meats, or fish, especially those with a lot of omega-3. Using Exercise to Decrease the Harm Done to Your Immune System If your immune system feels like it’s been under siege from inflammation and various viruses, then it’s time to take action. You need to exercise. It sounds simple, but it is effective. When you battle inflammation, infections and disease, your immune system rushes to your defense. It continues to fight on. This can result in overtaxing its ability. It’s what can make you more at risk that other people, too. Exercising calms the immune response that’s given by your white blood cells. It tells them to lower the amount of cytokine. The way that this happens is that you have what’s known as a sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. These work in tandem. Except when they don’t, because something affects them and their ability to keep your immune system healthy gets out of balance.
Plus, you strengthen your system’s ability to handle future problems that want to make you sick. When you exercise, this activity signals your body to begin the sympathetic portion of your nervous system. In return, your body starts pumping out hormones. That leads to a chain reaction among the overworking white blood cells and tells them to chill out. The white blood cells do just that and your body stops being in a state of chronic inflammation. It gives your immune system a break and continued exercise continues to lessen the impact your system went through. If you’re thinking that you absolutely hate
exercise, then you’re certainly not alone. But it really is the best way to boost your immune system, especially when you use it in conjunction with a healthy diet and fat loss. You don’t have to spend hours working out in order to reap the benefit of healing the harm that’s been done. All it takes is 15-20 minutes of exercise on a regular basis for you to develop a stronger immune system. There are many ways you can boost your immune system. Nutrition, stress relief and even a good night’s sleep can all contribute to a body’s ability to fight off disease and infection. But leveraging your ability to slim down, even a small amount, in an effort to bolster your health is a wise decision to make. And there are many delicious meal plans you can use to achieve your goals! And please contact me if you would like to know more about the herbal products that I have been taking for over 25 years to maintain my
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