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your Edition of "Your Health Success" ezine April 11, 2017 |
I hope you enjoy the e-zine as much as I do writing it. Index: Optimum Health Tip: Quote of the Day: Health Report:"Guide to Muscle Building Relief and Recovery" Recommendations & Sponsors Warren’s Notes Have a Laff! Inspirational Meme: Your ebook download "How to Live to 100" Thank you to my readers who refer other people to my ezine. If they want to subscribe for the next edition, they can just visit the website and subscribe here: SUBSCRIBE to eZine If you ever decide that you want to unsubscribe, you will find the link to do so at the bottom of this page. (But we will really miss you!) Optimum Health Tip:Taking Better Care of Your Teeth:Not only can flossing prevent gum disease and other issues, it may increase your lifespan. So floss daily! Drinking water is good for your dental health too. It helps flush acids and other harmful elements of your teeth during the day. For better dental health and development of good habits, help children brush until the age of 7 or 8. Limit foods like granola bars, packaged fruit snacks and dried fruit for children. They stick to teeth and contribute to tooth decay. Bacteria that cause tooth decay can be transferred to other people. Limit sharing of utensils, cups and food. Want white teeth? Limit coffee, red wine, smoking, colas and dark juices that stain your teeth. A toothbrush needs to be replaced every 2-3 months because bacteria build up on toothbrushes over time. Food great for naturally brushing your teeth: Apples, raw carrots and celery…but they won’t replace good old fashioned brushing. Motivating Quotes:"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. " - Hippocrates "There's a need for accepting responsibility - for a person's life and making choices that are not just ones for immediate short-term comfort. You need to make an investment, and the investment is in health and education." - Buzz Aldrin REPORT: "Guide to Muscle Building Relief and Recovery"Building muscles is almost an art form of sorts, like sculpting your body as an artist would do. Working out your body and getting the abs that you want, the stamina that you crave - there’s beauty in that - in pushing your body to the max to develop the kind of muscle build that’s on your goal list. Building muscle takes dedication and a lot of determination, because after a workout, your body can feel like you ran a hundred miles uphill through ankle-deep sludge. You’ll feel the burn in your muscles and sometimes, it can reach the point to where you might start wondering why you even keep going. There’s relief at hand for you for those times when your muscles experience the pain of a workout. Why Your Muscles Hurt After a Muscle Building Workout Anyone wanting to build muscle knows that in order to get the size and cut you’re looking for, you must have repetition. This repetition is what strengthens the muscle and causes it to grow. But, there is a downside to the repetitive moments. When you build muscle, it’s putting pressure on the muscles, regardless of what kind of workout you’re doing. Using this repeated pressure is what you have to do if you want to see changes in strength as well as a visible difference. This force is what created the pain that you feel. Though the pain doesn’t last for a long time, it’s still uncomfortable. When the pain hits you after a muscle building workout, it’s called delayed onset muscle soreness - otherwise known as DOMS. You might have heard the term “no pain, no gain” and when it comes to building your muscles, and it’s true. If you’re looking to build your muscles or add to your strength ability, you’re going to experience some pain. It’s doing the muscle building exercises over and over again that will trigger the pain. The pain is triggered because your muscles get to the point where they reach their max capacity to handle the exercise. What some people do is once they reach their max capacity, they pull back. If you’ve reached the muscle size and strength that you want, pulling back will keep you at the size that you currently are right now. However, if you want to actually build the muscle, you have to push past your max capacity and that’s when the pain comes. After the workout is over, your muscles will reach a level of fatigue that they didn’t have before you started the workout. During the muscle building process, you went through the repetitions designed to build muscle, and in that time, you had to take the muscles beyond their current comfort zone. This pain is associated with the stress placed on the muscles during the building phase, but it’s especially noticeable if you’re new to muscle building. You’ll also experience this pain if you’re starting a workout that you’ve never done before or if you’re adding new repetitions to a building routine that you currently have. What happens when the pain hits is that some people assume one of two things. They assume that they did the workout wrong or they assume that they overdid the muscle building, and so they back off or stop for a few days. The majority of pain isn’t associated with an incorrect workout or with overload. The muscles are changing due to the muscle building regimen and any time there’s change in the muscle formation, you’re going to feel it. While it can be painful and make you wonder what’s going on if you’re new to it, pain after a muscle building session doesn’t mean that something’s wrong. In fact, it might mean you’re doing everything right. Treating Sore Muscles From Your Workout If you experience sore muscles because you worked out, hoping to build your mass, the very worst thing that you can do is to stop working out. By not using the muscles, you can actually cause the pain to linger. It’s okay, however, to dial back the intensity of your muscle building workout for a day or so, but you don’t want to stop altogether, even for a brief period. When you keep on working out, pushing through the pain, your muscles will warm up and provide you with relief from the soreness that you’re experiencing. You can use ice to treat any sore muscles you might experience from your muscle building workouts. Traditional treatment calls for placing ice on the area that’s causing you pain. However, you can also take an ice bath. This treatment is favored by athletes and involves sitting in an ice bath for no longer than five minutes. The coolness of the temperature reduces the inflammation in the muscles and gives you relief from the pain. On the flip side of using cold methods to treat sore muscles, you can use heat. With this method of treating sore muscles, you can apply a heating pad directly to the area that’s causing you to feel pain. One of the items that you can use to apply heat is a heating pad or a rice heating bag that you can heat up in the microwave. You can also use heat wraps. You can find these that are made to fit specific areas of the body such as the arms, wrists, shoulders, back, neck, knees and ankles. Anti inflammatory medication can also be used to help treat the sore muscles you might encounter after a workout. The medicine works by lessening the inflammation that you might have in the muscle that can contribute to the pain. You can take these types of medication by mouth or you can use them topically through the use of anti-inflammatory patches that can be applied directly on the skin right over the sore muscle. Sometimes, a massage can also help to reduce or eliminate the pain you’ll feel from sore muscles after a muscle building routine. A massage is known to reduce inflammation in muscles. Plus, getting one can give muscle recovery a boost. While treatment is an option for you, it’s best to avoid soreness as much as possible simply because it’s not fun. You can avoid most soreness if you make sure that you don’t stick too long with one muscle building routine. When you stick with one routine for too long, your muscles aren’t acclimating to any change. So when you do change, you end up sore because you’re putting new stress on your muscle. It’s best to change up your routine with a variation of muscle building exercises, rather than getting too comfortable with one. Most muscle soreness isn’t anything you need to be concerned about. However, if the soreness is so much that it prevents you from doing your day to day activities at home or at your job, then it’s possible it could be an injury rather than simple soreness. I also like to use herbal supplements like Tang Kuai to relieve my muscle strain... just drop me a line and I'll tell you more about them. (continued below...) Recommendations & Sponsors:Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website self help books, articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.I have been involved in sports all my life, and in my 50's I started serious weight lifting. My goal is to enter competitions after my 60th birthday and challenge the Australian categories in my age group. As a result I have learned much about this sport and the requirements for building muscle. This book with give you valuable tips to begin your own body building and weight lifting career: Being asked for a Password to view a site page? Not a problem! Some of the site product pages are available only to Subscribers like you to view, that we have ongoing contact with, so they are password protected ... Just enter WT (capitalized) to unlock the page. REPORT: "Guide to Muscle Building Relief and Recovery" cont:Your Muscle Building ScheduleKnowing what muscle group to work out is a must. For the best muscle growth, you’ll want to work out each group on a regular and even basis to promote strength. You’ll also have to know when it’s time to add more repetitions and more weight to any of your routines. If you’re just now starting to build muscle, you’ll want to do it gradually and slowly increase your time and repetition. Otherwise, too much, too soon can lead to muscle injury or burnout. On your muscle building schedule, the first thing that you’re going to want to do is to boost the equipment weight that you’re using. You’ll want to do this on a regular schedule. Your routine should always progress until you reach the muscle mass that you want to have and maintain. Remember that if you can do the muscle building routine that you’ve been using comfortably, then it’s time to boost your muscles into overdrive, because this is what will build them up. Adding more weight is one thing to have in the schedule. The amount of repetitions that you’ll want to do is another. Once you can blow through the repetitions in your routine, it’s time to add to them. Raise the number of times you perform each set. You should be able to feel the effort - and if it’s effortless, then keep adding reps. Another think that you want to do with your muscle building schedule is to make sure that each of the muscle groups are getting a max workout. That means that you should be working out at least three times a week. As often as you can with your workout schedule, do compound exercises. These offer you multiple benefits because you’re not just focusing on one or two muscle areas like you do with isolation exercises. The more muscles that you can work out at once, the faster you’ll build the mass that you want to have. You gain strength faster this way, too. You must have recovery built into your schedule, because this is an important factor in building muscles. The way that you set up your recovery schedule can follow a standard guideline used to build muscle, but it’s better if you conform your recovery period based on your own body. Not everyone recovers at the same pace. So your schedule would need to be based on how long it takes your body to recover. The recovery phase that you set up should also take into consideration the level of your workout. This phase is going to be different for someone who engages in moderate body building workouts versus someone who works harder. The recovery period for you will also depend on how many days a week you exercise as well as the length of time you give each of your workout sessions. You should also factor in your diet. The amount of meals that you consume, plus the calories can matter in a recovery schedule. Plus the types of food you have and the times that you eat these foods also play an important part. Building muscle takes dedication, but it can also put a lot of stress on you both physically and mentally. Your recovery should be worked into your muscle building schedule based on the load that you think you can withstand. It’s true that muscle building isn’t always pleasant, but it shouldn’t make you stressed out or make you feel miserable. Your Muscle Building Diet Muscle building takes a lot of calories - more so than any regular body exercise, because of the difference in the two. With regular exercise, the focus isn’t on creating mass, but rather getting fit and getting or keep the weight off. With muscle building, you’re putting the weight on deliberately as muscle mass, so you have to have the right kind and the right amount of calories as well as nutrients. Not having the right kind of muscle building diet can really work against your goals. Normal advice with calories says not to take in more than you use, but it’s the opposite with muscle building. You have to take in more calories than you use because it’s this fuel that your body uses to turn it into muscle. If you’ve ever worked hard to build muscle and haven’t been able to, check the amount of calorie intake and raise it significantly and that will help. If you’ve already achieved some muscle mass, but you’re looking to grow bigger, then add about 500 calories a day to your eating schedule. If you check your progress and discover that you’re gaining muscle, then you’re doing it right. If you’re packing on flab, then you’re doing it wrong. Your diet needs to consist of a whole lot of protein. These are foods like dairy and meat like chicken and beef. This is essential for building muscle. The amount of protein that you eat should be figured as grams to body weight. For every pound that you weigh, you should eat one gram of protein. You also need to make sure that you cover fats and a lot of carbs in your diet. Nuts are especially helpful in your diet for helping the body build muscle. The amount of carbs that you eat should be figured according to your body weight as well. For each pound of weight that you carry, make sure that you’re consuming between 2-3 grams of carbohydrates. Fats are figured a little different than per pound of body weight. For this, you want to be sure that you’re dividing by a pound and half of body weight for each gram of fat. The amount of calories that you need to consume to build muscle can be broken down any way that you like. If you prefer to eat more often, just divide your calories that way. Or, if you like the idea of just sticking to breakfast, lunch and dinner, then you can split the calories you have to have between three meals. Your diet matters during the recovery phase. This is the time right after the workout, and while the last thing you might want to do is eat, you need to let the food help your body begin the repair process. The time frame for you to eat is within the first two hours after you’ve gone through your muscle building routine. If you’re looking to build muscle, then you should see an increase in your weight every week of at least a pound. When you step on the scale, if you’re not seeing this kind of gain, then you need to add to your calorie intake little by little until you’re seeing that pound a week gain that you’re striving for. You can learn more here about the specifics of building muscles and being healthy about it. We hope you found this report helpful to you and that you will put the content to good use for improving your health and wellbeing. Learn more about improving your general health by getting better Nutrition for your Cells We wish you well in your search for healthy diet solutions and your movement towards better health in all areas. Warren’s Notes :![]() When I was younger I trained a martial art, Tae Kwon Do, for a lot of years and that kept me fit and supple. It gave a sport that you could measure your progress for the first few years because of the grading system. Once you had covered the basic belts then you are at a level where you know what you need to work on for yourself and where you can be involved with training others. But we get older, marriage, four children, work to do, business to look after. I found the nutrition products I have working with for a long time now and because actively involved with building distribution for them. The time came when regular training sessions for sport just did not fit into my lifestyle and the martial arts gave way to other things, to business and family needs. Years went by and I found myself turning 55. How did that happen? Anyway, life has been good and there are few regrets. Babies are big now and I can focus a little more on myself. A decade or two of no structured sport meant that while I was healthy, I was not really fit and I did not have the muscle tone that I used to. It was time to do something about it. I walked into my local gym and said that I wanted to put on some condition. The trainer there said that if I would give him a month for every year that I have not exercised that he could help me. Time is not an issue any more in that I am still busy but I am not in such a hurry. Nowadays 18 months seems like a short tern goal. I am often traveling so I set up a training regime with a personal trainer at 7am on Monday and Friday mornings. I live in a little country town so that it is quite reasonable prices and there are normally 2 or 3 people who train at the same time and while one exercises the others rest. Next month I turn 60. 5 years have slipped by. That is the time that I learnt in Martial Arts that you really needed to spend to be a proficient black belt and it seems a reasonable time to put into a fitness foundation to support the later years of my life. There are lots of things I have learned on that journey that when I asked about them no-one could tell me. I had to learn a lot of things for myself. If you like I will write up what I have found in this ezine and you can see if there is something in that which will assist your own sporting activities. The gym where I train is a bit social with a mix of male and female and people just looking to get a little fitter through to serious lifters. The serious people are power lifters so they focus on a set of 3 specific exercises: Squat (with a weight on a bar on your shoulders), Bench Press, and Dead Lift (Lifting a weighted bar from the ground till you are standing straight and locked out – no lifting above your head or anything). From starting with light weights and trying to understand what to do it took a year or two before I became interested in power lifting. 18 months after focusing attention my deadlift reached 200kg (440 pounds) which I felt was an okay start. Currently I am working on my bench press. Recently it was at 115 kg (just over 250 pounds) and I’m working on getting it to 120 kg (264 pounds) shortly. Not big numbers but respectable for someone at my time of life. If you are interested in the lessons I needed to learn on this journey and to see if there is anything here that can assist your own activity then check the upcoming ezines and we can start a conversation Best wishes Warren Below is a picture of me in my Tai Kwan Do days.... before I shattered every bone in my wrist (I'll leave that story for another edition - LOL) Remember, any time you want to learn more about anything in
this ezine, drop me a line and I'll email back as soon as I can, and if you leave your phone number I'll even call you back on my dime!
Have a Laff!Love of GrandkidsBeing a Grandfather now (how can that be?) I thought you might enjoy a bit of grandkids humour - ENJOY! What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars' worth of pleasure. Grandchildren don't make a man feel old;
it's the knowledge that he's married to a grandmother.
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