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Best Strength Training Workouts" - Your Health Success ezine September 19, 2017 |
I hope you enjoy the e-zine as much as I do writing it. Index: Optimum Health Tip: Quote of the Day: Health Report: Best Strength Training Workouts Recommendations & Sponsors Warren’s Notes Have a Laff! Inspirational Meme: Your ebook download "How to Live to 100" Thank you to my readers who refer other people to my ezine. If they want to subscribe for the next edition, they can just visit the website and subscribe here: SUBSCRIBE to eZine If you ever decide that you want to unsubscribe, you will find the link to do so at the bottom of this page. (But we will really miss you!) Optimum Health Tip:Fill Up with FiberOne of the best things you can do for your diet plan and, more importantly, your body’s overall health is to eat plenty of fiber. Fiber does many things for your body that make it an excellent addition to your diet plan. For example fiber helps: · Fill up your digestive system and make you feel full · Lower cholesterol · Allow for regular bowel movements, relieves constipation Fiber is an excellent way to help improve your health, but many people only get a tiny amount of fiber daily compared to what they actually need. In order to increase your fiber, you need to eat more plant-based foods and whole grains. Fiber can be found in: · Fresh fruits and vegetables · Whole grain bread · Whole grain cereal · Oatmeal · Whole grain rice · Legumes such as black beans, pinto beans, and navy beans · Flax seeds Foods that are not high in fiber include those made with wheat flour, white rice, and any animal product. While you don’t have to eliminate foods that are low in fiber from your diet, you need to make sure you’re adding plenty of foods that are high in this critical nutrient. Even adding one serving per day can help you to see a health benefit. Not sure how to get started with adding fiber? Make a simple switch from white bread to whole grain bread. Eat an apple. Grind up some flaxseed and add it to your cereal or yogurt. Small steps will help you to stay on track. Adding fiber is simple, but powerful. If you want to feel full, lower your risk for heart disease and cancer, and have regular digestion you can’t beat the benefit of natural fiber. Motivating Quotes:"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he had imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness
has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." REPORT: "Best Strength Training Workouts"There are various methods that you can use in strength training. You can do it just using your body without any exercise tools, you can use machines and you can use free weights. Barbells Getting fit, losing weight and building muscle isn’t as complicated as it might seem. There are plenty of guide books, advice sites and videos that can help you on your quest. One thing that you’ll see mentioned over and over when it comes to strength training are barbells. The reason that you’ll see this is because barbells give your body the kind of strength training workout that produces long lasting results in stronger, better lean muscle mass. As a training tool, it’s one of the best forms you can find. Because barbells allow you to really push your strength with weights, you can get more muscle challenge than with other methods or that exercise alone can’t give you. Plus, you get to see your progress. When you first start out using barbells in your strength training workouts, you might not be able to lift a lot of weight. But as you improve, you’ll be able to increase the weight that you can lift. Being able to visually witness this progress is a great help when it comes to staying motivated. The good news about barbells is that they can work out multiple muscle groups in each session. You can perform the back squat, which is done when you put the barbell on the squat rack and lift it onto your shoulders. This type of squat can be done at a gym, and if you do it at your home gym, then you need a squat rack. When you do this, you work out your glutes, your hamstrings and other muscles. The bench press is a workout that’s popular when using a barbell. You lie flat on the bench and lift the bar, lowering it slowly to your body and then back up. If you don’t have a spotter, you’ll want to have a power cage or power rack. Doing reps of this workout builds your chest, shoulder and triceps muscles. You can also do a deadlift, but this isn’t recommended if you currently have back problems. For a deadlift, you start out with the bar on the floor, bend your knees and lift the bar. To get the most muscle mass improvement using barbells, mix up your reps. You could do ones involving back squats, bench press, and the barbell row. Divide the workout into sets. Such as 3 sets that contain a certain number of reps. If you’re new to strength training, remember to start with smaller sets and reps and work your way up. While it can be tempting to pile the weight onto a barbell, gradually increase the weight by no more than 10 pounds at a time. Dumbbells Dumbbells come in all shapes and sizes. These weights are designed to give your muscles a better workout and are great at building lean muscle mass. If you’re new to strength training, dumbbells are one of the best tools that you can get and they’re a lot easier to work with than some other weight training tools. You can gradually increase the amount of weight in the dumbbells as time passes. Working out with these tools gives you better coordination, improves your balance and is seen as being safer for beginners to start strength training with than barbells are. You get a more varied workout with these tools and they’re easy to use at home, the office or when you’re on the go. You might be surprised to learn just what a solid workout these can give you. Working out with them can target all of your major muscle groups and it doesn’t take long to do it, either. What proponents of dumbbells like too is that you can work on certain muscles if you want to and you can target whichever part of your body you feel needs more work. For best results, you’ll want to use a dumbbell workout routine at least three days a week. Each routine should last between 20 and 30 minutes in duration. One of the easiest to get started with is a floor press. You lie flat and lift the dumbbells so that they’re straight with your shoulders. If you have them slanted down toward your feet or tilted slightly up toward your neck or face, then your form is off. You should repeat this routine for 10 reps. You can also do the one arm lift. You use only one dumbbell while kneeling with one knee on a weight bench. One hand should help support and keep your balance. With the other hand, hold the dumbbell straight down. Then lift the dumbbell from that position upward toward your chest. Once you do one side of your body for 10-20 reps each, then you’ll switch and lift the dumbbell with the other arm. Squats are also good strength training workouts with a dumbbell. You can do two handed or single hand squats for 15 reps each side. (continued below...) Recommendations & Sponsors:Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website self help books, articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.I have been involved in sports all my life, and in my 50's I started serious weight lifting. My goal is to enter competitions after my 60th birthday and challenge the Australian categories in my age group. As a result I have learned much about this sport and the requirements for building muscle. This book with give you valuable tips to begin your own body building and weight lifting career: One of the most powerful products I can recommend to my clients is the Thermojetics Beverage. It speeds up your metabolism and boosts your energy to burn more fat faster. Delicious range of flavours, mix instant crystals with hot water or juice, enjoy in dozens of different ways throughout your day. Just ask me for more info about Thermo or check out the page linked to below. ![]() Being asked for a Password to view a site page? Not a problem! Some of the site product pages are available only to Subscribers like you to view, that we have ongoing contact with, so they are password protected. Just enter WT (in capitals)to open the page. REPORT: "Best Strength Training Workouts" continued:BodyweightStrength training isn’t always about hitting the gym and using the machines. You don’t have to use free weights like barbells or dumbbells or any other kind of tool. You already have everything that you need to get started with strength training. You have your body - and it can be as effective as any tool when it comes to building strength and getting the body that you want to have. Using bodyweight for strength training exercises is simple and it doesn’t cost you a dime. When you engage in exercises designed to work your body, your body’s ability to move, to balance, to be flexible improves. Not only does it help you to improve overall, but bodyweight training is better for your body than other forms of exercise. You don't have to fret about hurting your joints or running for an hour on a hard surface. You can safe, but tough workout that will give you lean muscle mass. More so than any other type of strength training, bodyweight training helps to give your entire body strength. You end up working out all your major muscle groups. The key to building muscle with bodyweight training is to not get complacent, not stop at what you can do, but to push yourself to what you think you can’t do. Instead of settling for moves and routines that are in your comfort zone, you’re continually leveling up until your body can perform and move in ways you never imagined possible. Bodyweight training burns through calories fast as well as gets rid of body fat. It speeds up your metabolism too so that you’re burning just as much if not more calories and body fat than you would with other workouts. You can do bodyweight exercises that work out specific muscle groups and you can target any problem areas. You can follow any bodyweight routine or you can put together exercises to create your own. Some of the more popular ones include exercises that are common such as squats. These are good for working the abdominal muscles. You can also do single leg squats or squat jumps. Push-ups are good as part of a bodyweight workout. These work the abs, but also the arms and back, too. Sit-ups that are done with legs flat or knees bent can make a good addition to the workout. Bridges can be performed and these help tighten the abdominal muscles as well as work out the thighs, the glutes and the hamstrings. You can do regular lunges and side ones. The crab walk can help strengthen your core and your triceps. Bicycle crunches target your abs while leg lifts target the muscles of the back. You can do leg lifts either one leg at a time or as a double. Jumping jacks are a good addition and these also have cardiovascular benefit. Resistance Bands Strength training with resistance bands is something that can be added to any exercise routine or performed as a standalone. Working out with resistance bands has been shown to be just as helpful with building muscle as working out with free weights. Working out with these bands can work all of your major muscle groups as well as target specific areas. These bands come in a wide variety of brands, and are found in different lengths as well as in different strengths. The shape of the bands can also vary and some have handles while others don’t. When you’re choosing a band, you’ll look for the strength of resistance that you want to have. This can range from as little as 10 pounds to a few hundred pounds of resistance. You can also choose one that’s made to work out a problem area such as the abdominal muscles. As you work out with the bands, they make your muscles work against the tension that the band provides. Different exercises can cause the tension in the band to decrease or increase depending on the move. These bands are easy to use and can be customized to an individual workout. For example, you can use them when you’re doing biceps exercises or you can use them when you’re using leg exercises. You can use the bands even if you’re new to using them or new to working out in general. The weight of the bands will vary and you can use more than one of them during a workout if you desire. If you’re wondering what exercises you can use the bands with, the answer is almost any of them. Plus, you can use the bands in routines where you would normally use a dumbbell or other muscle building tool. This easy to use tool allows you to shake up your workout so that you never fall into an exercise rut and this lets you give your muscles a challenge. You can use resistance bands when you’re performing lunges - both front and side ones. Standing on the band and raising the handles up on either side of your head can be an effective way to perform squats that puts resistance on the arm and shoulder muscles. You can fix the resistance band to an immovable object and use it to do crunches. Kettlebells These weights are extremely popular when it comes to strength training workouts. They come in a variety of weights just like dumbbells do. You can get them in as little as 5 pounds all the way to 100 pounds or more. They look like balls with a handle on top of them and they’re often made of cast iron. They can be used to tone the body, to lose weight, to build muscle and even as a cardio workout tool. You use the kettlebell during your exercise routine and it can be used for one handed or two handed exercises. The kettlebell can be used with swinging or press exercises. You can move the ball from one hand to the other in the middle of a rep for an added challenge. The bell can work out your core muscles or target individual ones. The reason that a kettlebell can give you a tougher workout than using a dumbbell is because it gives you a higher rate of motion when you swing it than a dumbbell because of the way the bell is made. You’ll gain muscle faster when you add this tool to your strength training. Not only does it burn calories and fat during a workout, but it can help to make your body more flexible and give you a longer lasting strength. You can also gain a full body workout in a shorter amount of time which can lead to greater endurance. If you handle the kettlebell correctly, you have less risk of getting hurt than with other exercise tools. For this reason, it can be beneficial to watch videos, read books, sign up for a class or have a session or two with a personal trainer who knows how to use a kettlebell. You’ll get more out of the tool if you know which how to use it right. When you first start out using the bell, you’ll start with the lower weight and build your endurance and performance as you slowly increase the weight amount. There are many different exercises you do with a kettlebell. Among those are deadlifts, kettlebell swings, lunges, squats and more. Still need more motivation to invest in kettlebells? Consider this: strength training with kettlebells can burn 1,000+ calories every hour! Learn more here from our online guide about Body Building techniques and also about the best body building sports supplements that I use and recommend. We hope you found this report helpful to you and that you will put the content to good use for improving your health and wellbeing. Learn more about improving your general health by getting better Nutrition for your Cells We also have a free report that you can download when you are there about this subject! We wish you well in your search for healthy diet solutions and your movement towards better health in all areas. Contact Us if you would like a free private consultation with us about your health online. To open page linked to below just enter WT in the password box on the page. Warren’s Notes :![]() I hope your week has been kind to you. It has been an interesting week here and I have something to ponder that keeping a back corner of my mind busy. I think I will write about that today as it is something that I am finding a bit challenging and that I should have been working on a long, long, time ago. As most people reading this will be younger than I am it may be worth considering yourself before bad habits set in. I mentioned a few weeks ago that the house I bought when I was about 20 years old, and that we lived in after we were married, and that we had our children in, had been renovated over the past few years and put on the market. That was about a 3 years of project for me, taking time, and work, and quite a lot of cash from general income. It was sold and the settlement was on Friday so the old home is now gone, there is cash sitting in the bank from that which can be used for complete makeover of our current house, the work and the expense of the last project is finished. It is a good time. What is the issue then? My friend Helena, who has been a major force behind the setting up of The Health Success Site, has challenged me to decide what I am going to do to recognize the successful conclusion of the project. She says that if you do not stop and recognize something well done, something successful, then it sucks the joy out of things and life is not as bright and as vibrant as it should be. We have had this conversation before over the years and I had been working on it, but of late, I have not taken the time to celebrate when things go well. I have a strong work ethic, do the job. When the job is done it has become natural for me to say “Yep. Tick that box as done” and just move on. Not stopping to reflect, to appreciate, even to thank God sometime, for the good things. There is something about appreciation for what have worked which is important. Allowing yourself some time to relax and refresh and review and to ponder. I find I get busy and have too many things happening and there is a whole happy and joyful part of living that can be lost. So again, Helene has challenged me to stop and think about what I am going to do for myself to celebrate the end of a long project like that, and the good things that have come from it. I don’t have the answers at the moment but it is on my mind and I thought I would raise it today. When you finish a project, have a win, something turns out very successfully, do you stop and smell the roses? Do you do something to celebrate it? Do you allow that success to seep into your soul and bring you joy? I am not saying to get stuck there and not move on. I am just talking about taking time to celebrate. Myself I am the other way, I tend to just go on and start working on something else. Hard habit to break. I’m working on it. It has taken someone watching what I do from outside to stop and me and to point out that we all need to keep that balance, and allow some joy into our lives. Today I thought this was worth passing that thought on. When I figure out what I would actually like to do for myself, some sort of recognition, I will let you know. Till then, I hope your projects are working for you, or that you are making progress on them, and that the coming week is kind to you. Warm regards Warren
Remember, any time you want to learn more about anything in this ezine, or just need a chat about your health, drop me a line and I'll email back as soon as I can, and if you leave your phone number I'll even call you back on my dime! Have a Laff!Pullet SurpriseMy uncle John was in the fertilized egg business when I was young. He had several hundred young layers, called pullets, and 8 or 10 roosters whose job was to fertilize the eggs. My uncle kept records and any rooster or pullet that didn't perform well went into the pot and was replaced. Now this took an awful lot of time. So when my uncle saw a set of eight tiny bells that each rang a different tone he promptly bought them. He glued a piece of foam rubber to each clapper shaft so the bell wouldn't ring except when violently shaken. He hung a bell on each rooster's neck and went and mixed a Mint Julep. Now he could sit on the porch and sip while filling out an efficiency report on the roosters by listening to the different tones of the bells and marking down each encounter. My uncle's favorite rooster was old Brewster. A very fine specimen he was, but his bell had not rung all morning. Uncle John went to investigate. Several roosters were chasing pullets, bells a-ringing. Brewster had his bell in his beak so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one. Uncle was so proud of Brewster he entered him in the county fair. Brewster was an overnight sensation. They not only awarded him the "No Bell Prize" but also the "Pullet Surprise".
If you have any questions or would like to have direct contact to discuss anything related to this page, nutrition products or working with the nutrition industry then please send a note through the Contact Us form here on The Health Success Site And you can also learn more about me on my profile page here: Warren Tattersall ~*~*~*~*~ Thank you for joining us this week, I hope that you have found some extra motivation and inspiration to achieve lifetime optimal health! To update yourself on our new resources and lifetime optimal health strategies just go to
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