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Your March Health Success Free Monthly ezine March 05, 2024 |
Hi there I hope you enjoy the e-zine as much as I do writing it. Index: Warren’s Notes :![]() Warm wishes to you and yours. Today we have a whole range of topics we look at. Before that, I want to discuss one specific topic that is currently facing many people. The latest weight loss trend is GLP-1 drugs. There has been a lot of media attention recently on the effects of the growing demand for these drugs. This latest weight loss fad, trend, wave(?) has a lot of on-line support and a
lot of people are using GLP-1 drugs. There is an issue arising though that has some concern, especially when it is viewed in connection with how to age in good health and the long term effects of such drugs. There are a lot of nutritional implications. Using these drugs curbs hunger so people eat less. This is such a problem that many nutrition companies are now putting together specific nutritional packages to use in conjunction with GLP-1 drugs. One of those companies is the world’s largest nutrition/weight loss company. It is based on the famous
nutrition shake and additional protein powder. The long term effectiveness of GLP-1 drugs for weight loss is still being studied. That leads people to go back on the drugs for a period to drop off the weight again. This is an issue when the cycle continues as, over time, it often leads to loss of lean
muscle tissue. If you are using, or considering using, GLP-1 drugs for weight loss, and would like more information about products to give you nutritional and lean muscle support then please email me and I’ll get more information to you. If you are confident that you can sort your own diet while using these new drugs I strongly recommend you review your nutrition and protein intake with some care. Health ageing is about balanced decisions throughout your life and keeping your whole body well, not just about weight loss. What every you decide to do yourself I wish you well and that you are happy with your results. Best wishes Warren
Remember, any time you want to learn more about anything in this ezine, or just need a chat about your health, drop me a line and I'll email back as soon as I can, and if you leave your phone number I'll even call you back on my dime! Optimal Health Tip:Avoid the Pain…Maintain!Most people who do manage to lose weight will gain it back again. A lot of crash diets fail in this area. While this fact might seem obvious it bears repeating. Don't let this happen to you! Don't be another statistic! 1. Speed. Avoid any kind of program or diet that either promises rapid weight loss or makes you lose weight too fast. This is a definite warning sign. 2. Monitor. When you first lose the weight and especially if you are inexperienced you need to frequently monitor your weight before it is too late. Once you get used to your habits a little more and experiment you will be able to go longer periods of time between weigh-ins. 3. Don't push it too far. Sure you can eat more and for longer periods of time now that you are thin but don't get carried away! You could even binge for a week if your metabolism is cranked enough but watch one week doesn't become two and so on. 4. Boredom or depression. Sometimes you can just say ‘you've had it’ because you’re tired of constantly thinking of the timing of meals and when to exercise etc. This is very understandable. Key points Motivating Quotes:![]() - Dorothy Galyean "We would worry less about what others think of us if we
realized how seldom they do." "The time is always right to do what is right." "If you can't be a good example then you'll just have to be
a terrible warning." "A woman is like a tea bag--you can't tell how strong she is
until she's in hot water." Natural Health & Beauty Recipes A mentally refreshing beverage, to help give you feelings of clarity and precision. 1 part ginkgo Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste. 1 2/3 oz dried St Johns Wort Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes & strain. Procedure
Natural Beauty recipe Field and Sea Body Scrub Kelp Powder--3 tbsp Honey & Oatmeal Scrub Finely ground Oatmeal--2 Tbsp Wheat Germ Scrub Finely Ground Wheat Germ--2 tbsp What Is Anti-Aging?We are living longer as a whole. Singularly, that can be a curse or a blessing depending on your perspective. Today the average duration of human life in the United States is just about 80 years for women and a little less for men. Conservative experts believe that man is really build to last about 100 years; and that medial advances and more healthful anti-aging living habits could bring this about within a generation or two. What good is it to add years to life if you do not enjoy vibrant health and energy to enjoy those extra years? In fact, unless people learn to enjoy life and to grow old gracefully, the extra years may be an additional burden. From 18 to 30 years is roughly the period of highest physical and mental vigor. The experiences we accumulate from the day we are born help us to conserve and to use our physical and mental abilities more wisely, so that for some time after 30 years we are able to perform
increasingly well in spite of slowly slipping vigor. After age 50 the increasing accumulation of experience is no longer able to offset the now more rapidly energy and therefore aging begins to assert itself noticeably and in many ways. Signs & Symptoms of aging A number of things may come about gradually such as people who have not used eyeglasses before may at some time in their forties need them for reading, and in the fifties they usually need bifocals. Also in the forties, people are likely to put on weight because there is a general slowdown in the oxidation rate of the aging body tissue. Also we tend to do less strenuous work with no reduction in the amount of food consumed. And in the fifties there is likely to be some loss of hearing. Usually the high-pitched tomes go first, so words with the sounds of F, S, and TH are confused. A hearing aid may be needed in some
cases. Aging is generally accompanied by a loss in physical and mental flexibility. This is noticed in a tendency to become stiff in the joints; in slower comeback after a strenuous trip, excessive "night life," or hard work; in slower healing of wounds, sore muscles, and sprains; in slower recovery of pep after an illness; and in greater difficulty to adjust to new people, new places, and new ideas. Men, especially, will notice loss of muscular strength. There will be increased unsteadiness and delicate muscle movements will be more clumsy and the stride in waking will become shorter. Many elderly people tend to lose their joy and will to live and chronic worriers may mope around and withdraw. Medical authorities now say
that laughter is one of the best medicines for the elderly. You can always keep your sense of humor tuned up by surrounding yourself with pleasant and interesting people. Just act your age and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself even when no else is around. Now that we all know the role that physical activity plays in our lives, remember to do something physical every day. The joints must be used or quite simply they will tighten with age creating that stooped worn out appearance we so often associate with getting old. Keep yourself flexible and fit on an exercise program consistent with your ability. Some of the Problems associated with Aging: There are over 13.5 million Americans alive today who have a history of heart attacks, angina or a combination of both. 50% of them are age 60 or older and 83% who die of heart attacks are 65 or more. Today, many doctors rank
fat intake right up there with smoking for leading cause of death. What Causes Aging? Generally speaking, the immune system begins to decline around age 50 and by age 60 may already be seriously compromised. As we age, our systems are not working as efficiently as they once were. For example, you don’t have as much stomach acid that helps to get nutrients from food. That means that as much as 40% of the nutrients you ingest may go unused resulting in deficiencies of vitamins D, B6, B12, riboflavin, folate and calcium. Your body’s system for storing the nutrients isn’t as efficient either because the percentage of body fat increases with age. While your metabolism keeps you alive and healthy, it also produces by products that can be harmful including free radicals and other compounds that cause damage to cells’ DNA and can lead to many of the effects of old age. As we
get older, the body reduces the amount of antioxidants it produces and it will become more difficult to get enough antioxidant protection just from your food. Although you can get most of the nutrients you need from a multi-vitamin, you may want to take extra supplements of certain vitamins and minerals to promote optimum health. Why Do We Age? There are a lot of theories as to why we age, why our skin ages and why our bodies grow old. Here are just some of the most popular theories that scientists use. It’s in the genes. Since the discovery of the body’s genetic make-up and its double helix pattern, almost all things in life are genetically
based. From the color of our eyes to the reason why we behave as we behave.
Don’t Just Distract Yourself from Stress Temporarily Often times when people feel stressed out, they turn to things that will only help them forget about it for a little bit. They might go out with their friends for a night and relax just to take their minds off of it or sit back and watch some TV or a movie. There are plenty of things you can do to help yourself feel less stressed out in the moment, but you can’t limit yourself solely to those options. While temporary relaxation might help you destress for a day or two, it’s not an ideal proper solution as much as it is a BandAid. If you want to really stop feeling so stressed out, you need to do something more difficult, which is finding the source of your stress and actually dealing with it at the root level. Finding the real source of your stress can be quite challenging on its own. It’s very easy to identify something else as the source of
your problems, while there’s another aspect that’s actually causing that initial problem. For example, you might blame your stress on not having enough free time, so you begin cutting out certain activities or procrastinating about certain things in order to give yourself more time. This might seem like a proper solution, but in reality, something else like poor scheduling might be the root of your lack of time, so you just have to keep following the trail to see where your stress is coming from. By dealing with your true problems, you’ll find that you don’t have to come up with as many temporary solutions that will only help you for a little while. This is the only way to be able to resolve your stress long term, allowing you to focus more on what you really want to do in life. Now, this isn’t to say that temporary stress relievers don’t have their uses. Temporarily relieving stress is a good way to
give yourself some room to breathe and focus on finding long term solutions. If you’re all caught up in your stress, you won’t be able to find the real sources very easily, but if you relax a bit, you’re more likely to be able to deal with your problems appropriately. These temporary fixes start to become issues only when you start allowing them to distract you from actually finding long term solutions. Be proactive so that you enjoy more of what life has to offer. We hope you found this information helpful to you and that you will put the content to good use for improving your health and well being. New order website for Australian customers:Is it time for you to lose weight, shape up, trim down, or just detox after all the recent celebrating and feasting???For all of the subscribers that don't want to talk to anyone, who just want to buy their products direct online, I now have a site that processes orders for you once you register with them. Australian customers: Click this link to GoHerbalifeSite or tap on the banner above to check it out and get registered to place your orders... and remember your 15% discount code: HLIntro15 International customers please just continue to Contact Us to place orders in other countries outside Australia. I also have a brief outline in this section about our Herbalife Weight Loss
Plan (Open page with password: WT ) ![]() Featured Store Product:Fad Diets and the Diet Gap.THE DANGEROUS GAP IN DIET FADS. ARE FAD DIETS PUTTING PEOPLES HEALTH AT RISK? SEE HOW HERBALIFE COMPARES. Have you noticed that fad diets rise and fall in popularity like the latest fashions or current pop songs? We’ve seen (and seen off) the Soup Diet; the Grapefruit Diet; the No Carbs Diet; the Only Carbs Diet, and so on. No sooner than one falls from favour than another becomes ‘flavour of the month’. As a result of experimenting with the latest “food exclusion” diets, many people are actually cutting out entire food groups, leading to nutritional deficiencies, which could be damaging their health! While it may seem that cutting out carbs is great for fast weight loss, there is a very real risk that it will trigger carbohydrate cravings. Have you ever experienced carbohydrate deprivation? First you become edgy, then start to crave carbs, especially the wrong
sort of starchy carbs that are stored as fat. Many people simply give in and become compulsive, but those who hold out can suffer severe side effects. Vitamin B group deficiency is one outcome, leading to fatigue and anxiety. BRAIN FOOD Did you know that the body’s main fuel source for energy comes from carbohydrates? Or that carbs are the brain food used to fuel its function. Is it any wonder you crave high carb, high sugar snacks when studying hard, problem solving or using a computer? Health professionals advise that eliminating carbs from your diet is counter-productive. A much better strategy is giving your body the right type of carbs it requires. Herbalife’s meal replacement Formula 1 Shakes, together with Herbalife’s other Formula dietary supplements are scientifically designed to provide balanced nutrition in the right combination of protein, fibre, carbohydrates, herbs, minerals and vitamins. MEAT-FREE Many people cut out meat when dieting, thinking that this is the way to eliminate excess fat from their bodies. By doing so they could be missing out on important vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin B12 and zinc. Iron deficiency leads to serious conditions such as anaemia. Protein is an essential building block for the body and is needed for the growth of new cells and tissues. If you don’t eat meat it is vital to get adequate protein from other Herbalife’s (soy) Protein Powder, together with Formula 1 helps build and maintain lean muscle mass and enhances your stamina and wellbeing while dieting. The addition of Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron. You can have your necessary proteins now, even if you are a vegetarian. FAT-FREE? Since the “fat-free craze” began, statistics show we have grown fatter and fatter. Just because a food is fat
free doesn’t mean its calorie free. Today, supermarket shelves are packed with foods that call to dieters with the words “FAT-FREE”. But as conscientious weight watchers load up their shopping carts with fat free foods week after week, many discover this alarming fact: their weight is going up! GETTING FAT ON FAT-FREE Although we’ve been taught to think of fat as the culprit in the weight loss battle, clearly this is only part of the whole diet picture. Many fat free foods are actually very high in sugar and carbohydrate calories. And these calories, when eaten in excess, become converted into the one thing we’ve been taught to avoid- fat! LOSE THE FAT FROM YOUR BODY, NOT YOUR DIET Ironically, in order to burn fat and lose weight you need a certain amount of good quality fat. That’s why Herbalife’s balanced dietary formulas include enough “good fats”, such as those found in
fish and olive oil, together with Herbalife’s highly nutritious meal replacement shakes and snacks. Bad fats include trans fatty acids or hydrogenated fat. Good fats are mono saturated and polyunsaturated fats containing omega-3 and omega-3 fatty acids, which help to lower cholesterol, improve eyesight and boost brain power. Herbalifeline is an excellent way to obtain your daily intake of the Omega-3 fatty acids, which are often lacking in both “normal” and fad diets. Omega-3 fatty acids promote good health; helps maintain healthy triglyceride levels that are already within normal range; and provide temporary relief of joint discomfort. By avoiding the fat free craze and giving your body the complete nourishment it needs with Herbalife’s supplements and weight management products, you’ll lose weight steadily and feel healthier as you do. FAST WEIGHT LOSS DIET FADS. Quick
weight loss diets usually overemphasize one particular food or food type. They violate the first principle of good nutrition, which is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. There are no “super-foods.” No one type of food has all the nutrients you need for good health. Fad diets also violate a second important principle of good nutrition- eating should be enjoyable. Fad diets are so monotonous and boring that its almost impossible to stay on them for long periods. Visit here to get STARTED on Shop for Herbalifeline - 90 Capsules If you are ordering add our 15% discount code: HLIntro15 to receive discount on your order
What is EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing - Psychotherapy Treatment?Its purpose is one that’s intended to relieve stress and other negative feelings that can be caused by traumatic memories.This can be living through a traumatic event yourself or witnessing it happen to someone else. There are three different parts to the EMDR therapy that can be a help to people. The first part is dealing with the events and memories that are responsible for the emotional problems you’ve been experiencing. In this first part of dealing with the events, you’ll learn how to create new links that you can associate with the events and memories. EMDR therapy works in that it can have you feeling safe and in control in your environment rather than afraid and feeling like the world is not a safe place for you to be in. The second part that can help people who use EMDR techniques is targeting the present situations that might provoke your distress. During the sessions, while you’re going through the phases, you’ll be doing work designed to desensitize any external and internal triggers you may have. Many people have certain triggers that will cause them to feel as powerless and scared as they were at the time the actual event took place. The person can feel like he or she is actual back in the event or seeing it again. EMDR can help you overcome the emotions and issues that are connected with that. The third part involves using imagery.
What Problems Can Be Helped by EMDR? There are several problems and symptoms that can be handled by using the teachings of EMDR. Extremely traumatic events such as sexual and physical abuse can be successfully treated. Rape victims can find relief from the traumatic memories through the techniques offered. Child traumas can also be treated by using
EMDR. Experiencing the death of a loved one can be difficult. Losing someone that you care about can be a traumatic event that can cause people to become stuck. EMDR can also help you overcome the trauma of losing someone that you love. There are other traumatic events that can require the need for a treatment like EMDR. If you witness a terrible trauma or the abuse of someone else, it can affect you emotionally. So can going through a natural disaster or even watching it unfold on television. Going through a short term event can have long term emotional consequences. An example of this would be having a house fire or being in a car accident. When you go through something like that, these events can bring on feelings of loss of control and fear. In some
cases, if you experience a trauma that leads to the death of someone else, you can develop survivor’s guilt. These feelings can be worked through during EMDR. Continue Reading The New Online Guide About EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing - Psychotherapy Treatment Here >>
A-Z Health Guide
15 Ways to Stay Upbeat When You Have Chronic PainBreaking the cycle is challenging, but it will enhance your quality of life. Your daily choices can help you manage your symptoms and feel more joyful. Try these tips for keeping your spirits up. Choosing the Way You Think: 1. Adjust your expectations. Are you trying to do too much? Accepting your condition is the first step in adapting to your current abilities, so you can avoid becoming overwhelmed and fatigued. 2. Let go of judgments. It’s natural to grieve when you’re diagnosed with a chronic condition. However, the sooner you stop blaming yourself or resenting others, the faster you can move on. 3. Resist comparisons. Maximize your own potential, instead of
trying to measure up to others. Focus on your strengths and give yourself credit for making an effort. 4. Cultivate gratitude. Being thankful is even more important when you're going through a difficult time. Appreciate small pleasures and reflect on how overcoming hardships may help you to grow. Cont... Being asked for a Password to view a site page? Not a problem! Some of the site product pages are available only to Subscribers like you to view, that we have ongoing contact with, so they are password protected. Just enter WT (in capitals) to open the page. Have a Laff!![]() EXCERCISES TO PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE 1. Lay nude on the front lawn and ask the weed man to probe you
with his applicator. 2. Drink a quart of Sherwin-Williams Eggshell One-Coat Coverage
Interior Flat White #2. Then have your child stuff his slinky
down your throat. 3. Put a real estate agent's 'Open House' sign on your front yard and lie on your bed dressed in a paper napkin with straws stuck
up your nose. 4. Put your hand down the garbage disposal while practicing your smile and repeating: "mild discomfort." 5. Set your alarm to go off every ten minutes from ten PM to
seven AM, at which times you will alternately puncture your wrist with a Craftsman (squarehead) screwdriver and stab yourself with a knitting needle. 6. Remove all actual food from the house. 7. With
several strands of Christmas lights strung from a coat
tree and onto yourself, walk slowly up and down the hall. 8. Urinate into an empty lipstick tube. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Things I Learned From Noah's Ark Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark. 1. Don't miss the boat. 2. Remember that we are all in the same boat. 3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. 4. Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you
to do something really big. 5. Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that
needs to be done. 6. Build your future on high ground. 7. For safety's sake, travel in pairs. 8. Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on
board with the cheetahs. 9. When
you're stressed, float awhile. 10. Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by
professionals. 11. The whole world can change in only 40 days. 12. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's
always a rainbow waiting. Have a fantastic day!
![]() Thank you for joining us this week, I hope that you have found some extra motivation and inspiration to achieve lifetime optimal health! To update yourself on our new resources and lifetime optimal health strategies just go to
Your Health Online at The Health Success Site Your Editor, The Ultimate Secrets of Healthy Heart & Longevity Finally Revealed! - Learn How You Can Add 10-20 More Years To Your Life By Reversing Arteriosclerosis & Curing Bad Habits ![]() If you are under 20, you can increase your life-span by as much as 15 years. Even if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two golden, bonus years by following the advice in this life-changing book! Just mouse over the link below and click "right mouse button" and select "save target as" from the window that appears, to save this 200+ page book to your computer ENJOY!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for your counselor’s advice or treatment. Use of these products and tips are at your own risk. We make no warranty, express or implied, regarding your individual results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase those items through my links I will earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. In fact, I oftentimes am able to negotiate a lower rate (or bonuses) not available elsewhere. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me to continue to offer you lots of free stuff. :) Thank you, in advance for your support! No Liability This product is provided “as is” and without warranties. Use of this product indicates your acceptance of the "No Liability" policy. If you do not agree with our "No Liability" policy, then you are not permitted to use or distribute this product (if applicable.) Failure to read this notice in its entirety does not void your agreement to this policy should you decide to use this product. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. The liability for damages, regardless of the form of the action, shall not exceed the actual fee paid
for the product. Note: Articles in this ezine may concern health treatments and references to trademark brands. These articles are supplied for entertainment purposes only. Any claims that are made in your use of them and any consequences of your use of them are your own responsibility. You are advised to take legal advice in relation to setting up disclaimers and other aspects of your business. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unsubscribe only if you want to stop receiving this ezine. Instructions are below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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