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Optimum Health Tip
Health Report: Disease Management and Prevention Plans
Recommendations & Sponsors
Editor’s Notes & Humor
Your ebook download "How to Live to 100"
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Optimum Health Tip:
~ According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the top 3 cities to live in are Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington and San Diego, California.
~ Milk allergies are often mistaken for lactose intolerance. Talk to your doctor, so you know exactly what’s going on.
~ An estimated 6-8% children in Europe and North America have food allergies. See your doctor if your child is displaying symptoms.
~ Living with a pet and have a pet allergy? If you can’t say good-bye, having the pet outside as much as possible or limited to a room or two in the house can go a long way to providing you with some relief.
Motivating Quotes:
"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."
- Buddha
"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
- Albert Schweitzer
REPORT: "Disease Management and Prevention Plans"

Whether you’re currently diagnosed with a major disease, have been told you should take steps to prevent one you’re likely to contract or just want to have a plan of action to prevent diseases, you should know about the various management and prevention plans available today.
Make the New Year one of gathering informative data and taking steps to become or remain healthy.
If you’ve been ignoring signs and symptoms of possible health problems or ignore your genetics, take charge of your health and make it a year of finding out the facts.
Pay particular attention to symptoms and health concerns such as diabetes, chronic pain cancer, heart disease, respiratory illnesses such as COPD, dementias, osteoporosis and gastrointestinal
Make your doctor your partner in your wellness and prevention management. Use statistics gathered from tests by discussing how you can ward off future complications by changing your lifestyle.
Be proactive in your plan for wellness. You might choose an alternative treatment plan for medical issues rather than invasive surgery or medications.
Just be sure you’re well informed so you can make decisions that will help, rather than hurt, your health.
Find and stick to a plan which will bring positive changes to your present and future health. Everyone is different in their needs and their approaches to disease management and prevention so do your research and then decide which is best for you.
Make This a Year for Major Health Achievements
Ignoring symptoms or diagnoses isn’t a good way to take care of yourself and prevent further damage to your health.
Many diseases and chronic illnesses – when
caught early – can be treated immediately to get you back into the life you love.
Taking charge of your health and responsibility of choosing treatment is one of the most intelligent decisions you can make about your health.
If you have an ongoing, chronic illness, it will affect your health for perhaps your entire life.
Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease or Hypertension are examples of chronic diseases that can wreak havoc on your life. You can’t cure chronic diseases, but proper management can lessen the symptoms.
An acute type of illness will disappear eventually over time or by treatment such as surgery or taking medications.
Back pain resulting from a herniated disk and strep throat are examples of acute illnesses that may be
cured by surgery or medications.
Even if you have an incurable chronic disease, you can take care of your health by making some different lifestyle choices and researching how you can lessen symptoms and the results you’re experiencing from it.
Making sure you use the prescribed medications as you should is one way to ensure you won’t have even more problems in the future.
For example, if you’ve been given a prescription for back pain, it may be tempting to take more than the prescribed amount if you’re suffering.
Take inventory of what’s happening and decide if there are certain things you could do differently to have the same results as taking more medications.
If you have a back pain problem, are there exercises which can help alleviate some of the pain?
That’s the type of disease management that will keep you as healthy as possible while you’re dealing with the illness. It will also keep you from developing serious
problems later on.
You may feel overwhelmed if you have a health problem that requires constant monitoring and that the illness prevents you from living life as you want it.
For example, if you have diabetes and are required to give yourself insulin injections, you may feel uncomfortable socializing or traveling.
There’s no reason to feel helpless. You can lessen the effects of any chronic illness by taking responsibility to manage your disease effectively. Your doctor can prescribe treatments, but you’re responsible for following his or her guidance.
If you don’t like the path they have you on, have a conference with them and voice your concern. If you don’t feel they’re listening, change healthcare providers. You should be partners with your doctor and listen to their advice that may help you deal with your illness.
Be sure to speak to your doctor about alternative treatments for your illness. Do your own research, but realize
that your doctor should be familiar with your overall health and be able to assess what treatments will work for you – and which won’t.
Part of your disease management plan should be asking for help when you need it. Friends and family will likely be more than willing to give you the support you need, but they will only know the situation if you explain it to them.
If friends and family aren’t available, you should be able to find a support group consisting of others with your health problem. You can even find support groups online if you’re not physically able to attend meetings.
Making a few simple changes in your lifestyle will go a long way in managing your health to prevent certain diseases – chronic or acute. For example, drinking more water per day will help keep you hydrated and your organs working as they were meant to.
Water flushes out toxins that build up in the body and can morph into debilitating diseases. Drinking more water
will also help you feel energized to accomplish more during the daylight hours.
Monitoring your health by making appointments for such tests as hearing and sight is also a good way to prevent diseases or catch them quickly.
Breast exams, colonoscopies and endoscopies (close look at digestive system) should be part of your plan to prevent a downturn of your health.
One of the best ways to stay healthy is to introduce some exercises into your daily regimen.
Making time for exercise doesn’t have to be hard. It could be as simple as taking the stairs rather than the elevator.
And don’t forget stress management as part of your disease management and
prevention routine. Stress is one of the leading culprits in developing chronic diseases such as depression and even heart disease and high blood pressure.
The good news is that there are many stress management techniques that can help you deal with and alleviate most of the stress from your life. Research Yoga, Tai Chi, aromatherapy and other stress-relief techniques and choose the one that works best for you.
Top Health Issues You Should Be Vigilant About
There are certain health issues that – if checkups and symptoms are ignored – could turn your life upside down and even cause death.
These include cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, heart disease, respiratory illnesses, dementia, osteoporosis and gastrointestinal
Most of us have been touched by cancer in our lives – either ourselves or someone we love. It’s a devastating diagnosis that has so many symptoms, they can’t be listed.
But, the best way to keep a watch for cancer within your body is to monitor and notice subtle or dramatic changes in your health.
Cancer is such a complex disease (over 100 types), it’s difficult to know what all the symptoms may be or how they might manifest in your own body. Some cancer types are slow-growing while others are aggressive and move through the body rapidly.
When a cancer is in the early stages, you may not notice a major change in your health. But subtle changes may be present.
These may include a change in a mole or the skin, bowel and digestive issues, weight loss or gain you can’t explain and persistent fatigue.
Be open with your doctor about any changes in health you may be experiencing. Caught early enough, many cancers can
be cured quickly and without too much change to your lifestyle.
Diabetes has become a major health problem and everyone should be aware of the symptoms because they’re easy to miss. It’s called the “silent killer” and even children have been touched by the epidemic that’s sometimes a devastating diagnosis.
Diabetes is triggered by too much sugar in the body – and it’s almost impossible to escape since everything we eat seems to be laden with sugar – even so-called health foods such as yogurt.
Be sure to test your blood sugar on a regular basis and avoid foods with high sugar or carb content. Genetic diabetes should be monitored even closer.
If your family members are suffering or have suffered from the disease, be vigilant in monitoring possible symptoms.
Symptoms of diabetes may include sudden increase in thirst and urination. The problem is that your kidneys are
attempting to flush out the increase of glucose in the blood, so you may be getting up through the night and rushing to the bathroom during the day.
Weight loss is another symptom of diabetes. This type of weight loss isn’t good because it destroys muscle and can leave you with even more physical problems.
Be sure you discuss possible diabetes symptoms with your doctor and find out ways to prevent or keep it at bay as long as possible.
Chronic pain can turn your life upside down. It can result in weight gain, inability or lack of desire to socialize and even acute depression. Make it a point to know why you’re having chronic pain and what your options are to relieve it.
Whenever possible, choose alternative remedies rather than prescription medications to alleviate the pain.
Acupuncture, certain exercises and other methods could work for you and lessen your chance of dependency on drugs. Surgery to relieve the pain once and for
all may also be a good option.
Heart disease is another “silent killer” that could be difficult to diagnose unless you’re vigilant about doctor visits and tests. Some things you can monitor on your own might alert you to a heart problem.
Such issues with your health as high blood pressure, lack of exercise, smoking, diabetes diagnosis and cholesterol and triglyceride levels are all precursors of heart health problems.
Respiratory illnesses such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) include symptoms such as shortness of breath, a chronic cough and wheezing. But, these symptoms are usually absent unless lung damage has happened.
Be vigilant about symptoms occurring which involve the lungs. If you smoke, have frequent infections or are genetically prone to respiratory illnesses keep close watch by informing your doctor about changes in your breathing, tightness of
chest and other lung issues such as frequent bronchitis.
(continued below...)
Recommendations & Sponsors:
Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website self help books, articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.
In 2012 I began co-writing a book about the CFS therapies that had worked for me and my clients.
The book fully explains all the most popular and effective therapies and treatments that are most effective in beating chronic fatigue syndrome.
There are many methods and processes that you can try out for yourself to discover the ones that resonate best with your lifestyle and personal philosophies.

... cont:
Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit
Wellness or management appointments are important to see where you stand and get vital statistics so you can make adjustments to your lifestyle to ward off future complications.
In order to get the information you need to make informative decisions about your health and possible prevention of disease.
That means opening up to your doctor and being completely honest about any health issues you’re experiencing.
Before a doctor visit, put all your ducks in a row. That means careful preparation of a detailed checklist before the appointment.
Make copious notes about anything unusual you’re experiencing with your health.
This may mean keeping a daily diary of how you’re feeling and possible symptoms of a disease.
Don’t think you can remember everything. Write it down in a journal and be as specific as you can – from beginning to
For example, if you go to the bathroom so many times per night that it’s interrupting your sleep and causing you to be ineffective at your job the next day, write it down and present it to the doctor at your next examination.
Explain in great detail how you’re feeling. Have you experienced a decreased or elevated appetite? Do you have trouble sleeping or have decreased sex drive? Fatigue is also a symptom you should write down and discuss with your doctor.
Be sure to discuss with your doctor the side effects of any medications you’re taking. She may have to adjust or change the prescriptions to lessen the effects.
Also, include herbal remedies, supplements and over-the-counter drugs you’re taking. They may be having an adverse effect on your health.
During the discussion with your physician, include any surgeries you may have had that could change your health makeup. If you’ve had your appendix or gallbladder taken out, be
sure to include that in the discussion.
Stress can cause symptoms of so many illnesses that it’s imperative that you acknowledge the stress in your life in a discussion with your doctor – especially if you’re under an inordinate amount of it.
Discussing emotional stress may be difficult to discuss with your doctor, but remember that she’s the professional, so let her make the decision about how powerful of an effect it’s having on your health.
Take notes on what your doctor is telling you. You may want to ask ahead of time if she would mind if you recorded your session.
It’s so easy to forget what the doctor says because you may be nervous or the information you’re hearing is too much to digest at once.
Listen carefully – and make another appointment afterward if you need to so you can clear up any misapprehensions you have about the visit.
Informed About Your Options for Treatment
From traditional Western medicine to alternative therapies, you should take a proactive approach in your treatment decisions.
Information is key to your decision making and the best guidance you can have is from your physician.
You can also check out alternative treatments online and then discuss them with your doctor. The quality of life you’ll experience in the future depends on how well you know your treatment options.
Options are abundant when you go to the store for groceries or a boutique for clothing. But, often you’re only offered one type of treatment for an illness.
Ask your doctor why s/he recommends a certain method of treatment for you and then ask about others and why they may or may not be a good option for you.
When a doctor only offers pain medication for a back pain problem, ask about other options such as exercises and more natural means of
managing the pain.
With all the information now offered online, it should be easy to find other options you may be interested in.
Being a good patient doesn’t mean blindly taking the option the doctor is offering. Be proactive and ask about other treatment options available.
Other options may include injections, pills, exercise or surgery – or a combination of those.
Voice any concerns you have about the treatment option offered. It may not be the best for you and the only way you can know for sure is to ask questions and research.
Be honest with your doctor that you’re out to find the best medical treatment for you.
Consider a treatment that has fewer side effects or one that’s better for your lifestyle and budget concerns.
The more questions you ask, the more control you’ll garner of your healthcare options.
Healthy Changes That Will Prevent Many Common Health Problems
Some changes
are obvious when it comes to preventing health problems.
Quitting smoking, proper diet and getting enough sleep are just a few that you may be familiar with.
And there are others that will also help you overcome or prevent chronic or acute illnesses that may find their ways into your life.
Diet and lifestyle changes are the best ways to begin your quest for ultimate health.
Losing weight tops the list of healthy changes you can make to your body to prevent diseases.
That means adhering to a healthy diet plan and a course of exercise that will build strength and muscle and get rid of fat.
Getting enough sleep has recently come to
the forefront as a cause of health problems and the onset of disease.
If you don’t get enough sleep, you run the risk of damaging your immune system and become depressed and frustrated.
Sleep research indicates that those who suffer from sleep disorders frequently develop diseases such as those associated with the heart, depression and anxiety. Finding a way to sleep well and awake refreshed can help with many health problems.
Addiction is another cause of health problems. Addiction to pain medication is rampant in our society. There are many other ways to manage pain other than downing powerful pills that make you want even more.
Speak with your doctor about ways to manage your pain and avoid the vicious cycle of pain medication. An addiction to smoking or alcohol may also cause health problems.
Ask your doctor about patches or other methods to help you stop the smoking addiction – and cut down or completely cut out your alcohol consumption to alleviate addiction problems.
Supplements and vitamins may keep you healthy if you’re taking the right ones.
The best way to find out which vitamins and minerals you may be lacking is to be tested. One of the most common vitamin shortages is lack of vitamin C.
During winter months, many people – especially those living in northern climates – don’t get enough sun or eat a diet high in vitamin C.
Test for a lack of this vitamin and be sure to check into supplements to correct the situation.
Of course, a healthy diet and good exercise program can alleviate or prevent many health problems. Everyone has a different body type and a different way that they process food and respond to exercise.
It’s important that you discuss with your doctor how you eat and exercise so that she
might recommend other actions.
You’ll want to eat a diet that helps you maintain an ideal body weight and exercise for energy and stamina.
Obesity is a main concern in today’s world. Your BMI (body mass index) should be analyzed and can determine whether or not you are prone to or will eventually contract certain diseases.
Fad diets and over-the-top exercise programs can damage your health, so discuss any changes you may be considering with your doctor.
Even if you’re obese, there are certain exercises that you can perform safely and that will make a difference in your health.
Any diet you embark on should be carefully thought out and discussed with your physician.
Starving yourself can lead to other diseases such as anorexia or bulimia. Make a few changes at first and you’ll begin to notice positive changes.
Disease management and prevention
plans can be positive additions to your lifestyle. It’s always better to be informed and proactive in any treatment or preventative measures, so do your research before making any long-term decisions about your health.
We hope you found this report helpful to you and that you will put the content to good use for improving your health and wellbeing.
Learn more about improving your general health by getting better Nutrition for your Cells
We also have a free report that you can download when you are there about this subject!
We wish you well in your search for healthy diet solutions and your movement towards better health in all areas.
Contact Us if you would like a free private consultation with us about your health online.
Editor’s Notes & Humor:
Dear God:
Are you really invisible,
or is that just a trick?
-- Lucy
Dear God:
Did you mean for Giraffe to look
like that or was it an accident?
-- Norma
Dear God:
I keep waiting for Spring, but it never
come yet. Don’t forget, OK?
-- Mark
Dear God:
Maybe Cain and Abel wouldn’t kill each
other so much if they had separate
rooms. It works with my brother.
-- Larry
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, It will always be yours.
If it doesn't come back, it was never yours.
But, if it just sits in your living room,
messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses
your telephone, takes your money &
doesn't appear to realise that you set it free
- You either married it or gave birth to it!
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If you have any questions or would like to have direct contact to discuss anything related to this page, nutrition products or working with the nutrition industry then please send a note through the Contact Us form here on The Health Success Site
And you can also learn more about me on my profile page here: Warren Tattersall
Thank you for joining us this week, I hope that you have found some extra motivation and inspiration to achieve lifetime optimal health!
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Your Editor,
Warren Tattersall
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