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Optimum Health Tip
Health Report: Physical Fitness for Energy and Stamina
Recommendations & Sponsors
Editor’s Notes & Humor
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Optimum Health Tip:
There are more than 100 types of arthritis.
~ Risk factors for arthritis include family history, age, previous injuries and obesity. Women are more likely to develop it than men.
~ Ginger tea can help with joint pain and some say it’s as effective as over-the-counter medications.
~ Medications and natural treatments like lavender oil can help, but sometimes all you need is to increase your water intake to ease a mild headache.
~ Many chronic pain symptoms can be relieved if you are at your ideal weight. Get healthy and get rid of pain.
Motivating Quotes:
"A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier."
- Tom Stoppard
"I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this."
- Eric Idle
REPORT: "Physical Fitness for Energy and Stamina"

If you don’t exercise because you think it makes you tired, think again. When you engage in a routine of exercise you reap many benefits – one of which is extra energy to last throughout the day.
Weight loss and physical fitness are other benefits to exercising. The best part is that anyone of any age or fitness level can find a type of exercise that suits them.
What you may mistake for tiredness at first is simply your body getting used to moving after being stagnant for a long period of time.
Take a look at exercising today – how technology has expanded what we know about exercising and has produced gadgets that help you on your physical fitness quest and also make exercising safer.
You need to learn how to formulate fitness goals. You don’t want to jump in at a level that’s beyond you or become bored because it’s not challenging enough.
Exercise can help you meet your weight loss goals and improve your health
if you do it right.
Exercise Is for More Than Just Weight Loss
Shedding pounds is the main reason that people decide to exercise, but those who are exercise regulars know that the benefits are much more than that. When you exercise, you’re releasing endorphins needed to be energetic and alert.
You’re also helping to strengthen the heart muscle and improve circulation – two improvements that will also beat fatigue and help energize.
And improving your muscle tone will help you burn more calories. It’s a win-win way to feel and look better.
Fatigue is a complaint that doctors hear more than any other these days. It’s difficult to think that the antidote to low energy is to get moving, but that’s exactly the remedy.
If you get up off the couch and begin to move around, the more energy you’ll have.
Research has proven that you can increase your energy level by 20% by engaging in regular exercise sessions – of low intensity. So you don’t have to work out in a frenzy to reap the benefits. Just move.
Your body will become stronger and you’ll feel more energetic and refreshed. There are little organs within our cells called mitochondria.
These tiny power producers work their best when we exercise.
The more you exercise, the more mitochondria are produced in the body. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to create more mitochondria and as a result, have more energy.
Along with the complaint of fatigue, lack of sleep also seems to be a common problem among men and women today.
If you don’t get enough sleep, your energy for the next day is zapped and it’s much more difficult to focus and get the job done.
Lack of sleep can also lead to depression, which further lessens your desire to get up and exercise or stick to a healthy diet plan.
It can wreak havoc with your food cravings too, causing you to consume more carbs and foods high in sugar content.
You can avoid nights of sleeplessness by engaging in some physical activity such as walking.
Don’t exercise too close to bed time, but a few hours before. Also, avoid eating just before bed time as it’s more difficult for food to digest properly.
One of the main benefits of regular exercise is to prevent serious health conditions and reduce anxiety and stress. There are four main diseases that medical researchers have determined are helped by exercise.
Heart disease may be prevented by exercising that lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol.
Maintaining a healthy weight in addition to exercise may prevent this and other diseases.
If you suffer from the pain of arthritis or are prone to sore, stiff joints, exercise can help to reduce the pain and build muscle strength within the affected joints. You’ll also experience less stiffness in joints when you exercise regularly.
Researchers have also determined that certain types of cancer may be prevented by exercising – especially for women.
The hormone, estrogen, is produced by women and plays a big role in the formulation of breast cancer.
Exercise can actually reduce blood estrogen and help lower your risk of breast
cancer – along with other cancer inducing situations like high insulin levels.
Besides playing a role in reducing breast cancer, you can also reduce your risk of endometrial and colon cancers.
More research is ongoing to see how regular activity may prevent other cancers. But it’s been established that the risk of developing many cancer types is over twenty percent lower among those who exercise than those who aren’t active at all.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, back pain and asthma may also be helped by exercise. Regular exercise helps insulin lower high levels of blood sugar, reduce the severity of asthma and the frequency of attacks and also strengthen back muscles to reduce symptoms of pain and stiffness.
As with any type of lifestyle
change, begin slowly – perhaps walking – and gradually build your strength and endurance level so that you can engage in more challenging activities.
Fitness at Any Size and Age
You may feel that you weigh too much to exercise – or you’re too old and it would be dangerous.
The truth is that you can begin as small as is physically comfortable to you and still reap the benefits of regular movement.
And your age is only a number. Unless you have physical ailments or a medical condition, there’s almost no type of exercise you can’t try – with your healthcare provider’s approval, of course.
When you work on your weight and body to be the best you can be, it will show in many different ways. You’ll have more energy, be better able to focus and be a happier person because you feel better.
Don’t let your muscles wither away with age and put on weight that makes you look frumpy and out of shape.
With a little persistence and patience, you can become healthier and experience a new lease on life.
Begin slowly. Walking is one of the best exercises and unless you’re confined to a bed or wheelchair it’s a good way to begin a fitness program.
If you’ve been sedentary for a good length of time, it may seem like an unreachable goal.
More than likely, you have a great deal of weight to lose and the challenges to get to the weight that’s best for you may be daunting. Yet, exercise combined with a weight loss diet plan is the only way to become healthier and fit.
There are many apps and gadgets to help you monitor your progress along the way.
The wearable technology such as Fitbit can record how many steps you take per day and other areas that can help you lose weight and continue to become healthier.
It’s important to find an exercise you enjoy and
one that works for you and your lifestyle.
Besides walking, try dancing to lift your mood while moving the body. Water aerobics and swimming are great exercises if you’re overweight.
Also, stretching exercises such as those practiced in Yoga are easy on the body, but can raise your energy level and make you feel great.
Do you like to garden? Gardening gets you outdoors and the activities you engage in will improve your body and mind.
If you think you’re too old to exercise like you used to – it’s probably because you’ve let your body become sedentary and out of shape. You may have aches and pain or even a medical condition that keeps you from getting in shape.
But, your body is like your mind – if you don’t use it, you run the risk of losing its capacity to perform.
Actually, your body is probably not in as bad shape as you think it is.
You may be less able to do as much as you previous did, but you may be able to do the same things.
You may use the excuse of a slow metabolism to shun exercise, but muscle loss from lack of exercise may be the reason for your sluggish metabolism.
When you build that muscle, your metabolism will increase and burn calories more effectively.
No matter what your size or age, there’s a way to begin an exercise program and keep it up until you reach your desired fitness level and weight. First, you must develop a winning attitude.
Know that it will take time to reach your goals and set smaller goals in the beginning to feel good about your progress. The results will begin to show if you stick to the program and don’t give up.
Be realistic about your fitness and exercise program. A simple five or ten minutes a couple of times per week is a good place to start.
It may seem like you’re not progressing, but after a couple of weeks, you can rev it up and add to your movements and it won’t seem as difficult.
Don’t think you have to get into an exercise program or purchase a gym membership to lose weight and become fit by exercise. Just a small amount of movement in the beginning is plenty to get you going.
Keep in mind that most people don’t regret exercising – but many regret it when they don’t.
(continued below...)
Recommendations & Sponsors:
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In 2012 I began co-writing a book about the CFS therapies that had worked for me and my clients.
The book fully explains all the most popular and effective therapies and treatments that are most effective in beating chronic fatigue syndrome.
There are many methods and processes that
you can try out for yourself to discover the ones that resonate best with your lifestyle and personal philosophies.

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Chronice Fatigue Diet:

REPORT: "Physical Fitness for Energy and Stamina" cont:
Cautionary Warning About Fitness Goals
When people make the decision to lose weight and become fit, they’re usually enthusiastic about their imminent new lifestyle.
They begin with a fervor and end the program much too soon because they’ve tried to do too much – too fast.
Going overboard at first may also cause injuries. If you know your muscles aren’t ready for an intensive workout, don’t do it. It will cause more problems than you’ll want to deal with.
Plan for small, incremental fitness changes, such as walking a few minutes per day, a couple of times per week – or swim for fitness so it will be easier on your body. One thing to remember when you begin to plan fitness goals is to be very specific.
Don’t just think “get fit” is going to be enough motivation and information to guide you through the long run. Make small changes and when you’re
ready move on. Goals should also be carefully planned.
If you’re worn out in the evening hours from working all day, set a goal to get up earlier in the morning to walk or exercise.
If your long term goal is to run in a marathon, you’re going to have to plan carefully so you’re up to the challenge when the time comes.
Short term goals lead to the long term goals you desire, so plan them as carefully as the ones you want to eventually reach.
By setting realistic short term goals, you’ll find that at the end of the journey, it won’t seem as difficult or overwhelming as it did at first.
Goals should be challenging, but achievable if you work hard – and that’s what getting fit is all about.
Setting goals that are out of reach will end up being frustrating and possibly cause you to end your quest for fitness and weight loss.
Patience is the key to setting fitness goals. The transformation of your body and good
health won’t happen quickly, but it will happen if you plan carefully and aspire to meet each goal systematically.
Whether you’re planning to lose 5 or 100 pounds – or run a five mile marathon after being sedentary for years, it’s possible if you follow some simple guidelines.
Start thinking differently about your challenges and you’ll be surprised at the results.
Breaking down your large fitness goals into smaller increments that will bring success is the first step.
Figure out how you want to track your progress and don’t forget the new, technological innovations that can help you measure not only your steps, but your health.
Choose attainable goals, but don’t make them too easy. You know what your limits are, so don’t forget that when goal planning.
Rather than having a goal for just losing weight, put a number of pounds you’re going to lose so it’s measurable and you can track your progress.
What motivates
you? If you’re not motivated, you won’t reach your goals, so be sure to focus on what you like about a diet or exercise program so you’ll have more of a chance to stick to it for the long term.
How long will your exercise plan last to achieve your goals? If you don’t have an ending point where your goals are now achieved and you can go on to the next plan, it’s difficult to get into the proper mindset. It seems like a never-ending project.
Use Technology to Help You Improve Your Fitness
Thanks to innovative technology, there are now a plethora of methods you can use to help you meet your physical fitness goals and achieve success and stay safe while exercising.
They can help with goal setting because you don’t have to guess at meeting some of the hurdles within your goals.
You’ll know how high your heart rate went when exercising or how many steps you traveling during the day.
They’ll also help you focus
on your health and fitness goals and set priorities. Some are apps that you can download for access while others can be worn or even inserted within your body.
One of the best in wearable fitness technology is the Spree headband. It provides detail about your body such as your core temperature, distance information, speed you’re moving, heart rate, GPS info and how many calories you’ve burned.
The Spree headband is lightweight to fit over your forehead and has the added benefit of keeping sweat from dripping in your eyes. Check out the reviews online. It makes a great gift or the perfect personal indulgence.
The innovative Jawbone UP24 is a bracelet that monitors your workouts, how you sleep and even tracks your diet through the downloadable app that comes with it.
It doesn’t come with a screen, so you have to use the app, but Bluetooth makes sure it’s always connected to your phone for current updates.
Nike is always a good bet
for the best sports and exercise footwear. The Nike TR1+ Trainers is another example of combining technology with the best brands to get an amazing way to monitor your workout.
These shoes contain sensors in the sole of the shoes which react to pressure from your foot’s toe, ball and heel.
You’ll receive measurements about movement and weight spread on a downloadable app and be able to get real-time feedback on your body’s posture and movements.
Added bonuses for the Nike Trainers include video workouts from some of the world’s best athletes and will even pair you with a virtual gym friend to help you along and motivate you to exercise.
Withings Smart Body Analyser keeps you motivated by analyzing your weight loss so it’s not as demoralizing as getting on the weight scales.
Many people simply give up when the scales show weight gain (or same weight) after working so hard to lose it.
The Smart Body Analyser connects to
your home WiFi network and provides more information than a simple number.
You’ll be able to measure your heart rate, ambient temperature, body fat and even air quality to instantly see how your exercise performance is affecting your body.
This app will become the focal point of your workout regimen and does so much more than measure your workout routine.
You’ll also receive info from sleep trackers, your fitness bracelets and blood pressure through the app. Having all of the information in one central app helps you gain insight into how your body works.
Do you have trouble tearing yourself away from gaming to go to the gym?
The Xbox 360 Kinect is yet another appealing gadget to keep your exercise regimen on track. Nike and Adidas have produced games to work with the Xbox Kinect through motion sensors.
You’ll need an Xbox console to play the games, but you’ll have the added benefit of the motion sensors to plan your
fitness regimen and receive feedback on your performance.
It’s a fun and easy way to exercise in your own environment.
Experiment and do some online research to find a technological innovation that would be fun and informative for you to use. There are so many now available that you shouldn’t have any trouble choosing.
Switch Up Your Routine to Prevent Boredom and Stagnant Results
Having fun with your exercise regimen is the best way to stick to it. Rather than concentrate on the treadmill or stationary bicycle, mix it up with walking, stair-climbing and swimming once in awhile.
That doesn’t mean you should change every time you work out. Your body responds to certain exercises that you perform to achieve a flat belly or some muscle tone in the arms.
But doing the same routine each time can become boring and increase your chances of giving up the fight.
Assess your routine every four to six weeks
to determine if you’ve reached a plateau and need to shake it up a bit by introducing some new routines.
If your present exercise routine has stopped working as it should or isn’t as challenging anymore, take a look at what you’re currently doing.
Or your goals may have changed over time and you need to add some routines that address your new goals.
Another reason to change your workout regimen is if you’re so bored with what you’re doing that you’re in danger of giving up. You need to keep your motivation high and be interested in the exercises you’ve chosen.
When and if you do decide you should make changes in your routine, go about it sensibly.
If you need to continue to work on your abs, find another exercise that interests you to see how it works.
Replacing an exercise with an exercise similar (but not exactly the same) to what you’re doing may be just the decision needed to relieve the boredom and keep your
Approach changing your routine as you would changing your diet. Keep what works and change or discard the rest.
When you begin to exercise, your motivation is usually high to perform and enjoy the results you gain.
Exercise may not be your idea of a good time, but when it produces the results you desire, you become enthused about it.
You begin to feel better, look better and actually see results from the exercise routine you so carefully planned.
But your enthusiasm may begin to wane when the novelty wears off and something occurs in your life that sets you back.
It could be a trip, a new work schedule or simply a busy schedule that causes you to miss exercise.
If this sort of thing happens often, consider rethinking your routine to exercises that can be worked in to your new schedule.
For example, rather than walking around the neighborhood, consider getting a treadmill so you can walk
when you can make time. Or perhaps you could switch your workout time from mornings to evenings and see how that works.
Why not change your workouts from day to day? For example, one day you could do an intensive cardio workout and the next, get in some strength training.
Not only will it keep you from being bored, but it will be good for all areas of your body.
It may be time to look at your exercise routine for change if you’re looking at the clock during the entire workout, counting the minutes until you can leave. You might try a video (if available) or some music to distract your mind
Another idea to transform your workout from boring to enthusiastic is to engage a partner to work out with or compete against.
If you usually work out in a gym, try exercising in the great outdoors – or work out at another gym.
Try exercises that will put you with people. For example, kayaking might be a diversion from your usual type
of exercise and you’ll be able to socialize with others. Jazz it up by thinking outside the box of your usual workout routine.
Gaming while exercising has become a new way of looking at how you work out. Apps such as Teemo take you on an adventurous trip while you’re exercising.
For example, you might be challenged to climb Mount Everest or plow through the desert.
You’ll receive a list of specific workouts and you can choose to do them any time and anywhere.
Feedback will tell you how far along you are on your big adventure – and when you win at the end of the game, you’ll be motivated to do more.
If you’re a runner, you’ll want to check out the Google program, Ingress. You’ll travel around your city in real time, find landmarks and even interact in the special portals. It’s fun and interesting and should keep you motivated for quite awhile.
Getting fit and healthy is the object of exercise, but it doesn’t have to be
boring and stagnant. Research what’s available and affordable for you and try a few new methods to keep you on track.
We hope you found this report helpful to you and that you will put the content to good use for improving your health and wellbeing.
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Editor’s Notes & Humor:
T-Shirt Humor:
2. (On the front) 70 IS NOT OLD.
(On the back) IF YOU'RE A TREE.
7. I'M NOT 50. I'M $49.95 PLUS TAX.
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Your Editor,
Warren Tattersall
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